explore: Manage codelists and create a new codelist interactively

Description Usage Arguments See Also Examples


This function invokes an interactive mode for browsing the dictionary and creating codelists. The R commands and output are automatically logged in a file, with the output commented out so that the log file can be re-run as a script. The log file is automatically opened with a text editor at the end of the session so that it can be saved or edited.


exploreCodes(spreadsheet = 'Default', texteditor = 'Default',
    showLog = TRUE, direct = NULL)



for UNIX systems, the spreadsheet program to use (default is soffice). Ignored on Windows, instead the default program for files with the extension .csv is used (usually Microsoft Excel).


for UNIX systems, the text editor program to use (default is gedit). Ignored on Windows, instead the default program for files with the extension .log is used (usually Microsoft Notepad).


whether to open the log of the interactive session. This is set to FALSE for the makecodelist demo, in which the codes are written to a Rmd document.


option to bypass the main menu. direct = 1 opens the menu for managing codelists. direct = 2 opens the menu for creating a new codelist.

See Also

Interactive editing of selections and codelists: browseCodelist, browseSelection

as.codelist, compare, CALIBER_DICT, export, process, as.selection


# exploreCodes()

CALIBERcodelists documentation built on Feb. 28, 2020, 3:01 a.m.