
# Purpose        : Wrapper functions for WPS worldgrids;
# Maintainer     : Tomislav Hengl (tom.hengl@wur.nl); 
# Contributions  : Hannes Reuter (hannes.reuter@wur.nl);
# Status         : tested
# Note           : Location of the server and parameter names might change!;

## get capacities:
setMethod("show", signature(object = "WPS"), function(object){
  if(requireNamespace("XML", quietly = TRUE)){
    uri = paste(paste(object@server$URI, "?", sep=""), paste(object@server$service, object@server$version, "request=GetCapabilities", sep="&"), sep="")
    ret <- XML::xmlTreeParse(uri, useInternalNodes = TRUE)
    ret <- unlist(XML::xmlToList(ret, addAttributes=FALSE))
    # convert to a table:
    ret <- data.frame(field=gsub("\\.", "_", attr(ret, "names")), value=paste(ret), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
      cat("Raster layers", ":", object@inRastername, "\n")
    for(i in 1:nrow(ret)){
      cat(ret$field[i], ":", ret$value[i], "\n")

## get processes:
setMethod("getProcess", signature(x = "WPS"), function(x){
  if(requireNamespace("XML", quietly = TRUE)){
    uri = paste(paste(x@server$URI, "?", sep=""), paste(x@server$service, x@server$version, "request=GetCapabilities", sep="&"), sep="")
    ret <- XML::xmlTreeParse(uri, useInternalNodes = TRUE)
    ret <- unlist(XML::xmlToList(ret, addAttributes=FALSE))
    # convert to a table:
    ret <- data.frame(field=gsub("\\.", "_", attr(ret, "names")), value=paste(ret), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    proc <- ret[grep(ret$field, pattern="Process1"),"value"]
    attr(proc, "names") <- ret[grep(ret$field, pattern="Process2"),"value"]

## get arguments:
setMethod("describe", signature(x = "WPS"), function(x, request = "describeprocess", identifier){
  if(requireNamespace("XML", quietly = TRUE)){
    uri = paste(paste(x@server$URI, "?", sep=""), paste(x@server$service, x@server$version, paste("request=", request, sep=""), paste("identifier=", identifier, sep=""), sep="&"), sep="")
    ret <- XML::xmlTreeParse(uri, useInternalNodes = TRUE)
    ret <- unlist(XML::xmlToList(ret, addAttributes=FALSE))
    # convert to a table:
    ret <- data.frame(field=gsub("\\.", "_", attr(ret, "names")), value=paste(ret), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

## overlay points (single point)
setMethod("over", signature(x = "WPS", y = "SpatialPoints"), 
  function(x, y) 

  if(requireNamespace("RCurl", quietly = TRUE)&requireNamespace("XML", quietly = TRUE)){
    ## point by point
    out <- NULL
    for(i in 1:nrow(y@coords)){
      ret <- paste("[x=", y@coords[i,1], ";y=", y@coords[i,2], ";inRastername=", x@inRastername,"]", sep="")
      uri = paste(paste(x@server$URI, "?", sep=""), paste(x@server$service, x@server$version, "request=execute", "identifier=sampler_local1pt_nogml", paste("datainputs=", ret, sep=""), sep="&"), sep="")
      ret <- XML::xmlTreeParse(RCurl::getURL(uri), useInternalNodes = TRUE)
      nx <- unlist(XML::xmlToList(ret, addAttributes=FALSE))
        if(any(nx %in% "OutData")){
        out[i] <- XML::xmlValue(ret[["//wps:LiteralData"]])
        else {
        out[i] <- NA

## subset grid:
setMethod("subset", signature(x = "WPS"), function(x, bbox, import = TRUE){

  if(requireNamespace("RCurl", quietly = TRUE)&requireNamespace("XML", quietly = TRUE)){
    # check that bbox is fine:
      ret <- paste('[bbox=', bbox[1,1], ',', bbox[2,1], ',', bbox[1,2], ',', bbox[2,2], ';inRastername=', x@inRastername, ']', sep="")
      uri <- paste(paste(x@server$URI, "?", sep=""), paste(x@server$service, x@server$version, "request=execute", "identifier=subset", paste("datainputs=", ret, sep=""), "responsedocument=OutData=@asreference=true", sep="&"), sep="")
      ret <- XML::xmlTreeParse(RCurl::getURL(uri), useInternalNodes = TRUE)  
      nx <- unlist(XML::xmlToList(ret, addAttributes=FALSE))
      if(any(nx %in% "Output Subset data")){
         objectname <- XML::xmlAttrs(ret[["//wps:Reference"]], FALSE, FALSE)
         objectname <- objectname[names(objectname)=="href"]
         out <- set.file.extension(paste(x@inRastername, paste(as.vector(bbox), collapse="_"), sep="_"), ".tif")
         try(download.file(objectname, destfile=out, mode="wb"))
        else { stop("Layer not avaialable. Visit www.worldgrids.org for more info.") }  
    else { stop("Bounding box required as matrix with LatMin, LatMax, LonMin, LonMax") }
    if(import == TRUE){
     out <- readGDAL(out)
     if(length(grep(pattern="examine data for flipping", names(warnings())))>0){  out <- flipVertical(out) }
     names(out) <- x@inRastername
     proj4string(out) <- get("ref_CRS", envir = GSIF.opts)
    else {

# end of the script;

Try the GSIF package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

GSIF documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:44 p.m.