RSiena-package: Simulation Investigation for Empirical Network Analysis

Description Details Author(s) References See Also Examples


Fits statistical models to longitudinal sets of networks, and to longitudinal sets of networks and behavioral variables. Not only one-mode networks but also two-mode networks and multivariate networks are allowed. The models are stochastic actor-oriented models.

Package "RSienaTest" is the development version, and is distributed through R-Forge, see Package "RSiena" is the official release.


The main flow of operations of this package is as follows.

Data objects can be created from matrices and vectors using sienaDependent, coCovar, varCovar, coDyadCovar, etc., and finally sienaDataCreate.

Effects are selected using an sienaEffects object, which can be created using getEffects and may be further specified by includeEffects, setEffect, and includeInteraction.

Control of the estimation algorithm requires a sienaAlgorithm object that defines the settings (parameters) of the algorithm, and which can be created by sienaAlgorithmCreate.

Function siena07 is used to fit a model. Function sienaGOF can be used for studying goodness of fit.

A general introduction to the method is available in the tutorial paper Snijders, van de Bunt, and Steglich (2010). Next to the help pages, more detailed help is available in the manual (see below) and a lot of information is at the website (also see below).

Package: RSiena
Type: Package
Version: 1.2-27
Date: 2020-09-16
Depends: R (>= 2.15.0)
Imports: Matrix, lattice, parallel, MASS, methods
Suggests: xtable, network, tools, codetools, tcltk, knitr, rmarkdown
SystemRequirements: GNU make
License: GPL-3
LazyData: yes
NeedsCompilation: yes
BuildResaveData: no


Ruth Ripley, Krists Boitmanis, Tom Snijders, Felix Schoenenberger, Nynke Niezink. Contributions by Josh Lospinoso, Charlotte Greenan, Christian Steglich, Johan Koskinen, Mark Ortmann, Natalie Indlekofer, Christoph Stadtfeld, Per Block, Marion Hoffman, Michael Schweinberger, and Robert Hellpap.

Maintainer: Tom A.B. Snijders <>


See Also



mynet1 <- sienaDependent(array(c(tmp3, tmp4), dim=c(32, 32, 2)))
mydata <- sienaDataCreate(mynet1)
myeff <- getEffects(mydata)
myeff <- includeEffects(myeff, transTrip)
myalgorithm <- sienaAlgorithmCreate(nsub=3, n3=200)
ans <- siena07(myalgorithm, data=mydata, effects=myeff, batch=TRUE)

Example output

Warning message:
no DISPLAY variable so Tk is not available 
  effectName          include fix   test  initialValue parm
1 transitive triplets TRUE    FALSE FALSE          0   0   
  effectName                  include fix   test  initialValue parm
1 basic rate parameter mynet1 TRUE    FALSE FALSE    4.80941   0   
2 outdegree (density)         TRUE    FALSE FALSE   -0.56039   0   
3 reciprocity                 TRUE    FALSE FALSE    0.00000   0   
4 transitive triplets         TRUE    FALSE FALSE    0.00000   0   

Start phase 0 
theta: -0.56  0.00  0.00 

Start phase 1 
Phase 1 Iteration 1 Progress: 0%
Phase 1 Iteration 2 Progress: 0%
Phase 1 Iteration 3 Progress: 0%
Phase 1 Iteration 4 Progress: 0%
Phase 1 Iteration 5 Progress: 0%
Phase 1 Iteration 10 Progress: 1%
Phase 1 Iteration 15 Progress: 1%
Phase 1 Iteration 20 Progress: 2%
Phase 1 Iteration 25 Progress: 2%
Phase 1 Iteration 30 Progress: 2%
Phase 1 Iteration 35 Progress: 3%
Phase 1 Iteration 40 Progress: 3%
Phase 1 Iteration 45 Progress: 4%
Phase 1 Iteration 50 Progress: 4%
theta: -1.203  0.464  0.198 

Start phase 2.1
Phase 2 Subphase 1 Iteration 1 Progress: 16%
Phase 2 Subphase 1 Iteration 2 Progress: 16%
theta -1.368  0.784  0.253 
ac 0.354 2.301 0.823 
Phase 2 Subphase 1 Iteration 3 Progress: 16%
Phase 2 Subphase 1 Iteration 4 Progress: 16%
theta -1.604  1.054  0.354 
ac 0.137 1.651 0.392 
Phase 2 Subphase 1 Iteration 5 Progress: 16%
Phase 2 Subphase 1 Iteration 6 Progress: 17%
theta -1.738  1.263  0.336 
ac 0.0924 1.6154 0.3982 
Phase 2 Subphase 1 Iteration 7 Progress: 17%
Phase 2 Subphase 1 Iteration 8 Progress: 17%
theta -1.74  1.39  0.28 
ac -0.1394  0.6914  0.0132 
Phase 2 Subphase 1 Iteration 9 Progress: 17%
Phase 2 Subphase 1 Iteration 10 Progress: 17%
theta -1.803  1.490  0.301 
ac -0.1410  0.7703  0.0159 
theta -1.736  1.331  0.316 
ac -0.1559 -0.0063 -0.2163 
theta: -1.736  1.331  0.316 

Start phase 2.2
Phase 2 Subphase 2 Iteration 1 Progress: 34%
Phase 2 Subphase 2 Iteration 2 Progress: 34%
Phase 2 Subphase 2 Iteration 3 Progress: 34%
Phase 2 Subphase 2 Iteration 4 Progress: 34%
Phase 2 Subphase 2 Iteration 5 Progress: 35%
Phase 2 Subphase 2 Iteration 6 Progress: 35%
Phase 2 Subphase 2 Iteration 7 Progress: 35%
Phase 2 Subphase 2 Iteration 8 Progress: 35%
Phase 2 Subphase 2 Iteration 9 Progress: 35%
Phase 2 Subphase 2 Iteration 10 Progress: 35%
theta -1.749  1.379  0.311 
ac -0.00179 -0.02674 -0.17410 
theta: -1.749  1.379  0.311 

Start phase 2.3
Phase 2 Subphase 3 Iteration 1 Progress: 55%
Phase 2 Subphase 3 Iteration 2 Progress: 55%
Phase 2 Subphase 3 Iteration 3 Progress: 55%
Phase 2 Subphase 3 Iteration 4 Progress: 56%
Phase 2 Subphase 3 Iteration 5 Progress: 56%
Phase 2 Subphase 3 Iteration 6 Progress: 56%
Phase 2 Subphase 3 Iteration 7 Progress: 56%
Phase 2 Subphase 3 Iteration 8 Progress: 56%
Phase 2 Subphase 3 Iteration 9 Progress: 56%
Phase 2 Subphase 3 Iteration 10 Progress: 56%
theta -1.757  1.311  0.321 
ac -0.204 -0.207 -0.290 
theta: -1.757  1.311  0.321 

Start phase 3 
Estimates, standard errors and convergence t-ratios

                              Estimate   Standard   Convergence 
                                           Error      t-ratio   

Rate parameters: 
  0       Rate parameter       3.1093  ( 0.4637   )             
  1. eval outdegree (density) -1.7574  ( 0.2411   )   0.0083    
  2. eval reciprocity          1.3108  ( 0.3888   )   0.0261    
  3. eval transitive triplets  0.3214  ( 0.0692   )   0.0700    

Overall maximum convergence ratio:    0.1212 

Total of 530 iteration steps.

Covariance matrix of estimates (correlations below diagonal)

       0.058       -0.044       -0.010
      -0.473        0.151       -0.004
      -0.613       -0.148        0.005

Derivative matrix of expected statistics X by parameters:

      63.686       34.523      224.692
      23.901       25.757      102.238
     168.066       99.844      875.403

Covariance matrix of X (correlations below diagonal):

      71.452       40.771      270.699
       0.700       47.445      185.353
       0.852        0.716     1411.229

RSiena documentation built on Sept. 24, 2020, 3 p.m.