Man pages for bbolker/McMasterPandemic
Pandemic Model

add_convAdd Variable by Convolution
add_d_logrecursively log-ify expressions
add_factrIntermediate Factors
add_lag_diffAdd Variable by Lag Differencing
add_opt_paramsOptimization Parameters
add_outflowAdd Outflows
add_parallel_accumulatorsAdd Parallel Accumulators
add_powAdd Power Law
add_rateAdd Rate
add_sim_report_exprAdd Expression to the Simulation History
add_state_mappingsAdd State Mappings
add_state_param_sumSums of States and Parameters
add_updated_vaxratecompute and add vaxrates to ratemat (returns whole ratemat...
aggregate_agecatsAggregate age categories into larger age categories
aggregate.pansimTemporal aggregation of pansim objects
as.character.strucConvert struc Object to a character vector
as.flexmodelConvert between Types of Flexmodels
as.matrix.strucConvert struc Object to a matrix
avail_forWhat Variables are Available?
calc_convcalculate convolution
calibrateEstimate model parameters from data
calibrate_combCombined calibration of model to multiple types of data
calibrate_flexmodelCalibrate Flexmodel
check_age_cat_compatibilityCheck compatibility of user-specified age categories with age...
check_contact_rate_settingHelper function to check setting-specific contact rate list...
col_multiplyCompute elementwise multiplication of a vector by each column...
compare_gradsCompare Automatic and Numerical Differentiation
compare_simsCompare TMB-based and classic MacPan Simulations
complementSymbolic Complement and Inverse
condensecondense an object
condense_agecollapse age/testing/etc. categories (only; don't do other...
condense.pansimCondense columns (infected, ICU, hospitalized) in a pansim...
condense_params_vaxcondense vaxified parameters to base parameters
condense_statecollapse (non-accumulator) states into subcategories (ages,...
condense_vaxcollapse vaccination categories (only; don't do other...
const_named_vectorConstant Named Vector
cross_matCross Two Sets of Names in Matrix Form
deprecated_simulation_functionsDeprecated Simulation Functions
describe_paramsDescribe parameters
dev_is_tikzIs 'tikzDevice' currently in use?
distribute_countsdistribute counts given a desired distribution (with smart...
do_stepTake a single simulation time step
expand_contract_strucExpand and Contract struc and struc_expanded Objects
expand_namesExpand Names
expand_params_ageExpand parameter list to include age structure
expand_params_desc_ageEdit parameter description attribute to include age-specific...
expand_params_desc_variantEdit parameter description attribute to include...
expand_params_desc_vaxEdit parameter description attribute to include vax-specific...
expand_params_mistryExpand parameter list to include age structure using Mistry...
expand_params_S0Expand Parameter List to Include Initial Proportion of...
expand_params_variantExpand parameter list to include variant strain
expand_params_vaxExpand parameter list to include vaccination
expand_state_ageexpand state vector by age classes and population...
expand_stateval_testingexpand states and values to include
expand_state_vaxexpand state vector by vaccination status
extend_end_dateExtend End Date
factory_fresh_macpan_optionsFactory Fresh MacPan Options
fix_parsadjust pars to match targets
fix_storedconvert 'old' forecast args to 'new' format
flexmodelInitialize Flexible Compartmental Model
forecast_ensemblefind confidence envelopes by simulation
forecast_simsimulate/forecast a single trajectory
get_and_set_model_parametersGet and Set Model Parameters
getDataextract and return original fitting data
get_doses_per_dayCompute total number of vaccine doses actually administered...
get_evecget dominant eigenvector
get_Gbarcompute mean generation interval from parameters
get_GI_momentscompute moments of generation interval (mean and CV^2)
get_kernel_momentscompute R0, r, etc. based on kernel computation
get_macpan_optionsGet McMasterPandemic Options
get_opt_parsgenerate reasonable default opt_pars
get_rreturn growth rate (from Jacobian)
get_R0calculate R0 for a given set of parameters
gradfungradient function for ODE runs
index_sepGet Substrings by Indices and Separators
initial_populationInitial Population
invlink_transapply inverse-link functions to parameter vector or list...
is_1by1Test if 1-by-1
layered_zero_stateLayered Zero State Vector
macpan_regex_helpersRegular Expression Conveniences
make_ageified_modelConverts a classic ageified model to a flexmodel
make_base_modelRepresent a Standard Unstructured Model as a flexmodel
make_betaconstruct vector of transmission multipliers
make_betavecconstruct vector of transmission multipliers
make_delay_kernelconstruct a Gamma-distributed delay kernel
make_hello_world_modelHello World
make_jacconstruct Jacobian matrix for ICU model (not quite complete:...
make_omicron_modelMake an Omicron invasion model
make_ratematCreate transition matrix
make_sir_modelSIR Model
make_stateretrieve parameters from a CSV file
make_test_wtsvecmake weights vector for tests
make_vaccination_modelMake a Two-Dose Vaccination Model
make_vaxrategenerate per capita daily vaccination rates
mat_rateSpecify Matrix of Rates
merge_named_vec_attrMerge Named Vector Attribute
merge_named_vectorsMerge One Vector into Another by Name
mk_agecatsConstruct vector of age category labels
mk_contact_rate_settingHelper function to generate a vector of setting-specific...
mk_mistry_NvecMake population distribution using Mistry et al. data
mk_Nvecgenerate a population distribution (as a vector of counts)
mk_pmatgenerate a contact matrix (where each row is a probability...
mk_vaxcatsConstruct vector of vaccine category labels
mle_funnegative log-likelihood function
nlistself-naming list (copied from lme4:::namedList)
non_expanded_statesglobal variables for testify expansion
ontario_dataSample data and fit from Ontario (up to 2020-04-18)
ontario_fitsFitted models to Ontario data
optim_flexmodelWrapped Optimizers for Flexmodels
opt_objOptimizer Object
parse_formulaParse a Flexmodel Formula
pivotpivot an object
plot.pansimplot method for simulations
plot.predict_pansimplot forecasts from fits
plot_res_by_agePlot age-structured simulation result faceted by age...
plot_res_by_statePlot age-structured simulation result faceted by state
predict.fit_pansimmake forecasts from sim
prep_res_for_plottingPrepare age-structured simulation results data frame for...
print.params_pansimprint parameters, possibly with detailed description
rate_summaryRate Summary
read_paramsread simulation parameters
repair_names_ageRepair ageified names
rep_rateRepeat a Rate for Several Rate Matrix Elements
restoreconvert a parameter vector back to a structured list Like...
rExprun a pure-exponential sim; uses run_sim_range with a...
r_modeR Mode
r_tmb_comparableCompare R and TMB Engines
run_simRun pandemic simulation
run_sim_ageifyAgeify a basic simulation
run_sim_breakrun simulation with one or more breakpoints
run_sim_loglinrun with log-linear model applied to beta
run_sim_mobilityrun with transmission propto relative mobility
run_sim_rangeRun simulation across a range of times
same_dimsTest if struc Objects have the Same Dimensions
set_spec_versionSet and Reset Spec Version
show_ratematvisualize rate (per-capita flow) matrix
simulate_ensembleEnsemble Simulation
simulation_historySimulation History
spec_checkSpec and Feature Checks
spec_versionSpec Version
string_concatenation_operatorsString Concatenation Operators
strucConstruct a struc Object
struc_blockRepeat a Block
struc-classClass to Represent Scalar, Vector, or Matrix Structure
struc_evalNumerically Evaluate Struc Object
struc_expandedConstruct a struc_expanded Object
struc_expanded-classClass to Represent an Expanded Matrix Structure Object
struc_stretchStretch a Block
summary.params_pansimsummary method for 'pansim' parameter objects
testifyexpand rate matrix for testing status
texifyConvert expression string to TeX format
tibble_row_to_named_vecconvert a tibble row (with all entries of the same data type)...
time_wrapTime Two Expressions
tmb_funMake Objective Function with TMB
tmb_modeTMB Mode
tmb_paramsExtract Parameter Vector to Pass to a TMB Function
tmb_params_transParameter Vectors Transformed for TMB
topological_sortTopological Sort
trans_state_varsTranslate state variables
unpackunpack a list into the current (calling) environment this is...
update_condense_mapSpecify and Name Variables for Condensation
update_contact_rate_settingHelper function to update setting-specific contact rate list
update_disease_free_stateUpdate Disease-Free State
update_error_distUpdate Error Distribution
update_foicalculate only updated force of infection at present, this is...
update_initial_stateUpdate Initial State
update_linearized_paramsUpdate Linearized Model Parameters
update_loss_paramsUpdate Observation Error
update_observedUpdate Observed Data
update_paramsUpdate Default Parameters
update_params_mistryUpdate Mistry-based parameters
update.params_pansimupdate parameters within a list of parameters
update_piece_wiseUpdate the Piece-Wise Parameter Time-Variation Schedule
update_ranef_paramsUpdate Random Effect Parameters
update_simulation_boundsUpdate Simulation Bounds
update_tmb_indicesUpdate TMB Indices
v2dVector to Data Frame
vec_factrVectors of Intermediate Factors
vec_rateSpecify Vector of Rates
vis_modeldisplay flow chart on current graphics device
write_paramswrite parameters to CSV file
bbolker/McMasterPandemic documentation built on Aug. 25, 2024, 6:35 p.m.