
Defines functions print.cfboost plot.cfboost coef.cfboost predict.cfboost fitted.cfboost summary.cfboost freq.sel print.fs

Documented in coef.cfboost fitted.cfboost freq.sel plot.cfboost predict.cfboost print.cfboost print.fs summary.cfboost

## Methods for the Results from cfboost() ##

## methods: subset for cfboost objects
## (adapted from mboost)
"[.cfboost" <- function(object, i, ...) {
    mstop <- mstop(object, opt=FALSE)
    if (i == mstop) return(object)
    if (length(i) != 1)
        stop("not a positive integer")
    if (i < 1 || i > mstop)
        warning("invalid number of boosting iterations")
    indx <- 1:min(max(i, 1), mstop)
    object$ensemble <- ens <- object$ensemble[indx] # , , drop = FALSE]
    object$ensembless <- ensembless <- object$ensembless[indx]
    object$fit <- object$predict(mstop = max(indx))
    dummy <- class(object$risk)
    object$risk <- object$risk[indx]
    class(object$risk) <- dummy
    object$df <- object$df[indx,]

    tmp <- object$data$input
    class(tmp) <- "list"
    foo <- function(object){
        attr(object, "coefs")
    object$coefs <- lapply(tmp, foo)
    nu <- object$control$nu
    for (i in indx){
        object$coefs[[ens[i]]] <- object$coefs[[ens[i]]] + nu * ensembless[[i]]

## methods: print for cfboost objects
print.cfboost <- function(x, ...) {
    cat("\t CoxFlexBoost: \n")
    cat("\t Structured Survival Models (with Time-Varying Effects)\n")
    cat("\t Fitted via Likelihood-Based Boosting\n")
    if (!is.null(x$call))
    cat("\nNumber of boosting iterations: mstop =", mstop(x, opt = FALSE), "\n")
    cat("Step size: ", x$control$nu, "\n")
    cat("Offset: ", x$offset, "\n\n")
    if (!is.null(x$weights)){
        cat("Size of learning sample:", sum(x$weights),"\n")
        if (x$control$risk == "oobag"){
            cat("\tof test sample:", sum(1 - x$weights), "\n\n")
            cat("minimum risk:", min(x$risk), "\n")
            cat("\tin iteration ", mstop(x), "\n\n")

## methods: plot for cfboost objects
plot.cfboost <- function(x, which = NULL, ask = TRUE && dev.interactive(), type = "b",
                         ylab = expression(f[partial]), add_rug = TRUE,
                         color.palette = c("heat.colors", "terrain.colors", "topo.colors", "cm.colors", "rainbow", "none"), ...){
    color.palette <- match.arg(color.palette)
    tmp <- x$data$input
    class(tmp) <- "list"

    if (is.null(which))
        which <- (1:length(tmp))[tabulate(x$ensemble,nbins = length(tmp)) > 0]
    if (ask) {
        op <- par(ask = TRUE)
    for (i in which){
        ix <- get("x", environment(attr(tmp[[i]],"predict")))
        ixname <- get("xname", environment(attr(tmp[[i]],"predict")))
        zname <- get("zname", environment(attr(tmp[[i]],"predict")))
        if (!is.null(zname) & zname != "NULL")
            ixname <- paste(ixname, " (as interaction with ", zname, ")", sep="")
        ixorder <- order(ix)
        if (!attr(tmp[[i]], "timedep")){
            plot(ix[ixorder], attr(tmp[[i]], "predict")(x$coefs[[i]])[ixorder], type = type, ylab = ylab, xlab = ixname)
        } else {
            iz <- get("z", environment(attr(tmp[[i]],"predict")))
            if (!is.null(iz) && length(unique(iz))==2){ ## for time-varying effects of binary covariates z
                sel <- (iz == sort(unique(iz))[2])[ixorder]
                yi <- attr(tmp[[i]], "predict")(x$coefs[[i]])[ixorder]
                plot(ix[ixorder][sel], yi[sel], type = type, ylab = ylab, xlab = ixname)
                lines(ix[ixorder][!sel], yi[!sel], type = type)
            } else {
                if(!is.null(iz) && color.palette != "none"){  ## for time-varying effects of other covariates z (with colors for changing z)
                    foo <- eval(parse(text=color.palette))
                    colors <- factor(iz)
                    levels(colors) <- foo(length(levels(colors)))
                    plot(ix[ixorder], attr(tmp[[i]], "predict")(x$coefs[[i]])[ixorder], type = "p", col=as.character(colors), ylab = ylab, xlab = ixname)
                } else {
                    plot(ix[ixorder], attr(tmp[[i]], "predict")(x$coefs[[i]])[ixorder], type = "p", ylab = ylab, xlab = ixname)
        abline(h = 0, lty = 3)
        if (add_rug) rug(ix)

## methods: extract coefficients from cfboost objects
coef.cfboost <- function(object, ...){
    RET <- object$coefs
    RET$offset <- object$offset

## methods: prediction
predict.cfboost <- function(object, newdata = NULL, type = c("hazard", "log-hazard"), ...) {
    type <- match.arg(type)
    if (type == "hazard"){
        hazard <- exp(object$predict(newdata = newdata, mstop = mstop(object, opt=FALSE), ...))

    if (type == "log-hazard"){
        loghazard <- object$predict(newdata = newdata, mstop = mstop(object, opt=FALSE), ...)

## methods: fitted
fitted.cfboost <- function(object, type = c("hazard", "log-hazard"), ...) {
    type <- match.arg(type)
    if (type == "hazard"){
        hazard <- exp(object$fit)
    if (type == "log-hazard"){

## methods: summary for cfboost objects
summary.cfboost <- function(object, ...){
    cat("\t", sQuote("summary.cfboost"), "is a.t.m. a wrapper to", sQuote("print.cfboost"), "\n")

## function to extract selection frequencies of base-learners
freq.sel <- function(object){
    x <- object$data$input
    class(x) <- "list"

    classes <-  xnames <- znames <- vector(mode = "character", length = length(x))
    timesSel <- rep(0, length(x))
    for (i in 1:length(x)){
        classes[i] <- class(x[[i]])[2]
        xnames[i] <- get("xname", environment(attr(x[[i]], "predict")))
        znames[i] <- get("zname", environment(attr(x[[i]], "predict")))
        timesSel[i] <- sum(object$ensemble == i)
    RET <- data.frame(classes, xnames, znames, timesSel)

    class(RET) <- c("fs")

## print frequency of selection
print.fs <- function(x, ...){
    class(x) <- "data.frame"
    x <- x[order(x[,4], decreasing = TRUE),]
    cat("Number of selections in", sum(x[,4]), "iterations:\n")
    x <- as.matrix(x)
    for (i in 1:nrow(x)){
        if (x[i,3] != "NULL")
            cat("\t", x[i,1], "(", x[i,2], ",", x[i,3],"):\t", x[i,4] ,"\n", sep="")
            cat("\t", x[i,1], "(", x[i,2],"):\t", x[i,4] ,"\n", sep="")

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CoxFlexBoost documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:53 p.m.