
Defines functions seqedplot

Documented in seqedplot

seqedplot <- function(seqe,
    group=NULL, breaks=20, ages=NULL,
    main="auto", type="survival", ignore=NULL,
    use.layout=(!is.null(group) | with.legend!=FALSE), legend.prop=NA,
    rows=NA, cols=NA,
    xaxis="all", xlab="time",
    yaxis="all", ylab=ifelse(type=="survival", "survival probability", "mean number of events"),
    title, withlegend, axes, ...){

  TraMineR.check.depr.args(alist(main=title, with.legend=withlegend, xaxis=axes))

	if(!is.seqelist(seqe)) stop("seqe should be a seqelist. See help on seqecreate.")
	if(type=="survival" && all(seqelength(seqe)==-1)){
		stop(" [!] You should set observation time to use type='survival' (see seqelength)")

    if (is.logical(xaxis)){
        xaxis <- ifelse (xaxis, "all", FALSE)
    } else {
        if (!xaxis %in% c("all","bottom"))
            TraMineR:::msg.stop('If not logical, xaxis should be one of "all" or "bottom"')
    axes <- xaxis
    if (is.logical(yaxis)){
        yaxis <- ifelse(yaxis, "all", FALSE)
    } else {
        if (!yaxis %in% c("all","left"))
            TraMineR:::msg.stop('If not logical, yaxis should be one of "all" or "left"')
    yaxes <- yaxis

    cex.lab <- par("cex.lab")
    if ("cex.lab" %in% names(list(...))) cex.lab <- list(...)[["cex.lab"]]

	## Storing original optional arguments list
	oolist <- list(...)
  if (!("conf.int" %in% names(oolist))) oolist[["conf.int"]] <- FALSE

  	leg.ncol <- if ("ncol" %in% names(oolist)) { oolist[["ncol"]] } else { NULL }
    oolist <- oolist[names(oolist) != "ncol"]

	#if(is.null(ignore)) ignore <- character()
	## ==============================
	## Preparing if group is not null
	## ==============================
	if (!is.null(group)) {
		## Eliminate the unused levels
		group <- factor(group)
		nplot <- length(levels(group))
		gindex <- vector("list",nplot)

		for (s in 1:nplot)
			gindex[[s]] <- which(group==levels(group)[s])

		## Title of each plot
        if (!is.null(main)) {
            if (main[1] == "auto")
              main <- levels(group) ## will be NULL if group is NULL
            else if (length(main)==1)
              main <- paste(main,"-",levels(group))
	else {
		nplot <- 1
		gindex <- vector("list",1)
		gindex[[1]] <- 1:length(seqe)

    if (length(ylab) <= 1) ## length(NULL) is 0
      ylab <- rep(ylab, nplot)
    else if (length(ylab) != nplot)
      TraMineR:::msg.stop("If a vector, ylab must have one value per group level!")

	## ===================
	## Defining the layout
	## ===================

	if (use.layout || !is.null(group) ) {
		## Saving graphical parameters
		savepar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
		##lout <- TraMineR:::TraMineR.setlayout(nplot, rows, cols, with.legend, axes, legend.prop)
		lout <- TraMineRInternalLayout(nplot, rows, cols, with.legend, axes, legend.prop)
	  	layout(lout$laymat, heights=lout$heights, widths=lout$widths)

		## Axis should be plotted or not ?
		#xaxis <- 1:nplot==lout$axisp

        xaxis <- rep(FALSE,nplot)
        xaxis[lout$axisp] <- TRUE

        yaxis <- rep(FALSE,nplot)
        if (!isFALSE(yaxes)){
            if (yaxes == "left"){
                yaxis[lout$laymat[,1]] <- TRUE
            else if (yaxes == "all") {
                yaxis <- rep(TRUE,nplot)

		legpos <- lout$legpos
	else {
		if (isFALSE(axes)) {xaxis <- FALSE}
		else {xaxis <- TRUE}
        if (isFALSE(yaxes)) {yaxis <- FALSE}
        else yaxis <- TRUE
		legpos <- NULL
	agesmatrices <- list()
	allevents <- which(!levels(seqe) %in% ignore)
	numevent <- length(levels(seqe))
	nevent <- length(allevents)
  if (nevent < 1) stop("At least one event should remain aside the ignore list!")

	minage <- NA
	maxage <- NA
	for(event in 1:nevent){
        ##agematrix <- .Call("tmreventinseq", seqe, as.integer(allevents[event]), PACKAGE="TraMineR")
        agematrix <- TraMineRInternalSeqeage(seqe, as.integer(allevents[event]))
		agematrix[agematrix==-1] <- NA
		if (!is.null(ages)) {
			agematrix[agematrix<ages[1]] <- NA
			agematrix[agematrix>ages[2]] <- NA
		suppressWarnings(minage <- min(c(minage, agematrix), na.rm=TRUE))
		suppressWarnings(maxage <- max(c(maxage, agematrix), na.rm=TRUE))
		agesmatrices[[event]] <- agematrix
	if(is.null(ages))ages <- c(minage, maxage)
	if(is.null(cpal)) {
		if (nevent==1)
			cpal <- brewer.pal(3,"Dark2")[1]
		if (nevent==2)
			cpal <- brewer.pal(3,"Dark2")[1:2]
		else if (nevent<=8)
			cpal <- brewer.pal(nevent,"Dark2")
		else if (nevent>8 & nevent<=12)
			cpal <- brewer.pal(nevent,"Set3")
			cpal <- 1:nevent
	## Finding correct cutpoints
	labs <- levels(cut(ages, breaks))
	cutpoints <- cbind(lower = as.numeric( sub("\\((.+),.*", "\\1", labs) ),
		upper = as.numeric( sub("[^,]*,([^]]*)\\]", "\\1", labs) ))
	cutpoints <- c(cutpoints[,1], max(cutpoints[,2]))
	onx <- cutpoints[-1]
	if (type=="hazard") {
		ony <- list()
		miny <- 1
		maxy <- 0
		for (np in 1:nplot) {
		ony[[np]] <- list()
			for (event in 1:nevent) {
				ony[[np]][[event]] <- as.numeric(xtabs(rep(seqeweight(seqe)[gindex[[np]]],
                        breaks=cutpoints, ordered_result=TRUE))/length(gindex[[np]]))
				miny <- min(ony[[np]][[event]], miny)
				maxy <- max(ony[[np]][[event]], maxy)
	for (np in 1:nplot) {
        if (xaxis[np])
            xaxt <- "s" else xaxt <- "n"
        if (yaxis[np])
            yaxt <- "s" else yaxt <- "n"

        yylab <- ylab[np]
        sep.ylab <- (isFALSE(yaxis[np]) && (is.null(yylab) || !is.na(yylab)))
        if (sep.ylab) {
            sylab <- yylab
            yylab <- NA

		if (type=="hazard") {
			doplot <- TRUE

			for (event in 1:nevent) {
				if (doplot) {
					plot(onx, ony[[np]][[event]], ylim=c(miny,maxy), col=cpal[event], type="l",
                    xlab=xlab, ylab=yylab, main=main[np],
                    yaxt=yaxt, xaxt=xaxt, ...)
					doplot <- FALSE
					lines(onx, ony[[np]][[event]], col=cpal[event], ...)
		else if (type=="survival") {
			## library(survival)
			doplot <- TRUE
			for (event in 1:nevent) {
				time <- agesmatrices[[event]][gindex[[np]],1]
				endobs <- seqelength(seqe)[gindex[[np]]]
				status <- !is.na(time)
				time[!status] <- endobs[!status]
				ony <- survfit(Surv(time, as.integer(status))~ 1)
				#ony <- ecdf(agesmatrices[[event]][gindex[[np]],1])
				if (doplot) {
                  ## plot.survfit has lost his firstx argument (undocumented, but existed at least up to survival v 2.31)
        					##plot(ony, col=cpal[event], firstx=ages[1], xmax=ages[2], main=main[np], conf.int=FALSE, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, ...)
        					## using xmax and xlim produces warning since survival v 3.0
                  ##plot(ony, col=cpal[event], xmax=ages[2], main=main[np], conf.int=FALSE, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, xlim=ages, ...)
        					##plot(ony, col=cpal[event], main=main[np], xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, xlim=ages, ...)
                  plist <- list(x=ony, col=cpal[event], main=main[np], xlab=xlab, ylab=yylab, xlim=ages,
                                yaxt=yaxt, xaxt=xaxt)
                  #plotargs <- names(formals(survival:::plot.survfit))
                  #polist <- oolist[names(oolist) %in% plotargs]
                  polist <- oolist
                  plist <- c(plist, polist)
                  do.call(plot, args=plist)
        		  doplot <- FALSE
        					##lines(ony, col=cpal[event], ...)
                  plist <- list(ony, col=cpal[event])
                  #plotargs <- names(formals(survival:::lines.survfit))
                  #polist <- oolist[names(oolist) %in% plotargs]
                  polist <- oolist
                  plist <- c(plist, polist)
                  do.call(lines, args=plist)
       if (sep.ylab){
             graphics::title(ylab=sylab, line=1, cex.lab=cex.lab)


	## Plotting the legend
	if (!is.null(legpos)) {
		## Extracting event names

		ltext <- levels(seqe)[allevents]

        legargs <- names(formals(legend))
        largs <- oolist[names(oolist) %in% legargs]
        largs <- largs[!names(largs) %in% c("cex")]
        largs <- c(list(legpos, ltext, cpal, cex=cex.legend, leg.ncol=leg.ncol),largs)

		#TraMineR.legend(legpos, ltext, cpal, cex=cex.legend, density=density, angle=angle, leg.ncol=leg.ncol)
		do.call(TraMineR:::TraMineR.legend, largs)

		##TraMineR:::TraMineR.legend(legpos, ltext, cpal, cex=cex.legend)
		#TraMineRInternalLegend(legpos, ltext, cpal, cex=cex.legend)


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TraMineRextras documentation built on Aug. 19, 2024, 3:02 p.m.