Man pages for HistData
Data Sets from the History of Statistics and Data Visualization

ArbuthnotArbuthnot's data on male and female birth ratios in London...
ArmadaLa Felicisima Armada
BowleyBowley's data on values of British and Irish trade, 1855-1899
CavendishCavendish's Determinations of the Density of the Earth
ChestSizesChest measurements of 5738 Scottish Militiamen
CholeraWilliam Farr's Data on Cholera in London, 1849
CushnyPeeblesCushny-Peebles Data: Soporific Effects of Scopolamine...
DactylEdgeworth's counts of dactyls in Virgil's Aeneid
DrinksWagesElderton and Pearson's (1910) data on drinking and wages
FingerprintsWaite's data on Patterns in Fingerprints
GaltonGalton's data on the heights of parents and their children
GaltonFamiliesGalton's data on the heights of parents and their children,...
GuerryData from A.-M. Guerry, "Essay on the Moral Statistics of...
HalleyLifeTableHalley's Life Table
HistData-packageData sets from the History of Statistics and Data...
JevonsW. Stanley Jevons' data on numerical discrimination
Langrenvan Langren's Data on Longitude Distance between Toledo and...
MacdonellMacdonell's Data on Height and Finger Length of Criminals,...
MichelsonMichelson's Determinations of the Velocity of Light
MinardData from Minard's famous graphic map of Napoleon's march on...
NightingaleFlorence Nightingale's data on deaths from various causes in...
OldMapsLatitudes and Longitudes of 39 Points in 11 Old Maps
PearsonLeePearson and Lee's data on the heights of parents and children...
PolioTrialsPolio Field Trials Data
ProstitutesParent-Duchatelet's time-series data on the number of...
PyxTrial of the Pyx
QuarrelsStatistics of Deadly Quarrels
SnowJohn Snow's Map and Data on the 1854 London Cholera Outbreak
SnowMapDraw John Snow's Map of Cholera in London
VirginisJohn F. W. Herschel's Data on the Orbit of the Twin Stars...
WheatPlayfair's Data on Wages and the Price of Wheat
YeastStudent's (1906) Yeast Cell Counts
ZeaMaysDarwin's Heights of Cross- and Self-fertilized Zea May Pairs
HistData documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:15 p.m.