
##' Barplot of a class [\code{\linkS4class{CoModesResults}}]  
##' Barplot of qualitative data from a [\code{\linkS4class{CoModesResults}}] object using parameters
##' to plot probablities of modalities.
##' Each line corresponds to one block of variable. Barplot is drawn for each cluster with the probabilities for 
##' each level (with is a mode for at least on cluster) to be in that cluster.
##' @param height an object of class [\code{\linkS4class{CoModesResults}}]
#' @name barplot
#' @rdname barplot-methods
#' @docType methods
#' @exportMethod summary

#' @rdname barplot-methods
#' @aliases barplot barplot,CoModesResults-method

  signature = c("CoModesResults"),
  definition = function(height) {
    op <- par(no.readonly = TRUE) # the whole list of settable par's.
    # changing marging
    par(mar = rep(2.4,4))
    # decreasing font size
    par(cex = .75)
    nbv <- sum(colSums(height@model@modes)>0)
    if (nbv>0){
      if (nbv>3){
      for (j in which(colSums(height@model@modes)>0)){
        vari <- which(height@model@sigma==j)
        if (length(vari) == 1){
          modes <- levels(height@param@alpha[[1]][[j]][,-1])
          for (k in 2:height@model@nbclasses) modes <- c(modes, levels(height@param@alpha[[k]][[j]][,-1]))
          modes <- unique(modes)
          proba <- matrix(NA, length(modes),height@model@nbclasses)
          for (k in 1:height@model@nbclasses){
            for(h in 1:length(modes)){
              if (any(levels(height@param@alpha[[k]][[j]][,2])==modes[h])){
                proba[h,k] <- height@param@alpha[[k]][[j]][which(height@param@alpha[[k]][[j]][,2]==modes[h]),1]
                proba[h,k] <- height@param@alpha[[k]][[j]][height@model@modes[k,j]+1,1]
          if (any(modes==".")) modes[which(modes==".")] <- "Other"
          modes <- height@param@alpha[[1]][[j]][,-1]
          for (k in 2:height@model@nbclasses) modes <- rbind(modes, height@param@alpha[[k]][[j]][,-1])
          modes <- as.matrix(modes)
          for (h in 1:nrow(modes)){
            if (h<=nrow(modes)){
              who <- which(rowSums(sweep(modes, 2, modes[h,], "==")) == ncol(modes))
              if (length(who)>1){
                modes <- modes[- who[which(who!=h)],]
          proba <- matrix(NA, nrow(modes),height@model@nbclasses)
          for (k in 1:height@model@nbclasses){
            for(h in 1:nrow(modes)){
              if (any(apply(sweep(height@param@alpha[[k]][[j]][,-1], 2, modes[h,], "=="),1,"all"))){
                proba[h,k] <- height@param@alpha[[k]][[j]][which(apply(sweep(height@param@alpha[[k]][[j]][,-1], 2, modes[h,], "=="),1,"all")),1]
                proba[h,k] <- height@param@alpha[[k]][[j]][height@model@modes[k,j]+1,1]
          if (any(modes[,1]==".")) modes[which(modes[,1]=="."),] <- c("Other",rep("", ncol(modes)-1))
        ord <- order(rowSums(proba), decreasing = TRUE)

          mp <-  barplot(t(proba[ord,]))
       if (length(vari) == 1){
          for (h in 1:sum(height@model@sigma==j))   mtext(1, at = mp, text = modes[ord], line = h-1, cex = 0.7)
         for (h in 1:sum(height@model@sigma==j))   mtext(1, at = mp, text = modes[ord,h], line = h-1, cex = 0.7)
      close.screen(all.screens =  TRUE)
      # restore plotting parameters

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CoModes documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:49 p.m.