siena08: Function to perform a meta analysis of a collection of Siena...

Description Usage Arguments Details Value Author(s) References See Also Examples

View source: R/siena08.r


Estimates a meta analysis based on a collection of Siena fits.


siena08(..., projname = "sienaMeta", bound = 5, alpha = 0.05, maxit=20)



names of sienaFit objects, returned from siena07. They will be renamed if entered in format newname=oldname. It is also allowed to give for ... a list of sienaFit objects.


Base name of report file if required


Upper limit of standard error for inclusion in the meta analysis.


1 minus confidence level of confidence intervals.


Number of iterations of iterated least squares procedure.


A meta analysis is performed as described in the Siena manual, section "Meta-analysis of Siena results". This consists of three parts: an iterated weighted least squares (IWLS) modification of the method described in the reference below; maximum likelihood estimates and confidence intervals based on profile likelihoods under normality assumptions; and Fisher combinations of left-sided and right-sided p-values. These are produced for all effects separately.

Note that the corresponding effects must have the same effect name in each model fit. This implies that at least covariates and behavior variables must have the same name in each model fit.


An object of class sienaMeta. There are print, summary and plot methods for this class. This object contains at least the following.


Data frame containing the coefficients, standard errors and score test results


Root name for any output file to be produced by the print method


Estimates with standard error above this value were excluded from the calculations


Object of class by indicating, for each effect in the models, whether score test information was present.


The requestedEffects component of the first sienaFit object in ....


The vector of IWLS estimates.


The vector of standard errors of the IWLS estimates.


The vector of ML estimates (see below).


The vector of standard errors of the ML estimates (see below).

Then for each effect, there is a list with at least the following.


Spearman rank correlation coefficient between estimates and their standard errors.


p-value for above


Part of the result of the fit of iwlsm.


The summary of the fit, which includes the coefficient table.


test statistic for effect zero in every model


p-value for above


test statistics that mean effect is 0


p-value for above


Test statistic for variance of effects is zero


p-value for above


Test statistic for at least one theta strictly greater than 0


Test statistic for at least one theta strictly less than 0


p-value for cjplus


p-value for cjminus

ML estimate of population mean

standard error of ML estimate of population mean

ML estimate of population standard deviation


confidence interval for population mean based on profile likelihood


confidence interval for population standard deviation based on profile likelihood


Number of fits on which the meta analysis is based


Test statistic for combination of right one-sided Fisher combination tests


Test statistic for combination of left one-sided Fisher combination tests


p-value for cjplus


p-value for cjminus


Test statistic for combination of right one-sided p-values from score tests


Test statistic for combination of left one-sided p-values from score tests


p-value for scoreplus


p-value for scoreminus


Number of fits on which the score test analysis is based


Ruth Ripley, Tom Snijders


T. A. B. Snijders and Chris Baerveldt (2003). Multilevel network study of the effects of delinquent behavior on friendship evolution. Journal of Mathematical Sociology 27, 123–151.

See also the manual (Section 11.2) and

See Also

print.sienaMeta, iwlsm, siena07


## Not run: 
# A meta-analysis for three groups does not make much sense
# for generalizing to a population of networks,
# but the Fisher combinations of p-values are meaningful.
# However, using three groups does show the idea.

Group1 <- sienaDependent(array(c(N3401, HN3401), dim=c(45, 45, 2)))
Group3 <- sienaDependent(array(c(N3403, HN3403), dim=c(37, 37, 2)))
Group4 <- sienaDependent(array(c(N3404, HN3404), dim=c(33, 33, 2)))
dataset.1 <- sienaDataCreate(Friends = Group1)
dataset.3 <- sienaDataCreate(Friends = Group3)
dataset.4 <- sienaDataCreate(Friends = Group4)
OneAlgorithm <- sienaAlgorithmCreate(projname = "SingleGroups", seed=128)
effects.1 <- getEffects(dataset.1)
effects.3 <- getEffects(dataset.3)
effects.4 <- getEffects(dataset.4)
effects.1 <- includeEffects(effects.1, transTrip)
effects.1 <- setEffect(effects.1, transRecTrip, fix=TRUE, test=TRUE)
effects.3 <- includeEffects(effects.3, transTrip)
effects.3 <- setEffect(effects.3, transRecTrip, fix=TRUE, test=TRUE)
effects.4 <- includeEffects(effects.4, transTrip)
effects.4 <- setEffect(effects.4, transRecTrip, fix=TRUE, test=TRUE)
ans.1 <- siena07(OneAlgorithm, data=dataset.1, effects=effects.1, batch=TRUE)
ans.3 <- siena07(OneAlgorithm, data=dataset.3, effects=effects.3, batch=TRUE)
ans.4 <- siena07(OneAlgorithm, data=dataset.4, effects=effects.4, batch=TRUE)
(meta <- siena08(ans.1, ans.3, ans.4))
plot(meta, which=2:3, layout = c(2,1))
# For specifically presenting the Fisher combinations:
# First determine the components of meta with estimated effects:
which.est <- sapply(meta, function(x){ifelse(is.list(x),!is.null(x$cjplus),FALSE)})
Fishers <- t(sapply(1:sum(which.est),
        function(i){c(meta[[i]]$cjplus, meta[[i]]$cjminus,
                        meta[[i]]$cjplusp, meta[[i]]$cjminusp, 2*meta[[i]]$n1 )}))
Fishers <-, row.names=names(meta)[which.est])
names(Fishers) <- c('Fplus', 'Fminus', 'pplus', 'pminus', 'df')

## End(Not run)

Example output

Warning message:
no DISPLAY variable so Tk is not available 
siena07 will create an output file SingleGroups.txt .
  effectName          include fix   test  initialValue parm
1 transitive triplets TRUE    FALSE FALSE          0   0   
  effectName                  include fix  test initialValue parm
1 transitive recipr. triplets TRUE    TRUE TRUE          0   0   
  effectName          include fix   test  initialValue parm
1 transitive triplets TRUE    FALSE FALSE          0   0   
  effectName                  include fix  test initialValue parm
1 transitive recipr. triplets TRUE    TRUE TRUE          0   0   
  effectName          include fix   test  initialValue parm
1 transitive triplets TRUE    FALSE FALSE          0   0   
  effectName                  include fix  test initialValue parm
1 transitive recipr. triplets TRUE    TRUE TRUE          0   0   

Start phase 0 
theta: -1.11  0.00  0.00  0.00 

Start phase 1 
Phase 1 Iteration 1 Progress: 0%
Phase 1 Iteration 2 Progress: 0%
Phase 1 Iteration 3 Progress: 0%
Phase 1 Iteration 4 Progress: 0%
Phase 1 Iteration 5 Progress: 0%
Phase 1 Iteration 10 Progress: 0%
Phase 1 Iteration 15 Progress: 1%
Phase 1 Iteration 20 Progress: 1%
Phase 1 Iteration 25 Progress: 1%
Phase 1 Iteration 30 Progress: 1%
Phase 1 Iteration 35 Progress: 1%
Phase 1 Iteration 40 Progress: 1%
Phase 1 Iteration 45 Progress: 2%
Phase 1 Iteration 50 Progress: 2%
theta: -1.4636 -0.0105  0.3180  0.0000 

Start phase 2.1
Phase 2 Subphase 1 Iteration 1 Progress: 9%
Phase 2 Subphase 1 Iteration 2 Progress: 9%
theta -1.5689  0.0488  0.4136  0.0000 
ac 0.668 1.290 1.331 1.121 
Phase 2 Subphase 1 Iteration 3 Progress: 9%
Phase 2 Subphase 1 Iteration 4 Progress: 9%
theta -1.923  0.418  0.648  0.000 
ac 0.531 1.144 0.479 0.510 
Phase 2 Subphase 1 Iteration 5 Progress: 9%
Phase 2 Subphase 1 Iteration 6 Progress: 9%
theta -2.153  0.966  0.627  0.000 
ac 0.560 0.988 0.315 0.360 
Phase 2 Subphase 1 Iteration 7 Progress: 9%
Phase 2 Subphase 1 Iteration 8 Progress: 9%
theta -2.269  1.379  0.534  0.000 
ac 0.555 0.953 0.262 0.286 
Phase 2 Subphase 1 Iteration 9 Progress: 9%
Phase 2 Subphase 1 Iteration 10 Progress: 9%
theta -2.356  1.615  0.523  0.000 
ac  0.3967  0.3922 -0.1190 -0.0929 
theta -2.287  1.586  0.464  0.000 
ac -0.0417 -0.0531 -0.3167 -0.2522 
theta: -2.287  1.586  0.464  0.000 

Start phase 2.2
Phase 2 Subphase 2 Iteration 1 Progress: 17%
Phase 2 Subphase 2 Iteration 2 Progress: 17%
Phase 2 Subphase 2 Iteration 3 Progress: 17%
Phase 2 Subphase 2 Iteration 4 Progress: 18%
Phase 2 Subphase 2 Iteration 5 Progress: 18%
Phase 2 Subphase 2 Iteration 6 Progress: 18%
Phase 2 Subphase 2 Iteration 7 Progress: 18%
Phase 2 Subphase 2 Iteration 8 Progress: 18%
Phase 2 Subphase 2 Iteration 9 Progress: 18%
Phase 2 Subphase 2 Iteration 10 Progress: 18%
theta -2.256  1.560  0.467  0.000 
ac -0.222 -0.315 -0.402 -0.232 
theta: -2.256  1.560  0.467  0.000 

Start phase 2.3
Phase 2 Subphase 3 Iteration 1 Progress: 27%
Phase 2 Subphase 3 Iteration 2 Progress: 27%
Phase 2 Subphase 3 Iteration 3 Progress: 27%
Phase 2 Subphase 3 Iteration 4 Progress: 27%
Phase 2 Subphase 3 Iteration 5 Progress: 27%
Phase 2 Subphase 3 Iteration 6 Progress: 27%
Phase 2 Subphase 3 Iteration 7 Progress: 27%
Phase 2 Subphase 3 Iteration 8 Progress: 27%
Phase 2 Subphase 3 Iteration 9 Progress: 27%
Phase 2 Subphase 3 Iteration 10 Progress: 27%
theta -2.282  1.585  0.476  0.000 
ac -0.316 -0.196 -0.374 -0.237 
theta: -2.282  1.585  0.476  0.000 

Start phase 2.4
Phase 2 Subphase 4 Iteration 1 Progress: 41%
Phase 2 Subphase 4 Iteration 2 Progress: 41%
Phase 2 Subphase 4 Iteration 3 Progress: 41%
Phase 2 Subphase 4 Iteration 4 Progress: 41%
Phase 2 Subphase 4 Iteration 5 Progress: 41%
Phase 2 Subphase 4 Iteration 6 Progress: 41%
Phase 2 Subphase 4 Iteration 7 Progress: 41%
Phase 2 Subphase 4 Iteration 8 Progress: 41%
Phase 2 Subphase 4 Iteration 9 Progress: 41%
Phase 2 Subphase 4 Iteration 10 Progress: 41%
theta -2.264  1.540  0.472  0.000 
ac -0.0615 -0.1049 -0.0778  0.0308 
theta: -2.264  1.540  0.472  0.000 

Start phase 3 
Phase 3 Iteration 500 Progress 82%
Phase 3 Iteration 1000 Progress 100%

Start phase 0 
theta: -1.24  0.00  0.00  0.00 

Start phase 1 
Phase 1 Iteration 1 Progress: 0%
Phase 1 Iteration 2 Progress: 0%
Phase 1 Iteration 3 Progress: 0%
Phase 1 Iteration 4 Progress: 0%
Phase 1 Iteration 5 Progress: 0%
Phase 1 Iteration 10 Progress: 0%
Phase 1 Iteration 15 Progress: 1%
Phase 1 Iteration 20 Progress: 1%
Phase 1 Iteration 25 Progress: 1%
Phase 1 Iteration 30 Progress: 1%
Phase 1 Iteration 35 Progress: 1%
Phase 1 Iteration 40 Progress: 1%
Phase 1 Iteration 45 Progress: 2%
Phase 1 Iteration 50 Progress: 2%
theta: -1.525  0.500  0.564  0.000 

Start phase 2.1
Phase 2 Subphase 1 Iteration 1 Progress: 9%
Phase 2 Subphase 1 Iteration 2 Progress: 9%
theta -1.676  0.803  1.003  0.000 
ac 0.0395 1.1472 2.8981 1.6374 
Phase 2 Subphase 1 Iteration 3 Progress: 9%
Phase 2 Subphase 1 Iteration 4 Progress: 9%
theta -2.13  2.27  1.42  0.00 
ac 0.183 1.172 0.523 0.650 
Phase 2 Subphase 1 Iteration 5 Progress: 9%
Phase 2 Subphase 1 Iteration 6 Progress: 9%
theta -2.212  3.265  0.551  0.000 
ac 0.229 0.772 0.419 0.725 
Phase 2 Subphase 1 Iteration 7 Progress: 9%
Phase 2 Subphase 1 Iteration 8 Progress: 9%
theta -2.40  2.85  1.03  0.00 
ac 0.216 0.719 0.424 0.738 
Phase 2 Subphase 1 Iteration 9 Progress: 9%
Phase 2 Subphase 1 Iteration 10 Progress: 9%
theta -2.52  3.12  1.31  0.00 
ac 0.125 0.632 0.322 0.493 
theta -2.37  2.62  1.17  0.00 
ac -0.0226 -0.0353 -0.3378 -0.1079 
theta: -2.37  2.62  1.17  0.00 

Start phase 2.2
Phase 2 Subphase 2 Iteration 1 Progress: 17%
Phase 2 Subphase 2 Iteration 2 Progress: 17%
Phase 2 Subphase 2 Iteration 3 Progress: 17%
Phase 2 Subphase 2 Iteration 4 Progress: 18%
Phase 2 Subphase 2 Iteration 5 Progress: 18%
Phase 2 Subphase 2 Iteration 6 Progress: 18%
Phase 2 Subphase 2 Iteration 7 Progress: 18%
Phase 2 Subphase 2 Iteration 8 Progress: 18%
Phase 2 Subphase 2 Iteration 9 Progress: 18%
Phase 2 Subphase 2 Iteration 10 Progress: 18%
theta -2.37  2.64  1.14  0.00 
ac -0.00899 -0.04360 -0.30589 -0.09855 
theta: -2.37  2.64  1.14  0.00 

Start phase 2.3
Phase 2 Subphase 3 Iteration 1 Progress: 27%
Phase 2 Subphase 3 Iteration 2 Progress: 27%
Phase 2 Subphase 3 Iteration 3 Progress: 27%
Phase 2 Subphase 3 Iteration 4 Progress: 27%
Phase 2 Subphase 3 Iteration 5 Progress: 27%
Phase 2 Subphase 3 Iteration 6 Progress: 27%
Phase 2 Subphase 3 Iteration 7 Progress: 27%
Phase 2 Subphase 3 Iteration 8 Progress: 27%
Phase 2 Subphase 3 Iteration 9 Progress: 27%
Phase 2 Subphase 3 Iteration 10 Progress: 27%
theta -2.34  2.60  1.13  0.00 
ac -0.08458 -0.00363 -0.16300  0.11391 
theta: -2.34  2.60  1.13  0.00 

Start phase 2.4
Phase 2 Subphase 4 Iteration 1 Progress: 41%
Phase 2 Subphase 4 Iteration 2 Progress: 41%
Phase 2 Subphase 4 Iteration 3 Progress: 41%
Phase 2 Subphase 4 Iteration 4 Progress: 41%
Phase 2 Subphase 4 Iteration 5 Progress: 41%
Phase 2 Subphase 4 Iteration 6 Progress: 41%
Phase 2 Subphase 4 Iteration 7 Progress: 41%
Phase 2 Subphase 4 Iteration 8 Progress: 41%
Phase 2 Subphase 4 Iteration 9 Progress: 41%
Phase 2 Subphase 4 Iteration 10 Progress: 41%
theta -2.35  2.61  1.15  0.00 
ac -0.01063 -0.04381 -0.00104  0.18417 
theta: -2.35  2.61  1.15  0.00 

Start phase 3 
Phase 3 Iteration 500 Progress 82%
Phase 3 Iteration 1000 Progress 100%

Start phase 0 
theta: -1.62  0.00  0.00  0.00 

Start phase 1 
Phase 1 Iteration 1 Progress: 0%
Phase 1 Iteration 2 Progress: 0%
Phase 1 Iteration 3 Progress: 0%
Phase 1 Iteration 4 Progress: 0%
Phase 1 Iteration 5 Progress: 0%
Phase 1 Iteration 10 Progress: 0%
Phase 1 Iteration 15 Progress: 1%
Phase 1 Iteration 20 Progress: 1%
Phase 1 Iteration 25 Progress: 1%
Phase 1 Iteration 30 Progress: 1%
Phase 1 Iteration 35 Progress: 1%
Phase 1 Iteration 40 Progress: 1%
Phase 1 Iteration 45 Progress: 2%
Phase 1 Iteration 50 Progress: 2%
theta: -1.851  0.130  0.273  0.000 

Start phase 2.1
Phase 2 Subphase 1 Iteration 1 Progress: 9%
Phase 2 Subphase 1 Iteration 2 Progress: 9%
theta -2.230  0.546  0.792  0.000 
ac 1.08 4.27 2.59 4.31 
Phase 2 Subphase 1 Iteration 3 Progress: 9%
Phase 2 Subphase 1 Iteration 4 Progress: 9%
theta -2.851  1.082  0.944  0.000 
ac 1.343 0.879 4.101 4.682 
Phase 2 Subphase 1 Iteration 5 Progress: 9%
Phase 2 Subphase 1 Iteration 6 Progress: 9%
theta -3.222  1.582  0.877  0.000 
ac 0.882 0.164 0.402 1.064 
Phase 2 Subphase 1 Iteration 7 Progress: 9%
Phase 2 Subphase 1 Iteration 8 Progress: 9%
theta -3.59  2.28  1.64  0.00 
ac  0.574 -0.201 -0.302 -0.242 
Phase 2 Subphase 1 Iteration 9 Progress: 9%
Phase 2 Subphase 1 Iteration 10 Progress: 9%
theta -3.615  2.614  0.925  0.000 
ac  0.570 -0.230 -0.363 -0.428 
theta -3.42  2.34  1.07  0.00 
ac -0.1486 -0.2587 -0.3123 -0.0781 
theta: -3.42  2.34  1.07  0.00 

Start phase 2.2
Phase 2 Subphase 2 Iteration 1 Progress: 17%
Phase 2 Subphase 2 Iteration 2 Progress: 17%
Phase 2 Subphase 2 Iteration 3 Progress: 17%
Phase 2 Subphase 2 Iteration 4 Progress: 18%
Phase 2 Subphase 2 Iteration 5 Progress: 18%
Phase 2 Subphase 2 Iteration 6 Progress: 18%
Phase 2 Subphase 2 Iteration 7 Progress: 18%
Phase 2 Subphase 2 Iteration 8 Progress: 18%
Phase 2 Subphase 2 Iteration 9 Progress: 18%
Phase 2 Subphase 2 Iteration 10 Progress: 18%
theta -3.43  2.30  1.10  0.00 
ac -0.2702 -0.1510 -0.5108 -0.0185 
theta: -3.43  2.30  1.10  0.00 

Start phase 2.3
Phase 2 Subphase 3 Iteration 1 Progress: 27%
Phase 2 Subphase 3 Iteration 2 Progress: 27%
Phase 2 Subphase 3 Iteration 3 Progress: 27%
Phase 2 Subphase 3 Iteration 4 Progress: 27%
Phase 2 Subphase 3 Iteration 5 Progress: 27%
Phase 2 Subphase 3 Iteration 6 Progress: 27%
Phase 2 Subphase 3 Iteration 7 Progress: 27%
Phase 2 Subphase 3 Iteration 8 Progress: 27%
Phase 2 Subphase 3 Iteration 9 Progress: 27%
Phase 2 Subphase 3 Iteration 10 Progress: 27%
theta -3.31  2.17  1.06  0.00 
ac  0.0182 -0.1715 -0.1910  0.1650 
theta: -3.31  2.17  1.06  0.00 

Start phase 2.4
Phase 2 Subphase 4 Iteration 1 Progress: 41%
Phase 2 Subphase 4 Iteration 2 Progress: 41%
Phase 2 Subphase 4 Iteration 3 Progress: 41%
Phase 2 Subphase 4 Iteration 4 Progress: 41%
Phase 2 Subphase 4 Iteration 5 Progress: 41%
Phase 2 Subphase 4 Iteration 6 Progress: 41%
Phase 2 Subphase 4 Iteration 7 Progress: 41%
Phase 2 Subphase 4 Iteration 8 Progress: 41%
Phase 2 Subphase 4 Iteration 9 Progress: 41%
Phase 2 Subphase 4 Iteration 10 Progress: 41%
theta -3.37  2.29  1.06  0.00 
ac -0.0406 -0.1446 -0.0444  0.2542 
theta: -3.37  2.29  1.06  0.00 

Start phase 3 
Phase 3 Iteration 500 Progress 82%
Phase 3 Iteration 1000 Progress 100%
Estimates, standard errors and convergence t-ratios

                                      Estimate   Standard   Convergence 
                                                   Error      t-ratio   

Rate parameters: 
  0       Rate parameter               7.0715  ( 1.1900   )             

Other parameters: 
  1. eval outdegree (density)         -2.2642  ( 0.1283   )   0.0486    
  2. eval reciprocity                  1.5398  ( 0.2516   )   0.0465    
  3. eval transitive triplets          0.4717  ( 0.0620   )   0.1349    
  4. eval transitive recipr. triplets  0.0000  (     NA   )   0.5074    

Overall maximum convergence ratio:    0.1774 

Score test for 1 parameter:
chi-squared = 7.09, p = 0.0078.

Total of 1751 iteration steps.

Estimates, standard errors and convergence t-ratios

                                      Estimate   Standard   Convergence 
                                                   Error      t-ratio   

Rate parameters: 
  0       Rate parameter               3.6453  ( 0.6778   )             

Other parameters: 
  1. eval outdegree (density)         -2.3451  ( 0.1982   )   0.0550    
  2. eval reciprocity                  2.6109  ( 0.3967   )   0.0029    
  3. eval transitive triplets          1.1499  ( 0.2944   )   0.0451    
  4. eval transitive recipr. triplets  0.0000  (     NA   )   0.4707    

Overall maximum convergence ratio:    0.0908 

Score test for 1 parameter:
chi-squared = 2.55, p = 0.1102.

Total of 2062 iteration steps.

Estimates, standard errors and convergence t-ratios

                                      Estimate   Standard   Convergence 
                                                   Error      t-ratio   

Rate parameters: 
  0       Rate parameter               3.1010  ( 0.8098   )             

Other parameters: 
  1. eval outdegree (density)         -3.3692  ( 0.4412   )   -0.0315   
  2. eval reciprocity                  2.2902  ( 0.7069   )    0.0199   
  3. eval transitive triplets          1.0563  ( 0.3019   )    0.0239   
  4. eval transitive recipr. triplets  0.0000  (     NA   )    0.5754   

Overall maximum convergence ratio:    0.0996 

Score test for 1 parameter:
chi-squared = 10.92, p = 0.0010.

Total of 1946 iteration steps.

Tests for mean parameters use a t-distribution with N-1 d.f.,
where N = number of included groups.

Upper bound used for standard error is     5.00.

Parameter 1: eval : outdegree (density)
 3 datasets used.

Test that estimates and standard errors are uncorrelated: 
Spearman's rank correlation rho =       -1, two-sided p = 0.333

Estimates and test based on IWLS modification of Snijders & Baerveldt (2003)
Test that all parameters are 0 : 
chi-squared = 509.5535, d.f. = 3, p < 0.001

Estimated mean parameter  -2.5566 (s.e.   0.3255), two-sided p = 0.016

Estimated standard deviation    0.5637
Test that variance of parameter is 0 :
Chi-squared =    5.7833 (d.f. = 2), p = 0.055

Estimates and confidence intervals under normality assumptions
------------------------------------------------------- -------
Estimated mean parameter  -2.3489 (s.e.   0.1047), two-sided p = 0.002
0.95 level confidence interval [ -3.0634 ,   -2.09 ]
Estimated standard deviation  < 0.0001 
0.95 level confidence interval [       0 ,  0.9427 ]

Fisher's combination of one-sided tests
Combination of right one-sided p-values:
Chi-squared =         0 (d.f. = 6), p = 1.000
Combination of left one-sided p-values:
Chi-squared =  529.8684 (d.f. = 6), p < 0.001

Parameter 2: eval : reciprocity
 3 datasets used.

Test that estimates and standard errors are uncorrelated: 
Spearman's rank correlation rho =      0.5, two-sided p = 1.000

Estimates and test based on IWLS modification of Snijders & Baerveldt (2003)
Test that all parameters are 0 : 
chi-squared =  91.2626, d.f. = 3, p < 0.001

Estimated mean parameter   2.0505 (s.e.   0.3596), two-sided p = 0.029

Estimated standard deviation    0.6229
Test that variance of parameter is 0 :
Chi-squared =    5.5594 (d.f. = 2), p = 0.062

Estimates and confidence intervals under normality assumptions
------------------------------------------------------- -------
Estimated mean parameter   2.0237 (s.e.   0.3173), two-sided p = 0.024
0.95 level confidence interval [  1.2349 ,  2.9875 ]
Estimated standard deviation     0.371 
0.95 level confidence interval [       0 ,  1.5081 ]

Fisher's combination of one-sided tests
Combination of right one-sided p-values:
Chi-squared =  106.7713 (d.f. = 6), p < 0.001
Combination of left one-sided p-values:
Chi-squared =    0.0012 (d.f. = 6), p = 1.000

Parameter 3: eval : transitive triplets
 3 datasets used.

Test that estimates and standard errors are uncorrelated: 
Spearman's rank correlation rho =      0.5, two-sided p = 1.000

Estimates and test based on IWLS modification of Snijders & Baerveldt (2003)
Test that all parameters are 0 : 
chi-squared =  85.2941, d.f. = 3, p < 0.001

Estimated mean parameter   0.8079 (s.e.    0.229), two-sided p = 0.072

Estimated standard deviation    0.3966
Test that variance of parameter is 0 :
Chi-squared =    8.3368 (d.f. = 2), p = 0.015

Estimates and confidence intervals under normality assumptions
------------------------------------------------------- -------
Estimated mean parameter   0.7742 (s.e.    0.194), two-sided p = 0.057
0.95 level confidence interval [   0.317 ,  1.4045 ]
Estimated standard deviation    0.2614 
0.95 level confidence interval [       0 ,  0.9531 ]

Fisher's combination of one-sided tests
Combination of right one-sided p-values:
Chi-squared =  100.3808 (d.f. = 6), p < 0.001
Combination of left one-sided p-values:
Chi-squared =     6e-04 (d.f. = 6), p = 1.000

Parameter 4: eval : transitive recipr. triplets
 0 datasets used.

There were no data sets satisfying the bounds for this parameter.
 No combined output is given.

Score tests:
Fisher combination

(4)   eval : transitive recipr. triplets
Data set 1, SingleGroups(ans.1) : z =      -2.6624
Data set 2, SingleGroups(ans.3) : z =      -1.5974
Data set 3, SingleGroups(ans.4) : z =      -3.3044

Combination of right one-sided p-values:
Chi-squared =     0.122 (d.f. = 6), p = 1.000
Combination of left one-sided p-values:
Chi-squared =   32.2028 (d.f. = 6), p < 0.001
                                  Fplus       Fminus pplus pminus df
eval : outdegree (density) 2.244881e-14 5.298684e+02     1      0  6
eval : reciprocity         1.067713e+02 1.196272e-03     0      1  6
eval : transitive triplets 1.003808e+02 5.619543e-04     0      1  6
                              Fplus   Fminus pplus pminus df
eval : outdegree (density)   0.0000 529.8684     1      0  6
eval : reciprocity         106.7713   0.0012     0      1  6
eval : transitive triplets 100.3808   0.0006     0      1  6

RSiena documentation built on Sept. 24, 2020, 3 p.m.