
Defines functions coxph.Lexis gam.Lexis glm.Lexis modLexis

Documented in coxph.Lexis gam.Lexis glm.Lexis

modLexis <- 
function( Lx,
        from = preceding(Lx, to),
          to = absorbing(Lx),
      paired = FALSE,
        link = "log", scale = 1, verbose = TRUE,
         ... )
# a common wrapper for glm and gam modeling of Lexis FU  
# is this a Lexis object ?
if( !inherits(Lx,"Lexis") )
    stop("The first argument must be a Lexis object.\n")
# check that events are actual levels of lex.Xst 
if( is.numeric(to) ) to <- levels( Lx$lex.Xst )[to]
wh <- match(to, levels(Lx$lex.Xst))
if( any(is.na(wh)) )
    stop("'to' must be a subset of: '", 
         paste(levels(Lx$lex.Xst), collapse="','", sep=""), "'\n")  

# check that from are actual levels of lex.Cst 
if( is.numeric(from) ) from <- levels( Lx$lex.Cst )[from]
wh <- match( from, levels(Lx$lex.Cst) )
if( any(is.na(wh)) )
    stop("'from' must be a subset of: '", 
          paste(levels(Lx$lex.Cst), collapse="','", sep=""), "'\n")
# subset to these states
Lx <- Lx[Lx$lex.Cst %in% from,]                     

# first a small utility to show transitions as text:
trt <- function( f, t ) paste( f, "->", t, sep="" )

# work out which transitions are modeled
if( paired )
if (length(from) != length(to))
    stop("If 'paired' is TRUE, from and to must have same length!\n")
if (any(from == to))
    stop("If 'paired' is TRUE, entries in from and to must be different within pairs\n")
trnam <- trt(from, to)
  } else {  
tm <- tmat(Lx)[from, to, drop = FALSE]
trnam <- outer(rownames(tm), colnames(tm), trt)[tm > 0]
trnam <- trnam[!is.na(trnam)]
# just for formatting the explanatory text
onetr <- length(trnam) == 1
# warn if a potentially silly model is defined
if (any((ts <- table(sapply(strsplit(trnam, "->"),
                            function(x) x[1]))) > 1)) cat(
 "NOTE:\nMultiple transitions *from* state '",
 paste(names(ts[ts>1]), collapse = "', '"),
 "' - are you sure?",
 "\nThe analysis requested is effectively merging outcome states.", 
 "\nYou may want analyses using a *stacked* dataset - see ?stack.Lexis\n")
# construct the model formula - note that we already made sure that
# from and to are pairwise different
if( length(formula) != 2 ) stop("formula must be a one-sided formula")

form <- cbind( trt(Lx$lex.Cst,Lx$lex.Xst) %in% trnam,
               Lx$lex.dur ) ~ 1
form[3] <- formula[2]

from <- levels(factor(Lx$lex.Cst)) # only levels present in lex.Cst

# Scaling
Lx$lex.dur <- Lx$lex.dur / scale
# Tell what we intend to and then do it
if( verbose ){
    " Poisson analysis of Lexis object ", nameLx, " with ", link, " link",
    ":\nRates for", if( onetr) " the", " transition",
                    if(!onetr) "s", ":", paste0("\n", trnam), "\n",
    if( scale!=1 ) paste(", lex.dur (person-time) scaled by", scale ), "\n", sep="" )
# Fit the model
mod <- model( form, family = poisreg(link=link), data = Lx, ... )
# Add an explanatory attribute
attr( mod, "Lexis" ) <- list( data=nameLx,
                             scale=scale )     

# Here are the actual functions of interest:
# the glm function
glm.Lexis <- 
function( Lx,
        from = preceding(Lx,to),
          to = absorbing(Lx),
      paired = FALSE,
        link = "log",
       scale = 1,
     verbose = TRUE,
         ... )
# name of the supplied object
nameLx <- deparse(substitute(Lx))

# sensible defaults if one of to and from is missing
if(  missing(from) & !missing(to) ) from <- preceding (Lx,to  )
if( !missing(from) &  missing(to) ) to   <- succeeding(Lx,from)
xx <- modLexis( Lx, nameLx,
                formula, from, to,
                paired = paired, link = link, scale = scale, verbose = verbose,
                 model = stats::glm, ... )
class( xx ) <- c( "glm.lex", class(xx) )

# the gam function
gam.Lexis <- 
function( Lx,
        from = preceding(Lx, to),
          to = absorbing(Lx),
      paired = FALSE,
        link = "log",
       scale = 1,
     verbose = TRUE,
         ... )
# name of the supplied object
nameLx <- deparse(substitute(Lx))

# sensible defaults if one of the two is missing
if ( missing(from) & !missing(to)) from <- preceding (Lx, to  )
if (!missing(from) &  missing(to)) to   <- succeeding(Lx, from)
xx <- modLexis(Lx, nameLx, formula, from, to,
               paired = paired,
                 link = link,
                scale = scale,
              verbose = verbose,
                model = mgcv::gam, ...)
class(xx) <- c("gam.lex", class(xx))

# And here is the coxph counterpart:
coxph.Lexis <- 
function( Lx, # Lexis object
     formula, # timescale ~ model
        from = preceding(Lx, to), # Exposure ('from' states)
          to = absorbing(Lx)    , # Events ('to' states)
      paired = FALSE,
     verbose = TRUE,
          ... )
# the usual crap to pass the check    
lex.id <- NULL
# Lexis object ?
if( !inherits(Lx,"Lexis") )
    stop( "The first argument must be a Lexis object.\n")

# Convert numbers to state names    
if (is.numeric(from)) from <- levels(Lx$lex.Cst)[from]
if (is.numeric(to))   to   <- levels(Lx$lex.Xst)[to]
# sensible defaults if only one of to and from is missing
if ( missing(from) & !missing(to)) from <- preceding (Lx, to  )
if (!missing(from) &  missing(to)) to   <- succeeding(Lx, from)

# name of the dataset
nameLx <- deparse(substitute(Lx))
# subset to the states we shall use
Lx <- Lx[Lx$lex.Cst %in% from,]                         

# work out which transitions are modeled
# first a small utility for annotation
trt <- function( f, t ) paste( f, "->", t, sep="" )
if( paired )
if( length(from) != length(to) )
    stop("If 'paired' is TRUE, from and to must have same length!\n")
if( any(from==to) )
    stop("If 'paired' is TRUE, entries in 'from' and 'to'",
         " must be pairwise different\n")
trnam <- trt( from, to )
  } else {  
tm <- tmat( Lx )[from,to,drop=FALSE]
trnam <- outer( rownames(tm), colnames(tm), trt )[tm>0]
trnam <- trnam[!is.na(trnam)]
# just for formatting explanatory text
onetr <- length(trnam) == 1
# warn if a potentially silly model is defined
if( any( ts<-table(sapply( strsplit(trnam,"->"),
                           function(x) x[1] ))>1 ) ) cat(
 "NOTE:\nMultiple transitions *from* state '",names(ts[ts>1]),
 "' - are you sure?",
 "\nThe analysis requested is effectively merging outcome states.", 
 "\nYou may want analyses using a *stacked* dataset - see ?stack.Lexis\n" )

# Correct formula?
if( length(formula) != 3 )
    stop("'formula' must be a 2-sided formula, with the l.h.s. the timescale")

# Is the l.h.s. a timescale?
ts <- as.character( formula[2] )
if( !(ts %in% (tms<-timeScales(Lx))) ) 
    stop( "l.h.s. of formula must be a timescale; one of:\n", tms, "\n" )

# What are the 'from' states actually present?
from <- levels( factor(Lx$lex.Cst) )
# construct a Surv response object, and note that we want the possibility
# of transitions to transient states, hence the lex.Xst != lex.Cst 
Sobj <- Surv(Lx[,ts], 
             trt( Lx$lex.Cst, Lx$lex.Xst ) %in% trnam )

# Tell what we intend to and then do it    
if( verbose ){
cat("survival::coxph analysis of Lexis object ", nameLx,
    ":\nRates for", if( onetr) " the", " transition",
                    if(!onetr) "s", ":", paste0("\n", trnam),
    "\nBaseline timescale: ", ts, "\n", sep="")

mod <- coxph(as.formula(paste("Sobj", 
             data = Lx,
               id = lex.id,

# Add an explanatory attribute
attr( mod, "Lexis" ) <- list( data=nameLx,
                           formula=formula )     
class( mod ) <- c( "coxph.lex", class(mod) )    

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