
Defines functions extract_results neos_message_indicates_success solve_OP neos_control raise_licence_error neos_xml_call select_neos_solver match_solver select_method set_default_control_values write_gams

## Imports
#' @import "ROI"
#' @import "xml2"
#' @import "xmlrpc2"
#' @importFrom "methods", "getPackageName", "getFunction"
#' @importFrom "stats", "setNames", "terms", "aggregate"
#' @importFrom "utils", "tail", "modifyList"

#' @title Control Variables
#' @description The control variables for \code{ROI.plugin.neos}.
#'   \arguments{
#'      \item{user}{a character string giving the username.}
#'      \item{email}{a character string giving the email address.}
#'      \item{dry_run}{a logical if \code{TRUE} \pkg{ROI} returns the solver call.}
#'      \item{wait}{a logical indicating whether the R interpreter should wait for the 
#'          command to finish, or run it asynchronously. If \code{TRUE} 
#'          \pkg{ROI} returns an object of class \code{"neos_job"}.}
#'   }
#' @name control
#' @rdname control

#' @title Linear Problem 1
#' @description
#' \deqn{maximize \ \ 2 x_1 + 4 x_2 + 3 x_3}
#' \deqn{subject \ to:}
#' \deqn{3 x_1 + 4 x_2 + 2 x_3 \leq 60}
#' \deqn{2 x_1 +   x_2 + 2 x_3 \leq 40}
#' \deqn{  x_1 + 3 x_2 + 2 x_3 \leq 80}
#' \deqn{x_1, x_2, x_3 \geq 0}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(ROI)
#' mat <- matrix(c(3, 4, 2,
#'                 2, 1, 2,
#'                 1, 3, 2), nrow=3, byrow=TRUE)
#' x <- OP(objective = c(2, 4, 3),
#'         constraints = L_constraint(L = mat,
#'                                    dir = c("<=", "<=", "<="),
#'                                    rhs = c(60, 40, 80)),
#'         maximum = TRUE)
#' opt <- ROI_solve(x, solver = "neos", method = "scip")
#' opt
#' ## Optimal solution found.
#' ## The objective value is: 7.666667e+01
#' solution(opt)
#' ## [1]  0.000000  6.666667 16.666667
#' }
#' @name Example-1
#' @rdname Example_01

## NOTE: Gurobi
##       The Gurobi license for NEOS does not permit connections via XML-RPC. 
##       If you look at a solver page for Gurobi, for example, 
##       https://neos-server.org/neos/solvers/milp:Gurobi/AMPL.html, you will 
##       see that the XML-RPC interface is disabled. The license only allows 
##       submissions via the web interface. If you were able to submit jobs via 
##       XML-RPC previously, that was a mistake on our part introduced during an 
##       update to the NEOS codebase.

write_gams <- function(x, file, ...) {
    model <- to_gams(x)
    writeLines(model, con = file)

set_default_control_values <- function(x) {
    default_cntrl <- neos_control()
    modifyList(x, default_cntrl[!names(default_cntrl) %in% names(x)])

select_method <- function(model_type, is_mip) {
    if ( is_mip ) {       
        if ( model_type == "lp" ) "mosek" else "Knitro"
    } else {
        if ( model_type == "lp" ) "mosek" else "Knitro"

match_solver <- function(method) {
    solver_method <- neos_solver_mapping()[clean(method)]
    if ( is.na(solver_method) )
        stop("unknown solver: ", shQuote(method), call. = FALSE)

select_neos_solver <- function(method, is_mip, model_type) {
    if ( method == "auto" ) {
        method <- select_method(model_type, is_mip)
        # warning("no method provided set to ", shQuote(method), call. = TRUE)

neos_xml_call <- function(model, solver_name, control) {
    cate <- unname(match_category(solver_name))
    template <- neos_solver_template(category = cate, solver_name = solver_name, 
                                     input_method = "GAMS")
    control$model <- model
    template_args <- c("email", "model", "options", "parameters", "gdx", "restart", 
        "wantgdx", "wantlst", "wantlog", "comments")
    argslist <- control[template_args]
    if (nchar(argslist$email) == 0) {
        argslist$email <- NULL
    xml <- set_template_parameters(xml_template = template, params = argslist)

raise_licence_error <- function(password) {
    stop(paste(password, collapse = "\n"), 
         " In some cases the solver licence does not permit connections via", 
         " XML-RPC. Therefore these solvers can not be accessed by 'ROI.plugin.neos'",
         " directly. An alternative option is to write the problem out via",
         " write.op(model, 'my_op.gms', 'gams') and commit it via the web-interface.",
         " Or just use a alternative solver.")

neos_control <- function(method="auto", wait = TRUE, email="", password="", user = "rneos", 
    dry_run=FALSE, options="", parameters="", gdx="", restart="", wantgdx="", wantlst="",
    wantlog="", comments="") {

solve_OP <- function(x, control = neos_control()) {
    control <- set_default_control_values(control)

    if ( inherits(constraints(x), "NO_constraint") ) {
        L <- matrix(0, nrow = 0, ncol = length(objective(x)))
        constraints(x) <- L_constraint(L = L , dir = character(), rhs = double())
    model_type <- which_model_type(x)
    is_mip <- any(types(x) %in% c("B", "I"))
    model <- to_gams(x)

    solver_name <- unname(select_neos_solver(control$method, is_mip, model_type))

    xml <- neos_xml_call(model, solver_name, control)
    solver_call <- list(neos_submit_job, x = x, xmlstring = xml, user = control$user, 
                        password = control$password)
    mode(solver_call) <- "call"
    if ( isTRUE(control$dry_run) )

    job <- eval(solver_call)

    if ( any(grep("Error", job$password, ignore.case = TRUE)) )

    if ( !isTRUE(control$wait) )


neos_message_indicates_success <- function(x) {
    if ( !is.character(x) ) return(FALSE)
    any(grepl("---BEGIN.SOLUTION---", x, fixed = TRUE))

extract_results <- function(neos_results) {
    res <- strip(unlist(strsplit(neos_results, "\n", fixed = TRUE)))
    i <- cumsum(grepl(":", res, fixed = TRUE))
    b <- duplicated(i)
    setNames(split(as.double(res[b]), i[b]), gsub(":", "", res[!b], fixed = TRUE))

Try the ROI.plugin.neos package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

ROI.plugin.neos documentation built on Aug. 30, 2020, 3:01 a.m.