browsedict: Browse a selection, codelist or the master dictionary in a...

Description Usage Arguments Value See Also Examples


The browse functions allow an existing codelist, a selection or a codelist under construction to be viewed in a spreadsheet and the categories edited manually. This is done by writing the selection of terms to a spreadsheet in the temporary directory. If the edited spreadsheet is saved (keeping it as a .csv file with the same name), the modified data are returned to R.

Note that Read codes may be formatted wrongly when opened in Excel; however the medcode is used as the definitive identifier for the Read term so this is not a problem.


browseCodelist(x, spreadsheet = NULL)
browseSelection(x = NULL, spreadsheet = NULL, update_cats = FALSE)



for browseCodelist: a codelist; for browseSelection: a selection object, or an object which can be coerced to selection (e.g. a character vector, in which case it will automatically be used to select terms using termhas). If NULL, the currently selected terms in CALIBER_DICT with a positive category are used.


for UNIX systems, the spreadsheet program to use (default is soffice). Ignored on Windows, instead the default program for files with the extension .csv is used (usually Microsoft Excel).


TRUE if the categories in CALIBER_DICT are to be used (i.e. when generating a new codelist). FALSE if a modified selection is to be returned without affecting the categories in CALIBER_DICT.


browseCodelist returns the modified codelist (which is also updated by reference).

browseSelection returns the modified selection if update_cats = FALSE. If update_cats = TRUE, browseSelection returns a character string of instructions for updating the categories of CALIBER_DICT using assigncat statements. This is used in interactive mode to enable a user to edit the categories directly in the spreadsheet while recording the instructions for the modifications in a file.

See Also

Interactive mode: exploreCodes

as.codelist, compare, CALIBER_DICT, export, process, as.selection


# setdictionary('read')
# browseSelection('meningitis')
# mi <- as.codelist(termhas('myocardial infarction'))
# browseCodelist(mi)

CALIBERcodelists documentation built on Feb. 28, 2020, 3:01 a.m.