
#' Methods for afex_aov objects
#' Methods defined for objects returned from the ANOVA functions \code{\link{aov_car}} et al. of class \code{afex_aov} containing both the ANOVA fitted via \code{car::Anova} and base R's \code{aov}.
#' @return
#' \describe{
#'   \item{\code{anova}}{Returns an ANOVA table of class \code{c("anova", "data.frame")}. Information such as effect size (\code{es}) or df-correction are calculated each time this method is called.}
#'   \item{\code{summary}}{For ANOVAs containing within-subject factors it returns the full output of the within-subject tests: the uncorrected results, results containing Greenhousse-Geisser and Hyunh-Feldt correction, and the results of the Mauchly test of sphericity (all achieved via \code{summary.Anova.mlm}). For other ANOVAs, the \code{anova} table is simply returned.}
#'   \item{\code{print}}{Prints (and invisibly returns) the ANOVA table as constructed from \code{\link{nice}} (i.e., as strings rounded nicely). Arguments in \code{...} are passed to \code{nice} allowing to pass arguments such as \code{es} and \code{correction}.}
#'   \item{\code{recover.data} and \code{lsm.basis}}{Provide the backbone for using \code{\link{lsmeans}} and related functions from \pkg{lsmeans} directly on \code{afex_aov} objects by returning a \code{\link{ref.grid}} object. Should not be called directly but through the functionality provided by \pkg{lsmeans}.}
#' }
#' @param object,x object of class \code{afex_aov} as returned from \code{\link{aov_car}} and related functions.
#' @param ... further arguments passed through, see description of return value for details.
#' @param trms,xlev,grid same as for \code{\link{lsm.basis}}.
#' @name afex_aov-methods

#### methods for afex_aov

#' @rdname afex_aov-methods
#' @inheritParams nice
#' @export
anova.afex_aov <- function(object, es = afex_options("es_aov"), observed = NULL, correction = afex_options("correction_aov"), MSE = TRUE, intercept = FALSE, ...) {
  # internal functions:
  # check arguments
  es <- match.arg(es, c("none", "ges", "pes"), several.ok = TRUE)
  correction <- match.arg(correction, c("GG", "HF", "none"))
  if (class(object$Anova)[1] == "Anova.mlm") {
    tmp <- suppressWarnings(summary(object$Anova, multivariate = FALSE))
    t.out <- tmp[["univariate.tests"]]
    #t.out <- cbind(t.out, orig_den_df =  t.out[, "den Df"])
    if (correction[1] == "GG") {
      tmp[["pval.adjustments"]] <- tmp[["pval.adjustments"]][!is.na(tmp[["pval.adjustments"]][,"GG eps"]),, drop = FALSE]
      t.out[row.names(tmp[["pval.adjustments"]]), "num Df"] <- t.out[row.names(tmp[["pval.adjustments"]]), "num Df"] * tmp[["pval.adjustments"]][,"GG eps"]
      t.out[row.names(tmp[["pval.adjustments"]]), "den Df"] <- t.out[row.names(tmp[["pval.adjustments"]]), "den Df"] * tmp[["pval.adjustments"]][,"GG eps"]
      t.out[row.names(tmp[["pval.adjustments"]]), "Pr(>F)"] <- tmp[["pval.adjustments"]][,"Pr(>F[GG])"]
    } else {
      if (correction[1] == "HF") {
        if (any(tmp[["pval.adjustments"]][,"HF eps"] > 1)) warning("HF eps > 1 treated as 1")
        tmp[["pval.adjustments"]] <- tmp[["pval.adjustments"]][!is.na(tmp[["pval.adjustments"]][,"HF eps"]),, drop = FALSE]
        t.out[row.names(tmp[["pval.adjustments"]]), "num Df"] <- t.out[row.names(tmp[["pval.adjustments"]]), "num Df"] * pmin(1, tmp[["pval.adjustments"]][,"HF eps"])
        t.out[row.names(tmp[["pval.adjustments"]]), "den Df"] <- t.out[row.names(tmp[["pval.adjustments"]]), "den Df"] * pmin(1, tmp[["pval.adjustments"]][,"HF eps"])
        t.out[row.names(tmp[["pval.adjustments"]]), "Pr(>F)"] <- tmp[["pval.adjustments"]][,"Pr(>F[HF])"]
      } else {
        if (correction[1] == "none") {
        } else stop("None supported argument to correction.")
    tmp.df <- t.out    
    tmp2 <- as.data.frame(unclass(tmp.df))
  } else if (class(object$Anova)[1] == "anova") {
    tmp.df <- cbind(object$Anova[-nrow(object$Anova),], data.frame("Error SS" = object$Anova[nrow(object$Anova), "Sum Sq"], "den Df" = object$Anova[nrow(object$Anova), "Df"], check.names = FALSE))
    colnames(tmp.df)[1:3] <- c("SS", "num Df", "F")
    #tmp.df$orig_den_df <- tmp.df[, "den Df"]
    tmp2 <- as.data.frame(tmp.df)
  } else stop("Non-supported object passed. Slot 'Anova' needs to be of class 'Anova.mlm' or 'anova'.")
  tmp2[,"MSE"] <- tmp2[,"Error SS"]/tmp2[,"den Df"]
  # calculate es
  es_df <- data.frame(row.names = rownames(tmp2))
  if ("pes" %in% es) {
    es_df$pes <- tmp2$SS/(tmp2$SS + tmp2[,"Error SS"])
  if ("ges" %in% es) {
    # This code is basically a copy from ezANOVA by Mike Lawrence!
      obs <- rep(FALSE,nrow(tmp2))
      for(i in observed){
        if (!any(str_detect(rownames(tmp2),str_c("\\b",i,"\\b")))) stop(str_c("Observed variable not in data: ", i))
        obs <- obs | str_detect(rownames(tmp2),str_c("\\b",i,"\\b"))
      obs_SSn1 <- sum(tmp2$SS*obs)
      obs_SSn2 <- tmp2$SS*obs
      obs_SSn1 <- 0
      obs_SSn2 <- 0
    es_df$ges <- tmp2$SS/(tmp2$SS+sum(unique(tmp2[,"Error SS"]))+obs_SSn1-obs_SSn2)
  anova_table <- cbind(tmp2[,c("num Df", "den Df", "MSE", "F")], es_df, "Pr(>F)" = tmp2[,c("Pr(>F)")])
  class(anova_table) <- c("anova", "data.frame")
  attr(anova_table, "heading") <- c(paste0("Anova Table (Type ", object$information$type , " tests)\n"), paste("Response:", object$information$dv))
  if (!MSE) anova_table$MSE <- NULL 
  if (!intercept) if (row.names(anova_table)[1] == "(Intercept)")  anova_table <- anova_table[-1,, drop = FALSE]

#' @rdname afex_aov-methods
#' @method print afex_aov 
#' @export
print.afex_aov <- function(x, ...) {
  out <- nice(x$anova_table, ...)

#' @rdname afex_aov-methods
#' @method summary afex_aov 
#' @export
summary.afex_aov <- function(object, ...) {
  if (class(object$Anova)[1] == "Anova.mlm") {
    return(summary(object$Anova, multivariate = FALSE))
  } else if (class(object$Anova)[1] == "anova") {
  } else stop("Non-supported object passed. Slot 'Anova' needs to be of class 'Anova.mlm' or 'anova'.")

### afex package - mixed objects ###
# just need to provide an 'lsmeans' method here

#' @rdname afex_aov-methods
#' @importFrom lsmeans recover.data lsm.basis
#' @method recover.data afex_aov 
#' @export
recover.data.afex_aov = function(object, ...) {
  #do.call(do.call(":::", args = list(pkg = "lsmeans", name = "recover.data.aovlist")), args = list(object = object$aov, data = object$data$long, list(...)))
  recover.data(object = object$aov, ...)

#' @rdname afex_aov-methods
#' @method lsm.basis afex_aov 
#' @export
lsm.basis.afex_aov = function(object, trms, xlev, grid, ...) {
  #do.call(do.call(":::", args = list(pkg = "lsmeans", name = "lsm.basis.aovlist")), args = list(object = object$aov, trms = trms, xlev = xlev, grid = grid))
  lsm.basis(object$aov, trms, xlev, grid, ...)

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afex documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:08 p.m.