
Defines functions contLikStutter

Documented in contLikStutter

#' @title contLikStutter
#' @author Oyvind Bleka <Oyvind.Bleka.at.fhi.no>
#' @description contLikStutter evaluates the marginal likelihood of the STR DNA mixture given some assumed a bayesian model by integrate out parameters.
#' @details The procedure are doing numerical integration to approximate the marginal probability by integrate over noisance parameters. Mixture proportions have flat prior.
#' The user may specify probability of drop-out for each contributors. 
#' Model 1 is gaussian model: yj~N(sum(y)/2*nj*m,sum(y)*tau). Inspired by Tvedebrink.
#' Model 2 is gamma model: yj~N(sum(y)/(2*tau)*nj*m,tau). Inspired by Cowell.
#' Function calls procedure in c++ by using the package Armadillo and Boost.
#' @param nC Number of contributors in model.
#' @param mixData Evidence object with list elements adata[[i]] and hdata[[i]]. Each element has a loci-list with list-element 'i' storing qualitative data in 'adata' and quantitative data in 'hdata'.
#' @param popFreq A list of allele frequencies for a given population.
#' @param refData Reference objects with list element [[s]]$adata[[i]]. The list element has reference-list with list-element 's' having a loci-list adata with list-element 'i storing qualitative data.
#' @param condOrder Specify conditioning references from refData (must be consistent order). For instance condOrder=(0,2,1,0) means that we restrict the model such that Ref2 and Ref3 are respectively conditioned as 2. contributor and 1. contributor in the model. condOrder=-1 means the reference is known-non contributor!
#' @param xi A numeric giving stutter-ratio if it is known. Default is NULL, meaning it is integrated out.
#' @param prC A numeric for allele drop-in probability. Default is 0.
#' @param model A integer for specification of model. See details for more information.
#' @param pTau Prior function for tau-parameter. Flat prior is default.
#' @param taumax Maximum range of tau-parameter. Default is 1000.
#' @param maxeval Maxumum number of evaluations in the interale function. Default is 5000.
#' @param threshT The detection threshold given. Used when considering probability of allele drop-outs.
#' @param fst is the coancestry coeffecient. Default is 0.
#' @param lambda Parameter in modeled peak height shifted exponential model. Default is 0.
#' @param pXi Prior function for xi-parameter (stutter). Flat prior on [0,1] is default.
#' @return lik Marginalized likelihood of the hypothesis (model) given observed evidence.
#' @keywords continuous, Bayesian models

contLikStutter = function(nC,mixData,popFreq,refData=NULL,condOrder=NULL,xi=NULL,prC=0,model=2,pTau=function(x) { return(1)},taumax=100, maxeval=5000,threshT=50,fst=0,lambda=0,pXi=function(x) { return(1) }){
 nA = unlist(lapply(mixData$adata,length)) #number of alleles of selected loci
 nL <- length(nA) #number of loci in data
 locnames <- toupper(names(mixData$adata))
 missind <- !locnames%in%toupper(names(popFreq))  #indice of missing loci
 if(any(missind)) {
  stop(paste('Missing locus (',locnames[missind],') in popFreq.',sep=''))

 #convertion of values in popFreq, mixData and Glist$G:
 #loci-order follows as in mixData: "locnames". Rearrange names:
 names(popFreq) <- toupper(names((popFreq))) #make invariant to capital
 popFreq <- popFreq[locnames] #order popFreq to mixData-order

 #get population genotypes:
 getGlist <- function(popFreq) {
  locs <- names(popFreq)
  Glist <- list()
  for(i in 1:length(locs)) {
   G = t(as.matrix(expand.grid(rep(list(as.numeric(names(popFreq[[i]])),as.numeric(names(popFreq[[i]])) ))))) #one genotype per column
   keep = G[2,]>=G[1,] #unique genotypes 
   G <- G[,keep]  #store genotypes
   G <- matrix(as.character(G),nrow=2) #make string names again
   tmpP = t(as.matrix(expand.grid(rep(list(as.numeric(popFreq[[i]]),as.numeric(popFreq[[i]]) )))))
   Gprob = exp(colSums(log(tmpP[,keep]))) #get allele probs
   ishet = G[1,]!=G[2,]
   Gprob[ishet] = 2*Gprob[ishet] #multiply with two to get heterozygote prob
   Glist[[locs[i]]] <- list(G=t(G),Gprob=Gprob)

 #Fix references: Assign condition to condM-matrix
 Glist <- getGlist(popFreq) #get population genotype information
 condM <- matrix(-1,nrow=nL,ncol=nC) #default is no references (=-1)
 #assign references to condM-matrix by values of Glist
 if(!is.null(refData) && !is.null(condOrder) && any(condOrder>0)) {
  for(i in 1:nL) {
   subRef <- refData[[locnames[i]]]
   Gset <- Glist[[locnames[i]]]$G #genotype combinations
   if(length(subRef)==0)  stop(paste('Missing locus (',locnames[i],') in refData.',sep=''))
   for(k in 1:length(subRef)) { #for each reference
    if(condOrder[k]>0) {
     Gind1 <- subRef[[k]][1]==Gset[,1] & subRef[[k]][2]==Gset[,2]
     Gind2 <- subRef[[k]][2]==Gset[,1] & subRef[[k]][1]==Gset[,2]
     condM[i,condOrder[k]] = which(Gind1 | Gind2) - 1 #subtract with one since we work from 0-indice

 #fix known sample-information:
 mkvec <- numeric()
 nkval <- rep(0,nL)
 for(i in 1:nL) {
  tmp <- rep(0, length(popFreq[[i]]))
  if(!is.null(condOrder) & !is.null(refData)) {
   for(k in 1:length(condOrder)) {
    if(condOrder[k]!=0) { 
     ind <- which( names(popFreq[[i]])%in%refData[[locnames[i]]][[k]] )
     tmp[ind] = (length(ind)==1) + 1
  nkval[i] <- sum(tmp) #number of sampled (for each loci)
  mkvec <- c(mkvec,tmp) 

 #decode allele-names to index names + Stutter-preparation
 allAbpind <- as.numeric()
 for(i in 1:nL) {
   anames <- names(popFreq[[i]]) #old names
   #find corresponding index of 1-ahead pb-twin
   numAnames <- as.numeric(anames)
   BPind <- rep(0,length(numAnames)) #init 0 if allele doesn't have any bp-twin
   for(j in 1:length(numAnames)) {
    bpind <- which((numAnames[j]-1)==numAnames) #store index of what allele it stutters to
    if(length(bpind)>0) BPind[j] <- bpind #assign index-placement
   allAbpind <- c(allAbpind,BPind)
   anames2 <- 0:(length(popFreq[[i]])-1) #new names
   names(popFreq[[i]]) <- anames2
   for(j in 1:nA[i]) { #for each allele
    mixData$adata[[i]][j] <- anames2[anames==mixData$adata[[i]][j]] #update name

 #fix genotypes:
 Glist <- getGlist(popFreq) #get population genotype information
 Gprob <- lapply(Glist,function(x) return(x$Gprob))
 Gset <- lapply(Glist,function(x) return(x$G))

 #Fix input-variables for Cpp-function
 PE <- 1
 CnA <- c(0,cumsum(nA))
 allA <- as.integer(unlist(mixData$adata))
 allY <- as.numeric(unlist(mixData$hdata))
 sY <- sapply(mixData$hdata,sum)
 nG <- sapply(Gprob,length) #number of genotype combinations
 CnG <- c(0,cumsum(nG))
 CnG2 <- c(0,cumsum(nG*2)) #note: 2 columns for each genotype!!
 pG <- unlist(Gprob) #vectorize over all loci

 Gvec <- as.integer(rbind(unlist(Gset))) #vectorize a big matrix (loci are put chronologic)
 condRef <- c(condM) #vectorized over all loci
 nAall <- sapply(popFreq,length) #Number of population-alleles on each loci
 CnAall <- c(0,cumsum(nAall)) #cumulative number of alleles
 pA <- unlist(popFreq) #need each allele probability for drop-in probabilities

  #Two cases: Integrate over Stutter or Stutter known
  likYtheta <- function(theta) {   #call c++- function: length(theta)=nC+1
   val  <- .C("contlikstutterdropC",as.numeric(PE),as.numeric(theta),as.integer(model),as.integer(nC),as.integer(nL),as.integer(nA), as.numeric(allY),as.integer(allA),as.integer(CnA),as.numeric(sY),as.integer(allAbpind),as.integer(nAall),as.integer(CnAall),as.integer(Gvec),as.integer(nG),as.integer(CnG),as.integer(CnG2),as.numeric(pG),as.numeric(pA), as.numeric(prC), as.integer(condRef),as.numeric(threshT),as.numeric(fst),as.integer(mkvec),as.integer(nkval),as.numeric(lambda),PACKAGE="bayesdnamix")[[1]]
   return(val*pXi(theta[nC+1])*pTau(theta[nC])) #weight with prior of tau and stutter.
  likYthetaS <- function(theta2) {   #call c++- function: length(theta)=nC
   theta <- c(theta2,xi) #stutter-parameter added as known
   val  <- .C("contlikstutterdropC",as.numeric(PE),as.numeric(theta),as.integer(model),as.integer(nC),as.integer(nL),as.integer(nA), as.numeric(allY),as.integer(allA),as.integer(CnA),as.numeric(sY),as.integer(allAbpind),as.integer(nAall),as.integer(CnAall),as.integer(Gvec),as.integer(nG),as.integer(CnG),as.integer(CnG2),as.numeric(pG),as.numeric(pA), as.numeric(prC), as.integer(condRef),as.numeric(threshT),as.numeric(fst),as.integer(mkvec),as.integer(nkval),as.numeric(lambda),PACKAGE="bayesdnamix")[[1]]
   return(val*pXi(theta[nC+1])*pTau(theta[nC])) #weight with prior of tau and stutter.

  #likYthetaS(as.numeric(c(rep(1/nC,nC-1),100))) #test

  if(is.null(xi)) lik <- adaptIntegrate(likYtheta, lowerLimit = rep(0,nC+1), upperLimit = c(rep(1,nC-1),taumax,1),maxEval = maxeval )[[1]]
  if(!is.null(xi)) lik = adaptIntegrate(likYthetaS , lowerLimit = rep(0,nC), upperLimit = c(rep(1,nC-1),taumax),maxEval = maxeval )[[1]]

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