
Defines functions plot.princals

Documented in plot.princals

plot.princals <- function(x, plot.type = "loadplot", plot.dim = c(1, 2), var.subset = "all", 
                          col.scores = "black", col.loadings = "black", col.lines = "black", cex.scores = 0.8, 
                          cex.loadings = 0.8, stepvec = NA, max.plot.array = NA, expand = 1, 
                          asp = 1, main, xlab, ylab, xlim, ylim, ...)
    ## S3 plot method for objects of class "princals"
    ## Produces various 2D-plots
    ## plot.dim ... vector of length 2 with dimensions to be plotted against
    ## plot.type ... type of plot to be drawn: "loadplot", "screeplot", "biplot", "transplot"
    match.arg(plot.type, c("biplot", "loadplot", "screeplot", "transplot", "jointplot"))
    if ((x$ndim == 1) && (plot.type != "transplot")) stop("No biplot/loadings plot can be drawn for ndim = 1!")
    nvar <- dim(x$data)[2]
    if (plot.type == "loadplot") {
      if(any(x$ordinal == FALSE)) {
        keepvars <- names(which(x$ordinal == TRUE))
        xloads <- x$loadings[keepvars,plot.dim] 
        warning("Only non-nominal variables are used in the loadings plot. Use jointplot to plot all the variables.")
      } else {
        xloads <- x$loadings[,plot.dim]
      xycoor <- xloads[,plot.dim]
      if (missing(xlim)) {                            ## x limits
        xlim.min <- min(xycoor[,1],0)
        xlim.max <- max(xycoor[,1],0)
        xlim <- c(xlim.min, xlim.max)*1.2
      if (missing(ylim)) {                            ## y limits
        ylim.min <- min(xycoor[,2],0)
        ylim.max <- max(xycoor[,2],0)
        ylim <- c(ylim.min, ylim.max)*1.2
      if (missing(xlab)) xlab <- paste("Component", plot.dim[1])       ## labels
      if (missing(ylab)) ylab <- paste("Component", plot.dim[2])  
      if (missing(main)) main <- "Loadings Plot"
      plot(xycoor, type = "p", pch = ".", xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, main = main, 
           cex = cex.loadings, col = col.loadings, asp = asp, ...)
      abline(h = 0, v = 0, col = "gray", lty = 2)
      if (length(col.loadings) == 1) arcol <- rep(col.loadings, nvar) else arcol <- col.loadings
      for (i in 1:nrow(xloads)) arrows(0, 0, xycoor[i,1],xycoor[i,2], length = 0.08, col = arcol[i])   
      posvec <- apply(xycoor, 1, sign)[2,] + 2      
      text(xycoor, labels = rownames(xycoor), pos = posvec, cex = cex.loadings, col = col.loadings)
    #-------------------------------- end loadplot ---------------------------------
    ## ----------------------------- joint plot ------------------------------------
    ## adds category scores to load plot
    if (plot.type == "jointplot") {
      if(all(x$ordinal)) stop("No categorical variables detected. Use loadplot instead.")
      keepvars_cat <- names(which(x$ordinal == FALSE))
      keep_bool <- names(x$quantifications) %in% keepvars_cat
      quants <- x$quantifications[keep_bool]
      nvar <- length(quants)
      vars <- 1:nvar
      xycoor <- do.call(rbind, quants)[,plot.dim]     ## just for getting xlim and ylim
      if (missing(xlim)) {                            ## x limits
        xlim.min <- min(xycoor[,1],0)
        xlim.max <- max(xycoor[,1],0)
        xlim <- c(xlim.min, xlim.max)*1.2
      if (missing(ylim)) {                            ## y limits
        ylim.min <- min(xycoor[,2],0)
        ylim.max <- max(xycoor[,2],0)
        ylim <- c(ylim.min, ylim.max)*1.2
      if (missing(xlab)) xlab <- paste("Dimension", plot.dim[1])       ## labels
      if (missing(ylab)) ylab <- paste("Dimension", plot.dim[2])  
      if (missing(main)) main <- "Joint Plot"
      col.points <- rainbow_hcl(nvar)
      ##if (length(col.points) == 1) rep(col.points, nvar)
      plot(xycoor, type = "n", xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, main = main, asp = asp, ...)
      for (i in vars) {
        points(quants[[i]][,plot.dim], col = col.points[i], pch = 20, cex = 0.8)
        text(quants[[i]][,plot.dim], labels = paste(names(quants)[i], rownames(quants[[i]]), sep = "."), col = col.points[i], pos = 3, cex = 0.8)
      abline(h = 0, v = 0, lty = 2, col = "gray")
      ## add loadings
      keepvars <- names(which(x$ordinal == TRUE))
      nvar <- length(keepvars)
      xloads <- x$loadings[keepvars,plot.dim] 
      xloads <- xloads*expand                         ## expansion factor for loadings
      xycoor <- xloads[,plot.dim]
      points(xycoor, type = "p", pch = ".", cex = cex.loadings, col = col.loadings)
      if (length(col.loadings) == 1) arcol <- rep(col.loadings, nvar) else arcol <- col.loadings
      for (i in 1:nrow(xloads)) arrows(0, 0, xycoor[i,1],xycoor[i,2], length = 0.08, col = arcol[i])   
      posvec <- apply(xycoor, 1, sign)[2,] + 2      
      text(xycoor, labels = rownames(xycoor), pos = posvec, cex = cex.loadings, col = col.loadings)
    ## --------------------------------- biplot ------------------------------------
    if (plot.type == "biplot") {
      if(any(x$ordinal == FALSE)) {
        keepvars <- names(which(x$ordinal == TRUE))
        xloads <- x$loadings[keepvars,plot.dim] 
        warning("Only non-nominal variables are used in the loadings plot. Use jointplot to plot all the variables.")
      } else {
        xloads <- x$loadings[,plot.dim]
      if (missing(main)) main <- "Biplot"
      if (missing(xlab)) xlab <- paste("Component", plot.dim[1])       ## labels
      if (missing(ylab)) ylab <- paste("Component", plot.dim[2])  
      cols <- c(col.scores, col.loadings)
      cexs <- c(cex.scores, cex.loadings)
      biplot(x$objectscores[,plot.dim], xloads, expand = expand, col = cols, cex = cexs, main = main, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, 
                             arrow.len = 0.08, ...)
    if (plot.type == "transplot") {
      if (missing(xlab)) xlab <- "Observed"
      if (missing(ylab)) ylab <- "Transformed"
      if (var.subset[1] == "all") var.subset <- colnames(x$data)       ## extract variables and scores to be plotted
      if (is.numeric(var.subset)) var.subset <- colnames(x$data)[var.subset]
      if (missing(main)) main <- var.subset
      if (class(x$transform)[1] == "list") {                           ## homals-type transformation plot if copies are present
        nvars <- length(var.subset)                                 ## number of variables to be plotted
        plotvars <- as.matrix(x$datanum[,var.subset])   
        xlabels <- as.data.frame(x$data[,var.subset])
        ploty <- x$transform[var.subset]   ## list
        ploty <- lapply(ploty, function(cc) if (ncol(cc) < length(plot.dim)) as.matrix(cc) else as.matrix(cc[, plot.dim]))
        knotsv <- x$knots[var.subset]
        ordv <- x$ordinal[var.subset]
        if (missing(max.plot.array)) {
          npanv <- ceiling(sqrt(nvars))
          npanh <- floor(sqrt(nvars))
          if (npanv * npanh < nvars) npanv <- npanv + 1
          if (npanv == 1 && npanh == 1) parop <- FALSE else parop <- TRUE
        } else {
          if (length(max.plot.array) < 2){
            npanv <- max.plot.array[1]
            npanh <- max.plot.array[1]
          } else {
            npanv <- max.plot.array[1]
            npanh <- max.plot.array[2]
          npanv <- max(npanv, 1)
          npanh <- max(npanh, 1)
          if (npanv == 1 && npanh == 1) parop <- FALSE else parop <- TRUE
        if (parop) op <- par(mfrow = c(npanv, npanh))
        for (i in 1:nvars) {
          ylims <- range(c(ploty[[i]]))*1.05
          for (j in 1:ncol(ploty[[i]])) {
            if (length(col.lines) < ncol(ploty[[i]])) col.lines <- 1:ncol(ploty[[i]])
            x1 <- plotvars[,i]
            y1 <- ploty[[i]][,j]
            xy <- cbind(x1, y1)
            ord <- order(xy[,1])
            if (!is.factor(xlabels[,i])) xlabels[,i] <- round(xlabels[,i], 2)
            if (is.na(stepvec[1])) crit <- (length(knotsv[[i]]) == (length(unique(plotvars[,i]))-2)) else crit <- stepvec[i]
            if (crit) {    ## plot step function
              sfun0  <- stepfun(xy[ord,1][-1], xy[ord,2], f = 0)    
              if (ordv[i]) vert <- TRUE else vert <- FALSE
              if (j == 1) {
                #plot(sfun0, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, main = main[i], xaxt = "n", col = col.lines[j], do.points = FALSE, verticals = vert, ylim = ylims, lwd = 2, ...)
                plot(sfun0, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, main = main[i], xaxt = "n", col = col.lines[j], do.points = FALSE, verticals = vert, ylim = ylims, lwd = 2)
                axis(1, labels = xlabels[,i], at = x1) 
                abline(v = x1, col = "gray", lwd = 0.8)
              } else {
                plot(sfun0, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, main = main[i], xaxt = "n", col = col.lines[j], do.points = FALSE, 
                     add = TRUE, verticals = vert, lwd = 2)
            } else {               
              if (j == 1) {
                plot(xy[ord,1], xy[ord,2], type = "l", xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, main = main[i], xaxt = "n", col = col.lines[j], 
                     ylim = ylims, lwd = 2, ...)
                axis(1, labels = xlabels[,i], at = x1) 
              } else {
                points(xy[ord,1], xy[ord,2], type = "l", col = col.lines[j], lwd = 2)
        if (parop) on.exit(par(op))
      } else {                                                      ## standard transformation plot with no copies
        nvars <- length(var.subset)                                 ## number of variables to be plotted
        plotvars <- as.matrix(x$datanum[,var.subset])   
        xlabels <- as.data.frame(x$data[,var.subset])
        ploty <- as.matrix(x$transform[,var.subset])
        knotsv <- x$knots[var.subset]
        ordv <- x$ordinal[var.subset]
        if (is.na(max.plot.array)) {
          npanv <- ceiling(sqrt(nvars))
          npanh <- floor(sqrt(nvars))
          if (npanv * npanh < nvars) npanv <- npanv + 1
          if (npanv == 1 && npanh == 1) parop <- FALSE else parop <- TRUE
        } else {
          if (length(max.plot.array) < 2){
            npanv <- max.plot.array[1]
            npanh <- max.plot.array[1]
          } else {
            npanv <- max.plot.array[1]
            npanh <- max.plot.array[2]
          npanv <- max(npanv, 1)
          npanh <- max(npanh, 1)
          if (npanv == 1 && npanh == 1) parop <- FALSE else parop <- TRUE
        if (parop) op <- par(mfrow = c(npanv, npanh))
        ## begin plotting
        for (i in 1:nvars) {
          x1 <- plotvars[,i]
          y1 <- ploty[,i]
          xy <- cbind(x1, y1)
          ord <- order(xy[,1])
          if (!is.factor(xlabels[,i])) xlabels[,i] <- round(xlabels[,i], 2)
          if (is.na(stepvec[1])) crit <- length(knotsv[[i]]) == (length(unique(plotvars[,i]))-2) else crit <- stepvec[i]
          if (crit) {    ## plot step function
            sfun0  <- stepfun(xy[ord,1][-1], xy[ord,2], f = 0)    
            if (ordv[i]) vert <- TRUE else vert <- FALSE
            plot(sfun0, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, main = main[i], xaxt = "n", col = col.lines, do.points = FALSE, verticals = vert, ...)
            #plot(sfun0, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, main = main[i], xaxt = "n", col = col.lines, do.points = FALSE, verticals = vert)
            axis(1, labels = xlabels[,i], at = x1) 
          } else {
            plot(xy[ord,1], xy[ord,2], type = "l", xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, main = main[i], xaxt = "n", col = col.lines, ...)
            axis(1, labels = xlabels[,i], at = x1) 
        if (parop) on.exit(par(op))
    # #----------------------------------end transplot----------------------------------
    #---------------------------------- screeplot ----------------------------------
    if (plot.type == "screeplot") {
      if (missing(main)) main <- "Scree Plot"
      if (missing(xlab)) xlab <- "Number of Components"
      if (missing(ylab)) ylab <- "Eigenvalues"
      if (missing(ylim)) ylim <- c(0, max(x$evals))
      nd <- length(x$evals)
      plot(1:nd, x$evals, type = "b", xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, main = main, xaxt = "n", pch = 20,
           ylim = ylim, col = col.lines, ...)
      axis(1, at = 1:nd, labels = 1:nd)
    #-------------------------------- end screeplot --------------------------------

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