
Defines functions idm

Documented in idm

#' Fit an illness-death model
#' Fit an illness-death model using either a semi-parametric approach
#' (penalized likelihood with an approximation of the transition intensity
#' functions by linear combination of M-splines) or a parametric approach
#' (specifying Weibull distributions on the transition intensities).
#' Left-truncated, right-censored, and interval-censored data are allowed.
#' State 0 corresponds to the initial state, state 1 to the transient one,
#' state 2 to the absorbant one. The allowed transitions are: 0 --> 1, 0 --> 2
#' and 1 --> 2.
#' The estimated parameters are obtained using the robust Marquardt algorithm
#' (Marquardt, 1963) which is a combination between a Newton-Raphson algorithm
#' and a steepest descent algorithm.
#' @param formula01 A formula specifying a regression model for the
#' \code{0 --> 1} transition from the initial state to the transient
#' state of the illness-death model.  The right hand side of the
#' formula specifies the covariate terms, and the left hand side must
#' be an event history object as returned by the function \code{Hist}.
#' @param formula02 A formula specifying a regression model for the
#' \code{0 --> 2} transition from the initial state to the absorbing
#' state. The left hand side must be equal to the left hand side of
#' \code{formula01}. If missing it is set to \code{formula01}.
#' @param formula12 A formula specifying a regression model for the
#' \code{1 --> 2} transition from the transient state to the absorbing
#' state.  operator is not required. If missing it is set to
#' \code{formula01}.
#' @param data A data frame in which to interpret the variables of
#' \code{formula01}, \code{formula02} and \code{formula12}.
#' @param maxiter Maximum number of iterations. The default is 200.
#' @param eps A vector of 3 integers >0 used to define the power of
#' three convergence criteria: 1. for the regression parameters,
#' 2. for the likelihood, 3. for the second derivatives. The default
#' is \code{c(5,5,3)} which is translated into convergence if the
#' respective values change less then \eqn{10^{-5}} (for regression
#' parameters and likelihood) and \eqn{10^{-3}} for the second
#' derivatives between two iterations.
#' @param n.knots For \code{method="Splines"} only, a vector of length
#' 3 specifing the number of knots, one for each transition, for the
#' M-splines estimate of the baseline intensities in the order \code{0
#' --> 1}, \code{0 --> 2}, \code{1 --> 2}.  The default is c(7,7,7).
#' @param knots List of length 3 containing the placements
#' (timepoints) of the knots for the M-spline of the three
#' transitions.
#' @param CV Binary variable equals to 1 when search (by approximated
#' cross validation) of the smoothing parameters kappa and 0
#' otherwise. Argument for the penalized likelihood approach. The
#' default is 0.
#' @param kappa a vector of length 3.  If CV=FALSE, smoothing
#' parameters for the transition 0 --> 1, 0 --> 2 and 1 --> 2. If
#' CV=TRUE, initial values of the smoothing parameters for the cross
#' validation search. Argument for the penalized likelihood approach.
#' @param method type of estimation method: "Splines" for a
#' penalized likelihood approach with approximation of the transition
#' intensities by M-splines, "Weib" for a parametric approach with a
#' Weibull distribution on the transition intensities. Default is
#' "Weib".
#' @param conf.int Boolean parameter. Equals to \code{TRUE} to
#' calculate pointwise confidence intervals for the transition
#' intensities curves, \code{FALSE} otherwise. Default is \code{TRUE}.
#' @param print.iter boolean parameter. Equals to \code{TRUE} to print
#' the likelihood during the iteration process, \code{FALSE}
#' otherwise. Default is \code{FALSE}. This option is not running on
#' Windows.
#' @param subset expression indicating the subset of the rows of data
#' to be used in the fit. All observations are included by default.
#' @param na.action how NAs are treated. The default is first, any
#' na.action attribute of data, second a na.action setting of options,
#' and third 'na.fail' if that is unset. The 'factory-fresh' default
#' is na.omit. Another possible value is NULL.
#' @return
#' \item{call}{the call that produced the result.} \item{coef}{regression
#' parameters.} \item{loglik}{vector containing the log-likelihood without and
#' with covariate.} \item{cv}{vector containing the convergence criteria.}
#' \item{niter}{number of iterations.} \item{converged}{integer equal to 1 when
#' the model converged, 2, 3 or 4 otherwise.} \item{modelPar}{Weibull
#' parameters.} \item{N}{number of subjects.} \item{events1}{number of events 0
#' --> 1.} \item{events2}{number of events 0 --> 2 or 0 --> 1 --> 2.}
#' \item{NC}{vector containing the number of covariates on transitions 0 --> 1,
#' 0 --> 2, 1 --> 2.} \item{responseTrans}{model response for the 0 --> 1
#' transition. \code{Hist} or \code{Surv} object.} \item{responseAbs}{model
#' response for the 0 --> 2 transition. \code{Hist} or \code{Surv} object.}
#' \item{time}{times for which transition intensities have been evaluated for
#' plotting. Vector in the Weibull approach. Matrix in the penalized likelihhod
#' approach for which the colums corresponds to the transitions 0 --> 1, 1 -->
#' 2, 0 --> 2.} \item{intensity01}{matched values of the intensities for
#' transition 0 --> 1.} \item{lowerIntensity01}{lower confidence intervals for
#' the values of the intensities for transition 0 --> 1.}
#' \item{upperIntensity01}{upper confidence intervals for the values of the
#' intensities for transition 0 --> 1.} \item{intensity02}{matched values of
#' the intensities for transition 0 --> 2.} \item{lowerIntensity02}{lower
#' confidence intervals for the values of the intensities for transition 0 -->
#' 2.} \item{upperIntensity02}{upper confidence intervals for the values of the
#' intensities for transition 0 --> 2.} \item{intensity12}{matched values of
#' the intensities for transition 1 --> 2.} \item{lowerIntensity12}{lower
#' confidence intervals for the values of the intensities for transition 1 -->
#' 2.} \item{upperIntensity12}{upper confidence intervals for the values of the
#' intensities for transition 1 --> 2.} \item{RR}{vector of relative risks.}
#' \item{V}{variance-covariance matrix.} \item{se}{standart errors of the
#' regression parameters.} \item{Xnames01}{names of covariates on 0 --> 1.}
#' \item{Xnames02}{names of covariates on 0 --> 2.} \item{Xnames12}{names of
#' covariates on 1 --> 2.} \item{knots01}{knots to approximate by M-splines the
#' intensity of the 0 --> 1 transition.} \item{knots02}{knots to approximate by
#' M-splines the intensity of the 0 --> 2 transition.} \item{knots12}{knots to
#' approximate by M-splines the intensity of the 1 --> 2 transition.}
#' \item{nknots01}{number of knots on transition 0 --> 1.}
#' \item{nknots02}{number of knots on transition 0 --> 2.}
#' \item{nknots12}{number of knots on transition 1 --> 2.}
#' \item{theta01}{square root of splines coefficients for transition 0 --> 1.}
#' \item{theta02}{square root of splines coefficients for transition 0 --> 2.}
#' \item{theta12}{square root of splines coefficients for transition 1 --> 2.}
#' \item{CV}{a binary variable equals to 1 when search of the smoothing
#' parameters \link{kappa} by approximated cross-validation, 1 otherwise. The
#' default is 0.} \item{kappa}{vector containing the smoothing parameters for
#' transition 0 --> 1, 0 --> 2, 1 --> 2 used to estimate the model by the
#' penalized likelihood approach.} \item{CVcrit}{cross validation criteria.}
#' \item{DoF}{degrees of freedom of the model.} \item{na.action}{observations
#' deleted if missing values.}
#' @author R: Celia Touraine <Celia.Touraine@@isped.u-bordeaux2.fr> Fortran:
#' Pierre Joly <Pierre.Joly@@isped.u-bordeaux2.fr>
#' @seealso \code{\link{print.idm}}
#' \code{\link{summary.idm}}
#' @references D. Marquardt (1963). An algorithm for least-squares estimation
#' of nonlinear parameters.  \emph{SIAM Journal of Applied Mathematics},
#' 431-441.
#' @keywords ilness-death
##' @examples
##' library(lava)
##' library(prodlim)
##' set.seed(17)
##' d <- simulateIDM(100)
##' # right censored data
##' fitRC <- idm(formula01=Hist(time=observed.illtime,event=seen.ill)~X1+X2,
##'              formula02=Hist(time=observed.lifetime,event=seen.exit)~X1+X2,
##'              formula12=Hist(time=observed.lifetime,event=seen.exit)~X1+X2,data=d,
##'              conf.int=FALSE)
##' fitRC
##' # interval censored data
##' fitIC <- idm(formula01=Hist(time=list(L,R),event=seen.ill)~X1+X2,
##'              formula02=Hist(time=observed.lifetime,event=seen.exit)~X1+X2,
##'              formula12=Hist(time=observed.lifetime,event=seen.exit)~X1+X2,data=d,
##'              conf.int=FALSE)
##' fitIC
##' \dontrun{
##'     data(Paq1000)
##'     # Illness-death model with certif on the 3 transitions
##'     # Weibull parametrization and likelihood maximization
##'     fit.weib <- idm(formula02=Hist(time=t,event=death,entry=e)~certif,
##'                     formula01=Hist(time=list(l,r),event=dementia)~certif,
##'                     data=Paq1000)
##'     # Illness-death model with certif on transitions 01 and 02
##'     # Splines parametrization and penalized likelihood maximization
##'     fit.splines <-  idm(formula02=Hist(time=t,event=death,entry=e)~certif,
##'                         formula01=Hist(time=list(l,r),event=dementia)~certif,
##'                         formula12=~1,
##'                         method="Splines",
##'                         data=Paq1000)
##'     ## to print
##'     fit.weib
##'     ## to summary
##'     summary(fit.splines)
##' }
#' @importFrom prodlim Hist
#' @useDynLib SmoothHazard
#' @export
idm <- function(formula01,
                na.action = na.fail){
  # {{{ check formula
  call <- match.call()
  ptm <- proc.time()
  if(missing(formula01))stop("The argument formula01 needs a formula.")
  if(missing(formula02))stop("The argument formula02 needs a formula.")	
  if(class(formula01)!="formula")stop("The argument formula01 must be a class 'formula'.")	
  if(class(formula02)!="formula")stop("The argument formula02 must be a class 'formula'.")		
  if(missing(formula02)) formula02 <- formula01
  if(missing(formula12)) formula12 <- formula02
  # }}}
  # {{{ evaluate formula in data 
  if(missing(data)) stop("Need a data frame.")
  if(class(data)!="data.frame")stop("Argument 'data' must be a data.frame")
  m <- match.call()
  m01 <- m02 <- m12 <- m[match(c("","data","subset","na.action"),names(m),nomatch=0)]
  m01$formula <- formula01
  m02$formula <- formula02
  m12$formula <- formula12
  m01[[1]] <- m02[[1]] <- m12[[1]] <- as.name("model.frame")

  m01 <- eval(m01,parent.frame())
  m02 <- eval(m02,parent.frame())
  m12 <- eval(m12,parent.frame())
  # }}}
  # {{{ extract response
  responseTrans <- stats::model.response(m01)
  responseAbs <- stats::model.response(m02)
  # }}}
  # {{{ extract covariates
  ## formula01
  x01 <- model.matrix(formula01,data=m01)[, -1, drop = FALSE]
  NC01 <- NCOL(x01)
  if (NC01>0)
      Xnames01 <- colnames(x01)
      Xnames01 <- NULL
  ## formula02
  x02 <- model.matrix(formula02,data=m02)[, -1, drop = FALSE]
  NC02 <- NCOL(x02)
  if (NC01>0)
      Xnames02 <- colnames(x02)
      Xnames02 <- NULL
  ## formula12
  x12 <- model.matrix(formula12,data=m12)[, -1, drop = FALSE]
  NC12 <- NCOL(x12)
  if (NC12>0)
      Xnames12 <- colnames(x12)
      Xnames12 <- NULL
  # }}}
  # {{{ prepare censored event times
  isIntervalCensored <- attr(responseTrans,"cens.type")=="intervalCensored"
  truncated <- nchar(attr(responseAbs,"entry.type"))>1
  abstime <- as.double(responseAbs[,"time"])
  ## It may happen that the illness time is observed exactly, in which case
  ## the status is 1, thus we need two criteria to declare illness status:
  ## 1. exact observations with illness status ==1
  ## 2. interval censored with any illness status. FIXME: check the corresponding likelihood
  idm <- responseTrans[,"status"]==(as.integer(isIntervalCensored)+1)
  if (isIntervalCensored)
      idm[(responseTrans[,"status"]==1 & (responseTrans[,"L"]==responseTrans[,"R"]))] <- 1
  ## exit status
  idd <- responseAbs[,"status"]==1
  N <- length(abstime)
  if (truncated==0){
      entrytime <- as.double(NULL)
      entrytime <- as.double(responseAbs[,"entry"])
  if (isIntervalCensored){
      Ltime <- as.double(responseTrans[,"L",drop=TRUE])
      Rtime <- as.double(responseTrans[,"R",drop=TRUE])
      ## if (any(Rtime<abstime & idm ==0))
      ## warning(paste("For ",
      ## sum(Rtime<abstime & idm ==0),
      ## " cases where the ill status is not observed\n and the last inspection time (R) is smaller than the right censored time (T)\n the time R is set to T."))
  }else{# exactly observed transition times
      Ltime <- as.double(responseTrans[,"time",drop=TRUE])
      Rtime <- as.double(responseTrans[,"time",drop=TRUE])
      Ltime[idm==0] <- abstime[idm==0]
      Rtime[idm==0] <- abstime[idm==0]
  ## print(head(cbind(Ltime,Rtime)))
  if(!(method %in% c("Weib","Splines"))) stop("The method argument must be 'Weib' or 'Splines'")
  # }}}
  # {{{ check data for integrity
  if (attr(responseAbs,"cens.type")=="intervalCensored") stop("No method available when the transtion to the absorbing state is interval censored.")
  if (isIntervalCensored && any(Rtime<Ltime)) stop("Misspecified transitition times:\nSome left interval limits are greater than the corresponding right limits.")
  # }}}
  # {{{ call Fortran function weib and collect results
  ## ===R provides===
  ## Variable name| Explanation|Dimension|Storage mode|Remark
  ## entrytime| truncation time|length N|double|if is_truncated = 0 then length 0
  ## l| right censored  time or left border of interval censored obs for illness|length N|double|
  ## r| right border of interval censored obs for illness|length N|double|without interval censoring r=l 
  ## d| right censored  time or obs time for death|length N|double|
  ## idm| illness status (1= event, 0=no event)|length N|integer|
  ## idd| death status (1= event, 0=no event)|length N|integer|
  ## x01| covariate matrix in vector form for 0---> 1: c(X_11,X_12,...,X_1P,X_21,X22,...,X_P*N)|length N*P|double|dummy variables
  ## x02| covariate matrix in vector form for 0---> 2: c(X_11,X_12,...,X_1P,X_21,X22,...,X_P*N)|length N*P|double|
  ## x12| covariate matrix in vector form for 1---> 2: c(X_11,X_12,...,X_1P,X_21,X22,...,X_P*N)|length N*P|double|
  ## cluster| NOT YET |--|--|
  ## strata| NOT YET |--|--|
  ## N| number of subjects|length 1|integer|
  ## P01| number of covariates for 0---> 1|length 1|integer|
  ## P02| number of covariates for 0---> 2|length 1|integer|
  ## P12| number of covariates for 1---> 2|length 1|integer|
  ## is_truncated|0=no, 1=yes|length 1|integer|
  ## eps|convergence criteria: 1:likelihood,2:parameter est,3:gradient parameter est |length 3|integer|example eps=c(7,4,5) then use 10^-7,10^-4,10^-5. Defaults to c(5,5,3)
  ## maxiter| maximum number of iteration | length 1 | integer | > 0 default to 200
  if (method == "Weib"){
      #	cat("------ Program Weibull ------ \n")
      size1 <- NC01 + NC02 + NC12
      size2 <- size1^2
      size_V <- size1 + 6
      ffit <- .Fortran("idmWeib",
                       ## input
                       as.double(entrytime),               #
                       as.double(Ltime),                   #l=
                       as.double(Rtime),                   #r=
                       as.double(abstime),                 #d=
                       as.integer(idm),                    #idm=}
                       as.integer(idd),                    #idd=
                       as.double(x01),                     #x01=
                       as.double(x02),                     #x02=
                       as.double(x12),                     #x12=
                       as.integer(N),                      #N=
                       as.integer(NC01),                   #P01= 
                       as.integer(NC02),                   #P02= 
                       as.integer(NC12),                   #P12= 
                       as.integer(truncated),              #truncated=
                       ## interval=as.integer(isIntervalCensored),
                       as.integer(eps),   #eps=
                       ## output
      ## ===Fortran delivers===
      ## Variable name| Explanation|Dimension|Storage mode|Remark
      ## loglik|log-likelihood without and with covariate|length 2|double|
      ## basepar|Weibull parameters|length 2|double|
      ## regpar|Regression coefficients|length P01+P02+P12|double| 0--->1 then 0--->2 then 1--->2
      ## v|covariance matrix|length (P01+P02+P12)*(P01+P02+P12)|double|
      ## converged|1=converged,2=iter > maxiter ,3=no|length 1|integer|
      ## cv | value of convergence criteria 1:likelihood, 2:parameter est, 3: gradient |length 3 | double |
      ## niter | number of iterations used to converge | lenght 1 | integer |
      ## t|time to plot alpha(t) |length 100|double|
      ## a01|transition intensity function for 0--->1|length 100|double|
      ## a01_l|lower confidence band for a01|length 100|double|
      ## a01_u|upper confidence band for a01|length 100|double|
      ## a02|transition intensity function for 0--->2|length 100|double|
      ## a02_l|lower confidence band for a02|length 100|double|
      ## a02_u|upper confidence band for a02|length 100|double|
      ## a12|transition intensity function for 1--->2|length 100|double|
      ## a12_l|lower confidence band for a12|length 100|double|
      ## a12_u|upper confidence band for a12|length 100|double|
       #  	cat("------ Program Splines ------ \n")
       if (length(entrytime)>0){
           alltimes <- sort(unique(c(Ltime, Rtime,entrytime,abstime)))

	amax <- max(alltimes)
        amin <- min(alltimes)
        alltimes <- sort(unique(c(Ltime, Rtime,abstime)))
        amax <- max(alltimes)
        amin <- 0
    if (knots=="equidistant"){
        nknots01 <- n.knots[1]
        nknots02 <- n.knots[2]
        nknots12 <- n.knots[3]
        knots01 <- seq(amin,amax,(amax-amin)/(nknots01-1))
        knots02 <- seq(amin,amax,(amax-amin)/(nknots02-1))
        knots12 <- seq(amin,amax,(amax-amin)/(nknots12-1))
        if (knots=="quantiles"){
            nknots01 <- n.knots[1]
            nknots02 <- n.knots[2]
            nknots12 <- n.knots[3]
            approx.illtimes <- (Rtime[idm==1] + Ltime[idm==1])/2
            knots01 <- quantile(approx.illtimes,seq(0,1,1/(nknots01-1)))
            knots02 <- quantile(abstime,seq(0,1,1/(nknots02-1)))
            knots12 <- quantile(abstime,seq(0,1,1/(nknots12-1)))
        else{## user specified knots
            knots01 <- sort(knots[[1]])
            knots02 <- sort(knots[[2]])
            knots12 <- sort(knots[[3]])
            nknots01 <- length(knots01)
            nknots02 <- length(knots02)
            nknots12 <- length(knots12)
    if (truncated){
        if (min(knots01)>min(entrytime))
            stop("The first knot for the 0->1 transition has to be before or at the smallest entrytime")
        if (min(knots02)>min(entrytime))
            stop("The first knot for the 0->2 transition has to be before or at the smallest entrytime")
    } else{
        if (min(knots01)>0)
            stop("The first knot for the 0->1 transition has to be zero")
        if (min(knots02)>0)
            stop("The first knot for the 0->2 transition has to be zero")
    if (min(knots12)>min(Ltime))
        stop("The first knot for the 1->2 transition has to be before or at the first time where someone may be in the ill-state.")
    ## print(knots01)
    ## print(knots02)
    ## print(knots12)
    ## make fake knots needed for M-splines
    knots01 <- c(rep(knots01[1],3),knots01,rep(knots01[length(knots01)],3))
    knots02 <- c(rep(knots02[1],3),knots02,rep(knots02[length(knots02)],3))
    knots12 <- c(rep(knots12[1],3),knots12,rep(knots12[length(knots12)],3))
    size1 <- NC01 + NC02 + NC12
    size_V <- size1 + nknots01+nknots02+nknots12 + 6
    size2 <- size1**2
    ffit <- .Fortran("idmPl",
                     ## input
                     as.double(entrytime),               #entrytime=
                     as.double(Ltime),                   #l=
                     as.double(Rtime),                   #r=
                     as.double(abstime),                 #d=
                     as.integer(idm),                    #idm=
                     as.integer(idd),                    #idd=
                     as.double(x01),                     #x01=
                     as.double(x02),                     #x02=
                     as.double(x12),                     #x12=
                     as.integer(N),                      #N
                     as.integer(NC01),                   #P01= 
                     as.integer(NC02),                   #P02= 
                     as.integer(NC12),                   #P12= 
                     as.integer(truncated),              #truncated=
                     ## interval=as.integer(isIntervalCensored),
                     as.integer(eps),   #eps=
                     ## output

  if (ffit$converged[1] == 4){
      warning("Problem in the loglikelihood computation. The program stopped abnormally. Please verify your dataset. \n")    

  if (ffit$converged[1] == 2){
    warning("Model did not converge. You could change the 'maxit' parameter")

  if (ffit$converged[1] == 3){
    warning("Fisher information matrix non-positive definite.")
  if (ffit$converged[2] != 0){
    if (ffit$converged[2] == 4){
      warning("With covariates, problem in the loglikelihood computation. The program stopped abnormally. Please verify your dataset. \n")    

    if (ffit$converged[2] == 2){
    warning("With covariates, model did not converge. You could change the 'maxit' parameter")

    if (ffit$converged[2] == 3){
      warning("With covariates, Fisher information matrix non-positive definite.")

  fit <- NULL
    weibullParameter <- ffit$basepar

  NC <- c(NC01,NC02,NC12)
  fit$call <- call
  fit$loglik <- ffit$loglik
  fit$cv <- ffit$cv
  fit$niter <- ffit$niter
  fit$converged <- ffit$converged
    fit$modelPar <- weibullParameter
  fit$N <- N
  fit$events1 <- sum(idm)
  fit$events2 <- sum(idd)
  fit$NC <- NC
  fit$responseAbs <- responseAbs
  fit$responseTrans <- responseTrans
    fit$time <- matrix(ffit$t,ncol=3) 
    fit$time <- ffit$t 
  fit$intensity01 <- ffit$a01
  fit$lowerIntensity01 <- ffit$a01_l
  fit$upperIntensity01 <- ffit$a01_u
  fit$intensity02 <- ffit$a02
  fit$lowerIntensity02 <- ffit$a02_l
  fit$upperIntensity02 <- ffit$a02_u
  fit$intensity12 <- ffit$a12
  fit$lowerIntensity12 <- ffit$a12_l
  fit$upperIntensity12 <- ffit$a12_u
  if (sum(NC)>0){                       # if at least one covariate
      betaCoef <- ffit$regpar
      names(betaCoef) <- c(Xnames01,Xnames02,Xnames12)
      fit$coef <- betaCoef
      fit$HR <- exp(betaCoef)
      V <- matrix(ffit$v,nrow=size1,ncol=size1,byrow=T) 
      colnames(V) <- c(Xnames01,Xnames02,Xnames12)
      rownames(V) <- c(Xnames01,Xnames02,Xnames12)
      fit$V_cov <- V
      fit$se <- sqrt(diag(fit$V))
  V <- matrix(ffit$V_tot,nrow=size_V,ncol=size_V,byrow=T)
      colnames(V) <- c("sqrt(a01)","sqrt(b01)","sqrt(a02)","sqrt(b02)","sqrt(a12)","sqrt(b12)",c(Xnames01,Xnames02,Xnames12))
      rownames(V) <- c("sqrt(a01)","sqrt(b01)","sqrt(a02)","sqrt(b02)","sqrt(a12)","sqrt(b12)",c(Xnames01,Xnames02,Xnames12))
      theta_names <- cbind(c(rep("theta01",(nknots01+2)),rep("theta02",(nknots02+2)),rep("theta12",(nknots12+2))),c((1:(nknots01+2)),(1:(nknots02+2)),(1:(nknots12+2))))
      theta_names <- as.vector(apply(theta_names,1,paste,collapse=" "))
      colnames(V) <- c(theta_names,c(Xnames01,Xnames02,Xnames12))	
      rownames(V) <- c(theta_names,c(Xnames01,Xnames02,Xnames12))	
  fit$V <- V

  if(NC01>0) fit$Xnames01 <- Xnames01
  if(NC02>0) fit$Xnames02 <- Xnames02
  if(NC12>0) fit$Xnames12 <- Xnames12
      fit$knots01 <- knots01
      fit$knots02 <- knots02
      fit$knots12 <- knots12
      fit$theta01 <- ffit$theta01     
      fit$theta02 <- ffit$theta02    
      fit$theta12 <- ffit$theta12 
      fit$CV <- CV
      fit$nknots01 <- nknots01
      fit$nknots02 <- nknots02
      fit$nknots12 <- nknots12
      fit$igraph <- ffit$igraph
      fit$CVcrit <- ffit$CVcrit
      fit$DoF <- ffit$mdf
          fit$kappa <- ffit$kappa	
          fit$kappa <- kappa
  fit$na.action <- "na.fail"
  # }}}
  fit$method <- method
  class(fit) <- "idm"
  fit$runtime <- proc.time()-ptm

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SmoothHazard documentation built on May 2, 2019, 4:43 p.m.