
.fitSeg1 <- function(
		### fit a segmented relationship according to eq 1b of Barr13
	xr <- -x
	lm1 <- lm(y~1)
	seg1 <- segmented::segmented(lm1, seg.Z=~xr, psi= xr[n%/%2]
			#, segmented::seg.control(toll = 0.005) 	# precision of 0.01/2 is sufficient
			#, segmented::seg.control(toll = 0.005, n.boot=0) 	# precision of 0.01/2 is sufficient
			, segmented::seg.control(toll = 0.005, n.boot=3) 	# precision of 0.01/2 is sufficient
	cf <- as.numeric(coef(seg1))
	##value<< numeric vector with entries
			b0=cf[1]			##<< intercept of second part
			, b1=-cf[2]		##<< first slope (second slope is fixed to zero)
			, cp=-seg1$psi[2]	##<< estimated breakpoint
			, sdCp=seg1$psi[3]	##<< estimated standard error of cp
			, p=anova(lm(y~xr), seg1, test="LRT")[[5]][2]	##<< probability of F test that segmented model is better than a linear model

.tmp.f <- function(){
	plot( y ~ xr)

.fitSeg2 <- function(
		### fit a segmented relationship according to eq 1a of Barr13
	xr <- -x
	lm1 <- lm(y~xr)
	seg1 <- segmented::segmented(lm1, seg.Z=~xr, psi= xr[n%/%2])
	cf <- as.numeric(coef(seg1))
	##value<< numeric vector with entries
	c( a0=cf[1]			##<< intercept of second part
		, a1=-cf[3]		##<< first slope
		, a2=-cf[2]		##<< second slope
		, cp=-seg1$psi[2]	##<< estimated breakpoint
		, sdCp=seg1$psi[3]	##<< estimated standard error of cp
		, p=anova(lm1, seg1)[[6]][2]	##<< probability of F test that segmented model is better than linear model (with slope and intercept)
attr(.fitSeg2,"ex") <- function(){
	n <- 11L
	x <- seq(0L,1L,length.out=n)
	noise <- rnorm(n, sd=0.1)
	y1 <- y2 <- y3 <- rep(1,n) + noise
	iSlope <- 1:(n/2L) 
	y2[iSlope] <- 0.5 + x[iSlope] + noise[iSlope]  
	y3[iSlope] <- 0.2 + (0.8/0.5)*x[iSlope] + noise[iSlope]
	y <- y2
	plot( y ~ x)
	cf2 <- .fitSeg2(x,y)
	cf1 <- .fitSeg1(x,y)

.tmp.f <- function(){
	trace(.fitSeg1, recover)	#untrace(.fitSeg1)
	tmp <- .fitSeg1(dsiSortTclass[,UstarColName], dsiSortTclass[,"NEE"])

.estimateUStarSeasonCPTSeveralT <- function(
		### similar to .estimateUStarSeason but with extended temperature classification
		, ctrlUstarSub.l
		, ctrlUstarEst.l
		, fEstimateUStarBinned
	nTaClasses <- 3L*ctrlUstarSub.l$taClasses - 3L	# number of temperature classes expanded
	resNA <- 	list(
			UstarTh.v=rep(NA_real_, nTaClasses)	##<< vector of uStar for temperature classes
			,bins.F=data.frame(tempBin=rep(NA_integer_, nrow(dsi)) 
					, uStarBin=rep(NA_integer_, nrow(dsi)) )			##<< data.frame with columns tempBin, uStarBin for each row in dsi
	if( nrow(dsi) < ctrlUstarSub.l$minRecordsWithinSeason){
		warning("sEstUstarThreshold: too few finite records within season (n=",nrow(dsi),"). Need at least n=",ctrlUstarSub.l$minRecordsWithinSeason,". Returning NA for this Season." )
		return( resNA )
	if( nrow(dsi)/ctrlUstarSub.l$taClasses < ctrlUstarSub.l$minRecordsWithinTemp ){
		warning("sEstUstarThreshold: too few finite records within season (n=",nrow(dsi),") for ",ctrlUstarSub.l$taClasses
				," temperature classes. Need at least n=",ctrlUstarSub.l$minRecordsWithinTemp*ctrlUstarSub.l$taClasses
				,". Returning NA for this Season." )
		return( resNA )
	orderTemp <- order(dsi[,"Tair"])
	uStarBinSortedT <- integer(nrow(dsi))		# default value for methods that do not bin uStar
	dsiSort <- dsi[orderTemp, ,drop=FALSE] 	#sort values in a season by air temperature (later in class by ustar)
	## In order for robustness, bin temperatue by several bin widths: 
	## In addition wo width ctrlUstarSub.l$taClasses, width reduced by 1 and 2
	## providing 7+6+5=18 classes for the median
	# taClasses <- 7L
	# for mosted detailed temperature classing, report classes with results 
	TId0 <- .binWithEqualValuesBalanced(dsiSort[,"Tair"], ctrlUstarSub.l$taClasses)
	TIdUnsorted <- uStarBinUnsortedT <- integer(length(orderTemp)); 	# 0L
	TIdUnsorted[orderTemp] <- TId0	
	# plot( TIdUnsorted ~ dsi$Tair ) # for checking Temperature binning
	thresholdsTList <- lapply( ctrlUstarSub.l$taClasses - (0L:min(2L,ctrlUstarSub.l$taClasses-1L)) , function(taClasses){
		TId <- if(taClasses ==  ctrlUstarSub.l$taClasses) TId0 else .binWithEqualValuesBalanced(dsiSort[,"Tair"], taClasses)
		#k <- 1L
		thresholds <- vapply( 1:taClasses, function(k){
					dsiSortTclass <- dsiSort[TId == k,]
					## Temperature classes, where NEE is still correlated to temperature 
					## are not used for uStar threshold estimation.
					Cor1 = suppressWarnings( abs(cor(dsiSortTclass[,"Ustar"],dsiSortTclass[,"Tair"])) ) # maybe too few or degenerate cases
					# TODO: check more correlations here? [check C code]
					#      Cor2 = abs(cor(dataMthTsort$Ustar,dataMthTsort$nee))
					#      Cor3 = abs(cor(dataMthTsort$tair,dataMthTsort$nee))
					if( (!is.finite(Cor1)) || (Cor1 > ctrlUstarEst.l$corrCheck)) return(NA_real_)
					resCPT <- try( suppressWarnings(.fitSeg1(dsiSortTclass[,"Ustar"], dsiSortTclass[,"NEE"])), silent=TRUE )
					threshold <- if( inherits(resCPT,"try-error") || !is.finite(resCPT["p"]) || resCPT["p"] > 0.05) 
								#c(NA_real_,NA_real_) else resCPT[c("cp","sdCp")]	# testing weighted mean, no improment, simplify again 
								c(NA_real_) else resCPT[c("cp")]
				}, FUN.VALUE=numeric(1L), USE.NAMES = FALSE)
	}  )
	##value<< and list with entries (invisible, because might be large)
	invisible(list( c, thresholdsTList ) 	##<< vector of uStar for temperature classes
			,bins.F=data.frame(tempBin=TIdUnsorted, uStarBin=0L) ##<< data.frame with columns tempBin, uStarBin for each row in dsi.
				## Temperatue bins are reported for binning according to ctrlUstarSub.l$taClasses.
				## There is only a single uStar bin with value 0L.

.tmp.f <- function(){
	tmp <- UstarTh.l
	#tmp <- UstarAndSdSeasonsTemp
	ggplot(tmp, aes(x=1:length(UstarTh.v), y=UstarTh.v, color=as.factor(season))) + 
			geom_errorbar(aes(ymin=UstarTh.v-sdUstarTh.v, ymax=UstarTh.v+sdUstarTh.v), width=.1) +
			#geom_line() +

.tmp.f <- function(){
	tmp <- UstarTh.l
	#tmp <- UstarAndSdSeasonsTemp
	ggplot(dsiSortTclass, aes(x=ustar_level4, y=NEEorig_level4)) + 
			geom_point() + geom_smooth()

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REddyProc documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:19 p.m.