loadDicts: Script to replace the source dictionaries used by...

Description Details Note Author(s) References See Also


This script is called using the command demo(loadnewdicts).

The scripts replaces the existing dictionaries in your installed version of the CALIBERcodelists package. It loads terminology dictionaries from text files, converts them into a standardised format and saves them in the data folder of the CALIBERcodelists package (or elsewhere if specified).

It is easiest to place all the relevant source dictionary files in one directory and make it the working directory (using setwd) before running this script.


The ICD-10, OPCS and GPRD Read dictionaries are combined into a single data.table CALIBER_DICT, and the mappings between Read and OPCS / ICD-10 are combined into the data.table CALIBER_DICTMAPS. The link between these two data.tables is by medcode or ICD-10 / OPCS code.

Full filepaths must be supplied for each of the arguments.

Version statements are added to the dictionaries as attributes VERSION if the table is derived from only one source, or VERSION_READ, VERSION_ICD10, VERSION_OPCS if it combines more than one source. For the Pegasus dictionaries, the version date is the most recent date in the database date column.


The CPRD Pegasus dictionaries are supplied with datasets from the General Practice Research Database (GPRD). The Pegasus Medical dictionary contains the subset of Read codes that are actually used by general practitioners contributing to GPRD.

Other dictionaries are obtained from the UK Terminology Centre (https://www.uktcregistration.nss.cfh.nhs.uk/trud3/).

These dictionaries are not supplied as part of the package because of licensing issues. For UK NHS CALIBER researchers, we can provide precompiled dictionaries from the CALIBER co-ordinating centre if desired.

This function may need to be modified in the future if the formats of the source dictionaries change.


Anoop Shah


Clinical Practice Research Datalink, cprd.com.

International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, Tenth Revision (ICD-10). Vols 1-3. Geneva, World Health Organization, 1992-2000. 4th Edition, http://apps.who.int/classifications/icd10/browse/2010/en

See Also


CALIBERcodelists documentation built on Feb. 28, 2020, 3:01 a.m.