plot.4thcorner <- function(x, stat = c("D", "D2", "G"), type = c("table", "biplot"), xax = 1, yax = 2, x.rlq = NULL, alpha = 0.05, col = c("lightgrey", "red", "deepskyblue", "purple"),...) {
## function to display the results obtained with the fourthcorner, fourthcorner2 or fourthcorner.rlq functions
## biplot available only for D and D2 stats
stat <- match.arg(stat)
type <- match.arg(type)
appel <- as.list(x$call)
fctn <- appel[[1]]
if(!inherits(x, "4thcorner") & !inherits(x, "4thcorner.rlq"))
stop("x must be of class '4thcorner' or '4thcorner.rlq'")
if(inherits(x, "4thcorner.rlq") & stat != "G")
stop("stat should be 'G' for object of class '4thcorner.rlq' (created by the 'fourthcorner2' function)")
if(type == "biplot" & stat == "G")
stop("'biplot not available for the 'G' statistic")
if((stat == "D2" | stat=="D")){
## For D and D2 stats
res <- data.frame(matrix(1, length(x$colnames.Q),length(x$colnames.R)))
names(res) <- x$colnames.R
row.names(res) <- x$colnames.Q
if(stat == "D2") {
xrand <- x$tabD2
} else {
xrand <- x$tabD
for(i in 1:nrow(res)){
for(j in 1:ncol(res)){
## in res, 1 corresponds to white, 2 to dark grey and 3 to light grey
idx.var <- ncol(res) * (i - 1) + j
if(xrand$adj.pvalue[idx.var] < alpha){
## for significant associations
res[i,j] <- ifelse(xrand$alter[idx.var]=="greater", 2, 3)
if((x$indexR[x$assignR[j]]==1) != (x$indexQ[x$assignQ[i]]==1)){
if(stat == "D")
## homogeneity has no sign and test only "positive" association
res[i,j] <- 2
if(stat == "D2")
## sign of the correlation (two-sided test)
res[i,j] <- ifelse(xrand$obs[idx.var] > 0, 2, 3)
else if((x$indexR[x$assignR[j]]==1) & (x$indexQ[x$assignQ[i]]==1)){
## sign of the correlation (two-sided test)
res[i,j] <- ifelse(xrand$obs[idx.var] > 0, 2, 3)
else if((x$indexR[x$assignR[j]]==2) & (x$indexQ[x$assignQ[i]]==2)){
## sign relative to the mean of permuted values
res[i,j] <- ifelse(xrand$obs[idx.var] > mean(xrand$sim[,idx.var]), 2, 3)
} else if(stat=="G"){
## for G stats
res <- data.frame(matrix(1, length(x$varnames.Q),length(x$varnames.R)))
names(res) <- x$varnames.R
row.names(res) <- x$varnames.Q
xrand <- x$tabG
for(i in 1:nrow(res)){
for(j in 1:ncol(res)){
idx.var <- ncol(res) * (i - 1) + j
if(xrand$adj.pvalue[idx.var] < alpha){
res[i,j] <- ifelse(xrand$alter[idx.var]=="greater", 2, 3)
if((x$indexR[j]==1) & (x$indexQ[i]==1)){
## sign of the correlation (two-sided test)
res[i,j] <- ifelse(xrand$obs[idx.var] > 0, 2, 3)
table4thcorner <- function (df, stat, assignR, assignQ, col)
## plot results as a table with white, light grey and dark grey
x1 <- 1:ncol(df)
y <- nrow(df):1
opar <- par(mai = par("mai"), srt = par("srt"))
table.prepare(x = x1, y = y, row.labels = row.names(df), col.labels = names(df),
clabel.row = 1, clabel.col = 1, grid = FALSE,
pos = "paint")
xtot <- x1[col(as.matrix(df))]
ytot <- y[row(as.matrix(df))]
xdelta <- (max(x1) - min(x1))/(length(x1) - 1)/2
ydelta <- (max(y) - min(y))/(length(y) - 1)/2
##valgris <- c("white","grey20","grey80")
z <- unlist(df)
rect(xtot - xdelta, ytot - ydelta, xtot + xdelta, ytot +
ydelta, col = col[1:3][z], border = "grey90")
if((stat == "D") | (stat == "D2")){
idR <- which(diff(assignR)==1)
idQ <- which(diff(assignQ)==1)
segments(sort(unique(xtot))[idR]+xdelta, max(ytot+ydelta), sort(unique(xtot))[idR]+xdelta, min(ytot-ydelta), lwd=2)
segments(max(xtot+xdelta), sort(unique(ytot), decreasing = TRUE)[idQ+1]+ydelta, min(xtot-xdelta), sort(unique(ytot), decreasing = TRUE)[idQ+1]+ydelta, lwd=2)
rect(min(xtot) - xdelta, min(ytot) - ydelta, max(xtot) + xdelta, max(ytot) + ydelta, col = NULL)
biplot.rlq4thcorner <- function (res.4thcorner, obj.rlq, stat, alpha, xax, yax, clab.traits, clab.env, col)
## plot associations between variables on a biplot
opar <- par(mar = par("mar"))
coolig <- obj.rlq$li[, c(xax, yax)]
coocol <- obj.rlq$c1[, c(xax, yax)]
s.label(coolig, clabel = 0, cpoint = 0, xlim = 1.2 * range(coolig[,1]))
born <- par("usr")
k1 <- min(coocol[, 1])/born[1]
k2 <- max(coocol[, 1])/born[2]
k3 <- min(coocol[, 2])/born[3]
k4 <- max(coocol[, 2])/born[4]
k <- c(k1, k2, k3, k4)
coocol <- 0.9 * coocol/max(k)
idx.pos <- which(t(res.4thcorner)==2, arr.ind=TRUE) ## positive association
idx.neg <- which(t(res.4thcorner)==3, arr.ind=TRUE) ## negative association
idx.tot <- list(unique(c(idx.pos[,1],idx.neg[,1])), unique(c(idx.pos[,2],idx.neg[,2])))
par(mar = c(0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1))
## variables with no significant links
if(length(idx.tot[[1]]) > 0)
scatterutil.eti(coolig[-idx.tot[[1]],1], coolig[-idx.tot[[1]],2],label=row.names(coolig)[-idx.tot[[1]]], clabel = clab.env, boxes = FALSE, coul = rep(col[1], nrow(coolig) - length(idx.tot[[1]])))
scatterutil.eti(coocol[-idx.tot[[2]],1], coocol[-idx.tot[[2]],2],label=row.names(coocol)[-idx.tot[[2]]], clabel = clab.traits, boxes = FALSE, coul = rep(col[1], nrow(coocol) - length(idx.tot[[2]])))
} else {
scatterutil.eti(coolig[,1], coolig[,2],label=row.names(coolig), clabel = clab.env, boxes = FALSE, coul = rep(col[1], nrow(coolig)))
scatterutil.eti(coocol[,1], coocol[,2],label=row.names(coocol), clabel = clab.traits, boxes = FALSE, coul = rep(col[1], nrow(coocol)))
if(nrow(idx.pos) > 0)
segments(coolig[idx.pos[,1],1],coolig[idx.pos[,1],2],coocol[idx.pos[,2],1],coocol[idx.pos[,2],2], lty = 1, lwd = 2, col = col[2])
if(nrow(idx.neg) > 0)
segments(coolig[idx.neg[,1],1],coolig[idx.neg[,1],2],coocol[idx.neg[,2],1],coocol[idx.neg[,2],2], lty = 1, lwd = 2, col = col[3])
if(length(idx.tot[[1]]) > 0)
scatterutil.eti.circ(coolig[idx.tot[[1]],1], coolig[idx.tot[[1]],2], label=row.names(coolig)[idx.tot[[1]]], clabel = clab.env, boxes = FALSE)
##s.label(coolig[idx.tot[[1]],], clabel = clab.env, add.plot = TRUE)
##scatterutil.eti(coocol[idx.tot[[2]],1], coocol[idx.tot[[2]],2],label=row.names(coocol)[idx.tot[[2]]], clabel = clab.traits, boxes = TRUE,bg = 'grey')
scatterutil.eti.circ(coocol[idx.tot[[2]],1], coocol[idx.tot[[2]],2],label=row.names(coocol)[idx.tot[[2]]], clabel = clab.traits, boxes = FALSE)
points(coolig[idx.tot[[1]],], pch = 17)
points(coocol[idx.tot[[2]],], pch = 19)
biplot.axesrlq4thcorner <- function(res.4thcorner, coo, alpha, xax, yax, type.axes, col){
opar <- par(mar = par("mar"))
s.label(coo, clabel = 0, cpoint = 0)
if(type.axes == "R.axes")
res.4thcorner <- res.4thcorner[c(xax,yax),]
if(type.axes == "Q.axes"){
res.4thcorner <- res.4thcorner[,c(xax,yax)]
res.4thcorner <- t(res.4thcorner)
##idx.pos.xax <- which(res.4thcorner[1,] == 2) ## positive association with xax
##idx.pos.yax <- which(res.4thcorner[2,] == 2) ## positive association with yax
##idx.neg.xax <- which(res.4thcorner[1,] == 3) ## negative association with xax
##idx.neg.yax <- which(res.4thcorner[2,] == 3) ## negative association with yax
##idx.tot <- unique(c(idx.pos.xax, idx.pos.yax, idx.neg.xax, idx.neg.yax))
idx.xax <- which((res.4thcorner[1,] > 1) & (res.4thcorner[2,] == 1))
idx.yax <- which((res.4thcorner[1,] == 1) & (res.4thcorner[2,] > 1))
idx.both <- which((res.4thcorner[1,] > 1) & (res.4thcorner[2,] > 1))
idx.tot <- c(idx.xax, idx.yax, idx.both)
par(mar = c(0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1))
if(length(idx.tot) > 0)
scatterutil.eti(coo[-idx.tot,1], coo[-idx.tot,2],label=row.names(coo)[-idx.tot], clabel = 1, boxes = FALSE, coul = rep(col[1], nrow(coo) - length(idx.tot)))
} else {
scatterutil.eti(coo[,1], coo[,2],label=row.names(coo), clabel = 1, boxes = FALSE, coul = rep(col[1], nrow(coo)))
if(length(idx.xax) > 0)
scatterutil.eti(coo[idx.xax,1], coo[idx.xax,2],label=row.names(coo)[idx.xax], clabel = 1, boxes = TRUE, coul = rep(col[2], length(idx.xax)))
if(length(idx.yax) > 0)
scatterutil.eti(coo[idx.yax,1], coo[idx.yax,2],label=row.names(coo)[idx.yax], clabel = 1, boxes = TRUE, coul = rep(col[3], length(idx.xax)))
if(length(idx.both) > 0)
scatterutil.eti(coo[idx.both,1], coo[idx.both,2],label=row.names(coo)[idx.both], clabel = 1, boxes = TRUE, coul = rep(col[4], length(idx.both)))
table4thcorner(res, stat = stat, assignR = x$assignR, assignQ = x$assignQ, col = col)
} else if(type=="biplot"){
if(fctn =="fourthcorner" | fctn =="fourthcorner2"){
if (!inherits(x.rlq, "rlq"))
stop("'x.rlq' should be of class 'rlq'")
biplot.rlq4thcorner(res.4thcorner = res, obj.rlq = x.rlq, stat = stat, alpha = alpha, xax = xax, yax = yax, clab.traits = 1, clab.env = 1, col = col)
} else if(fctn=="fourthcorner.rlq"){
obj.rlq <- eval(appel$xtest, sys.frame(0))
type.axes <- eval(appel$typetest, sys.frame(0))
if(type.axes == "axes")
stop("The option 'axes' is only implemented for pedagogic purposes and is not relevant to analyse data")
if(type.axes == "R.axes")
coo <- obj.rlq$li[, c(xax, yax)]
if(type.axes == "Q.axes")
coo <- obj.rlq$co[, c(xax, yax)]
biplot.axesrlq4thcorner(res.4thcorner = res, coo = coo, alpha = alpha, xax = xax, yax = yax, type.axes = type.axes, col = col)
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