read_stars: read raster/array dataset from file or connection

View source: R/read.R

read_starsR Documentation

read raster/array dataset from file or connection


read raster/array dataset from file or connection


  sub = TRUE,
  options = character(0),
  driver = character(0),
  quiet = FALSE,
  NA_value = NA_real_,
  along = NA_integer_,
  RasterIO = list(),
  proxy = getOption("stars.n_proxy") %||% 1e+08,
  curvilinear = character(0),
  normalize_path = TRUE,
  RAT = character(0),
  tolerance = 1e-10,
  exclude = "",
  shorten = TRUE



character vector with name(s) of file(s) or data source(s) to be read, or a function that returns such a vector


character, integer or logical; name, index or indicator of sub-dataset(s) to be read


passed on to st_as_stars if curvilinear was set


character; opening options


character; driver to use for opening file. To override fixing for subdatasets and autodetect them as well, use NULL.


logical; print progress output?


numeric value to be used for conversion into NA values; by default this is read from the input file


length-one character or integer, or list; determines how several arrays are combined, see Details.


list with named parameters for GDAL's RasterIO, to further control the extent, resolution and bands to be read from the data source; see details.


logical; if TRUE, an object of class stars_proxy is read which contains array metadata only; if FALSE the full array data is read in memory. Always FALSE for curvilinear girds. If set to a number, defaults to TRUE when the number of cells to be read is larger than that number.


length two character vector with names of subdatasets holding longitude and latitude values for all raster cells, or named length 2 list holding longitude and latitude matrices; the names of this list should correspond to raster dimensions referred to


logical; if FALSE, suppress a call to normalizePath on .x


character; raster attribute table column name to use as factor levels


numeric; passed on to all.equal for comparing dimension parameters.


character; vector with category value(s) to exclude


logical or character; if TRUE and length(.x) > 1, remove common start and end parts of array names; if character a new prefix


In case .x contains multiple files, they will all be read and combined with c.stars. Along which dimension, or how should objects be merged? If along is set to NA it will merge arrays as new attributes if all objects have identical dimensions, or else try to merge along time if a dimension called time indicates different time stamps. A single name (or positive value) for along will merge along that dimension, or create a new one if it does not already exist. If the arrays should be arranged along one of more dimensions with values (e.g. time stamps), a named list can passed to along to specify them; see example.

RasterIO is a list with zero or more of the following named arguments: nXOff, nYOff (both 1-based: the first row/col has offset value 1), nXSize, nYSize, nBufXSize, nBufYSize, bands, resample. See for their meaning; bands is an integer vector containing the band numbers to be read (1-based: first band is 1). Note that if nBufXSize or nBufYSize are specified for downsampling an image, resulting in an adjusted geotransform. resample reflects the resampling method and has to be one of: "nearest_neighbour" (the default), "bilinear", "cubic", "cubic_spline", "lanczos", "average", "mode", or "Gauss".

Data that are read into memory (proxy=FALSE) are read into a numeric (double) array, except for categorical variables which are read into an numeric (integer) array of class factor.


object of class stars


tif = system.file("tif/L7_ETMs.tif", package = "stars")
(x1 = read_stars(tif))
(x2 = read_stars(c(tif, tif)))
(x3 = read_stars(c(tif, tif), along = "band"))
(x4 = read_stars(c(tif, tif), along = "new_dimensions")) # create 4-dimensional array
x1o = read_stars(tif, options = "OVERVIEW_LEVEL=1")
t1 = as.Date("2018-07-31")
# along is a named list indicating two dimensions:
read_stars(c(tif, tif, tif, tif), along = list(foo = c("bar1", "bar2"), time = c(t1, t1+2)))

m = matrix(1:120, nrow = 12, ncol = 10)
dim(m) = c(x = 10, y = 12) # named dim
st = st_as_stars(m)
attr(st, "dimensions")$y$delta = -1
attr(st, "dimensions")$y$offset = 12
tmp = tempfile(fileext = ".tif")
write_stars(st, tmp)
(red <- read_stars(tmp))
read_stars(tmp, RasterIO = list(nXOff = 1, nYOff = 1, nXSize = 10, nYSize = 12,
   nBufXSize = 2, nBufYSize = 2))[[1]]
(red <- read_stars(tmp, RasterIO = list(nXOff = 1, nYOff = 1, nXSize = 10, nYSize = 12,
   nBufXSize = 2, nBufYSize = 2)))
red[[1]] # cell values of subsample grid:
## Not run: 
  plot(st, reset = FALSE, axes = TRUE, ylim = c(-.1,12.1), xlim = c(-.1,10.1),
    main = "nBufXSize & nBufYSize demo", text_values = TRUE)
  plot(st_as_sfc(red, as_points = TRUE), add = TRUE, col = 'red', pch = 16)
  plot(st_as_sfc(st_as_stars(st), as_points = FALSE), add = TRUE, border = 'grey')
  plot(st_as_sfc(red, as_points = FALSE), add = TRUE, border = 'green', lwd = 2)

## End(Not run)

stars documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:59 a.m.