
Defines functions bfast

Documented in bfast

bfast <- function(Yt, h=0.15, season =c("dummy","harmonic","none"), max.iter = NULL, breaks = NULL, hpc = "none", level = 0.05, type= "OLS-MOSUM")
    season <- match.arg(season)
	level = rep(level, length.out = 2)
    ti <- time(Yt)
    f <- frequency(Yt)      # on cycle every f time points (seasonal cycle)
        stop ("Not a time series object")
    ## return value
    output <- list()
    Tt <- 0
    # seasonal model setup
    if (season=="harmonic") {
        w <- 1/f # f = 23 when freq=23 :-)
        tl <- 1:length(Yt)
        co <- cos(2*pi*tl*w); si <- sin(2*pi*tl*w)
        co2 <- cos(2*pi*tl*w*2);si2 <- sin(2*pi*tl*w*2)
        co3 <- cos(2*pi*tl*w*3);si3 <- sin(2*pi*tl*w*3)
        smod <- Wt ~ co+si+co2+si2+co3+si3
        # Start the iterative procedure and for first iteration St=decompose result
        St <- stl(Yt, "periodic")$time.series[, "seasonal"]
    } else if (season=="dummy") {
        # Start the iterative procedure and for first iteration St=decompose result
        St <- stl(Yt, "periodic")$time.series[, "seasonal"]
        D <- seasonaldummy(Yt)
        D[rowSums(D) == 0,] <- -1
        smod <- Wt ~ -1 + D
    } else if (season == "none") {
        print("No seasonal model will be fitted!")
        St <- 0
    } else stop("Not a correct seasonal model is selected ('harmonic' or 'dummy') ")
    # number/timing of structural breaks in the trend/seasonal component
    Vt.bp <- 0
    Wt.bp <- 0 
    CheckTimeTt <- 1
    CheckTimeSt <- 1
    i <- 0
    while ( (!identical(CheckTimeTt,Vt.bp) | !identical(CheckTimeSt,Wt.bp)) & i < max.iter)
        CheckTimeTt <- Vt.bp
        CheckTimeSt <- Wt.bp
        # TREND
        Vt <- Yt-St
        p.Vt <- sctest(efp(Vt ~ ti, h=h, type=type))
        if (p.Vt$p.value <= level[1]) 
          bp.Vt <- breakpoints(Vt ~ ti, h=h,breaks=breaks, hpc = hpc)
          nobp.Vt <- is.na(breakpoints (bp.Vt)[1])
          nobp.Vt <- TRUE
          bp.Vt <- NA       
        if (nobp.Vt)
            fm0 <- lm(Vt ~  ti)
            Vt.bp <- 0      # no breaks times
            Tt <- ts(fitted(fm0))     # Data minus trend
            tsp(Tt) <- tsp(Yt)
            ci.Vt <- NA
            fm1 <- lm(Vt ~ breakfactor(bp.Vt)/ti)
            ci.Vt <- confint(bp.Vt, het.err = FALSE)
            Vt.bp <- ci.Vt$confint[,2]
            Tt <- ts(fitted(fm1))     # Data minus trend
            tsp(Tt) <- tsp(Yt)
        if (season=="none") {
            Wt <- 0
            St <- 0
            bp.Wt <- NA; ci.Wt <- NA; nobp.Wt<- TRUE
        } else
            Wt <- Yt-Tt
           p.Wt <- sctest(efp(smod, h=h, type=type))      # preliminary test 
           if (p.Wt$p.value <= level[2]) # OR statement 
                bp.Wt <- breakpoints(smod, h=h,breaks=breaks, hpc = hpc) # Breakpoints in the seasonal component
                nobp.Wt <- is.na(breakpoints (bp.Wt)[1])
               nobp.Wt <- TRUE
               bp.Wt <- NA       
            if (nobp.Wt)
                sm0 <- lm(smod)
                St <- ts(fitted(sm0))  #  The fitted seasonal component
                tsp(St) <- tsp(Yt)
                Wt.bp <- 0             # no seasonal breaks
                ci.Wt <- NA
                if(season=="dummy") sm1 <-lm(Wt ~ -1+D %in% breakfactor(bp.Wt))
                if(season=="harmonic") sm1 <- lm(Wt ~ (co+si+co2+si2+co3+si3) %in% breakfactor(bp.Wt)) 
                St <- ts(fitted(sm1))  #  The fitted seasonal component
                tsp(St) <- tsp(Yt)
                ci.Wt <- confint(bp.Wt, het.err = FALSE)
                Wt.bp <- ci.Wt$confint[,2] 
        i <- i+1
        output[[i]] <- list(Tt=Tt,St=St,Nt=Yt-Tt-St,
            Vt=Vt, bp.Vt=bp.Vt, Vt.bp=Vt.bp, ci.Vt=ci.Vt,
            Wt=Wt, bp.Wt=bp.Wt, Wt.bp=Wt.bp, ci.Wt=ci.Wt)
    if (!nobp.Vt) # probably only works well for dummy model!
      Vt.nrbp <- length(bp.Vt$breakpoints)
      co <- coef(fm1) # final fitted trend model
      Mag <- matrix(NA,Vt.nrbp,3)
      for (r in 1:Vt.nrbp) 
        if (r==1) 
            y1 <- co[1]+co[r+Vt.nrbp+1]*ti[Vt.bp[r]]
        y1 <- co[1]+co[r]+co[r+Vt.nrbp+1]*ti[Vt.bp[r]]
        y2 <- (co[1]+co[r+1])+co[r+Vt.nrbp+2]*ti[Vt.bp[r]+1]
        Mag[r,1] <- y1
        Mag[r,2] <- y2
        Mag[r,3] <- y2-y1   
      index <- which.max(abs(Mag[,3]))
      m.x <- rep(Vt.bp[index],2)
      m.y <- c(Mag[index,1],Mag[index,2]) #Magnitude position
      Magnitude <- Mag[index,3] # Magnitude of biggest change
      Time <- Vt.bp[index]
      m.x <- NA; m.y <- NA
      Magnitude <- 0  # if we do not detect a break then the magnitude is zero
      Time <- NA # if we do not detect a break then we have no timing of the break
      Mag <- 0

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bfast documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:53 p.m.