


showResult <- function(start, fun, ...)
    ans.donlp <- donlp2NLP(start, fun, ...) 
    ans.solnp <- solnpNLP(start, fun, ...)
    ans.nlminb <- nlminb2NLP(start, fun, ...)
    result.solution <- round(rbind(
        ans.donlp$solution, ans.solnp$solution, ans.nlminb$solution), 3) <- signif(c(
        fun(ans.donlp$solution), fun(ans.solnp$solution), fun(ans.nlminb$solution)), 3)
    result.elapsed <- c(
        ans.donlp$elapsed, ans.solnp$elapsed, ans.nlminb$elapsed)
    cbind(result.solution,, result.elapsed)   

# powell  

    start <- c(-2, 2, 2, -1, -1)
    fun <- function(x) { exp(x[1]*x[2]*x[3]*x[4]*x[5]) }
    eqFun <- list(
        function(x) x[1]*x[1]+x[2]*x[2]+x[3]*x[3]+x[4]*x[4]+x[5]*x[5],
        function(x) x[2]*x[3]-5*x[4]*x[5],
        function(x) x[1]*x[1]*x[1]+x[2]*x[2]*x[2])
    eqFun.bound = c(10, 0, -1)
        start, fun, 
        eqFun = eqFun, eqFun.bound = eqFun.bound)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# wright4 

    # nlminb2 does not converge
    start <- c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
    fun <- function(x){
    eqFun <- list(
        function(x) x[1]+x[2]*x[2]+x[3]*x[3]*x[3],
        function(x) x[2]-x[3]*x[3]+x[4],
        function(x) x[1]*x[5] ) 
    eqFun.bound = c(2+3*sqrt(2), -2+2*sqrt(2), 2)
        start, fun, 
        eqFun = eqFun, eqFun.bound = eqFun.bound)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# box 

    start <- c(1.1, 1.1, 9)
    fun <- function(x) { -x[1]*x[2]*x[3] }
    par.lower <- rep( 1, 3)
    par.upper <- rep(10, 3)
    eqFun <- list(
        function(x) 4*x[1]*x[2]+2*x[2]*x[3]+2*x[3]*x[1] )
    eqFun.bound <- 100

        start, fun, 
        par.lower = par.lower, par.upper = par.upper, 
        eqFun = eqFun, eqFun.bound = eqFun.bound) 

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# wright9  

    start <- c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
    fun <- function(x){
                9*sin(x[5]-x[3])+x[5]^4*x[4]*x[4]*x[2]*x[2]*x[2] }
    ineqFun <- list(
        function(x) x[1]*x[1]+x[2]*x[2]+x[3]*x[3]+x[4]*x[4]+x[5]*x[5],
        function(x) x[1]*x[1]*x[3]-x[4]*x[5],
        function(x) x[2]*x[2]*x[4]+10*x[1]*x[5]) 
    ineqFun.lower <- c(-100,  -2,   5)
    ineqFun.upper <- c(  20, 100, 100)
        start, fun, 
        ineqFun = ineqFun, 
        ineqFun.lower = ineqFun.lower, ineqFun.upper <- ineqFun.upper)   

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# alkylation 

    # solnp2 does not converge
    start <- c(17.45, 12, 110, 30.5, 19.74, 89.2, 92.8, 8, 3.6, 145.2)
    fun <- function(x) { -0.63*x[4]*x[7]+50.4*x[1]+3.5*x[2]+x[3]+33.6*x[5] }
    par.lower <- c( 0,  0,   0, 10,  0, 85, 10, 3, 1, 145)
    par.upper <- c(20, 16, 120, 50, 20, 93, 95,12, 4, 162)
    eqFun <- list(
        function(x) 98*x[3]-0.1*x[4]*x[6]*x[9]-x[3]*x[6],
        function(x) 1000*x[2]+100*x[5]-100*x[1]*x[8],
        function(x) 122*x[4]-100*x[1]-100*x[5])
    eqFun.bound <- c(0, 0, 0)
    ineqFun <- list(
        function(x) (1.12*x[1]+0.13167*x[1]*x[8]-0.00667*x[1]*x[8]*x[8])/x[4],
        function(x) (1.098*x[8]-0.038*x[8]*x[8]+0.325*x[6]+57.25)/x[7],
        function(x) (-0.222*x[10]+35.82)/x[9],
        function(x) (3*x[7]-133)/x[10])
    ineqFun.lower <- c(  0.99,   0.99,  0.9,   0.99)
    ineqFun.upper <- c(100/99, 100/99, 10/9, 100/99)
        start, fun, 
        par.lower = par.lower, par.upper = par.upper,
        eqFun = eqFun, eqFun.bound = eqFun.bound,
        ineqFun = ineqFun, 
        ineqFun.lower = ineqFun.lower, ineqFun.upper = ineqFun.upper)    

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# entropy 

    start <- runif(10, 0, 1)
    fun <- function(x) {
        m <- length(x)
        f <- -sum(log(x))
        vnorm <- sum((x-1)^2)^(1/2) 
        f - log(vnorm + 0.1) }
        par.lower <- rep(0, 10)
    eqFun <- list(
        function(x) sum(x) )
    eqFun.bound <- 10
        start, fun, 
        par.lower = par.lower,  
        eqFun = eqFun, eqFun.bound = eqFun.bound)     

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Rosen-Suzuki Function

    start <- c(1, 1, 1, 1)
    fun <- function(x) 

    ineqFun <- list(
        function(x) 8-x[1]*x[1]-x[2]*x[2]-x[3]*x[3]-x[4]*x[4]-x[1]+x[2]-x[3]+x[4],
        function(x) 10-x[1]*x[1]-2*x[2]*x[2]-x[3]*x[3]-2*x[4]*x[4]+x[1]+x[4],
        function(x) 5-2*x[1]*x[1]-x[2]*x[2]-x[3]*x[3]-2*x[1]+x[2]+x[4] )
    ineqFun.lower <- rep( 0, 3)
    ineqFun.upper <- rep(10, 3)
        start, fun,  
        ineqFun = ineqFun, 
        ineqFun.lower = ineqFun.lower, ineqFun.upper = ineqFun.upper)     

# SharpeRatio Portfolio

    ret = as.matrix(LPP2005REC[, 2:7])
    Mean = colMeans(ret)
    Cov = cov(ret)
    start <- rep(1/6, times = 6)
    fun <- function(x) {
        return = (Mean %*% x)[[1]]
        risk = (t(x) %*% Cov %*% x)[[1]]
        -return/risk }
    par.lower <- rep(0, 6)
    par.upper <- rep(1, 6)  
    eqFun <- list( function(x) sum(x) )
    eqFun.bound <- 1
    showResult(start, fun,  
        par.lower = par.lower, par.upper = par.upper,
        eqFun = eqFun, eqFun.bound = eqFun.bound) 

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Rachev Ratio Portfolio

    # sonlp2 and nlminb do not converge!
    Mean <- colMeans(ret)
    Cov <- cov(ret)
    r <- runif(6)
    start <- r/sum(r)
    start <- rep(1/6, times = 6)
    .VaR <- function(x) { 
        quantile(x, probs = 0.05, type = 1) }
    .CVaR <- function(x) {   
        VaR = .VaR(x)
        VaR - 0.5 * mean(((VaR-ret) + abs(VaR-ret))) / 0.05 }     
    fun <- function(x) {
        port <- as.vector(ret %*% x)
        ans <- (-.CVaR(-port) / .CVaR(port))[[1]] 
    par.lower <- rep(0, 6)
    par.upper <- rep(1, 6)  
    eqFun <- list( function(x) sum(x) )
    eqFun.bound <- 1
    showResult(start, fun,   
        par.lower = par.lower, par.upper = par.upper,
        eqFun = eqFun, eqFun.bound = eqFun.bound) 

# Markowitz Portfolio

    ret <- 100 * as.matrix(LPP2005REC[, 2:7])
    Mean <- colMeans(ret)
    Cov <- cov(ret)
    targetReturn <- mean(Mean)
    start <- rep(1/6, times = 6)  
    fun <- function(x) {
        risk <- (t(x) %*% Cov %*% x)[[1]]
        risk }
    par.lower <- rep(0, 6)
    par.upper <- rep(1, 6)  
    eqFun <- list(
        function(x) sum(x), 
        function(x) (Mean %*% x)[[1]] )
    eqFun.bound <- c(1, targetReturn)
    showResult(start, fun, 
        par.lower = par.lower, par.upper = par.upper,
        eqFun = eqFun, eqFun.bound = eqFun.bound)

# Group Constrained Markowitz

    ret <- 100 * as.matrix(LPP2005REC[, 2:7])
    Mean <- colMeans(ret)
    Cov <- cov(ret)
    targetReturn <- mean(Mean)
    start <- rep(1/6, times = 6)
    # Must be feasible for nlminb !!!
    start <- c(0.3, 0.2, 0.3, 0.0, 0.2, 0.0)
    start <- rep(1/6, time=6)
    fun <- function(x) {
        risk <- (t(x) %*% Cov %*% x)[[1]]
        risk }
    par.lower <- rep(0, 6)
    par.upper <- rep(1, 6)  
    eqFun <- list(
        function(x) sum(x), 
        function(x) (Mean %*% x)[[1]] )
    eqFun.bound <- c(1, targetReturn)
    ineqFun <- list(
        function(x) x[1]+x[4],
        function(x) x[2]+x[5]+x[6])
    ineqFun.lower <- c( 0.3, 0.0)
    ineqFun.upper <- c( 1.0, 0.6)
    showResult(start, fun, 
        par.lower = par.lower, par.upper = par.upper,
        eqFun = eqFun, eqFun.bound = eqFun.bound,
        ineqFun = ineqFun, 
        ineqFun.lower = ineqFun.lower, ineqFun.upper = ineqFun.upper)

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Rdonlp2 documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:47 p.m.