
# generate transition probability matrix from horizon designations
hzTransitionProbabilities <- function(x, name, loopTerminalStates=FALSE) {
  # get all horizons
  h <- horizons(x)
  # sanit checks: no missing or NA horizon designation allowed
  idx <- which(h[[name]] == '' | is.na(h[[name]]) )
  if(length(idx) > 0) {
    message('NA horizon names have been removed from TP matrix')
    h <- h[-idx, ]
  # get all hz names
  hz.names <- sort(unique(h[[name]]))
  n.names <- length(hz.names)
  # get profile IDs and depth column names
  # note that we cannot use the full set of IDs, as NA and "" hz names have been filtered
  # convert to character in case all IDs are integers, this makes it possible to address our list by ID
  id.name <- idname(x)
  pIDs <- as.character(unique(h[[id.name]]))
  dc <- horizonDepths(x)
  # init TP matrix with 0's
  m <- matrix(ncol=n.names, nrow=n.names, data = 0)
  # row / col names are entire set of hz names
  dimnames(m) <- list(hz.names, hz.names)
  # split by profile
  h.l <- split(h, h[[id.name]])
  # iterate over profiles
  for(i in pIDs) {
    # the current profile: hz names and top depths
    this.profile <- h.l[[i]][, c(name, dc[1])]
    # sort names by top depth, ascending order
    z <- this.profile[[name]][order(this.profile[, 2])]
    # transition probabilities require at least 2 horizons
    if(length(z) > 1) {
      # iterate over names
      for(j in 1:(length(z)-1)){
        # increment the current transition by 1
        m[z[j], z[j+1]] <- m[z[j], z[j+1]] + 1
  # convert to probabilities by row
  m <- sweep(m, 1, rowSums(m), '/')
  # rows wih all NaN are terminal states: they transition to nothing
  # optionally, create a loop (A -> A)
  # this ensures compatibility with markovchain package
  if(loopTerminalStates) {
    loop.hz <- names(which(apply(m, 1, function(i) all(is.nan(i)))))
    # if there are some loops, then set the diagonal for these states to 1
    if(length(loop.hz) > 0) {
      if(length(loop.hz) < 2)
        m[loop.hz, loop.hz] <- 1 # single replacement, no diagonal
        diag(m[loop.hz, loop.hz]) <- 1 # multiple replacements, use diagonal
  # replace NaN with 0
  m[which(is.nan(m))] <- 0
  # test for ties
  f.ties <- function(i) {
    # 0 ties aren't important
    not.zero <- which(! zapsmall(i) == 0)
    # tabulate ties after rounding to 8 decimal places
    res <- table(round(i[not.zero], 8))
    if(any(res > 1))
  if(any(apply(m, 1, f.ties))) {
    warning('ties in transition probability matrix', call. = FALSE)
    attr(m, 'ties') <- TRUE
    attr(m, 'ties') <- FALSE

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aqp documentation built on May 2, 2019, 4:51 p.m.