
# Composition Metrics
#'Percentage of a Specified Taxon
#'@description Calculate the percentage of each sample represented by the
#'specified taxon or taxa.
#'@param wide.df Taxonomic counts aggregated at the appropriate taxonomic
#' rank in a wide data format. Use the wide function to prepare the data.
#'@param taxon The taxon or taxa of interest. To specify more than one taxa 
#'use: c("TAXA1", "TAXA2", "TAXA3").
#'@return A numeric vector containing the percentage of each sample 
#'represented by the specified taxon or taxa.
# #'@seealso \code{\link{wide}} for converting a long data format to a wide 
#'data format.

pct_taxon <- function(wide.df, taxon) {
  taxon.vec <- blank_col(taxon, wide.df)
  all.vec <- rowSums(wide.df[, 8:ncol(wide.df)])
  final.vec <- taxon.vec / all.vec * 100

#'Proportion of Gastropoda, Oligochaeta, and Dipteran Individuals
#'@param class.wide Taxonomic counts aggregated at the class level
#'classification in a wide data format. Use the wide function to
#'prepare the data.
#'@param order.wide Taxonomic counts aggregated at the order level
#' classification in a wide data format. Use the wide function to
#' prepare the data.
#'@return One minus the proportional number of gastropods (Class: Gastropoda),
#' oligochaetes (Class: Oligochaeta), and dipteran (Order: Diptera) individuals.
#' This metric typically decreases with degradation.

gold <- function(class.wide, order.wide) {
  god <- blank_col("GASTROPODA", class.wide) +
    blank_col("OLIGOCHAETA", class.wide) +
    blank_col("DIPTERA", order.wide)
  final.vec <- (1 - (god / rowSums(order.wide[, 8:ncol(order.wide)]))) * 100

#'Percentage of Ephemeropteran Individuals Minus Baetid
#'@param order.wide Taxonomic counts aggregated at the order level
#' classification in a wide data format. Use the wide function to
#' prepare the data.
#'@return The percentage of individuals identified as Ephemeropterans
#' (Order: Ephemeroptera) minus the percentage of baetid (Family: Baetidae)
#'  in the sample.  This metric typically decreases with degradation.

pct_epmeroptera_no_baetid <- function(order.wide, family.wide) {
  baetid <- (blank_col("BAETIDAE", family.wide))
  ephem <- (blank_col("EPHEMEROPTERA", order.wide))
  final.vec <- ((ephem - baetid) / 
                  rowSums(order.wide[, 8:ncol(order.wide)])) * 100

#'Percentage of EPT Individuals
#'@param order.wide Taxonomic counts aggregated at the order level
#' classification in a wide data format. Use the wide function to
#' prepare the data.
#'@return The percentage of individuals identified as ephemeropterans
#' (Order: Ephemeroptera), plecopterans (Order: Plecoptera),
#' and trichopterans (Order: Trichoptera) (EPT).  This metric will typically
#' decrease with degradation.

pct_ept <- function(order.wide) {
  EPT <- blank_col("EPHEMEROPTERA", order.wide) +
    blank_col("PLECOPTERA", order.wide) +
    blank_col("TRICHOPTERA", order.wide)
  final.vec <- EPT / rowSums(order.wide[, 8:ncol(order.wide)]) * 100

#'Percentage of EPT Individuals Minus Hydropsychid and Baetid Individuals
#'@param order.wide Taxonomic counts aggregated at the order level
#' classification in a wide data format. Use the wide function to
#' prepare the data.
#'@param family.wide Taxonomic counts aggregated at the family level
#' classification in a wide data format. Use the wide function to
#' prepare the data.
#'@return The percentage of individuals identified as ephemeropterans
#' (Order: Ephemeroptera), plecopterans (Order: Plecoptera),
#' and trichopterans (Order: Trichoptera) (EPT) minus the percentage of
#' hydropsychids (Family: Hydropsychidae) and baetids (Family: Baetidae).
#' These two families are typically tolerant and can be hyperdominant,
#' resulting in elevated percentages of EPT that may not accurately
#' describe the degradation gradient of interest. This metric will
#' typically decrease with degradation.

pct_ept_hydro_baetid <- function(order.wide, family.wide) {
  hydropsychidae <- blank_col("HYDROPSYCHIDAE", family.wide)
  baetidae <- blank_col("BAETIDAE", family.wide)
  ept <- (blank_col("EPHEMEROPTERA", order.wide) +
            blank_col("PLECOPTERA", order.wide) +
            blank_col("TRICHOPTERA", order.wide))
  final.vec <- ifelse(ept == 0, 0, (1 - ((hydropsychidae + baetidae) / ept)) * 100)

#'Percentage of EPT Individuals Minus Hydropsychid Individuals
#'@param order.wide Taxonomic counts aggregated at the order level
#' classification in a wide data format. Use the wide function to
#' prepare the data.
#'@param family.wide Taxonomic counts aggregated at the family level
#' classification in a wide data format. Use the wide function to
#' prepare the data.
#'@return The percentage of individuals identified as ephemeropterans
#' (Order: Ephemeroptera), plecopterans (Order: Plecoptera),
#' and trichopterans (Order: Trichoptera) (EPT) minus the percentage of
#' hydropsychids (Family: Hydropsychidae).
#' This family is typically tolerant and can be hyperdominant,
#' resulting in elevated percentages of EPT that may not accurately
#' describe the degradation gradient of interest. This metric will
#' typically decrease with degradation.

pct_ept_no_hydro <- function(order.wide, family.wide) {
  hydropsychidae <- blank_col("HYDROPSYCHIDAE", family.wide)
  ept <- (blank_col("EPHEMEROPTERA", order.wide) +
            blank_col("PLECOPTERA", order.wide) +
            blank_col("TRICHOPTERA", order.wide))
  final.vec <- ifelse(ept == 0, 0, (1 - (hydropsychidae / ept)) * 100)

#'Percentage EPT Individuals Identified as Hydropsychids
#'@param order.wide Taxonomic counts aggregated at the order level
#' classification in a wide data format. Use the wide function to
#' prepare the data.
#'@param family.wide Taxonomic counts aggregated at the family level
#' classification in a wide data format. Use the wide function to
#' prepare the data.
#'@return  The percentage of EPT (Orders: Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera,
#' and Trichoptera) individuals identified as hydropsychids
#' (Family: Hydropsychidae).  This metric typically increases with degradation.

pct_hydro_ept <- function(order.wide, family.wide) {
  hydro <- (blank_col("HYDROPSYCHIDAE", family.wide))
  ept <- (blank_col("EPHEMEROPTERA", order.wide) +
            blank_col("PLECOPTERA", order.wide) +
            blank_col("TRICHOPTERA", order.wide))
  final.vec <- ifelse(ept == 0, 0, (hydro / ept) * 100)

#'Percentage of Trichopterans Represented by Hydropsychids
#'@param order.wide Taxonomic counts aggregated at the class level
#' classification in a wide data format. Use the wide function to
#' prepare the data.
#'@return The percentage of trichopteran (Order:Trichoptera) individuals
#'that are hydropsychids (Family: Hydropsychidae). This metric typically
#'increases with degradation.

pct_hydro_trichoptera <- function(order.wide, family.wide) {
  final.vec <- ifelse(order.wide[, "TRICHOPTERA"] == 0, 0,
                      (blank_col("HYDROPSYCHIDAE", family.wide) /
                         blank_col("TRICHOPTERA", order.wide))  * 100)

#'Percentage of Trichopterans Minus Hydropsychids
#'@param order.wide Taxonomic counts aggregated at the class level
#' classification in a wide data format. Use the wide function to
#' prepare the data.
#'@return The percentage of trichopteran (Order:Trichoptera) individuals
#'minus the percentage of hydropsychids (Family: Hydropsychidae). 
#'This metric typically decreases with degradation.

pct_trichoptera_no_hydro <- function(order.wide, family.wide) {
  trichop.vec <- pct_taxon(order.wide, "TRICHOPTERA")
  hydro.vec <- pct_taxon(family.wide, "HYDROPSYCHIDAE")
  final.vec <- trichop.vec - hydro.vec

#'Percentage of COTE Individuals
#'@param order.wide Taxonomic counts aggregated at the order level
#' classification in a wide data format. Use the wide function to
#' prepare the data.
#'@return The percentage of individuals identified as coleopterans
#' (Order: Coleoptera), odonates (Order: Odonata), trichopterans
#'  (Order: Trichoptera), and ephemeropterans (Order: Ephemeroptera) (COTE).
#'  These organisms were used by Kamman (2007) as a lentic benthic
#'  macroinverterbate metric.
#'  Citation:
#'  KAMMAN, N. 2007. Development of Biocriteria for Vermont and
#'   New Hampshire Lakes Criteria Development for Macroinvertebrates
#'   for Three Lake Classes and Implementation Procedure for Biological
#'   Assessment of Vermont Lakes. Pages 1–21. Vermont Department
#'   of Environemental Conservation, Waterbury, VT.

pct_cote <- function(order.wide) {
  COTE <- blank_col("COLEOPTERA", order.wide) +
    blank_col("ODONATA", order.wide) +
    blank_col("TRICHOPTERA", order.wide) +
    blank_col("EPHEMEROPTERA", order.wide)
  final.vec <- COTE / rowSums(order.wide[, 8:ncol(order.wide)]) * 100

#'Percentage of POTEC Individuals
#'@param order.wide Taxonomic counts aggregated at the order level
#' classification in a wide data format. Use the wide function to
#' prepare the data.
#'@return The percentage of individuals identified as plecopterans
#' (Order: Plecoptera), odonates (Order: Odonata), trichopterans
#'  (Order: Trichoptera), ephemeropterans (Order: Ephemeroptera),
#'  and coleopterans (Order: Coleoptera) (POTEC).  This is an
#'  exploratory metric combining EPT taxa with COTE taxa.
#'  Coleopterans (Order: Coleoptera), odonates (Order: Odonata),
#'  trichopterans (Order: Trichoptera), and ephemeropterans
#'  (Order: Ephemeroptera) (COTE) were used by Kamman (2007) as
#'   a lentic benthic macroinverterbate metric.
#'  Citation:
#'  KAMMAN, N. 2007. Development of Biocriteria for Vermont and
#'   New Hampshire Lakes Criteria Development for Macroinvertebrates
#'   for Three Lake Classes and Implementation Procedure for Biological
#'   Assessment of Vermont Lakes. Pages 1–21. Vermont Department
#'   of Environemental Conservation, Waterbury, VT.

pct_potec <- function(order.wide) {
  POTEC <- blank_col("PLECOPTERA", order.wide) +
    blank_col("ODONATA", order.wide) +
    blank_col("TRICHOPTERA", order.wide) +
    blank_col("EPHEMEROPTERA", order.wide) +
    blank_col("COLEOPTERA", order.wide)
  final.vec <- POTEC / rowSums(order.wide[, 8:ncol(order.wide)]) * 100

#'Percentage of Limestone Individuals
#'@param order.wide order.wide = Taxonomic counts aggregated at the order level
#' classification in a wide data format. Use the wide function to
#' prepare the data.
#'@param family.wide Taxonomic counts aggregated at the family level
#' classification in a wide data format. Use the wide function to
#' prepare the data.
#'@return The percentage of individuals identified as isopods (Order: Isopoda),
#'amphipods (Order: Amphipoda), and ephemerellids (Family: Ephemerellidae).

pct_limestone <- function(order.wide, family.wide) {
  IAE <- blank_col("ISOPODA", order.wide) +
    blank_col("AMPHIPODA", order.wide) +
    blank_col("EPHEMERELLIDAE", family.wide)
  final.vec <- IAE / rowSums(order.wide[, 8:ncol(order.wide)]) * 100

#'Percentage of Oligochaet and Chironomid Individuals
#'@param class.wide Taxonomic counts aggregated at the class level
#' classification in a wide data format. Use the wide function to
#' prepare the data.
#'@param family.wide Taxonomic counts aggregated at the family level
#' classification in a wide data format. Use the wide function to
#' prepare the data.
#'@return The percentage of individuals identified as oligochaets
#' (Class: Oligochaeta) and chironomids (Family: Chironomidae).

pct_oligo_chiro <- function(class.wide, family.wide){
  chiro <- blank_col("CHIRONOMIDAE", family.wide)
  oligo <- blank_col("OLIGOCHAETA", class.wide)
  final.vec <- ((chiro + oligo) / rowSums(family.wide[, 8:ncol(family.wide)])) * 100

#'Percentage of Annelid and Chironomid Individuals
#'@param phylum.wide Taxonomic counts aggregated at the phylum level
#' classification in a wide data format. Use the wide function to
#' prepare the data.
#'@param family.wide Taxonomic counts aggregated at the family level
#' classification in a wide data format. Use the wide function to
#' prepare the data.
#'@return The percentage of individuals identified as annelids (Phylum: Annelida)
#'and chironomids (Family: Chironomidae).  This metric typically increases with

pct_annelid_chiro <- function(phylum.wide, family.wide){
  chiro <- blank_col("CHIRONOMIDAE", family.wide)
  annelid <- blank_col("ANNELIDA", phylum.wide)
  final.vec <- ((chiro + annelid) /
                  rowSums(family.wide[, 8:ncol(family.wide)])) * 100

#'Percentage of Unidentified Individuals
#'@param taxa.wide Taxonomic counts aggregated at the specific taxonomic
#' classification (e.g., Order, Family, or Genus) in a wide data format.
#'  Use the wide function to prepare the data.
#'@return The percentage of individuals that were not identified at the
#'specified taxonomic level.

pct_unidentified <- function(taxa.wide) {
  final.vec <- blank_col("UNIDENTIFIED", taxa.wide) /
    rowSums(taxa.wide[, 8:ncol(taxa.wide)]) * 100

#'Percentage of EPT Taxa Excluding Tolerant Taxa
#'@param long Taxonomic counts arrange in a long data format (i.e., each
#'row represents a unique sample and taxon).
#'@param rank The taxonomic rank used to perform the analysis. You must
#'sepecify either 'FAMILY' or "GENUS.'
#'@param master A master taxa list including taxonomic ranks Phylum through
#'the specified taxonomic rank (Family or Genus) and the an
#'associated list of tolerance values. The default is set to the master taxa
#'list included in the BIBI package.  The master taxa list can be viewed with
#'the following script: data(master)
#'@param tolerance_value The name of the column in the master taxon list
#'(specified using the master variable) that contains tolerance values on
#'a scale of 0-10.  Tolerant organisms are classified as organisms with a
#'tolerance value >= 7.  The defualt is set to the the BIBI tolerance values,
#'which are tolerance values summarized from multiple sources.
#'@return Percent of the assembalge represented by Trichoptera individuals,
#' excluding tolerant Trichoptera taxa.

pct_trichoptera_no_tolerant <- function (long, rank, master, tolerance_value = "BIBI_TV") {
  wide.df <- wide(long, rank)
  Order <- split(long[, rank], long$ORDER)
  trichop <- unique(Order$TRICHOPTERA)
  taxa.list <- trichop
  new.df <- wide.df[, names(wide.df) %in% taxa.list]
  new.df <- new.df[, !(names(new.df) %in% "UNIDENTIFIED")]
  # Find all of the tolerant taxa
  master$TOLERANCE <- ifelse(master[, tolerance_value] >= 7, "TOLERANT", NA)
  tol <- split(master[, rank], master$TOLERANCE)
  name.list <- as.character(unlist(unique(tol$TOLERANT)))
  # Remove any tolerant taxa from the trichop data frame
  no.tol.trichop <- data.frame(new.df[, !(names(new.df) %in% name.list)])
  # Caculate richness values using vegan
  sum.no.tol.trichop <- apply(no.tol.trichop[, 8:ncol(no.tol.trichop)], 1, sum)
  total.sum <- apply(new.df[, 8:ncol(new.df)], 1, sum)
  #sum.no.tol.trichop <- rowsum(no.tol.trichop[, 8:ncol(no.tol.trichop)])
  #total.sum <- rowsum(new.df[, 8:ncol(new.df)])
  final.vec <- ifelse(sum.no.tol.trichop == 0, 0, (sum.no.tol.trichop / total.sum) * 100)
zsmith27/Benthos documentation built on May 5, 2019, 2:38 a.m.