
Defines functions print.WHeatmap CalcTextBounding.WHeatmap SplitWHeatmap WHeatmap

Documented in CalcTextBounding.WHeatmap print.WHeatmap WHeatmap

#' WHeatmap object
#' Create a heatmap
#' @param data data matrix
#' @param dm plotting dimension (a WDim or a WDimGenerator object)
#' @param name name of the plot
#' @param continuous whether the data should be treated as continuous or discrete
#' @param cmp a CMPar object, for tunning color mapping parameters
#' @param cm a given color map
#' @param xticklabels to plot xtick labels, one may supply characters to plot just a subset of xtick labels
#' @param xticklabels.n number of xtick labels to plot (resample for aethetics by default)
#' @param xticklabel.side xticklabel side (t or b)
#' @param xticklabel.fontsize xticklabel font size
#' @param xticklabel.pad padding between xticklabel and x-axis
#' @param xticklabel.rotat xticklabel rotation
#' @param xticklabel.space xticklabel space
#' @param xticklabel.use.data use data to label x-axis (most likely used by colorbar)
#' @param yticklabels to plot ytick labels, one may supply characters to plot just a subset of ytick labels
#' @param yticklabels.n number of ytick labels to plot (resample for aethetics by default)
#' @param yticklabel.side yticklabel side (l or r)
#' @param yticklabel.fontsize yticklabel font size
#' @param yticklabel.pad padding between yticklabel and y-axis
#' @param yticklabel.rotat yticklabel rotation
#' @param yticklabel.space yticklabel space
#' @param yticklabel.use.data use data to label y-axis (most likely used by colorbar)
#' @param gp a list of graphical parameters
#' @param sub.name subclass name
#' @param bbox whether to plot the boundary box (useful with white matrix elements)
#' @return one or a list of heatmaps (depends on whether dimension is split)
#' @examples
#' WHeatmap(matrix(1:10, nrow=2), cmp=CMPar(brewer.name='Greens'))
#' WHeatmap(matrix(1:12,nrow=2), cmp=CMPar(brewer.name='Greens'), name='a') + 
#'     WHeatmap(matrix(1:6,nrow=1), Beneath(pad=0.05), cmp=CMPar(brewer.name='Set2'), name='b') +
#'     WHeatmap(matrix(c(1:30,30:1),nrow=5), Beneath(pad=0.05), 'c', cmp=CMPar(cmap='jet')) +
#'     WHeatmap(matrix(1:24,nrow=4), RightOf('c'), 'd', cmp=CMPar(brewer.name='Set1')) +
#'     WLegendV('c', LeftOf('c', pad=0.01), yticklabel.side='l') +
#'     WLegendV('b', RightOf('b', width=0.1)) + 
#'     WLegendV('a', RightOf('a')) + 
#'     WHeatmap(matrix(1:100, nrow=10), RightOf('d'), cmp=CMPar(brewer.name='RdYlGn')) +
#'     WColorBarH(matrix(5:1), TopOf(), cmp=CMPar(colorspace.name = 'diverge_hcl')) +
#'     WColorBarH(matrix(50:1), TopOf(), cmp=CMPar(colorspace.name = 'terrain_hcl')) +
#'     WColorBarH(matrix(1:8), TopOf(), cmp=CMPar(colorspace.name = 'sequential_hcl')) +
#'     WColorBarH(matrix(1:8), TopOf(), cmp=CMPar(brewer.name = 'YlOrRd'))
#' ## One could use %>% too, in combination with magrittr's add function
#' \dontrun{
#' library(magrittr)
#' WColorBarH(1:10) %>% add(WColorBarV(rep(c('black','red','blue'),3), RightOf()))
#' }
#' @export
WHeatmap <- function(
    data=NULL, dm=NULL, name='', continuous=NULL,
    cmp = NULL, cm = NULL,

    ## tick label on x-axis
    xticklabels = NULL,
    xticklabels.n = NULL,
    xticklabel.side = 'b',
    xticklabel.fontsize = 12,
    xticklabel.rotat = 90,
    xticklabel.pad = 0.005,
    xticklabel.space = 0.05,
    xticklabel.use.data = FALSE,

    ## tick label on y-axis
    yticklabels = NULL,
    yticklabels.n = NULL,
    yticklabel.side = 'l',
    yticklabel.fontsize = 12,
    yticklabel.rotat = 0,
    yticklabel.pad = 0.005,
    yticklabel.space = 0.05,
    yticklabel.use.data = FALSE,

    ## subclass name
    sub.name = NULL,
    bbox = FALSE,

    ## graph parameters
    gp = NULL) {

    if(!('matrix' %in% class(data))) {
        data <- tryCatch({
        }, error = function(e) {
            message('data argument must be matrix-like. Abort.')

    hm <- lapply(formals(), eval)
    invisible(lapply(names(as.list(match.call()))[-1], function (nm) {
        hm[[nm]] <<- get(nm)

    if (is.null(hm$dm))
        hm$dm <- WDim(0,0,1,1,nr=nrow(data), nc=ncol(data))

    ## auto-infer continuous/discrete
    if (is.null(continuous)) {
        if (!is.null(cm))
            hm$continuous <- cm$continuous
        else if (!is.numeric(data) || length(unique(data)) < 5)
            hm$continuous <- FALSE
            hm$continuous <- TRUE

    ## graph parameters
    if (is.null(gp)) {
        hm$gp <- list(col = "white", lty = "blank")
    } else {
        hm$gp <- list()
    lapply(names(gp), function(x) {hm$gp[[x]] <<- gp[[x]]})

    if (is.null(hm$cmp))                # colormapping parameters
        hm$cmp = CMPar()

    ## map to colors
    if (hm$continuous)
        hm$cm <- MapToContinuousColors(hm$data, cmp=hm$cmp, given.cm=cm)
        hm$cm <- MapToDiscreteColors(hm$data, cmp=hm$cmp, given.cm=cm)

    class(hm) <- c('WHeatmap', 'WObject')
    if (!is.null(sub.name))
        class(hm) <- c(sub.name, class(hm))

    structure(function(group) {
        hm$dm <- Resolve(hm$dm, group, nr=nrow(hm$data), nc=ncol(hm$data))
        ## split if dimension indicates so
        if (!is.null(hm$dm$column.split) || !is.null(hm$dm$row.split)) {
            return(SplitWHeatmap(hm, hm$dm, cm, group))
    }, class=c('WGenerator', 'WObject'))

SplitWHeatmap <- function(hm, dm, cm, group) {

    if (is.null(dm$column.split)) {
        column.split <- list(dm)
        column.split[[1]]$left <- 0
        column.split[[1]]$width <- 1
    } else {
        column.split <- dm$column.split
    if (is.null(dm$row.split)) {
        row.split <- list(dm)
        row.split[[1]]$bottom <- 0
        row.split[[1]]$height <- 1
    } else {
        row.split <- dm$row.split

    all.nc <- sapply(column.split, function(dm) dm$nc)
    all.nr <- sapply(row.split, function(dm) dm$nr)
    sum.nc <- sum(all.nc)
    sum.nr <- sum(all.nr)
    nc.data <- ncol(hm$data)
    nr.data <- nrow(hm$data)
    col.inds <- c(0,round(cumsum(all.nc) * nc.data / sum.nc))
    row.inds <- c(0,round(cumsum(all.nr) * nr.data / sum.nr))

    sub.dms.col <- column.split[order(sapply(column.split, function(dm) dm$left))]
    sub.dms.row <- rev(row.split[order(sapply(row.split, function(dm) dm$bottom))])
    sub.dms <- expand.grid(seq_along(sub.dms.row), seq_along(sub.dms.col))
    k <- apply(sub.dms, 1, function(dm.i) {
        ir <- dm.i[1]
        ic <- dm.i[2]
        sub.dm.row <- sub.dms.row[[ir]]
        sub.dm.col <- sub.dms.col[[ic]]
        sub.hm <- hm
        sub.hm$dm <- WDim(sub.dm.col$left, sub.dm.row$bottom, sub.dm.col$width, sub.dm.row$height,
                          row.split=sub.dm.row$row.split, column.split=sub.dm.col$column.split,
                          nr=sub.dm.row$nr, nc=sub.dm.col$nc)
        sub.hm$data <- hm$data[(row.inds[ir]+1):row.inds[ir+1],
        (col.inds[ic]+1):col.inds[ic+1], drop=FALSE]
        sub.hm$cmp$cm <- cm
        sub.hm$name <- paste0(hm$name, '.', ir, '.', ic)
        do.call(WHeatmap, sub.hm)(group)
    k$name <- hm$name
    k$group.dm <- dm
    k$affine <- TRUE
    w.group <- do.call(ResolvedWGroup, k)
    ## w.group$dm$row.split <- sub.dms.row
    ## w.group$dm$column.split <- sub.dms.col


#' Calculate Texting Bounding for WHeatmap
#' @param hm an object of class WHeatmap
#' @param group an object of class WGroup
#' @return an object of class WDim in coordinate points
CalcTextBounding.WHeatmap <- function(hm, group) {

    ## this needs be called at the ROOT view port
    dm <- DimToTop(hm, group)
    ## bottom, left, top, right
    left <- NPCToPoints(dm$left)
    bottom <- NPCToPoints(dm$bottom)
    top <- bottom + NPCToPoints(dm$height)
    right <- left + NPCToPoints(dm$width)

    if (!(is.null(hm[['yticklabels']]) ||
          (length(hm[['yticklabels']])==1 &&
           hm[['yticklabels']] == FALSE))) {
        if (hm$yticklabel.side=='l') {
            if (is.null(rownames(hm$data))) {
                .text.margin <- 0
            } else {
                .text.margin <- max(sapply(
                    rownames(hm$data), function(t) text.width(t, hm$yticklabel.fontsize))) -
                    NPCToPoints(LengthToTop(hm, group, hm$yticklabel.pad))
            left <- left - .text.margin
        } else {
            if (is.null(rownames(hm$data))) {
                .text.margin <- 0
            } else {
                .text.margin <- max(sapply(
                    rownames(hm$data), function(t) text.width(t, hm$yticklabel.fontsize))) +
                    NPCToPoints(LengthToTop(hm, group, hm$yticklabel.pad))
            right <- right + .text.margin

    if (!(is.null(hm[['xticklabels']]) ||
          (length(hm[['xticklabels']])==1 &&
           hm[['xticklabels']] == FALSE))) {
        if (hm$xticklabel.side=='b') {
            if (is.null(colnames(hm$data))) {
                .text.margin <- 0
            } else {
                .text.margin <- max(sapply(
                    colnames(hm$data), function(t) text.width(t, hm$xticklabel.fontsize))) -
                    NPCToPoints(LengthToTop(hm, group, hm$xticklabel.pad))
            bottom <- bottom - .text.margin
        } else {
            if (is.null(colnames(hm$data))) {
                .text.margin <- 0
            } else {
                .text.margin <- max(sapply(
                    colnames(hm$data), function(t) text.width(t, hm$xticklabel.fontsize))) +
                    NPCToPoints(LengthToTop(hm, group, hm$xticklabel.pad))
            top <- top + .text.margin
    dm$left <- left
    dm$bottom <- bottom
    dm$width <- right-left
    dm$height <- top-bottom

#' plot WHeatmap
#' @param x a WHeatmap
#' @param stand.alone plot is stand alone
#' @param layout.only plot layout only
#' @param cex factor to scaling texts
#' @param ... additional options
#' @return \code{NULL}
#' @import grid
#' @examples
#' print(WHeatmap(matrix(1:12, nrow=2)))
#' @export
print.WHeatmap <- function(x, cex=1, layout.only=FALSE, stand.alone=TRUE, ...) {

    if (stand.alone) {
        group <- ResolvedWGroup(x)

    if (layout.only)

    pushViewport(viewport(x=unit(x$dm$left,'npc'), y=unit(x$dm$bottom,'npc'),
                          width=unit(x$dm$width,'npc'), height=unit(x$dm$height,'npc'),

    nc = ncol(x$data)
    nr = nrow(x$data)
    xc = (seq_len(nc)-1)/nc
    yc = (rev(seq_len(nr))-1)/nr
    expand.index <- expand.grid(seq_len(nr), seq_len(nc))
    grid.rect(xc[expand.index[[2]]], yc[expand.index[[1]]], width=unit(1/nc, 'npc'),
        height=unit(1/nr, 'npc'),
        gp=do.call('gpar', c(list(fill=x$cm$colors), x$gp)), just=c('left','bottom'))

    if (x[["bbox"]]) {
            min(xc), min(yc),
            width = unit(max(xc)+1/nc-min(xc),"npc"),
            height = unit(max(yc)+1/nr-min(yc),"npc"),
            just = c("left","bottom"))

    ## x tick labels
    if (!is.null(x[['xticklabels']]) || x[['xticklabel.use.data']]) {
        .WPrintXTickLabels(x, x[['xticklabels']], use.data=x[['xticklabel.use.data']], cex=max(cex))

    ## y tick labels
    if (!is.null(x[['yticklabels']]) || x[['yticklabel.use.data']]) {
        .WPrintYTickLabels(x, x[['yticklabels']], use.data=x[['yticklabel.use.data']], cex=max(cex))


plot.WHeatmap <- print.WHeatmap
zwdzwd/wheatmap documentation built on March 17, 2022, 10:49 p.m.