
Defines functions plotCampaignConcSeries

Documented in plotCampaignConcSeries

plotCampaignConcSeries <- function(
		### get a series of ggplots of the time series and its fits
		ds					##<< data frame to plot, with collumns \code{idCol}, \code{timeCol} and \code{varName}
		,dsFits=NULL		##<< tibble of results of \code{\link{calcClosedChamberFlux}} with columns <colChunk>, flux, sdFlux, model, 
		,varName="CO2_dry"	##<< variable to plot
		,colChunk="iChunk"	##<< column name of identifier of one time series
		,timeCol="TIMESTAMP"##<< column name of the time collumn
		,qualityFlag=0		##<< vector of length unique(ds[[colChunk]]): quality flag. For chunks where
			## this flag is not 0, subplots are dimmed.
		,fTextBR=NULL 		##<< function(resFit) to add some text to the bottom right of the plot, by default the rSquared from fitting object
		,fTextTL=NULL 		##<< function(resFit) to add some text to the top left of the plot, by default the autocorrelation from fitting object
		,fTextTR=NULL 		##<< function(resFit) to add a second text to the top right of the plot, by default the provided quality flag, where it is not zero
		,plotsPerPage=64	##<< number of plots per page
		,fileName=""		##<< if non-zero length string, the fileName where all plots are printed to  #paste0(varName,".pdf")
		,colIds = c()
		,ggplotList=c()		##<< list added to each ggplot.
		,ylabel=paste0(varName," (",yunit,")")		##<< y-label, may provide a string of the unit 
		,yunit=""			##<< scalar string, part of default y label 
	if( !requireNamespace("ggplot2")) stop("package ggplot2 must be installed for this function to work.")
	# do not clutter the function declaration with these long defaults, better assign defaults in body: 
	if( !length(fTextBR) ) fTextBR <- function(resFit){ ifelse( is.finite(resFit$r2), format(resFit$r2,digits=2), "")} 
	if( !length(fTextTL) ) fTextTL <- function(resFit){ ifelse( is.finite(resFit$autoCorr), format(resFit$autoCorr,digits=2), "")} 
	if( !length(fTextTR) ) fTextTR <- function(resFit){ ifelse( length(resFit$qf) & resFit$qf != 0, as.character(resFit$qf), "")}  
	#iCamp <- 1
	#dss <- subset(ds, campaign==1 & Chamber==1)
	uniqueId <- unique(ds[[colChunk]])
	N <- length(uniqueId)
	ds$id <- factor(ds[[colChunk]])	# drop unused factor levels
	#if( length(resL) && is.null(names(resL)) ) names(resL) <- levels(ds$id)
	if( length(qualityFlag)==1L ) qualityFlag <- rep(qualityFlag, N)
	if( length(qualityFlag) != N ) warning("provided quality flag with different length than than number of measurement cycles in data.")
	# join quality flag to ds and to dsFits 
	dsQf <- data.frame(id=uniqueId, qf=factor(qualityFlag))	# factor to get discrete color scale
	ds <- suppressWarnings(left_join(ds, dsQf, by="id"))
	dsQf[[colChunk]] <- dsQf$id; dsQf$id <- NULL
	dsFits <- suppressWarnings(left_join(dsFits, dsQf, by=colChunk))
	dsFin <- filter_(ds, paste0("is.finite(",varName,")") )
	colCodes <- structure(rep("lightgray", length(levels(dsFin$qf)) ), names=levels(dsFin$qf))
	colCodes["0"] <- "black"
	#colCodes[uniqueQf==10] <- "darkgrey"
	dsp <- as_tibble(cbind(iPage= factor((as.numeric(dsFin$id)-1)%/%plotsPerPage+1), dsFin))
	if( isVerbose ) message(paste("Number of pages (each ",plotsPerPage," plots): ", length(unique(dsp$iPage))), sep="" )
	#dss <- filter_(dsp,~iPage==1)
	plotPage <-  function(dss){
		idsPage <- unique(dss$id)
		if(isVerbose) message(paste(idsPage, collapse=","))
		# calculate times0
		dss <- dss %>% group_by_(~id) %>% arrange_(timeCol)	%>% # sort ascending time within each 
			 mutate_(times0=paste0("as.numeric(",timeCol,") - as.numeric(",timeCol,")[1]"))
		#dss <- dsc
		p1 <- ggplot2::ggplot( dss, ggplot2::aes_string(x="times0", y=varName) ) + 
				ggplot2::geom_point(shape=1, ggplot2::aes_string(col="qf"), na.rm=TRUE) + 
				ggplot2::facet_wrap( ~id, scales="free") +
				ggplot2::scale_color_manual(values=colCodes, guide = FALSE) +
				ggplot2::xlab("time (s)") + ggplot2::ylab(ylabel) +
				ggplot2::theme_bw(base_size=9) + 
		if( length(dsFits)  ){
			dsFitsPage <- filter_(dsFits, lazyeval::interp(~colChunk %in% idsPage, colChunk=as.name(colChunk)))
			dsFitsPage$id <- dsFitsPage[[colChunk]]
			#. <- unlist(filter_(dsFitsPage, ~iChunk==4 ), recursive =FALSE)
			dfFitted <- dsFitsPage %>% rowwise() %>% do_({
								, fitted=fitted(.$model)
								, times0 = .$tLag + .$times
			dfTextBR <- data.frame(id=dsFitsPage[[colChunk]], text=fTextBR(dsFitsPage))
			dfTextTL <- data.frame(id=dsFitsPage[[colChunk]], text=fTextTL(dsFitsPage))
			dfTextTR <- data.frame(id=dsFitsPage[[colChunk]], text=fTextTR(dsFitsPage))
			p1b <- 
				p1 + 
					ggplot2::geom_vline(data=select_(ungroup(dsFitsPage),~tLag,~id), ggplot2::aes_string(xintercept="tLag"), color="darkgrey", linetype="dashed", na.rm=TRUE) +
			{if( length(dfFitted)) ggplot2::geom_line( data=dfFitted, ggplot2::aes_string(y="fitted"), col="red", na.rm=TRUE  ) else c() } +
			ggplot2::geom_text( data=dfTextBR, ggplot2::aes_string(label="text"), x=+Inf, y=-Inf, hjust=1.05, vjust=0, na.rm=TRUE) +
			ggplot2::geom_text( data=dfTextTL, ggplot2::aes_string(label="text"), x=-Inf, y=+Inf, hjust=0, vjust=1, na.rm=TRUE) +
			ggplot2::geom_text( data=dfTextTR, ggplot2::aes_string(label="text"), x=+Inf, y=+Inf, hjust=1, vjust=1, na.rm=TRUE) +
	# warning on unequal factor levels
	dsPlots <- suppressWarnings(dsp %>% group_by_(~iPage) %>% do_( ~tibble::tibble(plot=list(plotPage(.))) ))
	if( nzchar(fileName) ){
		dsPlots %>% rowwise() %>% do_(~{
					if( isVerbose ) message(",",.$iPage, appendLF=FALSE)
		if( isVerbose ) message("\nprinted plots to file ",fileName) 
	##value<< a tibble with columns page and plot, the second column holding plotting objects
	## \code{dsPlots %>% rowwise() %>% do({print(.$plot)})}

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RespChamberProc documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:53 p.m.