
CaseNamesUpdate <- function(CaseNamesWidget=.rqda$.CasesNamesWidget,
  if (is_projOpen()){
    ## CaseName <- dbGetQuery(.rqda$qdacon, "select name, id,date from cases where status=1 order by lower(name)")
    CaseName <- dbGetQuery(.rqda$qdacon, "select name, id,date from cases where status=1")
    if (nrow(CaseName)==0) {
      case <- NULL
    } else {
      case <- CaseName$name
      Encoding(case) <- "UTF-8"
      if (!sortByTime) {case <- sort(case,decreasing=decreasing)} else {
        case <- case[OrderByTime(CaseName$date,decreasing=decreasing)]
    tryCatch(CaseNamesWidget[] <- case, error=function(e){})

AddCase <- function(name,conName="qdacon",assignenv=.rqda,...) {
  if (name != ""){
    con <- get(conName,assignenv)
    maxid <- dbGetQuery(con,"select max(id) from cases")[[1]]
    nextid <- ifelse(is.na(maxid),0+1, maxid+1)
    write <- FALSE
    if (nextid==1){
      write <- TRUE
    } else {
      dup <- dbGetQuery(con,sprintf("select name from cases where name='%s'",enc(name)))
      if (nrow(dup)==0) write <- TRUE
    if (write ) {
      dbGetQuery(con,sprintf("insert into cases (name, id, status,date,owner)
                                            values ('%s', %i, %i,%s, %s)",
                             enc(name),nextid, 1, shQuote(date()),shQuote(.rqda$owner)))

AddFileToCaselinkage <- function(Widget=.rqda$.fnames_rqda){
  ## filenames -> fid -> selfirst=0; selend=nchar(filesource)
  filename <- svalue(Widget)
  ## Encoding(filename) <- "unknown"
  query <- dbGetQuery(.rqda$qdacon,sprintf("select id, file from source where name in (%s) and status=1",
  fid <- query$id
  Encoding(query$file) <- "UTF-8"
  selend <- nchar(query$file)

  ## select a case name -> caseid
  cases <- dbGetQuery(.rqda$qdacon,"select id, name from cases where status=1")
  if (nrow(cases)!=0){
      Encoding(cases$name) <- "UTF-8"
      Selected <- gselect.list(cases$name,multiple=TRUE,x=getOption("widgetCoordinate")[1])
      if (length(Selected)>0 && Selected!=""){
          Encoding(Selected) <- "UTF-8"
          caseid <- cases$id[cases$name %in% Selected]
          for (i in caseid) {
              exist <- RQDAQuery(sprintf("select fid from caselinkage where status=1 and fid in (%s) and caseid=%i",paste("'",fid,"'",sep="",collapse=","),i))
              if (nrow(exist)!=length(fid)){
                  ## write only when the selected file associated with specific case is not in the caselinkage table
                  DAT <- data.frame(caseid=caseid, fid=fid[!fid %in% exist$fid], selfirst=0, selend=selend[!fid %in% exist$fid], status=1,owner=.rqda$owner,data=date(),memo='')
                  success <- dbWriteTable(.rqda$qdacon,"caselinkage",DAT,row.name=FALSE,append=TRUE)
                  if (!success) gmessage(sprintf("Fail to write to database for case with id %i", i))
      ## CurrentFrame <- sys.frame(sys.nframe())
      ## RunOnSelected(cases$name,multiple=FALSE,enclos=CurrentFrame,expr={
      ##   if (Selected!=""){
      ##     ##Selected <- iconv(Selected,to="UTF-8")
      ##     Encoding(Selected) <- "UTF-8"
      ##     caseid <- cases$id[cases$name %in% Selected]
      ##     exist <- dbGetQuery(.rqda$qdacon,sprintf("select fid from caselinkage where status=1 and fid in (%s) and caseid=%i",paste("'",fid,"'",sep="",collapse=","),caseid))
      ##     if (nrow(exist)!=length(fid)){
      ##       ## write only when the selected file associated with specific case is not in the caselinkage table
      ##       DAT <- data.frame(caseid=caseid, fid=fid[!fid %in% exist$fid], selfirst=0, selend=selend[!fid %in% exist$fid], status=1,owner=.rqda$owner,data=date(),memo='')
      ##       success <- dbWriteTable(.rqda$qdacon,"caselinkage",DAT,row.name=FALSE,append=TRUE)
      ##       ## write to caselinkage table
      ##       if (!success) gmessage("Fail to write to database.")
      ##     }
      ##   }
      ## }
      ##               )

UpdateFileofCaseWidget <- function(con=.rqda$qdacon,Widget=.rqda$.FileofCase,sortByTime=FALSE,...){
  Selected <- svalue(.rqda$.CasesNamesWidget)
  if (length(Selected)!=0){
    caseid <- dbGetQuery(.rqda$qdacon,sprintf("select id from cases where status=1 and name='%s'",
    Total_fid <- dbGetQuery(con,sprintf("select fid from caselinkage where status=1 and caseid=%i",caseid))
    if (nrow(Total_fid)!=0){
      items <- dbGetQuery(con,"select name,id,date from source where status=1")
      if (nrow(items)!=0) {
        if (sortByTime){
          items <- items[items$id %in% Total_fid$fid,c("name","date")]
          items <- items$name[OrderByTime(items$date)]
          Encoding(items) <- "UTF-8"}
          items <- items[items$id %in% Total_fid$fid,c("name")]
          Encoding(items) <- "UTF-8"
          items <- sort(items)
      } else items <- NULL
    } else items <- NULL
  } else items <- NULL
  tryCatch(Widget[] <- items,error=function(e){})

HL_Case <- function(){
  if (is_projOpen(envir=.rqda,conName="qdacon")) {
    SelectedFile <- svalue(.rqda$.root_edit)
    currentFid <-  RQDAQuery(sprintf("select id from source where name='%s'",
    if (length(currentFid)!=0) {
      caseName <- svalue(.rqda$.CasesNamesWidget)
      caseid <- RQDAQuery(sprintf("select id from cases where name='%s'",enc(caseName)))[,1]
      idx <- RQDAQuery(sprintf("select selfirst,selend from caselinkage where fid=%i and status=1 and caseid=%i",currentFid,caseid))
      coding.idx <- RQDAQuery(sprintf("select selfirst,selend from coding where fid=%i and status=1",currentFid))
      anno.idx <- RQDAQuery(sprintf("select position from annotation where fid=%i and status=1",currentFid))$position
      allidx <- unlist(coding.idx,anno.idx)
      if (nrow(idx)!=0){
        if (!is.null(allidx)){
          idx[,"selfirst"] <- sapply(idx[,"selfirst"],FUN=function(x) x + sum(allidx <= x))
          idx[,"selend"] <- sapply(idx[,"selend"],FUN=function(x) x + sum(allidx <= x))
        ClearMark(.rqda$.openfile_gui ,0 , max(idx$selend),clear.fore.col = FALSE, clear.back.col = TRUE)

Try the RQDA package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

RQDA documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5 p.m.