
#'A package for scoring Amplification Fragment Length Polymorphism (AFLP) data
#'This packages randomises specimens over different plates while ensuring a
#'sufficient number of replicates. The resulting fluorescence data can be
#'calibrated, scored and analysed.
#'\tabular{ll}{ Package: \tab AFLP\cr Type: \tab Package\cr Version: \tab
#'0.2\cr Date: \tab 2011-03-08\cr License: \tab GPL-2\cr LazyLoad: \tab yes\cr
#'Depends: \tab methods, lme4, reshape, plyr\cr Suggests: \tab ggplot2, xtable,
#'vegan\cr }
#'@name AFLP-package
#'@aliases AFLP-package
#'@docType package
#'@author Thierry Onkelinx, Pieter Verschelde, Paul Quataert
#'Maintainer: Thierry Onkelinx \email{Thierry.Onkelinx@@inbo.be}
#'@keywords package

#'Raw AFLP data from Tilia samples
#'Several samples were taken from lime trees. The trees were classified in the
#'field as belonging to either \emph{Tilia cordata}, \emph{Tilia platyphylos}
#'or their hybrid \emph{Tilia europea (x)}.
#'@name TiliaDesign
#'@aliases TiliaDesign Tilia_bandvaluespc1 Tilia_bandvaluespc2
#'Tilia_bandvaluespc3 Tilia_bandvaluespc4
#'@docType data
#'@format A data.frame containing 512 observations.
#'@references Vander Mijnsbrugge, K and Vanden Broeck, A, unpublished data
#'@keywords datasets

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AFLP documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:13 p.m.