## Imports
#' @importFrom ROI as.OP OP L_objective L_constraint V_bound
#' @importFrom Rglpk Rglpk_read_file
#' @importFrom R.utils gunzip
#' @importFrom utils download.file setTxtProgressBar tail txtProgressBar untar head
as.OP.MILP <- function(x){
obj <- t(x$objective)
rownames(obj) <- attr(x, "objective_name")
colnames(obj) <- attr(x, "objective_vars_names")
mat <- x$constraints[[1]]
rownames(mat) <- attr(x, "constraint_names")
OP( objective = L_objective( obj ),
constraints = L_constraint(mat, x$constraints[[2]], x$constraints[[3]]),
bounds = V_bound( li = x$bounds$lower$ind,
ui = x$bounds$upper$ind,
lb = x$bounds$lower$val,
ub = x$bounds$upper$val,
nobj = attr(x,"n_objective_vars") ),
types = x$types,
maximum = x$maximum )
as.OP.NULL <- function(x) NULL
download_library <- function(url, path, method = NULL, quiet = TRUE, force = FALSE) {
if ( !quiet )
cat("\n download MIPLIB\n\n")
if ( is.null(method) ) {
method <- if ( .Platform[['OS.type']] == "unix" ) "wget" else "internal"
if ( file.exists(file.path(path, "non_emtpy_folder")) ) {
file.remove(file.path(path, "non_emtpy_folder"))
destfile <- file.path(path, tail(unlist(strsplit(url, "/", fixed=TRUE), TRUE, FALSE), 1))
## exdir <- gsub(".tgz", "", destfile)
if ( !file.exists(destfile) | force ) {
download.file(url, destfile, method = method, quiet = quiet)
if ( file.exists(destfile) ) {
## Files contained in the tgz-file.
tgz_files <- untar(tarfile = destfile, list = TRUE, exdir = path)
miplib_files <- grep("instances", tgz_files, value = TRUE)
exdir <- tail(names(sort(table(dirname(miplib_files)))), 1)
miplib_folder <- normalizePath(file.path(path, exdir))
if ( !dir.exists(miplib_folder) | force ) {
untar(tarfile = destfile, exdir = path)
} else {
stop("download error")
downloaded <- c(miplib_folder = miplib_folder, destfile = destfile)
untar_all <- function(path, quiet=TRUE) {
fps <- file.path(path, dir(path, pattern=".gz"))
n <- length(fps)
if ( !quiet ) {
cat("\n unzip MIPLIB\n\n")
pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = n, style=3)
for (i in seq_len(n)) {
if ( !quiet ) setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
if ( !quiet ) close(pb)
build_miplib <- function(in_path, out_path, quiet = TRUE) {
fps <- dir(in_path, pattern = ".mps$", full.names = TRUE)
stopifnot( length(fps) > 0 )
n <- length(fps)
if ( !quiet ) {
cat("\n convert mps to ROI:\n\n")
pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = n, style=3)
for (i in seq_len(n)) {
op <- tryCatch(as.OP(Rglpk::Rglpk_read_file(fps[i], type="MPS_free")), error=function(e) NULL)
if ( is.null(op) ) {
warning(sprintf("could not convert '%s' to OP", basename(fps[i])))
op_name <- make.names(gsub(".mps$", "", basename(fps[i])))
op_name <- sprintf("%s/%s.rds", out_path, op_name)
saveRDS(op, file = op_name)
if ( !quiet ) setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
if ( !quiet ) close(pb)
miplib_download <- function(url, folder, method = NULL, quiet = TRUE, force = FALSE, cleanup = TRUE) {
stopifnot( dir.exists(folder) )
folder <- normalizePath(folder)
downloaded <- download_library(url, folder, method, quiet, force)
untar_all(downloaded["miplib_folder"], quiet = quiet)
build_miplib(in_path = downloaded["miplib_folder"], out_path = folder, quiet)
if ( cleanup ) {
cleanup_files <- dir(folder, include.dirs = TRUE, full.names = TRUE)
cleanup_files <- grep("\\.rds$", cleanup_files, value = TRUE, invert = TRUE)
for (delme in cleanup_files) {
unlink(delme, recursive = TRUE)
# -----------------------------------------------------------
# miplib_download_all
# ===================
#' @title Download the 'MIPLIB 2010' Test Problem Set
#' @description
#' The \code{MIPLIB 2010} test problem set is downloaded and
#' transformed from the \code{MPS} format into the \pkg{ROI} format.
#' The results are stored as \code{'.rds'} files at the location provided
#' via the parameter \code{folder}.
#' @param url a character giving the url to \code{MIPLIB 2010}.
#' @param folder an optional character giving the location where the
#' \code{MIPLIB 2010} test problem set should be downloaded to.
#' @param method a character giving the method to be used for downloading
#' files, for more information see \code{\link{download.file}}.
#' @param quiet a logical giving if status status messages should be suppressed.
#' @param force a logical if \code{TRUE} (default is \code{FALSE}) the download is forced,
#' regardless if the metainfo was downloaded previously.
#' @param cleanup a logical if \code{TRUE} (default is \code{TRUE}) the downloaded
#' temporary files are deleted after the download an conversion is completed.
#' @details
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\code{miplib_download_all} download all MIPLIB-2010 instances (arround 1.3 GB).}
#' \item{\code{miplib_download_benchmark} download the MIPLIB-2010 benchmark instances (arround 94 MB).}
#' \item{\code{miplib_download_metinfo} download the available meta information.}
#' }
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## download all MIPLIB-2010 instances (arround 1.3 GB)
#' miplib_download_all()
#' ## or
#' miplib_download_all(folder = "data/miplib")
#' ## download MIPLIB-2010 benchmark instances (arround 94 MB)
#' miplib_download_benchmark()
#' ## or
#' miplib_download_benchmark(folder = "data/miplib")
#' ## download meta information
#' miplib_download_metinfo()
#' }
#' @name miplib_download
#' @rdname miplib_download
#' @export
# -----------------------------------------------------------
# old:
miplib_download_all <- function(
url = "",
folder = system.file("roi_op", package = "ROI.models.miplib"),
method = NULL, quiet = TRUE, force = FALSE, cleanup = TRUE) {
miplib_download(url, folder, method, quiet, force, cleanup)
## -----------------------------------------------------------
## miplib_download_benchmark
## =========================
##' @rdname miplib_download
##' @export
## -----------------------------------------------------------
## old:
miplib_download_benchmark <-
function(url = "",
folder = system.file("roi_op", package = "ROI.models.miplib"),
method = NULL, quiet = TRUE, force = FALSE, cleanup = TRUE) {
miplib_download(url, folder, method, quiet, force, cleanup)
## -----------------------------------------------------------
## miplib_download_metainfo
## ========================
##' @title Download the 'MIPLIB 2010' Test Problem Set
##' @description
##' The meta information from the \code{MIPLIB 2010} test problem
##' set is downloaded and transformed into an \code{data.frame}.
##' @param url a character giving the url to the meta information.
##' @param folder an optional character giving the location where the
##' metainfo should be downloaded to.
##' @param force a logical if \code{TRUE} the download is forced, regardless
##' if the metainfo was downloaded previously.
##' @examples
##' \dontrun{
##' miplib_download_metinfo()
##' }
##' @name miplib_download
##' @rdname miplib_download
##' @export
## -----------------------------------------------------------
## old:
miplib_download_metainfo <- function(
url = "",
folder = system.file("roi_op", package = "ROI.models.miplib"),
force = FALSE) {
file <- if (is.null(folder)) "" else file.path(folder, "metainfo.rds")
if ( file.exists(file) & !force ) {
} else {
x <- strsplit(readLines(url), "\\s+")
nam <- make.names(sapply(x, "[[", 2))
metainfo <- data.frame(name = nam, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, row.names = nam)
metainfo$optimal_value <- as.numeric(sapply(x, "[", 3))
metainfo$status <- sapply(x, "[[", 1)
if ( !is.null(folder) )
saveRDS(metainfo, file)
return( metainfo )
## -----------------------------------------------------------
## miplib_ls_ops
## =============
## @title List the Available Test Problems
## @description
## List the optimization problems available.
## @param folder a character giving the location of the test problems.
## @examples
## \dontrun{
## miplib_ls_ops()
## }
## -----------------------------------------------------------
miplib_ls_ops <- function(folder=system.file("miplib", package = "ROI.models.MIPLIB")) {
ops <- dir(folder)
## remove dummy folder
ops <- setdiff(ops, "non_emtpy_folder")
return( ops )
## -----------------------------------------------------------
## miplib_get_ops
## ==============
## @title Get Optimization Problems
## @description
## Get one or more optimization problems.
## @param ops a character giving the names of the optimization of the problems
## to be returned, if \code{ops} is \code{"all"} all available problems
## are returned.
## @param folder the folder where the optimization problems are stored.
## @details
## The function \code{miplib_get_ops} searches in the given folder for
## \code{.rds} files
## @examples
## \dontrun{
## miplib_get_ops(miplib_ls_ops()[1])
## }
## -----------------------------------------------------------
miplib_get_ops <- function(ops="all", folder=system.file("miplib", package = "ROI.models.MIPLIB")) {
stopifnot(file.exists(folder), is.character(ops), is.character(folder))
if ( ops == "all" )
ops <- dir(folder, pattern=".rds")
stopifnot( length(ops) > 0 )
stopifnot( all(ops %in% dir(folder, pattern=".rds")) )
ops_path <- file.path(folder, ops)
lapply(ops_path, readRDS)
## -----------------------------------------------------------
## miplib
## ======
##' @title Access the Downloaded \code{MIPLIB}
##' @description
##' Get one or more optimization problems, meta information or a listing
##' of the available \code{MIPLIB 2010} problems.
##' @param x a character giving the names of the optimization problems
##' to be returned, if \code{x} is \code{"all"} all available problems
##' are returned, if \code{x} is the name of a single problem the
##' given problem is returned. If \code{x} is missing a listing
##' of all available problems is returned. If \code{x} is \code{"metainfo"}
##' the meta information about the problems is returned.
##' @param folder the folder where the optimization problems are stored.
##' @details
##' The function \code{miplib} searches in the given folder for
##' \code{.rds} files and returns them.
##' @examples
##' \dontrun{
##' ## list all available MIPLIB-2010 problems
##' miplib()
##' ## get all miplib problems
##' miplib("all")
##' ## get a single problem
##' miplib("rmine6")
##' ## get the meta information
##' miplib("metainfo")
##' }
##' @export
## -----------------------------------------------------------
miplib <- function(x, folder = system.file("roi_op", package = "ROI.models.miplib")) {
if ( missing(x) ) {
lst <- setdiff(dir(folder, pattern=".rds$"), c("metainfo.rds"))
return( gsub(".rds$", "", lst) )
stopifnot(is.character(x), (length(x) > 0))
if ( x == "all" ) {
lst <- setdiff(dir(folder, pattern=".rds$"), c("metainfo.rds"))
files <- file.path(folder, lst)
prob <- lapply(files, readRDS)
names(prob) <- gsub(".rds$", "", lst)
} else {
files <- file.path(folder, sprintf("%s.rds", x))
if ( length(x) == 1 ) {
prob <- readRDS(files)
} else {
prob <- lapply(files, readRDS)
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