
#+++ R script with sEddyProc R5 reference class definition and methods +++
#+++ Dependencies: DataFunctions.R, package 'methods' for R5 reference class

#+++ sEddyProc class: Initialization

sEddyProc <- setRefClass('sEddyProc', fields=list(
  ## R5 reference class for processing of site-level half-hourly eddy data
  ## AMM, after example code of TW
  ##details<< with fields
  sID='character'       ##<< String with Site ID
  ,sDATA='data.frame'   ##<< Data frame with (fixed) site data
  ,sINFO='list'         ##<< List with site information
  ,sTEMP='data.frame'   ##<< Data frame with (temporary) result data
  ,sUSTAR='list'		##<< List with results form uStar Threshold estimation
  # Note: The documenation of the class is not processed by 'inlinedocs'


  initialize = function(
    ## sEddyProc$new - Initialization of sEddyProc
    ## Creates the fields of the sEddyProc R5 reference class for processing of half-hourly eddy data
    ID.s                ##<< String with site ID
    ,Data.F             ##<< Data frame with at least three month of half-hourly site-level eddy data
    ,ColNames.V.s       ##<< Vector with selected column names, the less columns the faster the processing
    ,ColPOSIXTime.s='DateTime' ##<< Column name with POSIX time stamp
    ,DTS.n=48           ##<< Daily time steps
	,ColNamesNonNumeric.V.s=character(0)	##<< Names of columns that should not be checked for numeric type, e.g. season column   
    ,...                ##<< ('...' required for initialization of class fields)
    ## AMM
    # TEST: ID.s <- 'Tha'; Data.F <- EddyDataWithPosix.F; ColPOSIXTime.s <- 'DateTime'; ColNames.V.s <- c('NEE','Rg', 'Tair', 'VPD'); DTS.n=48
    'Creates the fields of the sEddyProc R5 reference class for processing of half-hourly eddy data'
    # Check entries
    if( !fCheckValString(ID.s) || )
      stop('For ID, a character string must be provided!')
    fCheckColNames(Data.F, c(ColPOSIXTime.s, ColNames.V.s), 'fNewSData')
    ## The time stamp must be provided in POSIX format, see also \code{\link{fConvertTimeToPosix}}.
    ## For required properties of the time series, see \code{\link{fCheckHHTimeSeries}}.
    fCheckHHTimeSeries(Data.F[,ColPOSIXTime.s], DTS.n=DTS.n, 'sEddyProc.initialize')
    ## Internally the half-hour time stamp is shifted to the middle of the measurement period (minus 15 minutes or 30 minutes).
    Time.V.p <- Data.F[,ColPOSIXTime.s] - (0.5 * 24/DTS.n * 60 * 60)  #half-period time offset in seconds
    ## All other columns may only contain numeric data.
    ## Please use NA as a gap flag for missing data or low quality data not to be used in the processing.
    ## The columns are also checked for plausibility with warnings if outside range.
    fCheckColNum(Data.F, setdiff(ColNames.V.s,ColNamesNonNumeric.V.s), 'sEddyProc.initialize')
    fCheckColPlausibility(Data.F, ColNames.V.s, 'sEddyProc.initialize')
    ## sID is a string for the site ID.
    sID <<- ID.s
    ## sDATA is a data frame with site data.
    sDATA <<- cbind(sDateTime=Time.V.p, Data.F[,ColNames.V.s, drop=FALSE])
    ## sTEMP is a temporal data frame with the processing results.
    sTEMP <<- data.frame(sDateTime=Time.V.p)
    #Initialization of site data information from POSIX time stamp.
    YStart.n <- as.numeric(format(sDATA$sDateTime[1], '%Y'))
    YEnd.n <- as.numeric(format(sDATA$sDateTime[length(sDATA$sDateTime)], '%Y'))
    YNums.n <- (YEnd.n - YStart.n + 1)
    if (YNums.n > 1) {
      YName.s <- paste(substr(YStart.n,3,4), '-', substr(YEnd.n,3,4), sep='')
    } else {
      YName.s <- as.character(YStart.n)
    ## sINFO is a list containing the time series information.
    sINFO <<- list(
      DIMS=length(sDATA$sDateTime) # Number of data rows
      ,DTS=DTS.n                   # Number of daily time steps (24 or 48)
      ,Y.START=YStart.n            # Starting year
      ,Y.END=YEnd.n                # Ending year
      ,Y.NUMS=YNums.n              # Number of years
      ,Y.NAME=YName.s              # Name for years
    ## sTEMP is a data frame used only temporally.
    #Initialize class fields
    message('New sEddyProc class for site \'', ID.s,'\'')
    callSuper(...) # Required for initialization of class fields as last call of function
    ## Initialized fields of sEddyProc.

#+++ sEddyProc class: Data handling functions

  sGetData = function( )
  ## sEddyProc$sGetData - Get internal sDATA data frame
  ## Get class internal sDATA data frame
  ## AMM
    'Get class internal sDATA data frame'
    ## Return data frame sDATA.


  sExportData = function( )
    ## sEddyProc$sExportData - Export internal sDATA data frame
    ## Export class internal sDATA data frame
    ## AMM
    'Export class internal sDATA data frame'
    lDATA <- sDATA
    lDATA$sDateTime <- lDATA$sDateTime + (15 * 60)
    colnames(lDATA) <- c('DateTime', colnames(lDATA)[-1])
    ## Return data frame sDATA with time stamp shifted back to original.


  sExportResults = function( )
    ## sEddyProc$sExportData - Export internal sTEMP data frame with result columns
    ## Export class internal sTEMP data frame with result columns
    ## AMM
    'Export class internal sTEMP data frame with result columns'
    ## Return data frame sTEMP with results.


  sPrintFrames = function(
    ## sEddyProc$sPrintFrames - Print internal sDATA and sTEMP data frame
    ## Print class internal sDATA and sTEMP data frame
    NumRows.i=100         ##<< Number of rows to print
    ## AMM
    'Print class internal sDATA data frame'
    NumRows.i <- min(nrow(sDATA),nrow(sTEMP),NumRows.i)

    ## Print the first rows of class internal sDATA and sTEMP data frame.


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REddyProc documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:19 p.m.