
Defines functions depthLP depthTukey depthProjection depthMah depthEuclid depth

Documented in depth depthEuclid depthLP depthMah depthProjection depthTukey

#' @title Depth calculation
#' @description Calculate depth functions.
#' @param u Numerical vector or matrix whose depth is to be calculated. Dimension has to be the same as that of the observations.
#' @param X The data as a matrix, data frame or list. If it is a matrix or data frame, then each row is viewed as one multivariate observation. If it is a list, all components must be numerical vectors of equal length (coordinates of observations).
#' @param method Character string which determines the depth function. \code{method} can be "Projection" (the default), "Mahalanobis", "Euclidean" or "Tukey". For details see \code{\link{depth}}.
#' @param threads number of threads used in parallel computations. Default value -1 means that all possible cores will be used.
#' @param ... parameters specific to method --- see \code{\link{depthEuclid}}
#' @details
#' {The Mahalanobis depth} \deqn{ {D}_{MAH}(y, {X} ^ {n}) = \frac{ 1 }{ 1 + {{(y - \bar{x})} ^ {T}}{{S} ^ {-1}}(y - \bar{x}) }, } where \eqn{ S } denotes the sample covariance matrix \eqn{ {X} ^ {n} }.
#' A symmetric projection depth \eqn{ D\left( x, X\right) } of a point \eqn{ x \in {{{R}} ^ {d}} }, \eqn{ d \ge 1 } is defined as
#' \deqn{ D\left( x, X\right)_{PRO} = {{\left[ 1 + su{{p}_{\left\| u \right\| = 1}}\frac{ \left| {{u} ^ {T}}x - Med\left( {{u} ^ {T}}X\right)\right| }{ MAD\left( {{u} ^ {T}}X\right) }\right]} ^ {-1}}, }
#' where Med denotes the univariate median, \eqn{ MAD\left( Z \right) } = \eqn{ Med\left(\left| Z - Med\left( Z \right)\right|\right) }. Its sample version denoted by \eqn{ D\left( x, {X} ^ {n} \right) } or \eqn{ D\left( x, {X} ^ {n} \right) } is obtained by replacing \eqn{ F } by its empirical counterpart \eqn{ {{F}_{n}} } calculated from the sample \eqn{ {X} ^ {n} } .
#' Next interesting depth is the weighted \eqn{ {L} ^ {p} } depth. The weighted \eqn{ {L} ^ {p} } depth \eqn{ D({x}, F) } of a point \eqn{ {x} \in {R} ^ {d} }, \eqn{ d \ge 1 } generated by \eqn{ d } dimensional random vector \eqn{ {X} } with distribution \eqn{ F }, is defined as \eqn{ D({x}, F) = \frac{1 }{ 1 + Ew({{\left\| x - X \right\| }_{p}}) }, } where \eqn{ w } is a suitable weight function on \eqn{ [0, \infty) }, and \eqn{ {{\left\| \cdot \right\| }_{p}} } stands for the \eqn{ {L} ^ {p} } norm (when p = 2 we have usual Euclidean norm). We assume that \eqn{ w } is non-decreasing and continuous on \eqn{ [0, \infty) } with \eqn{ w(\infty-) = \infty }, and for \eqn{ a, b \in {{{R}} ^ {d}} } satisfying \eqn{ w(\left\| a + b \right\|) \le w(\left\| a \right\|) + w(\left\| b \right\|) }. Examples of the weight functions are: \eqn{ w(x) = a + bx }, \eqn{ a, b > 0 } or \eqn{ w(x) = {x} ^ {\alpha} }. The empirical version of the weighted \eqn{ {L} ^ {p} } depth is obtained by replacing distribution \eqn{ F } of \eqn{ {X} } in \eqn{ Ew({{\left\| {x} - {X} \right\| }_{p}}) = \int {w({{\left\| x - t \right\| }_{p}})}dF(t) } by its empirical counterpart calculated from the sample \eqn{ {{{X}} ^ {n}} }...
#' The Projection and Tukey's depths are calculated using an approximate algorithm. Calculations of Mahalanobis, Euclidean and \eqn{ L ^ p } depths are exact. Returns the depth of multivariate point u with respect to data set X.
#' @references
#' Liu, R.Y., Parelius, J.M. and Singh, K. (1999), Multivariate analysis by data depth: Descriptive statistics, graphics and inference (with discussion), Ann. Statist., 27, 783--858.
#' Mosler K (2013). Depth statistics. In C Becker, R Fried, K S (eds.), Robustness and Complex Data Structures, Festschrift in Honour of Ursula Gather, pp. 17--34. Springer.
#' Rousseeuw, P.J. and Struyf, A. (1998), Computing location depth and regression depth in higher dimensions, Stat. Comput., 8, 193--203.
#' Zuo, Y. and Serfling, R. (2000), General Notions of Statistical Depth Functions, Ann. Statist., 28, no. 2, 461--482.
#' @author Daniel Kosiorowski, Mateusz Bocian, Anna Wegrzynkiewicz and Zygmunt Zawadzki from Cracow University of Economics.
#' @seealso \code{\link{depthContour}} and \code{\link{depthPersp}} for depth graphics.
#' @examples
#' library(robustbase)
#' # Calculation of Projection depth
#' data(starsCYG, package = "robustbase")
#' depth(t(colMeans(starsCYG)), starsCYG)
#' # Also for matrices
#' depth(starsCYG, starsCYG)
#' # Projection depth applied to a large bivariate data set
#' x <- matrix(rnorm(9999), nc = 3)
#' depth(x, x)
#' @keywords
#' multivariate
#' nonparametric
#' robust
#' depth function
#' @export
depth <- function(u, X, method = "Projection", threads = -1, ...) {

  # Data logic
  if (is.data.frame(u)) {
    u <- as.matrix(u)
  if (missing(X)) {
    X <- u
  if (is.data.frame(X)) {
    X <- as.matrix(X)
  if (is.vector(X)) {
    X <- matrix(X, ncol = 1)
  if (is.vector(u)) {
    u <- matrix(u, ncol = ncol(X))

  # Method logic
  output <- switch(
    Mahalanobis = depthMah(u, X, threads = threads, ...),
    Euclidean = depthEuclid(u, X),
    Projection = depthProjection(u, X, threads = threads, ...),
    Tukey = depthTukey(u, X, ...),
    LP = depthLP(u, X, threads = threads, ...),
    Local = depthLocal(u, X, ...),
    MBD = fncDepth(u, X, method = method, ...),
    FM = fncDepth(u, X, method = method, ...)


#' @title Euclidean Depth
#' @export
#' @description Computes the euclidean depth of a point or vectors of points with respect to a multivariate data set.
#' @param u Numerical vector or matrix whose depth is to be calculated. Dimension has to be the same as that of the observations.
#' @param X The data as a matrix, data frame or list. If it is a matrix or data frame, then each row is viewed as one multivariate observation. If it is a list, all components must be numerical vectors of equal length (coordinates of observations).
#' @details
#' Calculation of Euclidean depth is exact.
#' Returns the depth of multivariate point \code{u} with respect to data set \code{X}.
#' @author Daniel Kosiorowski, Mateusz Bocian, Anna Wegrzynkiewicz and Zygmunt Zawadzki from Cracow University of Economics.
#' @examples
#' x <- matrix(rnorm(9999), nc = 3)
#' depthEuclid(x, x)
#' @keywords
#' multivariate
#' nonparametric
#' depth function
depthEuclid <- function(u, X) {

  if (missing(X)) {
    X <- u

  if (is.vector(u)) u <- matrix(u, ncol = ncol(X))

  n <- dim(u)[1]
  center <- colMeans(X)
  center <- matrix(rep(center, n), nrow = n, byrow = TRUE)
  depth <- 1 / (1 + (rowSums((u - center) ^ 2)))

  new("DepthEuclid", depth, u = u, X = X, method = "Euclidean")

#' @title Mahalanobis Depth
#' @export
#' @description Computes the mahalanobis depth of a point or vectors of points with respect to a multivariate data set.
#' @param u Numerical vector or matrix whose depth is to be calculated. Dimension has to be the same as that of the observations.
#' @param X The data as a matrix, data frame or list. If it is a matrix or data frame, then each row is viewed as one multivariate observation. If it is a list, all components must be numerical vectors of equal length (coordinates of observations).
#' @param threads number of threads used in parallel computations. Default value -1 means that all possible cores will be used.
#' @param cov custom covariance matrix passed. If NULL standard calculations will be based on standard covariance estimator.
#' @param mean custom mean vector. If null --- mean average will be used.
#' @details
#' Calculation of Mahalanobis depth is exact.
#' Returns the depth of multivariate point \code{u} with respect to data set \code{X}.
#' @author Daniel Kosiorowski, Mateusz Bocian, Anna Wegrzynkiewicz and Zygmunt Zawadzki from Cracow University of Economics.
#' @examples
#' x <- matrix(rnorm(9999), nc = 3)
#' depthMah(x, x)
#' @keywords
#' multivariate
#' nonparametric
#' depth function
depthMah <- function(u, X, cov = NULL, mean = NULL, threads = -1) {

  if (missing(X)) {
    X <- u

  if (is.vector(u)) u <- matrix(u, ncol = ncol(X))

  if (!is.null(mean)) {
    mean <- matrix(mean, ncol = length(mean))

  depth <- depthMahCPP(u, X, cov, mean, threads)

  new("DepthMahalanobis", depth, u = u, X = X, method = "Mahalanobis")

#' @title Projection Depth
#' @export
#' @description Computes the Projection depth of a point or vectors of points with respect to a multivariate data set.
#' @param u Numerical vector or matrix whose depth is to be calculated. Dimension has to be the same as that of the observations.
#' @param X The data as a matrix, data frame or list. If it is a matrix or data frame, then each row is viewed as one multivariate observation. If it is a list, all components must be numerical vectors of equal length (coordinates of observations).
#' @param ndir number of directions used in computations
#' @param threads number of threads used in parallel computations. Default value -1 means that all possible cores will be used.
#' @details
#' Irrespective of dimension, Projection and Tukey's depth is obtained by approximate calculation.
#' Returns the depth of multivariate point \code{u} with respect to data set \code{X}.
#' @author Daniel Kosiorowski, Mateusz Bocian, Anna Wegrzynkiewicz and Zygmunt Zawadzki from Cracow University of Economics.
#' @examples
#' x <- matrix(rnorm(3000), nc = 3)
#' a <- depthProjection(x, x, ndir = 2000)
#' @keywords
#' multivariate
#' nonparametric
#' depth function
depthProjection <- function(u, X, ndir = 1000, threads = -1) {

  if (missing(X)) {
    X <- u

  if (is.vector(u)) u <- matrix(u, ncol = ncol(X))

  depth <- depthProjCPP(u, X, ndir, threads)

  new("DepthProjection", depth, u = u, X = X, method = "Projection")

#' @title Tukey Depth
#' @export
#' @description Computes the Tukey depth of a point or vectors of points with respect to a multivariate data set.
#' @param u Numerical vector or matrix whose depth is to be calculated. Dimension has to be the same as that of the observations.
#' @param X The data as a matrix, data frame or list. If it is a matrix or data frame, then each row is viewed as one multivariate observation. If it is a list, all components must be numerical vectors of equal length (coordinates of observations).
#' @param ndir number of directions used in computations
#' @param threads number of threads used in parallel computations. Default value -1 means that all possible cores will be used.
#' @param exact if TRUE exact alhorithm will be used . Currently it works only for 2 dimensional data set.
#' @details
#' Irrespective of dimension, Projection and Tukey's depth is obtained by approximate calculation.
#' Returns the depth of multivariate point \code{u} with respect to data set \code{X}.
#' @author Daniel Kosiorowski, Mateusz Bocian, Anna Wegrzynkiewicz and Zygmunt Zawadzki from Cracow University of Economics.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' x <- matrix(rnorm(3000), nc = 3)
#' depthTukey(x, ndir = 2000)
#' }
#' # Exact algorithm in 2d
#' x <- matrix(rnorm(2000), nc = 2)
#' depthTukey(x, exact = TRUE)
#' @keywords
#' multivariate
#' nonparametric
#' depth function
depthTukey <- function(u, X, ndir = 1000, threads = -1, exact = FALSE) {

  if (missing(X)) {
    X <- u

  if (is.vector(u)) u <- matrix(u, ncol = ncol(X))

  tukey1d <- function(u, X) {
    Xecdf <- ecdf(X)
    uecdf <- Xecdf(u)
    uecdf2 <- 1 - uecdf
    min.ecdf <- uecdf > uecdf2
    depth <- uecdf
    depth[min.ecdf] <- uecdf2[min.ecdf]

  if (ncol(X) == 1) {
    depth <- tukey1d(u, X)
  } else if (ncol(X) == 2 && exact) {
    depth <- depthTukeyCPP(u, X, exact, threads)
  } else {
    # if number of dimensions is greater than 2
    proj <- t(runifsphere(ndir, ncol(X)))
    xut <- X %*% proj
    uut <- u %*% proj

    OD <- matrix(nrow = nrow(uut), ncol = ncol(uut))

    for (i in 1:ndir) {
      OD[, i] <- tukey1d(uut[, i], xut[, i])

    depth <- apply(OD, 1, min)

  new("DepthTukey", depth, u = u, X = X, method = "Tukey")

#' @title LP Depth
#' @export
#' @description Computes the LP depth of a point or vectors of points with respect to a multivariate data set.
#' @param u Numerical vector or matrix whose depth is to be calculated. Dimension has to be the same as that of the observations.
#' @param X The data as a matrix, data frame or list. If it is a matrix or data frame, then each row is viewed as one multivariate observation. If it is a list, all components must be numerical vectors of equal length (coordinates of observations).
#' @param pdim dimension used in calculating depth function.
#' @param la slope the weighing function.
#' @param lb intercept in the weighing function.
#' @param threads number of threads used in parallel computations. Default value -1 means that all possible cores will be used.
#' @param func the weighing function. Currently it is not supported.
#' @details
#' Returns the depth of multivariate point \code{u} with respect to data set \code{X}.
#' @author Daniel Kosiorowski, Mateusz Bocian, Anna Wegrzynkiewicz and Zygmunt Zawadzki from Cracow University of Economics.
#' @examples
#' x <- matrix(rnorm(3000), ncol = 3)
#' # Same results
#' depthLP(x, x, pdim = 2)
#' @keywords
#' multivariate
#' nonparametric
#' depth function
depthLP <- function(u, X, pdim = 2, la = 1, lb = 1, threads = -1,
                    func = NULL) {

  if (missing(X)) {
    X <- u

  if (is.vector(u)) u <- matrix(u, ncol = ncol(X))

  if (is.null(func)) {
    depth <- depthLPCPP(u, X, pdim, la, lb, threads = threads)

  new("DepthLP", depth, u = u, X = X, method = "LP")
zzawadz/DepthProc documentation built on Feb. 4, 2022, 8:39 p.m.