
Defines functions loadMDP .deleteHMDP .checkWDurIdx .checkWIdx getWIdx valueIte getPolicy getPolicyW policyIteDiscount policyIteAve calcRPO calcWeights fixAction removeAction resetActions setPolicyAction setPolicy setStateWeight setActionWeight hypergf getIdS getIdSStages getStrIdxS getLabel getActionW getActionTransIdS getActionTransPr calcSteadyStatePr getTransPr

Documented in calcRPO calcSteadyStatePr calcWeights fixAction getActionTransIdS getActionTransPr getActionW getIdS getIdSStages getLabel getPolicy getPolicyW getStrIdxS getTransPr getWIdx hypergf loadMDP policyIteAve policyIteDiscount removeAction resetActions setActionWeight setPolicy setPolicyAction setStateWeight valueIte

#' Create the HMDP defined in the binary files. The model are created in memory
#' using the external C++ library.
#' @usage loadMDP(prefix="",
#'   binNames=c("stateIdx.bin","stateIdxLbl.bin","actionIdx.bin","actionIdxLbl.bin","actionWeight.bin","actionWeightLbl.bin","transProb.bin"),
#'   eps = 0.00001, check = TRUE)
#' @param prefix A character string with the prefix added to \code{binNames}. Used to identify a specific model.
#' @param binNames A character vector of length 7 giving the names of the binary
#'     files storing the model.
#' @param eps The sum of the transition probabilities must at most differ eps from one.
#' @param check Check if the MDP seems correct.
#' @return A list containing relevant information about the model and a pointer \code{ptr} to the model object in memory.
#' @author Lars Relund \email{lars@@relund.dk}
#' @example tests/machine.Rex
#' @export
loadMDP<-function(prefix="", binNames=c("stateIdx.bin","stateIdxLbl.bin","actionIdx.bin",
	eps = 0.00001, check = TRUE)
	ptm <- proc.time()
	p<-.Call("MDP_NewHMDP", binNames, .deleteHMDP, PACKAGE="MDP")
	if (!.Call("MDP_Okay",p, PACKAGE="MDP")) {
		str<-.Call("MDP_GetLog", p, PACKAGE="MDP")
	cpu <- (proc.time() - ptm)[3]
	cat("Cpu time for reading the model (binary files): ", cpu, " sec.\n", sep="")
	if (check) {
		.Call("MDP_Check",p,as.numeric(eps), PACKAGE="MDP")
		str<-.Call("MDP_GetLog", p, PACKAGE="MDP")
		if (length(grep("error",str, ignore.case = TRUE))>0) return(invisible(NULL))
	.Call("MDP_BuildHMDP",p, PACKAGE="MDP")
	cat(.Call("MDP_GetLog",p, PACKAGE="MDP"))
	timeHorizon = .Call("MDP_GetTimeHorizon", p, PACKAGE="MDP")
	if (timeHorizon>=1000000000) timeHorizon = Inf
	states <- .Call("MDP_GetStates", p, PACKAGE="MDP")
	if (timeHorizon>=Inf) {
	} else {
	actions <- .Call("MDP_GetActions", p, PACKAGE="MDP")
	levels <- .Call("MDP_GetLevels", p, PACKAGE="MDP")
	weightNames <- .Call("MDP_GetWeightNames", p, PACKAGE="MDP")
	v<-list(binNames=binNames, timeHorizon=timeHorizon, states=states,
		actions=actions, levels=levels, weightNames=weightNames, ptr=p)

#' Internal function. Remove the HMDP from memory. Should not be used except you know what you are doing
#' @usage .deleteHMDP(p)
#' @aliases .deleteHMDP
#' @param p External pointer to the model.
#' @author Lars Relund \email{lars@@relund.dk}
#' @return Nothing.
#' @name deleteHMDP
.deleteHMDP <- function(p) {
	.Call("MDP_DeleteHMDP", p, PACKAGE="MDP");

#' Internal function. Check if the indexes given are okay. Should not be used except you know what you are doing
#' @aliases .checkWDurIdx
#' @param iW Index of the weight we want to optimize.
#' @param iDur Index of the duration/time.
#' @param wLth Number of weights in the model.
#' @author Lars Relund \email{lars@@relund.dk}
#' @return Nothing.
#' @name checkWDurIdx
.checkWDurIdx<-function(iW, iDur, wLth) {
	if (length(iW)!=1) stop("Index iW must be of length one!",call. = FALSE)
	if (iW>wLth-1) stop("Index iW must be less than ",wLth,"!",call. = FALSE)
	if (iW<0) stop("Index iW must be greater or equal zero!",call. = FALSE)
	if (!is.null(iDur)) {
		if (length(iDur)!=1) stop("Index iDur must be of length one!",call. = FALSE)
		if (iW==iDur) stop("Indices iW and iDur must not be the same!",call. = FALSE)
		if (iDur>wLth-1) stop("Index iDur must be less than ",wLth,"!",call. = FALSE)
		if (iDur<0) stop("Index iDur must be greater or equal zero!",call. = FALSE)

#' Internal function. Check if the index of the weight is okay. Should not be used except you know what you are doing
#' @aliases .checkWIdx
#' @param iW Index of the weight we want to optimize.
#' @param wLth Number of weights in the model.
#' @author Lars Relund \email{lars@@relund.dk}
#' @return Nothing.
#' @name checkWIdx
.checkWIdx<-function(iW, wLth) {
	if (max(iW)>wLth-1) stop("Index iW must be less than ",wLth,"!",call. = FALSE)
	if (min(iW)<0) stop("Index iW must be greater or equal zero!",call. = FALSE)

#' Return the index of a weight in the model. Note that index always start from zero (C++ style), i.e. the first weight, the first state at a stage etc has index 0.
#' @param mdp The MDP loaded using \link{loadMDP}.
#' @param wLbl The label/string of the weight.
#' @author Lars Relund \email{lars@@relund.dk}
#' @return The index (integer).
#' @export
getWIdx<-function(mdp, wLbl) {
	if (!any(idx)) # we do not have a match
		stop("The weight name does not seem to exist!", call.=FALSE)

#' Perform value iteration on the MDP.
#' If the MDP has a finite time-horizon then arguments \code{times} and \code{eps}
#' are ignored.
#' @param mdp The MDP loaded using \link{loadMDP}.
#' @param w The label of the weight we optimize.
#' @param dur The label of the duration/time such that discount rates can be calculated.
#' @param rate Interest rate.
#' @param rateBase The time-horizon the rate is valid over.
#' @param times The max number of times value iteration is performed.
#' @param eps Stopping criterion. If max(w(t)-w(t+1))<epsilon then stop the algorithm, i.e the policy becomes epsilon optimal (see [1] p161).
#' @param termValues The terminal values used (values of the last stage in the MDP).
#' @return NULL (invisible)
#' @author Lars Relund \email{lars@@relund.dk}
#' @references [1] Puterman, M.; Markov Decision Processes, Wiley-Interscience, 1994.
#' @example tests/machine.Rex
#' @export
valueIte<-function(mdp, w, dur = NULL, rate = 0.1, rateBase = 1, times = 10, eps = 0.00001,
	termValues = NULL) {
	if (!is.null(dur)) iDur<-getWIdx(mdp,dur)
	if (is.null(termValues)) termValues<-rep(0,mdp$founderStatesLast)
	if (mdp$timeHorizon>=Inf) {
		if (is.null(iDur)) stop("A duration index must be specified under infinite time-horizon!")
		.Call("MDP_ValueIteInfDiscount", mdp$ptr, as.integer(times),
			as.numeric(eps), as.integer(iW), as.integer(iDur), as.numeric(rate),
			as.numeric(rateBase), as.numeric(termValues), PACKAGE="MDP")
	} else {
		if (!is.null(iDur)) .Call("MDP_ValueIteFiniteDiscount", mdp$ptr, as.integer(iW),
			as.integer(iDur), as.numeric(rate), as.numeric(rateBase), as.numeric(termValues), PACKAGE="MDP")
		if (is.null(iDur)) .Call("MDP_ValueIteFinite", mdp$ptr, as.integer(iW), as.numeric(termValues), PACKAGE="MDP")
	cat(.Call("MDP_GetLog",mdp$ptr, PACKAGE="MDP"))

#' Get parts of the optimal policy.
#' @param mdp The MDP loaded using \link{loadMDP}.
#' @param sId Vector of id's of the states we want to retrieve.
#' @param labels If true return action labels otherwise return action index.
#' @return The policy (matrix (if \code{labels = FALSE}) otherwise data frame).
#' @author Lars Relund \email{lars@@relund.dk}
#' @example tests/machine.Rex
#' @export
getPolicy<-function(mdp, sId = 1:mdp$states-1, labels = FALSE) {
	maxS<-ifelse(mdp$timeHorizon>=Inf, mdp$states + mdp$founderStatesLast,mdp$states)
	if (max(sId)>=maxS | min(sId)<0)
		stop("Out of range (sId). Need to be a subset of 0,...,",maxS-1,"!")
	if (!labels) {
		policy<-.Call("MDP_GetPolicyIdx", mdp$ptr, as.integer(sId), PACKAGE="MDP")
		policy<-cbind(sId=sId, iA = policy)
	} else {
		policy<-.Call("MDP_GetPolicyLabel", mdp$ptr, as.integer(sId), PACKAGE="MDP")
		policy<-data.frame(sId=sId, aLabel=policy, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)

#' Get parts of the optimal policy weights.
#' @param mdp The MDP loaded using \link{loadMDP}.
#' @param w The label of the weight we consider.
#' @param sId Vector of id's of the states we want to retrive.
#' @return The weights of the policy.
#' @author Lars Relund \email{lars@@relund.dk}
#' @example tests/machine.Rex
#' @export
getPolicyW<-function(mdp, w, sId = 1:mdp$states-1) {
	.checkWIdx(iW, length(mdp$weightNames))
	maxS<-ifelse(mdp$timeHorizon>=Inf, mdp$states + mdp$founderStatesLast,mdp$states)
	if (max(sId)>=maxS | min(sId)<0)
		stop("Out of range (sId). Need to be a subset of 0,...,",maxS-1,"!")
	policy<-.Call("MDP_GetPolicyW", mdp$ptr, as.integer(sId), as.integer(iW), PACKAGE="MDP")
	policy<-cbind(sId=sId, policy)

#' Perform policy iteration (discount criterion) on the MDP.
#' The policy can afterwards be received using functions \code{getPolicy} and \code{getPolicyW}.
#' @param mdp The MDP loaded using \link{loadMDP}.
#' @param w The label of the weight we optimize.
#' @param dur The label of the duration/time such that discount rates can be calculated.
#' @param rate The interest rate.
#' @param rateBase The time-horizon the rate is valid over.
#' @return Nothing.
#' @author Lars Relund \email{lars@@relund.dk}
#' @seealso \code{\link{getPolicy}}, \code{\link{getPolicyW}}.
#' @export
policyIteDiscount<-function(mdp, w, dur, rate = 0.1, rateBase = 1) {
	.Call("MDP_PolicyIteDiscount", mdp$ptr, as.integer(iW),
		as.integer(iDur), as.numeric(rate), as.numeric(rateBase), PACKAGE="MDP")
	cat(.Call("MDP_GetLog",mdp$ptr, PACKAGE="MDP"))

#' Perform policy iteration (average criterion) on the MDP.
#' The policy can afterwards be recieved using functions \code{getPolicy} and \code{getPolicyW}.
#' @param mdp The MDP loaded using \link{loadMDP}.
#' @param w The label of the weight we optimize.
#' @param dur The label of the duration/time such that discount rates can be calculated.
#' @param maxIte Max number of iterations. If the model does not satisfy the unichain assumption the algorithm may loop.
#' @return The optimal gain (g) calculated.
#' @author Lars Relund \email{lars@@relund.dk}
#' @seealso \code{\link{getPolicy}}, \code{\link{getPolicyW}}.
#' @export
policyIteAve<-function(mdp, w, dur, maxIte=100) {
	g<-.Call("MDP_PolicyIteAve", mdp$ptr, as.integer(iW),
		as.integer(iDur), as.integer(maxIte), PACKAGE="MDP")
	cat(.Call("MDP_GetLog",mdp$ptr, PACKAGE="MDP"))

#' Calculate the rentention payoff (RPO) or opportunity cost for some states.
#' The RPO is defined as the difference between
#' the weight of the state when using action \code{iA} and the maximum
#' weight of the node when using another predecessor different from \code{iA}.
#' @param mdp The MDP loaded using \link{loadMDP}.
#' @param w The label of the weight we calculate RPO for.
#' @param iA  The action index we calculate the RPO with respect to.
#' @param sId Vector of id's of the states we want to retrive.
#' @param criterion The criterion used. If \code{expected} used expected reward, if \code{discount} used discounted rewards, if \code{average} use average rewards.
#' @param dur The label of the duration/time such that discount rates can be calculated.
#' @param rate The interest rate.
#' @param rateBase The time-horizon the rate is valid over.
#' @param g The optimal gain (g) calculated (used if \code{criterion = "average"}).
#' @return The rpo (matrix/data frame).
#' @author Lars Relund \email{lars@@relund.dk}
#' @export 
calcRPO<-function(mdp, w, iA, sId = 1:mdp$states-1, criterion="expected", dur = 0, rate = 0.1, rateBase = 1, g = 0) {
	if (max(sId)>=mdp$states | min(sId)<0)
		stop("Out of range (sId). Need to be a subset of 0, ...,",mdp$states-1,"!")
	if (criterion=="expected") rpo<-.Call("MDP_CalcRPO", mdp$ptr, as.integer(iW),
		as.integer(iA), as.integer(sId), PACKAGE="MDP")
	if (criterion=="discount") rpo<-.Call("MDP_CalcRPODiscount", mdp$ptr, as.integer(iW),
		as.integer(iA), as.integer(sId), as.integer(iDur), as.numeric(rate),
		as.numeric(rateBase), PACKAGE="MDP")
	if (criterion=="average") rpo<-.Call("MDP_CalcRPOAve", mdp$ptr, as.integer(iW),
		as.integer(iA), as.integer(sId), as.integer(iDur), as.numeric(g), PACKAGE="MDP")
	rpo<-cbind(sId=sId, rpo=rpo)

#' Calculate weights based on current policy. Normally run after an optimal policy has been found.
#' @param mdp The MDP loaded using \link{loadMDP}.
#' @param w The label of the weight we consider.
#' @param criterion The criterion used. If \code{expected} used expected reward, if \code{discount} used discounted rewards, if \code{average} use average rewards.
#' @param dur The label of the duration/time such that discount rates can be calculated.
#' @param rate The interest rate.
#' @param rateBase The time-horizon the rate is valid over.
#' @param termValues The terminal values used (values of the last stage in the MDP).
#' @return Nothing.
#' @author Lars Relund \email{lars@@relund.dk}
#' @example tests/machine.Rex
#' @export
calcWeights<-function(mdp, w, criterion="expected", dur = NULL, rate = 0.1, rateBase = 1, termValues=NULL) {
	if (!is.null(dur)) iDur<-getWIdx(mdp,dur)
	if (mdp$timeHorizon<Inf) {
		if (is.null(termValues)) stop("Terminal values must be specified under finite time-horizon!")
		if (criterion=="expected") .Call("MDP_CalcWeightsFinite", mdp$ptr, as.integer(iW), as.numeric(termValues), PACKAGE="MDP")
		if (criterion=="discount") .Call("MDP_CalcWeightsFiniteDiscount", mdp$ptr, as.integer(iW), as.integer(iDur),
			as.numeric(rate), as.numeric(rateBase), as.numeric(termValues), PACKAGE="MDP")
	} else {
		if (criterion=="discount") .Call("MDP_CalcWeightsInfDiscount", mdp$ptr, as.integer(iW), as.integer(iDur),
			as.numeric(rate), as.numeric(rateBase), PACKAGE="MDP")
		if (criterion=="average") return(.Call("MDP_CalcWeightsInfAve", mdp$ptr, as.integer(iW), as.integer(iDur), PACKAGE="MDP"))
		if (criterion=="expected") .Call("MDP_CalcWeightsFinite", mdp$ptr, as.integer(iW), as.numeric(termValues), PACKAGE="MDP")

#' Fix the action of a state. That is, the other actions are removed from the HMDP.
#' The actions can be reset using \code{resetActions}.
#' @param mdp The MDP loaded using \link{loadMDP}.
#' @param sId The state id of the state we want to fix the action for.
#' @param iA  The action index of the state.
#' @return Nothing.
#' @author Lars Relund \email{lars@@relund.dk}
#' @seealso \code{\link{resetActions}}, \code{\link{removeAction}}.
#' @export
fixAction<-function(mdp, sId, iA) {
	.Call("MDP_FixAction", mdp$ptr, as.integer(sId), as.integer(iA), PACKAGE="MDP")

#' Remove the action of a state from the HMDP.
#' The actions can be reset using \code{resetActions}.
#' @param mdp The MDP loaded using \link{loadMDP}.
#' @param sId The state id of the state we want to remove the action for.
#' @param iA  The action index of the state.
#' @return Nothing.
#' @author Lars Relund \email{lars@@relund.dk}
#' @seealso \code{\link{resetActions}}, \code{\link{fixAction}}.
#' @example tests/machine.Rex
#' @export
removeAction<-function(mdp, sId, iA) {
	.Call("MDP_RemoveAction", mdp$ptr, as.integer(sId), as.integer(iA), PACKAGE="MDP")

#' Reset the actions of a state.
#' @param mdp The MDP loaded using \link{loadMDP}.
#' @return Nothing.
#' @author Lars Relund \email{lars@@relund.dk}
#' @seealso \code{\link{resetActions}}, \code{\link{fixAction}}.
#' @example tests/machine.Rex
#' @export
resetActions<-function(mdp) {
	.Call("MDP_ResetActions", mdp$ptr, PACKAGE="MDP")

#' Set the action of a state to be in the current policy.
#' @param mdp The MDP loaded using \link{loadMDP}.
#' @param sId The state id of the state.
#' @param iA  The action index of the state.
#' @return Nothing.
#' @author Lars Relund \email{lars@@relund.dk}
#' @export
setPolicyAction<-function(mdp, sId, iA) {
	.Call("MDP_SetPolicyAction", mdp$ptr, as.integer(sId), as.integer(iA), PACKAGE="MDP")

#' Set the current policy.
#' @param mdp The MDP loaded using \link{loadMDP}.
#' @param policy A matrix with sId in the first column and action index in the second
#' @return Nothing.
#' @author Lars Relund \email{lars@@relund.dk}
#' @example tests/machine.Rex
#' @export
setPolicy<-function(mdp, policy) {
	if (ncol(policy)!=2) stop("The policy must be a matrix with 2 columns!")
	.Call("MDP_SetPolicy", mdp$ptr, as.integer(policy), PACKAGE="MDP")

#' Set the weight of a state.
#' @param mdp The MDP loaded using \link{loadMDP}.
#' @param w The weight.
#' @param sId The state id of the state.
#' @param wLbl The label of the weight we consider.
#' @return Nothing.
#' @author Lars Relund \email{lars@@relund.dk}
#' @export
setStateWeight<-function(mdp, w, sId, wLbl) {
	.Call("MDP_SetStateW", mdp$ptr, as.numeric(w), as.integer(sId), as.integer(iW), PACKAGE="MDP")

#' Set the weight of an action.
#' @param mdp The MDP loaded using \link{loadMDP}.
#' @param w The weight.
#' @param sId The state id of the state.
#' @param iA The action index.
#' @param wLbl The label of the weight we consider.
#' @return Nothing.
#' @author Lars Relund \email{lars@@relund.dk}
#' @example tests/machine.Rex
#' @export
setActionWeight<-function(mdp, w, sId, iA, wLbl) {
	.Call("MDP_SetActionW", mdp$ptr, as.numeric(w), as.integer(sId), as.integer(iA), as.integer(iW), PACKAGE="MDP")

#' The state-expanded hypergraph as a matrix
#' @param mdp The MDP loaded using \link{loadMDP}.
#' @return Return the hypergraph as a matrix. Each row contains a (h)arc with the first column denoting the head (sId) and the rest tails (sId).
#' @author Lars Relund \email{lars@@relund.dk}
#' @example tests/machine.Rex
#' @export
hypergf<-function(mdp) {
	v<-.Call("MDP_HgfMatrix", mdp$ptr, PACKAGE="MDP")
	v<-v-1  # so sId starts from zero
	v[v < 0] <- NA

#' Return ids for states having index string in idxS.
#' @param mdp The MDP loaded using \link{loadMDP}.
#' @param idxS A char vector of index in the form "n0,s0,a0,n1,s1", i.e. 3*level+2 elements in the string.
#' @return A vector of ids for the states.
#' @author Lars Relund \email{lars@@relund.dk}
#' @example tests/machine.Rex
#' @export
getIdS<-function(mdp, idxS) {
	v<-.Call("MDP_GetIdS", mdp$ptr, as.character(idxS), PACKAGE="MDP")
	v[v== -1] <- NA

#' Return ids for states in a stage.
#' @param mdp The MDP loaded using \link{loadMDP}.
#' @param stages A char vector of index in the form "n0,s0,a0,n1", i.e. 3*level+1 elements in the string.
#' @return A vector of ids for the states.
#' @author Lars Relund \email{lars@@relund.dk}
#' @example tests/machine.Rex
#' @export
getIdSStages<-function(mdp, stages) {
	v<-.Call("MDP_GetIdSStage", mdp$ptr, as.character(stages), PACKAGE="MDP")

#' Return the index strings for states having id idS.
#' @param mdp The MDP loaded using \link{loadMDP}.
#' @param idS A vector of state ids.
#' @return A vector of index for the states.
#' @author Lars Relund \email{lars@@relund.dk}
#' @example tests/machine.Rex
#' @export
getStrIdxS<-function(mdp, idS) {
	n<- mdp$states + ifelse(mdp$timeHorizon>=Inf,mdp$founderStatesLast,0)
	idS <- idS[idS<n & idS>=0]
	v<-.Call("MDP_GetIdxS", mdp$ptr, as.integer(idS), PACKAGE="MDP")

#' Return the label of states having id idS.
#' @param mdp The MDP loaded using \link{loadMDP}.
#' @param idS A vector of state ids.
#' @return A vector of labels for the states.
#' @author Lars Relund \email{lars@@relund.dk}
#' @example tests/machine.Rex
#' @export
getLabel<-function(mdp, idS) {
	n<- mdp$states + ifelse(mdp$timeHorizon>=Inf,mdp$founderStatesLast,0)
	idS <- idS[idS<n & idS>=0]
	v<-.Call("MDP_GetLabel", mdp$ptr, as.integer(idS), PACKAGE="MDP")

#' Get the weights of an action.
#' @param mdp The MDP loaded using \link{loadMDP}.
#' @param idS The state id.
#' @param idxA The action index.
#' @return A vector of weights for the action.
#' @author Lars Relund \email{lars@@relund.dk}
#' @example tests/machine.Rex
#' @export
getActionW<-function(mdp, idS, idxA) {
	l<-info(mdp, idS[1])
	l<-scan(zz, sep=",", quiet = TRUE)

#' Get the ids of the transition states of an action.
#' @param mdp The MDP loaded using \link{loadMDP}.
#' @param idS The state id.
#' @param idxA The action index.
#' @return A vector of weights for the action.
#' @author Lars Relund \email{lars@@relund.dk}
#' @example tests/machine.Rex
#' @export
getActionTransIdS<-function(mdp, idS, idxA) {
	l<-info(mdp, idS[1])
	l<-scan(zz, sep=",", quiet = TRUE)

#' Get the transition probabilities of the transition states of an action.
#' @param mdp The MDP loaded using \link{loadMDP}.
#' @param idS The state id.
#' @param idxA The action index (c++ style starting from zero).
#' @return A vector of weights for the action.
#' @author Lars Relund \email{lars@@relund.dk}
#' @example tests/machine.Rex
#' @export
getActionTransPr<-function(mdp, idS, idxA) {
  return(.Call("MDP_GetActionTransPr", mdp$ptr, as.integer(idS), as.integer(idxA), PACKAGE="MDP") )
# getActionTransPr<-function(mdp, idS, idxA) {
# 	l<-info(mdp, idS[1])
# 	l<-l[[1]]$actions[idxA+1]
# 	l<-substring(l,regexpr("pr",l)+4)
# 	l<-gsub(").*","",l)
# 	zz<-textConnection(l)
# 	l<-scan(zz, sep=",", quiet = TRUE)
# 	close(zz)
# 	return(l)
# }

#' Calculate the steady state transition probabilities for the founder process (level 0).
#' Assume that we consider an ergodic/irreducible time-homogeneous Markov chain specified using a policy in the MDP.
#' @param mdp The MDP loaded using \link{loadMDP}.
#' @return A vector stady state probabilities for all the states.
#' @author Lars Relund \email{lars@@relund.dk}
#' @export
calcSteadyStatePr<-function(mdp) {
	pr<-.Call("MDP_CalcSteadyStatePr", mdp$ptr, PACKAGE="MDP")

#' Get the transition probability matrix P for the founder process (level 0).
#' @param mdp The MDP loaded using \link{loadMDP}.
#' @return The state probability matrix.
#' @author Lars Relund \email{lars@@relund.dk}
#' @export
getTransPr<-function(mdp) {
	v<-.Call("MDP_GetTransPr", mdp$ptr, PACKAGE="MDP")

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