
# MDNC_MDNN_Invasive is a R function to estimate the distance (phylogenetic, functional, ecological) between
# some species of interest (invasive, rare) and their co-occuring species in the communities. 
#Author: Wilfried Thuiller, LECA
#Date: 4 February 2009 
# MDNC: Mean phylogenetic/Functional/ecological distance of one given (introduced, rare) species (sp) to the native community
# MDWNC: Mean weighted phylogenetic/Functional/ecological distance of one given (introduced, rare) species (sp) to the native community
# MDNN: Phylogenetic/functional/ecological distance of one given (introduced, rare) species (sp) to its nearest relative (native for instance)
# MDMAS: Phylogenetic/functional/ecological distance of one given (introduced, rare) species (sp) to the most abundance species 
# - "samp" = Site x species matrix. A community matrix (abundance or presence/absence). Species names must be consistent with "dis". 
# - "dis" = A square distance matrix (make sure it is not asymetric). If it is just : as.matrix(dis). Comes from an ultrametric tree. 
#           Make sure you have the same species names (both for columns and rows) than in the "samp" matrix. 
# - "inva"= Vector of species names of interest. They are the species for which we'll estimate the distance with the communities
#			For instance, names of the invasive species in the pool of species. Make sure names match the names of the samp matrix.
# - "invaderOut" = logical. If True removes invasive species (species that should not be accounted for) from the sample before calculating 
#			distance to the native community. Default is False (other invasive species are assumed to replace natives)
# list of 4 dataframes:
#       - MDNN: Phylogenetic/functional/ecological distance of all species of interest to their nearest relative (native for instance).
#				This is done for each community in which the species of interest occur. 
#       - MDNC: Mean phylogenetic/Functional/ecological distance all species of interest to the native community.
#				This is done for each community in which the species of interest occur
#       - MDWNC: Weghted Mean phylogenetic/Functional/ecological distance all species of interest to the native community.
#				This is done for each community in which the species of interest occur. The mean distance is weighted by the abundance of each species
#       The last two indices are somehow similar to the alpha component of Ackerly. 
#       - MDMAS: Mean distance to the most abundant species. If several species with the same maximum abundance, the mean is taken. 
# These two dataframes have sites by rows and species of interest names by columns. 
MDNC_MDNN_Invasive_new <- function(samp, dis, inva, invaderOut = FALSE) {
    mdnc_fun <- function(samp_temp, dis, inva, sp, invaderOut) {
        N <- dim(samp_temp)[1]  #number of plots
        mdnc_sp <- mdnn_sp <- mdwnc_sp <- mdmas_sp <- numeric(N)
        for (i in 1:N) {
            # remove species not in the given community
            sppInSample <- names(samp_temp[i, samp_temp[i, ] > 0])
            # remove invasive species (species that should not be accounted for)
            if (invaderOut == TRUE) 
                sppInSample <- c(sp, sppInSample[-which(sppInSample %in% intersect(sppInSample, inva))])  #CHANGED: introduced variable invaderOut           
            if (length(sppInSample) > 1) {
                # extract the distance between species 'sp' and the remaining community
                sample.dis <- dis[sppInSample[-which(sppInSample == sp)], sp]
                # distance to the nearest species
                mdnn_sp[i] <- min(sample.dis)
                # distance the unweighted mean community
                mdnc_sp[i] <- mean(sample.dis)
                # distance to the weighted mean community
                mdwnc_sp[i] <- w.mean(sample.dis, samp_temp[i, sppInSample[-which(sppInSample == sp)]])
                # distance to the most abundant species
                mdmas_sp[i] <- most.abdt(sample.dis, samp_temp[i, sppInSample[-which(sppInSample == sp)]])
            } else {
                mdnn_sp[i] <- mdnc_sp[i] <- mdwnc_sp[i] <- mdmas_sp[i] <- 0
        res = list()
        res$mdnn_sp = mdnn_sp
        res$mdnc_sp = mdnc_sp
        res$mdwnc_sp = mdwnc_sp
        res$mdmas_sp = mdmas_sp
    # Estimate the mean weighted by the abundance of each species in the community
    w.mean <- function(data, abun) {
        res <- sum(data * (abun/sum(abun)))
    most.abdt <- function(data, abun) {
        res <- mean(data[abun == max(abun)])
    MDNC <- MDNN <- MDWNC <- MDMAS <- as.data.frame(matrix(NA, ncol = length(inva), nrow = nrow(samp), dimnames = list(rownames(samp), inva)))
    samp = as.data.frame(samp)
    for (j in 1:length(inva)) {
        samp_temp <- samp[eval(parse(text = paste("samp$", inva[j], ">0", sep = ""))), ]
        if (nrow(samp_temp) == 0) 
            stop(paste("The species", inva[j], "does not appear in any community", sep = " "))
        res <- mdnc_fun(samp_temp, dis, inva, inva[j], invaderOut)
        MDNC[rownames(samp_temp), j] <- res$mdnc_sp
        MDNN[rownames(samp_temp), j] <- res$mdnn_sp
        MDWNC[rownames(samp_temp), j] <- res$mdwnc_sp
        MDMAS[rownames(samp_temp), j] <- res$mdmas_sp
    result = list()
    result$MDNC = MDNC
    result$MDNN = MDNN
    result$MDWNC = MDWNC
    result$MDMAS = MDMAS

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