
Defines functions IsotopicDistributionN

Documented in IsotopicDistributionN

IsotopicDistributionN <- function(sequence, incorp, IAA = TRUE, charge = 1, 
                                  custom = list(code = NULL, elements = NULL)) {

    if(length(custom$elements != 0)) {
        custom_elements <- c(C = 0, H = 0, N = 0, O = 0, S = 0, P = 0)
        custom_elements[names(custom$elements)] <- custom$elements

    if(charge < 1 | charge > 3) stop("charge must be 1, 2, or 3")

    seq_vector <- strsplit(sequence, split = "")[[1]]
    x <- c(C = 0, H = 0, N = 0, O = 0, S = 0, P = 0)

    for(i in 1:(length(seq_vector))) {
        if(seq_vector[i] == "A") x <- x + c(C = 3, H = 5, N = 1, O = 1, S = 0, P = 0)
        if(seq_vector[i] == "R") x <- x + c(C = 6, H =12, N = 4, O = 1, S = 0, P = 0)
        if(seq_vector[i] == "N") x <- x + c(C = 4, H = 6, N = 2, O = 2, S = 0, P = 0)
        if(seq_vector[i] == "D") x <- x + c(C = 4, H = 5, N = 1, O = 3, S = 0, P = 0)
        if(seq_vector[i] == "E") x <- x + c(C = 5, H = 7, N = 1, O = 3, S = 0, P = 0)
        if(seq_vector[i] == "Q") x <- x + c(C = 5, H = 8, N = 2, O = 2, S = 0, P = 0)
        if(seq_vector[i] == "G") x <- x + c(C = 2, H = 3, N = 1, O = 1, S = 0, P = 0)
        if(seq_vector[i] == "H") x <- x + c(C = 6, H = 7, N = 3, O = 1, S = 0, P = 0)
        if(seq_vector[i] == "I") x <- x + c(C = 6, H =11, N = 1, O = 1, S = 0, P = 0)
        if(seq_vector[i] == "L") x <- x + c(C = 6, H =11, N = 1, O = 1, S = 0, P = 0)
        if(seq_vector[i] == "K") x <- x + c(C = 6, H =12, N = 2, O = 1, S = 0, P = 0)
        if(seq_vector[i] == "M") x <- x + c(C = 5, H = 9, N = 1, O = 1, S = 1, P = 0)
        if(seq_vector[i] == "F") x <- x + c(C = 9, H = 9, N = 1, O = 1, S = 0, P = 0)
        if(seq_vector[i] == "P") x <- x + c(C = 5, H = 7, N = 1, O = 1, S = 0, P = 0)
        if(seq_vector[i] == "S") x <- x + c(C = 3, H = 5, N = 1, O = 2, S = 0, P = 0)
        if(seq_vector[i] == "T") x <- x + c(C = 4, H = 7, N = 1, O = 2, S = 0, P = 0)
        if(seq_vector[i] == "W") x <- x + c(C =11, H =10, N = 2, O = 1, S = 0, P = 0)
        if(seq_vector[i] == "Y") x <- x + c(C = 9, H = 9, N = 1, O = 2, S = 0, P = 0)
        if(seq_vector[i] == "V") x <- x + c(C = 5, H = 9, N = 1, O = 1, S = 0, P = 0)
        ## if IAA = TRUE, unlabeled N from IAA added handled separately
        if(seq_vector[i] == "C" & IAA == TRUE) x <- x + c(C = 5, H = 8, N = 1, O = 2, S = 1, P = 0)
        if(seq_vector[i] == "C" & IAA == FALSE) x <- x + c(C = 3, H = 5, N = 1, O = 1, S = 1, P = 0)
        if(length(custom$elements != 0))
            if(seq_vector[i] == custom$code) x <- x + custom_elements    

    ## add N-terminal H and C-terminal OH
    elements <- x + c(C = 0, H = 2, N = 0, O = 1, S = 0, P = 0) 
    simulation <- function(elements) {
        mz <- vector(mode="numeric")
        ## mass of carbons
        mc <- sum(sample(c(12.0000000, 13.0033548378), 
                         size = elements["C"],  
                         replace = TRUE, 
                         prob = c(0.9893, 0.0107)))
        ## mass of hydrogens
        mh <- sum(sample(c(1.0078250321, 2.0141017780), 
                         size = elements["H"],
                         replace = TRUE, 
                         prob = c(0.999885, 0.000115)))
        ## mass of nitrogens, natural 15N incorporation is 0.00368
        mn <- sum(sample(c(14.0030740052, 15.0001088984), 
                         size = elements["N"], 
                         replace = TRUE, 
                         prob = c(1 - incorp, incorp)))

        ## mass of unlabeled IAA nitrogen(s)
        if(IAA == TRUE) {
        mn_iaa <- sum(sample(c(14.0030740052, 15.0001088984), 
                             size = length(grep("C", seq_vector)),
                             replace = TRUE,
                             prob = c(0.99632, 0.00368)))
        } else mn_iaa <- 0
        ## mass of oxygens
        mo <- sum(sample(c(15.9949146221, 16.99913150, 17.9991604), 
                         size = elements["O"], 
                         replace = TRUE, 
                         prob = c(0.99757, 0.00038, 0.00205)))

        ## mass of sulfers
        ms <- sum(sample(c(31.97207069, 32.97145850, 
                           33.96786683, 35.96708088), 
                         size = elements["S"], 
                         replace = TRUE, 
                         prob = c(0.9493, 0.0076, 0.0429, 0.0002)))
        ## mass of charge
        mch <- sum(sample(c(1.0072764522, 2.0135531981), 
                          size = charge, 
                          replace = TRUE, 
                          prob = c(0.999885, 0.000115)))
        ## m/z of molecule
        mz <- sum(mc, mh, mn, mo, ms, mch, mn_iaa) / charge 
    ## run simulation
    sim <- replicate(10000, expr = simulation(elements))  
    ## bin ions
    b <- seq(from = min(sim) - (1 / (2 * charge)),
             to = max(sim) + 1, 
             by = 1 / charge)
    bins <- cut(sim, breaks = b)
    mz <- round(tapply(sim, bins, mean), digits = 2)
    intensity <- as.vector(table(bins))
    spec <- data.frame(mz, intensity)
    spec <- subset(spec, intensity != 0)
    spec <- transform(spec, percent = round(intensity / max(intensity) * 100, digits = 2))
    row.names(spec) <- 1:(nrow(spec))


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OrgMassSpecR documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:48 p.m.