#' Restructure a dataframe into a list of dataframes
#' \code{RestructureDF} generates the list of dataframes containing single-cell data
#' where each consecutive member is a dataframe from a different timepoint, from a single
#' dataframe where a column designates the timepoints and if relevant, the conditions, of
#' each individual cell. This function is a pre-processing step before starting a FLOWMAPR
#' analysis using FLOWMAPfromDF as it only accepts single-cell data in a certain format.
#' @param df a single dataframe containing all single-cell data from all treatments
#' and conditions (if relevant) to be restructured
#' @param time.col.label Character specifying the channel name that should
#' be used to find the timepoint label for each cell, default is set to \code{"Time"}
#' @param condition.col.label Character specifying the channel name that should
#' be used to find the condition label for each cell, default is set to \code{NULL}
#' @return a list of dataframes containing the single-cell data or if \code{condition.col.label}
#' is provided (not \code{NULL}), a list of lists containing dataframes of single-cell data
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{df <- read.csv(file = system.file("extdata/csv/single-cell-data.csv",package = "FLOWMAPR"), header = TRUE, sep = ",")}
#' \dontrun{RestructureDF(df, time.col.label = "Timepoint", condition.col.label = "Treatment")}
#' @export
RestructureDF <- function(df, time.col.label = "Time", condition.col.label = NULL) {
results <- list()
all.times <- unique(df[, time.col.label])
results[["all.times"]] <- all.times
if (is.null(condition.col.label)) {
list.of.df <- list()
for (i in 1:length(all.times)) {
inds <- which(df[, time.col.label] == all.times[i])
list.of.df[[i]] <- df[inds, ]
new.df <- list.of.df
} else {
all.conditions <- unique(df[, condition.col.label])
results[["all.conditions"]] <- all.conditions
multi.list.df <- list()
for (i in 1:length(all.times)) {
list.of.df <- list()
inds <- which(df[, time.col.label] == all.times[i])
sub.df <- df[inds, ]
cond.in.this.time <- unique(sub.df[, condition.col.label])
for (j in 1:length(cond.in.this.time)) {
cond.inds <- which(sub.df[, condition.col.label] == cond.in.this.time[j])
list.of.df[[cond.in.this.time[j]]] <- sub.df[cond.inds, ]
multi.list.df[[i]] <- list.of.df
new.df <- multi.list.df
results[["new.df"]] <- new.df
GetOrigTimesfromDF <- function(list.of.df, time.col.label = "Time", name.sort = TRUE) {
if (class(list.of.df) == "list") {
orig.times <- c()
for (i in 1:length(list.of.df)) {
orig.times <- c(orig.times, as.character(unique(list.of.df[[i]][, time.col.label])))
} else {
stop("'list.of.df' is of unknown type!")
if (name.sort) {
orig.times <- orig.times[order(as.numeric(orig.times))]
StripTimesfromDF <- function(df, time.col.label = "Time") {
keep <- setdiff(colnames(df), time.col.label)
fixed.df <- df[, keep]
StripTimesfromDFList <- function(list.of.df, time.col.label = "Time") {
fixed.df.list <- list()
for (i in 1:length(list.of.df)) {
fixed.df.list[[i]] <- StripTimesfromDF(list.of.df[[i]], time.col.label)
RemoveRowNames <- function(df) {
fixed.df <- df
if (is.list(df) && !is.data.frame(df)) {
for (i in 1:length(df)) {
if (is.list(df[[i]]) && !is.data.frame(df[[i]])) {
for (j in 1:length(df[[i]])) {
rownames(fixed.df[[i]][[j]]) <- 1:nrow(df[[i]][[j]])
} else {
rownames(fixed.df[[i]]) <- 1:nrow(df[[i]])
} else if (is.data.frame(df)) {
rownames(fixed.df) <- 1:nrow(df)
GetLabelKeyfromDF <- function(multi.list.df, time.col.label, condition.col.label) {
if (class(multi.list.df) == "list" & class(multi.list.df[[1]]) == "list") {
label.key <- list()
all.times <- c()
for (i in 1:length(multi.list.df)) {
condition.labels <- c()
this.time <- c()
for (j in 1:length(multi.list.df[[i]])) {
condition.labels <- c(condition.labels, as.character(unique(multi.list.df[[i]][[j]][, condition.col.label])))
this.time <- c(this.time, as.character(unique(multi.list.df[[i]][[j]][, time.col.label])))
label.key[[i]] <- condition.labels
if (unique(this.time) > 1) {
warning("More than one timepoint detected in sublist of multi.list.df! Using first timepoint found for label.")
all.times <- c(all.times, this.time[[1]])
} else {
all.times <- c(all.times, unique(this.time))
} else {
stop("'multi.list.df' is of unknown type!")
names(label.key) <- all.times
GetConditionsfromDF <- function(df.list, condition.col.label) {
label.key.special <- c()
new.df.list <- df.list
for (i in 1:length(df.list[[1]])) {
this.condition <- as.character(unique(df.list[[1]][[i]][, condition.col.label]))
label.key.special <- c(label.key.special, this.condition)
new.df.list[[1]][[i]][, condition.col.label] <- i
results <- list(new.df.list = new.df.list,
label.key.special = label.key.special)
CheckDFModeOne <- function(df) {
# "df" variable should be one of the following:
# dataframe with multiple rows/columns, all from one timepoint
fail.flag <- TRUE
if (class(df) == "data.frame") {
if (dim(df)[1] >= 1 & dim(df)[2] >= 1) {
fail.flag <- FALSE
} else {
stop("Dataframe does not contain at least one row and/or column!")
} else {
stop("Dataframe provided is not of type dataframe!")
CheckDFModeSingle <- function(list.of.df) {
fail.flag <- TRUE
# "list.of.df" variable should be one of the following:
# list of dataframes, each dataframe is from one timepoint
# list goes in order of timepoints
if (class(list.of.df) == "list") {
for (i in 1:length(list.of.df)) {
temp.fail.flag <- CheckDFModeOne(list.of.df[[i]])
if (temp.fail.flag) {
} else {
stop("List of dataframes provided is not of type list!")
fail.flag <- FALSE
CheckDFModeMulti <- function(multi.list.df) {
fail.flag <- TRUE
# "multi.list.df" variable should be one of the following:
# list of list of dataframes, each sublist is from one timepoint
# each dataframe in sublist is a different condition
# in that specific timepoint
# top-level list goes in order of timepoints
if (class(multi.list.df) == "list") {
for (i in 1:length(multi.list.df)) {
temp.fail.flag <- CheckDFModeSingle(multi.list.df[[i]])
if (temp.fail.flag) {
} else {
stop("List of dataframes provided is not of type list!")
fail.flag <- FALSE
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