
calcBaseTempSk_14112 <- function(
        ### Calculate the mean variance factor from given cost and observation numbers.        
        Sk               ##<< numeric matrix (nCases, nResultComp): misfit (=-2*logDensity) per result components
        , nObs=1         ##<< number of observations per result component 
        , TFix=rep( NA_real_, ncol(Sk))        ##<< numeric vector (nResultComp): fixed temperature for components, non-finite for those with varying temperature
        , iFixTemp=which(is.finite(TFix))        ##<< integer vector: index of result components, which Temperature is fixed 
        , iNonFixTemp=which(!is.finite(TFix))    ##<< integer vector: index of result components, which Temperature is fixed
        , isVerbose = FALSE ##<< set to TRUE to report mean base temperatures per stream
    ##seealso<< \code{\link{calcTemperatedLogDen.matrix}}
    if( length(iNonFixTemp) ){
        # aling nObs and
        medSknf <- if( is.matrix(Sk) ){
            Sknf <- Sk[,iNonFixTemp ,drop=FALSE]
        nObsA <- nObs[ colnames(Sknf) ]
        T0k <- medSknf/nObsA
        T0 <- max( c(1,T0k) )
        #T0s[] <- pmax(1, T0sr)  # [] in order to keep attributes
        #if( isTRUE(isVerbose)) print(signif(rowMeans(T0s)-1,2))
        #T0 <- mean(T0s)       
    ##value<< numeric scalar: The temperature, i.e. variance inflation factor, for a single observation.
attr(calcBaseTempSk,"ex") <- function(){
    .nObs <- c(parms=getNParms(twdemcEx1), obs=length(twdemcEx1$dInfos[[1]]$argsFLogDen$obs) )
    .T <- getCurrentTemp(twdemcEx1)
    calcBaseTemp( .T, .nObs[names(.T)], TFix=c(parms=1) )

.depr.calcTemp <- function(
        ### calculate the Temperature so that sum(S_k) = n_k        
        Sk               ##<< numeric vector (nResultComp): misfit (=-2*logDensity) per result components
        , nObs=1         ##<< number of observations per result component
        , TFix=rep( NA_real_, length(Sk))        ##<< numeric vector (nResultComp): fixed temperature for components, non-finite for those with varying temperature
        , iFixTemp=which(is.finite(TFix))        ##<< integer vector: index of result components, which Temperature is fixed 
        , iNonFixTemp=which(!is.finite(TFix))    ##<< integer vector: index of result components, which Temperature is fixed 
    if( length(iNonFixTemp) ){
        # aling nObs and 
        nObsA <- nObs[ names(Sk) ]
        tempk <- pmax(1,Sk / nObsA)          # estimate per data stream
        tempBase <- calcBaseTemp(tempk, nObsA, TFix=TFix, iNonFixTemp = iNonFixTemp)
        temp <- calcStreamTemp( tempBase, nObsA, TFix=TFix, iFixTemp=iFixTemp)
    ### numberic vector (nResComp) with temperatures

R.methodsS3::setMethodS3("calcTemperatedLogDenOffset","default", function(
	### Rescale Log-Densities by given Temperatures
	x			##<< numeric matrix (nStep x nResComp): logDensities for each component at each step
	,temp		##<< numeric vector (nResComp): Temperature, i.e. cost reduction factor
	,refDen=apply(x,2,quantile,probs=0.9)	##<< reference density: differences to this value will be scaled and readded 
	# calcTemperatedLogDenOffset.default
    ##seealso<< \code{\link{calcTemperatedLogDen.matrix}}
	## Only the difference of the log-Density to the best achievable Log-Density 
	## is important for comparison.
	## Hence, first the best logDen is subtracted, then the difference is multiplied by given temperatue.
	if( ncol(x) == 1){
		ldiff <- x - refDen	
		ldiff/temp + refDen
		ldiff <- t(x)-refDen 
		lT <- t(apply( ldiff, 2, function(logDenRow){ logDenRow / temp }) +refDen)
	##value<< numeric matrix (nStep x nResComp), rescaled logDen
	##seealso<< \code{\link{calcTemperatedLogDen.matrix}}

attr(calcTemperatedLogDenOffset,"ex") <- function(){
	logDen0 <- stackChains(concatPops(twdemcEx1)$resLogDen)
	refLogDen <- apply(logDen0,2,max)
	temp = c(obs=20, parms=1)
	logDen <- t( (t(logDen0)-refLogDen)*temp +refLogDen )
	logDenT <- calcTemperatedLogDen(logDen,temp)
	.exp <- logDen0
	names(dimnames(.exp)) <- NULL 
	names(dimnames(logDenT)) <- NULL 
	all.equal( .exp, logDenT )

calcComponentTempMat <- function(
	### calculating the temperature of result components of logDen
	temp	##<< numeric vector >= 1: global temperature
	,TFix	##<< named vector: temperature for the components that does not change but is held fixed
	,TProp	##<< named numeric vector [0,1]: temperature proportions of result components determines names and lenght of result
	,useMultiT=TRUE	##<< if set to FALSE only only global temperatue and TFix are applied
	,posTFix=match(names(TFix),names(TProp)) ##<< position index of TFix in vector of temperatures, specifiy for performance
	Ti <- if( useMultiT){
			# pmax: do not decrease below 1
			matrix( pmax(1, temp %o% TProp), nrow=length(temp), ncol=length(TProp), dimnames=list( nGen=NULL, resComp=names(TProp)) )
			matrix( temp, nrow=length(temp), ncol=length(TProp),dimnames=list( nGen=NULL, resComp=names(TProp)) )
	for( i in seq_along(posTFix) ){
		Ti[,posTFix[i] ] <- TFix[i]

calcDEMCTempProp <- function(
	### Calculate Temperature of components 
	temp	##<< the maximum temperature
	,diffLogDen		##<< expected difference in LogDensitys proposed-accepted per datastream 
	,rFracMin=1/4	##<< fraction of max DiffDensity  below which temperatue is scaled down to yield  larger importance
	#rr <- diffLogDen/max(min(diffLogDen),1e-8)	# diffLogDen per largest misfit (lowest neg diff-LogDensity)
	#rr <- diffLogDen/min(diffLogDen)	# diffLogDen per largest misfit (lowest neg diff-LogDensity)
	rr <- max(diffLogDen/min(diffLogDen), 1e-8)	# ratio of diffLogLik of component per largest abs(diffLogLik), heed that all values are negative, hence min, ratio not below 1e-8
	#Ti <- pmin(temp,1+(temp-1)/rFracMin*rr)
	Ti <- pmin(temp,1+(temp-1)*(rr/rFracMin))
	Ti[rr<=0] <- 1	#give NA or negative values for Ti		
	### vector of temperatures corresponding to diffLogDen with maximum corresponding to temp

	# functions for infering optimal temperature from logDensities accepted and proposed not adapted yet.
	.calcTemperatedDiffLogDen <- function(
		### calculates the temperated difference of LogDens proposed-accepted per population
		diffLogDenPops		##<< the original differences (comp x pops)
		,TFix				##<< named numeric vector: components with fixed temperature
		,T0c				##<< the temperature per population
		diffLogDenPopsT <- diffLogDenPops
		posTFix <- match(names(TFix),rownames(diffLogDenPopsT))
		diffLogDenPopsT[posTFix,,] <- diffLogDenPopsT[posTFix,,,drop=FALSE] / TFix
		for( iPop in 1:dim(diffLogDenPops)[3] ) 
			diffLogDenPopsT[-posTFix,,iPop] <- diffLogDenPopsT[-posTFix,,iPop,drop=FALSE] / T0c[iPop]
	calcDEMCTempDiffLogDen3 <- function(
		### Estimate scalar temperature vector obtain given acceptance rate and scaling temperatures to the same magnitude 
		diffLogDen			##<< array( streams x steps) Lp-La see \code{\link{getDiffLogDen.twDEMCPops}}
		,pTarget=0.18		##<< minimum acceptance rate of component
		,TFix=numeric(0)	##<< named numeric vector: components whose Temperate is to be fixed
		,Tmax=.Machine$double.xmax		##<< maximum temperature to return
		,rFracMin=1/4		##<< fraction of density to which data-streams with low diffLogDen are scaled to by temperatures to
		,doConstrainNeg=FALSE	##<< if given, density of accepted jumps (positive) is constrained to 0
		d <- replaceNonFiniteDiffLogDens(diffLogDen, doConstrainNeg=doConstrainNeg)
		l05 <- log(0.5)
		expD <- expDMean <- apply(d,1,median) #rowMeans(d) 
		#apply(d,1,quantile, probs=1-pTarget) #apply(d,1,median)
		iexpD0 <- which(expD>=0) 
		if( 0< length(iexpD0)){
			#will largely understimate temp for those components expD[iexpD0] <- apply(d[iexpD0,,drop=FALSE],1,function(ds){max(ds[ds<0])})
			expD[iexpD0] <- rowMeans(d[iexpD0,,drop=FALSE])
		nrowd <- nrow(d)
		Ti <- structure( numeric(nrowd), names=rownames(diffLogDen))
		bo <- (rownames(d) %in% names(TFix))
		Ti[bo] <- TFix
		posNonFix <- (1:nrowd)[!bo]
		dVar <- sampleAcceptedFixedTempDiffLogDens(d,TFix=TFix)		#cases of diffLogDen surviving the fixed temp metropolis desicion
		nj <- ncol(dVar)
		# objective function to optimize Temperature
		pps <- function(logtemp){  #posNonFix, expD, rFracMin, dTFix, dVar
			temp <- exp(logtemp)
			Ti[posNonFix] <- calcDEMCTempProp( temp, expD[posNonFix], rFracMin )
			dTNonFix <- colSums( dVar[posNonFix,,drop=FALSE]/Ti[posNonFix] )
			#pa <- sum(dTFix+dTNonFix > l05)/nj
			pa <- sum(dTNonFix > l05)/nj
			pa - pTarget
		temp2 <- if( ncol(dVar) < 30){
				warning("calcDEMCTempDiffLogDen3: too few accepted cases after fixed temperature rejection, using maximum temperature")
				#tmp <- seq(1,1e6,length.out=200) 
				if( pps(log(1)) > 0) temp=1  # if acceptance rate at temp 1 is greater than target return temperature 1
				else if( pps(log(Tmax)) < 0) temp=Tmax  	# if acceptance rate at given maximum temperature is already smaller than target return maximum temperature
				else temp <- exp(uniroot( pps, log(c(1, Tmax)), tol=0.01 )$root)
				Ti[posNonFix] <- calcDEMCTempProp( temp, expD[posNonFix], rFracMin )
				TiMean <- Ti	
				# in the first round we used the median, do a second round with empirical exptected logDen components: 
				# empirical expected: minimum of actually accepted 
				# based on the Temperatures of the first round
				dT <-  dVar/Ti
				#dTs <- dT[8,]
				pai <- apply(dT,1,function(dTs){ sum(dTs > l05)/nj  })		
				# maximum accepted d per component
				#dTNonFix <- colSums( d[posNonFix,,drop=FALSE]/Ti[posNonFix] )
				boAccepted <- colSums(dT) >= l05
				pAccepted <- sum(boAccepted)/nj
				dAccepted <- dVar[,boAccepted,drop=FALSE]
				expD <- apply(dAccepted,1,min)
				# how many cases would be accepted by using only one components Density ratio:
				# pai <- structure(sapply(seq_along(expD),function(i){sum(d[i,]>=expD[i])/nj} ), names=names(expD))
				if( pps(log(1)) > 0) temp2 = 1 # if acceptance rate at temp 1 is greater than target return temperature 1
				else if( pps(log(Tmax)) < 0) temp2=Tmax  	# if acceptance rate at given maximum temperature is already smaller than target return current temperature
				else temp2 <- exp(uniroot( pps, log(c(1, Tmax)), tol=0.01 )$root)
		Ti[posNonFix] <- calcDEMCTempProp( temp2, expD[posNonFix], rFracMin )
		dT <-  dVar/Ti
		pAccepted <- sum(colSums(dT) >= l05)/nj
		attr(Ti,"pAcceptTVar") <- pAccepted
		### numeric vector of result components Temperatures
		### yielding acceptance rates closest to pTarget
		### attribute pAcceptTVar giving the calculated acceptance rate for Temperature dependent step
	calcDEMCTempDiffLogDen3Init <- function(
		### Estimate scalar temperatures to obtain acceptance rate 
		resLogDen			##<< result of \code{\link{twCalcLogDenPar}}: list with components  logDen and logDenComp
		,...				##<< further arguments to \code{\link{calcDEMCTempDiffLogDenConst}}
		,doConstrainNeg=TRUE	##<< different default value
		# replace NA components by sample of non-NA
		# replace non-finite logDens case of smallest finite logDen per component
		for( iComp in 1:ncol(resLogDen$logDenComp) ){
			boNA <-$logDenComp[,iComp])
			nNA <- sum(boNA)
			if(0<nNA ){
				resCompNonNA <- resLogDen$logDenComp[!boNA,iComp]
				resLogDen$logDenComp[boNA,iComp] <- sample( resCompNonNA, nNA, replace=TRUE)
			boNonFinite <- !is.finite(resLogDen$logDenComp[,iComp])
			if( 0<sum(boNonFinite)){
				resLogDen$logDenComp[boNonFinite,iComp] <- min(resLogDen$logDenComp[!boNonFinite,iComp])
		L <- Lp <- resLogDen$logDenComp 
		#recalculate logDens from replaced components
		rL <- rLQ <- rowSums(resLogDen$logDenComp)
		# get the 200 best cases, but at least 5% of the cases
		#rL <- rLFin$logDen
		p <- max(0.05,200/length(rL))
		if( p<1 ){
			q <- quantile(rL, probs=1-p)
			bo <- sapply(q, function(qi) rL >= qi)
			Lp <- L[bo,]
			rLQ <- rL[bo]
		#p1 <- qplot( X2, value, geom="boxplot", data=melt(Lp))+opts(axis.text.x=theme_text(angle=30, hjust=1, size=8))
		#from these 5% sample best as accepted LogDen
		ord <- order(rLQ, decreasing = TRUE)
		La <- Lp[sample( ord[1:ceiling(length(ord)*0.05)], nrow(Lp), replace=TRUE ), ]
		#calculate Temperature from density
		d <- Lp-La
		#p2 <- qplot( X2, value, geom="boxplot", data=melt(d))+opts(axis.text.x=theme_text(angle=30, hjust=1, size=8))
		#T <- calcDEMCTempDiffLogDen(t(d), pTarget=pTarget, TFix=TFix)  # will be scaled in twDEMCBlockInt
		T <- calcDEMCTempDiffLogDen3(t(d), doConstrainNeg=doConstrainNeg, ...)  # will be scaled in twDEMCBlockInt
		### named numeric vector of estimated Temperatures per data stream. 
	calcDEMCTempDiffLogDen2 <- function(
		### Estimate scalar temperature vector obtain given acceptance rate and scaling temperatures to the same magnitude 
		diffLogDen			##<< array( streams x steps) Lp-La see \code{\link{getDiffLogDen.twDEMCPops}}
		,pTarget=0.18		##<< minimum acceptance rate of component
		,TFix=numeric(0)	##<< named numeric vector: components whose Temperate is to be fixed
		,Tmax=.Machine$double.xmax		##<< maximum temperature to return
		,rFracMin=1/4		##<< fraction of Density to which data-streams with low diff-logDen are scaled to by temperatures to
		,doConstrainNeg=FALSE	##<< if given, density of accepted jumps (positive) is constrained to 0
		if( !(is.finite(Tmax) && (Tmax >= 1)) ) stop("need supplying positive TMax")
		#replace non-finite values by lowest finite LogDen value
		#ds <- diffLogDen[1,]
		#diffLogDen <- diffLogDenPops[c("parms","agg_amendm_2","agg_amendm_3","agg_amendm_10"),,1]
		d <- t(apply( diffLogDen,1,function(ds){ds[!is.finite(ds)]<-min(ds[is.finite(ds)]);ds}))
		dimnames(d) <- dimnames(diffLogDen)
		if( doConstrainNeg )
			d[d>0] <- 0
		l05 <- log(0.5)
		expD <- expDMean <- apply(d,1,median) #rowMeans(d) 
		#apply(d,1,quantile, probs=1-pTarget) #apply(d,1,median)
		iexpD0 <- which(expD>=0) 
		if( 0< length(iexpD0)){
			#will largely understimate temp for those components expD[iexpD0] <- apply(d[iexpD0,,drop=FALSE],1,function(ds){max(ds[ds<0])})
			expD[iexpD0] <- rowMeans(d[iexpD0,,drop=FALSE])
		nrowd <- nrow(d)
		nj <- ncol(d)
		Ti <- structure( numeric(nrowd), names=rownames(diffLogDen))
		bo <- (rownames(d) %in% names(TFix))
		Ti[bo] <- TFix
		posFix <- (1:nrowd)[bo]
		posNonFix <- (1:nrowd)[!bo]
		#x <- d["parms",]
		dTFix <- colSums( d[posFix,,drop=FALSE]/TFix )
		pa <- sum(dTFix>l05)/nj
		if( pa < pTarget ){
			warning("acceptance rate for components with fixed temperature already below target")
			return( Tmax )
		pps <- function(logtemp){  #posNonFix, expD, rFracMin, dTFix
			temp <- exp(logtemp)
			Ti[posNonFix] <- calcDEMCTempProp( temp, expD[posNonFix], rFracMin )
			dTNonFix <- colSums( d[posNonFix,,drop=FALSE]/Ti[posNonFix] )
			pa <- sum(dTFix+dTNonFix > l05)/nj
			pa - pTarget
		#tmp <- seq(1,1e6,length.out=200) 
		if( pps(log(1)) > 0) temp = 1 # if acceptance rate at temp 1 is greater than target return temperature 1
		else if( pps(log(Tmax)) < 0) temp=Tmax  	# if acceptance rate at given maximum temperature is already smaller than target return current temperature
		else temp <- exp(uniroot( pps, log(c(1, Tmax)), tol=0.01 )$root)
		Ti[posNonFix] <- calcDEMCTempProp( temp, expD[posNonFix], rFracMin )
		TiMean <- Ti	
		# in the first round we used the median, do a second round with empirical exptected logDen components: 
		# empirical expected: minimum of actually accepted 
		# based on the Temperatures of the first round
		dT <-  d/Ti
		#dTs <- dT[8,]
		#pai <- apply(dT,1,function(dTs){ sum(dTs > l05)/nj  })
		# maximum accepted d per component
		#dTNonFix <- colSums( d[posNonFix,,drop=FALSE]/Ti[posNonFix] )	
		dAccepted <- d[,colSums(dT) >= l05,drop=FALSE]
		expD <- apply(dAccepted,1,min)
		# how many cases would be accepted by using only one components Density ratio:
		# pai <- structure(sapply(seq_along(expD),function(i){sum(d[i,]>=expD[i])/nj} ), names=names(expD))
		if( pps(log(1)) > 0) temp2 = 1 # if acceptance rate at temp 1 is greater than target return temperature 1
		else if( pps(log(Tmax)) < 0) temp2=Tmax  	# if acceptance rate at given maximum temperature is already smaller than target return current temperature
		else temp2 <- exp(uniroot( pps, log(c(1, Tmax)), tol=0.01 )$root)
		Ti[posNonFix] <- calcDEMCTempProp( temp2, expD[posNonFix], rFracMin )
		### numeric vector of result components 
		### yielding acceptance rates closest to pTarget
	.tmp.f <- function(){  #plot.calcDEMCTempDiffLogDen2
		#expD <- seq(-200,0,length.out=101)
		rr <- expD/min(expD)
		#-------- good Ti <- pmin(temp,1+(temp-1)/rFracMin*rr)
		#-------- exponentially decreasing from Ti to 1: plot( rr, 1+temp-temp^(1-rr) )
		Ti <- pmin(temp,1+(temp-1)/rFracMin*rr)
		#Ti[1] <- 1
		expDi <- expD/Ti
		plot(expD, expDi)	#for the components below rFracMin the scaled lower temperature increases their weight
		# only for components with a very a diffLogDen close to 0, temperatures do not go below 1 and therefore they have less weight 
		abline(h=min(expDi)*rFracMin, col="gray"); 
		abline(v=min(expD)*rFracMin, col="gray"); 
	calcDEMCTempDiffLogDen2Init <- function(
		### Estimate scalar temperatures to obtain acceptance rate 
		resLogDen			##<< result of \code{\link{twCalcLogDenPar}}: list with components  logDen and logDenComp
		,...				##<< further arguments to \code{\link{calcDEMCTempDiffLogDenConst}}
		,doConstrainNeg=TRUE	##<< different default value
		# replace NA components by sample of non-NA
		# replace non-finite logDens case of smallest finite logDen per component
		for( iComp in 1:ncol(resLogDen$logDenComp) ){
			boNA <-$logDenComp[,iComp])
			nNA <- sum(boNA)
			if(0<nNA ){
				resCompNonNA <- resLogDen$logDenComp[!boNA,iComp]
				resLogDen$logDenComp[boNA,iComp] <- sample( resCompNonNA, nNA, replace=TRUE)
			boNonFinite <- !is.finite(resLogDen$logDenComp[,iComp])
			if( 0<sum(boNonFinite)){
				resLogDen$logDenComp[boNonFinite,iComp] <- min(resLogDen$logDenComp[!boNonFinite,iComp])
		L <- Lp <- resLogDen$logDenComp 
		#recalculate logDens
		rL <- rLQ <- rowSums(resLogDen$logDenComp)
		# get the 200 best cases, but at least 5% of the cases
		#rL <- rLFin$logDen
		p <- max(0.05,200/length(rL))
		if( p<1 ){
			q <- quantile(rL, probs=1-p)
			bo <- sapply(q, function(qi) rL >= qi)
			Lp <- L[bo,]
			rLQ <- rL[bo]
		#p1 <- qplot( X2, value, geom="boxplot", data=melt(Lp))+opts(axis.text.x=theme_text(angle=30, hjust=1, size=8))
		#from these sample from the 5% best as accepted LogDen
		ord <- order(rLQ, decreasing = TRUE)
		La <- Lp[sample( ord[1:ceiling(length(ord)*0.05)], nrow(Lp), replace=TRUE ), ]
		#calculate Temperature from density
		d <- Lp-La
		#p2 <- qplot( X2, value, geom="boxplot", data=melt(d))+opts(axis.text.x=theme_text(angle=30, hjust=1, size=8))
		#T <- calcDEMCTempDiffLogDen(t(d), pTarget=pTarget, TFix=TFix)  # will be scaled in twDEMCBlockInt
		T <- calcDEMCTempDiffLogDen2(t(d), doConstrainNeg=doConstrainNeg, ...)  # will be scaled in twDEMCBlockInt
		### named numeric vector of estimated Temperatures per data stream. 
	calcDEMCTempDiffLogDenConst <- function(
		### Estimate scalar temperature to obtain given acceptance rate 
		diffLogDen			##<< array( streams x steps) Lp-La see \code{\link{getDiffLogDen.twDEMCPops}}
		,pTarget=0.18		##<< minimum acceptance rate of component
		,TFix=numeric(0)	##<< named numeric vector: components whose Temperate is to be fixed
		,Tmax=.Machine$double.xmax		##<< maximum temperature to return
		#replace non-finite values by lowest finite LogDen value
		#ds <- diffLogDen[1,]
		d <- t(apply( diffLogDen,1,function(ds){ds[!is.finite(ds)]<-min(ds[is.finite(ds)]);ds}))
		l05 <- log(0.5)
		nrowd <- nrow(d)
		dnf=d	#non fixed components
		nj <- ncol(d)
		boFix <- TRUE
		if( 0<length(TFix)){
			if( 0 == length(names(TFix))) stop("calcDEMCTempDiffLogDenConst: TFix component must be named")
			TFixPos <- match( names(TFix), rownames(d) )
			if( any( ) warning("calcDEMCTempDiffLogDenConst: not all components of TFix in rownames(diffLogDen)")
			dnf<- d[-TFixPos, ,drop=FALSE]
			dfT <- d[TFixPos, ,drop=FALSE]*TFix
			boFix <- apply( dfT,2,function(dfTj){ all(dfTj > l05)})
			#boFix <- rep(TRUE,nj)	#for debugging acceptance rate of others
			#boFix <- sample(c(TRUE,FALSE),nj,replace=TRUE)	#for debugging acceptance rate of others
			# check if fixed Temperature components acceptance rate is below pTarget
			paf <- sum(boFix)/nj
			if( paf < pTarget ){
				warning("already fixed Temp components yield acceptance rate below pTarget")
		pps <- function(logtemp){  #dnf, boFix, l05=log(0.5)){	#i: chain
			temp <- exp(logtemp)
			boT <- apply( dnf,2,function(dnfj){all(dnfj/temp > l05)})
			pa <- sum( boFix & boT)/nj
			pa - pTarget 
		#tmp <- seq(1,1e6,length.out=200) 
		if( pps(log(1)) > 0) return(1)			# if acceptance rate at temp 1 is greater than target return temperature 1
		if( pps(log(Tmax)) < 0) return(Tmax)  # if acceptance rate at given maximum temperature is already smaller than target return current temperature
		tempOpt <- exp(uniroot( pps, log(c(1, Tmax)), tol=0.01 )$root)
		#exp(uniroot( pps, log(c(1, .Machine$double.xmax)), tol=0.01 )$root)
		# sum(d < log(runif(length(d)))
		### numeric scalar Temperature between in [1,Tmax] 
		### yielding acceptance rates closest to pTarget
	calcDEMCTempDiffLogDenConstInit <- function(
		### Estimate scalar temperatures to obtain acceptance rate 
		resLogDen			##<< result of \code{\link{twCalcLogDenPar}}: list with components  logDen and logDenComp
		,...				##<< further arguments to \code{\link{calcDEMCTempDiffLogDenConst}}
		# replace non-finite logDens case of smallest finite logDen per component
		boFin <- is.finite(resLogDen$logDen)
		# replace NA components by sample of non-NA
		for( iComp in 1:ncol(resLogDen$logDenComp) ){
			resComp <- resLogDen$logDenComp[,iComp]
			boNA <-
			resCompNonNA <- resComp[!boNA]
			nNA <- sum(boNA)
			if(0<length(nNA) )
				resLogDen$logDenComp[boNA,iComp] <- sample( resCompNonNA, nNA)
		boNA <-$l)
		minFiniteLogDen <- min(resLogDen$logDen[boFin])
		minFiniteResFLogDen <- apply( resLogDen$logDenComp[boFin,], 2, min)
		rLFin <- resLogDen
		rLFin$logDen[!boFin] <- minFiniteLogDen
		for( j in 1:ncol(rLFin$logDenComp) )
			rLFin$logDenComp[!boFin,j] <- minFiniteResFLogDen[j]
		# get the 200 best cases, but least 30% of the cases
		rL <- rLFin$logDen
		p <- min(max(0.3,200/length(rL)),length(rL))
		q <- quantile(rL, probs=1-p)
		bo <- sapply(q, function(qi) rL > qi)
		Lp <- rLFin$logDenComp[bo,]
		rLQ <- rLFin$logDen[bo]
		#p1 <- qplot( X2, value, geom="boxplot", data=melt(Lp))+opts(axis.text.x=theme_text(angle=30, hjust=1, size=8))
		#from these sample from the 5% best as accepted LogDen
		ord <- order(rLQ, decreasing = TRUE)
		La <- Lp[sample( ord[1:round(length(ord)*0.05)], nrow(Lp), replace=TRUE ), ]
		#calcualte Temperature from density
		d <- Lp-La
		#p2 <- qplot( X2, value, geom="boxplot", data=melt(d))+opts(axis.text.x=theme_text(angle=30, hjust=1, size=8))
		#T <- calcDEMCTempDiffLogDen(t(d), pTarget=pTarget, TFix=TFix)  # will be scaled in twDEMCBlockInt
		T <- calcDEMCTempDiffLogDenConst(t(d), ...)  # will be scaled in twDEMCBlockInt
		### named numeric vector of estimated Temperatures per data stream. 
	calcDEMCTempDiffLogDen <- function(
		### Estimate temperatures for different data streams to obtain given acceptance rate 
		diffLogDen			##<< array( streams x steps x  chains) Lp-La see \code{\link{getDiffLogDen.twDEMCPops}}
		,pTarget=0.18		##<< overall acceptance rate
		,TFix=numeric(0)	##<< named numeric vector: components whose Temperate is to be fixed 
		#replace non-finite values by lowest finite LogDen value
		#ds <- diffLogDen[1,]
		d <- apply( diffLogDen,1,function(ds){ds[!is.finite(ds)]<-min(ds[is.finite(ds)]);ds})
		#tmp <- melt(d)
		#p2 <- qplot( X2, value, geom="boxplot", data=tmp)+	opts(axis.text.x=theme_text(angle=30, hjust=1, size=8))
		nrowd <- nrow(d)
		acc <- rep(TRUE, nrowd)
		dq <- d
		if( 0<length(TFix)){
			TFixPos <- match( names(TFix), colnames(d) )
			#TFixPos <- 1:2
			tmp1 <- lapply( TFixPos, function(fpos){ di=d[,fpos]/TFix[fpos]; (di > log(runif(nrowd))) })
			for( i in seq_along(tmp1)) acc <- acc & tmp1[[i]]
			# acc now holds rejection by fixed Temperature
			dq <- d[,-TFixPos]
		#ps <- 0.8
		pps <- function(ps){	#dq,nrowd,acc,pTarget
			qps <- apply( dq, 2, quantile, probs=1-ps, na.rm=TRUE)
			#partial sorting is already efficient qps <- apply( dq, 2, quantileSorted, probs=1-ps, na.rm=TRUE)
			nacc <- sum(sapply(1:nrowd, function(i){ acc[i] & all(dq[i,] > qps) }))
			nacc/nrowd - pTarget
		# tmp <- seq(0.2,1,by=0.05)
		# tmp2 <- sapply(tmp, pps)
		# plot( tmp, tmp2 )
		ps <- uniroot( pps, c(pTarget, 1), tol=0.001 )$root
		qps <- apply( dq, 2, quantile, probs=1-ps)
		T2q <- pmax(1,qps/log(ps))
		if( 0<length(TFix) ){
			T2 <- structure( numeric(ncol(d)), names=colnames(d) )
			T2[TFixPos] <- TFix
			T2[-TFixPos] <- T2q
			T2 <- structure( T2q, names=colnames(d) )
		### numeric vector of Temperatures (fLogDen_Component x chains)
	calcDEMCTempDiffLogDenInit <- function(
		### Estimate Temperatures for different data streams to obtain acceptance rate 
		resLogDen			##<< result of \code{\link{twCalcLogDenPar}}: list with components  logDen and logDenComp
		,...				##<< further arguments to \code{\link{calcDEMCTempDiffLogDen}}
		# replace non-finite logDens by very small logDens
		boFin <- is.finite(resLogDen$logDen)
		minFiniteLogDen <- min(resLogDen$logDen[boFin])
		minFiniteResFLogDen <- apply( resLogDen$logDenComp[boFin,], 2, min)
		rLFin <- resLogDen
		rLFin$logDen[!boFin] <- minFiniteLogDen
		for( j in 1:ncol(rLFin$logDenComp) )
			rLFin$logDenComp[!boFin,j] <- minFiniteResFLogDen[j]
		# get the 100 best cases, but minium 5% of the cases
		rL <- rLFin$logDen
		p <- min(0.5,100/length(rL),length(rL))
		q <- quantile(rL, probs=1-p)
		bo <- sapply(q, function(qi) rL > qi)
		Lp <- rLFin$logDenComp[bo,]
		rLQ <- rLFin$logDen[bo]
		#p1 <- qplot( X2, value, geom="boxplot", data=melt(Lp))+opts(axis.text.x=theme_text(angle=30, hjust=1, size=8))
		#from these sample from the 5% best as accepted LogDen
		ord <- order(rLQ, decreasing = TRUE)
		La <- Lp[sample( ord[1:round(length(ord)*0.05)], nrow(Lp), replace=TRUE ), ]
		#calcualte Temperature from density
		d <- Lp-La
		#p2 <- qplot( X2, value, geom="boxplot", data=melt(d))+opts(axis.text.x=theme_text(angle=30, hjust=1, size=8))
		#T <- calcDEMCTempDiffLogDen(t(d), pTarget=pTarget, TFix=TFix)  # will be scaled in twDEMCBlockInt
		T <- calcDEMCTempDiffLogDen(t(d), ...)  # will be scaled in twDEMCBlockInt
		### named numeric vector of estimated Temperatures per data stream. 
	calcDEMCnGenBurnin <- function(
		### Number of steps based on expapolation of an observed temperature decrease to 1 	
		T0 		##<< the initial temperature (before the first step at iGen=0)
		,Ti		##<< the temperatuer at step iStep
		,iStep	##<< the step at which observed Ti
		#Ti = T0 e^(a iStep)
		a = log(Ti/T0)/iStep
	calcDEMCTempGlobal1 <- function(
		### Calculating global temperature after the next batch for one population.
		resPop		##<< twDEMC result (subChains of one population)
		,diffLogDen	##<< numeric vector: Lp-La of the previous proposals
		,TLp		##<< numeric scalar: max Temperature suggested by optimizing Lp  (from \code{\link{calcDEMCTempDiffLogDen3}}			
		,pAcceptTVar ##<< numeric scalar: Acceptance rate of temperatue dependent step (from \code{\link{calcDEMCTempDiffLogDen3}}
		,iRun=getNGen(resPop)	##<< current generation: may be passed for efficiency
		,nGenBurnin ##<< integer scalar: the number of Generations in burnin
		,nRun		##<< integer scalar: the number of generations in next batch
		## This version either enforces Temp-Decrease complying to exponential decrease to 1 at nGenBurnin
		## or stays at temperature and prolonges nGenBurnin
		T0 <- resPop$temp[nrow(resPop$temp),1]
		if( pAcceptTVar < minPCompAcceptTempDecr){
			TGlobal <- T0
			nGenBurnin <- nGenBurnin+nRun
			TGlobal <- calcDEMCTemp( T0, 1, nGenBurnin-iRun, nRun)
		### list with components \itemize{
		### \item{TGlobal: numeric scalar: the global Temperature}
		### \item{nGenBurnin: recalculated burnin period}
		### }
	calcDEMCTempGlobal2a <- function(
		### Calculating global temperature after the next batch for one population.
		resPop		##<< twDEMC result (subChains of one population)
		,diffLogDen	##<< numeric vector: Lp-La of the previous proposals
		,TLp		##<< numeric scalar: max Temperature suggested by optimizing Lp  (from \code{\link{calcDEMCTempDiffLogDen3}}			
		,pAcceptTVar ##<< numeric scalar: Acceptance rate of temperatue dependent step (from \code{\link{calcDEMCTempDiffLogDen3}}
		,iRun=getNGen(resPop)	##<< current generation: may be passed for efficiency
		,nGenBurnin ##<< integer scalar: the number of Generations in burnin
		,nRun		##<< integer scalar: the number of generations in next batch
		,rHat0=1.08	##<< rHat value for which to not change the burnin period
		rHat0=max(rHat0,1.1)		#not smaller than 1.1 otherwise too strong  
		nR <- nrow(resPop$temp)
		T0 <- resPop$temp[nR,1]
		# gelman diagnostics for the last part of Temperature decrease from 120% of current T
		i130 <- twBinOptimize(resPop$temp[,1], 1.2*T0)$where
		i130b <- max(1,min(nR-30,i130)) # go at least 100 rows back (but not over beginning)
		if( resPop$temp[i130b,1] < 1.2*T0 ){
			nGenBurninNew <- nGenBurnin		# if Temperature did not change do not adjust interval
			TGlobal <- T0^(1-nRun/(nGenBurninNew-iRun))
			res130 <- thin(resPop, start=i130b)
			tmp <- checkConvergenceGelman(res130,burninFrac=0)
			r2 <- max(attr(tmp,"rHat"))
			# map gelman diag to a change in nGenBurnin (multiply the period until nGenBurnin by a factor)
			#r2 <- seq(0.9,2,by=0.02)
			burninFac <- pmax(-2/3, log(1/3)/(rHat0-1.0) * (rHat0-r2))
			#plot(burninFac~r2); abline(h=1); abline(v=rHat0)
			if( burninFac > 0){
				# do not decrease Temperature in the next run
				TGlobal <- T0
				# increase by factor + next batch
				nGenBurninNew <- round(nGenBurnin+(nGenBurnin-iRun)*burninFac)+nRun
				# decrease burnin period
				nGenBurninNew <- round(nGenBurnin+(nGenBurnin-iRun)*burninFac)
				TGlobal <- T0^(1-nRun/(nGenBurninNew-iRun))
		#i <- iRun:(nGenBurninNew*1.2)
		#rT <- T0^(1/(nGenBurninNew-iRun))
		#plot( rT^(nGenBurninNew-i) ~ i)
		#TGlobal <- rT^(nGenBurninNew-(iRun+nRun))
		### list with components \itemize{
		### \item{TGlobal: numeric scalar: the global Temperature}
		### \item{nGenBurnin: recalculated burnin period}
		### }
	calcDEMCTempGlobal2b <- function(
		### Calculating global temperature after the next batch for one population.
		resPop		##<< twDEMC result (subChains of one population)
		,diffLogDen	##<< numeric vector: Lp-La of the previous proposals
		,TLp		##<< numeric scalar: max Temperature suggested by optimizing Lp  (from \code{\link{calcDEMCTempDiffLogDen3}}			
		,pAcceptTVar ##<< numeric scalar: Acceptance rate of temperatue dependent step (from \code{\link{calcDEMCTempDiffLogDen3}}
		,iRun=getNGen(resPop)	##<< current generation: may be passed for efficiency
		,nGenBurnin ##<< integer scalar: the number of Generations in burnin
		,nRun		##<< integer scalar: the number of generations in next batch
		,rHat0=1.06	##<< rHat value for which to not change the burnin period
		rHat0=max(rHat0,1.1)		#not smaller than 1.1 otherwise too strong
		temp <- resPop$temp[,1]
		nR <- length(temp)
		T0 <- temp[nR]
		acceptRowsFac <- 1/(resPop$thin*resPop$pAccept[nR,1])
		i <- max(1,round(nR- 20*acceptRowsFac))	# row 20 independent steps back
		#if( iRun <= nRun ){
			# assume that nRun was also the previous batch
			# after first batch do not adjust temperature
			# if Temperature did not change do not adjust interval and decrease temperature
		#	cat("  first batch: no adjustment of burnin length\n")		
		#	nGenBurninNew <- nGenBurnin		
		#	TGlobal <- T0^(1-nRun/(nGenBurninNew-iRun))
			minRTback20ToTCurr <- 1.25
			if( t20r > minRTback20ToTCurr){
				# 20 accepted rows back, temperate was more than 125% of current temperate: too fast
				# keep current temperature and extend burnin by generations in next batch
				cat("  Tback20/TCurr=",round(t20r*100),"%, pAccept=",resPop$pAccept[nR,1],"\n",sep="")		
				TGlobal <- T0
				nGenBurninNew <- nGenBurnin*1.1+nRun
				#i130 <- twBinOptimize(temp[1:(iRun-nRun)], 1.2*T0)$where	# here do not regard the last batch
				#if( || (temp[i130] < 1.1*T0) ){
			#		# if Temperature did not change do not adjust interval and decrease temperature
			#		nGenBurninNew <- nGenBurnin		
		    #			TGlobal <- T0^(1-nRun/(nGenBurninNew-iRun))
		    #	}else {
				i130 <- twBinOptimize(temp[temp!=T0], 1.2*T0)$where	
					cat("  no upper temperature found: no adjustment of burnin length\n")		
					nGenBurninNew <- nGenBurnin		
					TGlobal <- T0^(1-nRun/(nGenBurninNew-iRun))
					tAccRows120 <- (iRun-i130)/acceptRowsFac 
					if( tAccRows120 < 15 ){
						#temperature decrease from 120% to 100% in less than 15 accepted rows: too fast
						# keep current temperature and extend burnin by generations in next batch
						cat("  accepted rows from a 20% Temperature decrease=",tAccRows120,", pAccept=",resPop$pAccept[nR,1],"\n",sep="")		
						TGlobal <- T0
						nGenBurninNew <- nGenBurnin*1.1+nRun
						i130b <- max(1,i130) # go at least 15 accepted steps back (but not over beginning)
						#if( temp[i130b] < 1.2*T0 ){
						#	cat("  no temperature change within 15 accepted steps: no adjustment of burnin length\n")		
						#	nGenBurninNew <- nGenBurnin		# if Temperature did not change do not adjust interval
						#	TGlobal <- T0^(1-nRun/(nGenBurninNew-iRun))
							# Gelman diag on properly thinned population
							#stop("dump to tmp/tempDecGelman.rda")
							newThinOdd <- 1/resPop$pAccept[nR,1]
							newThin <- max(1,(newThinOdd%/%resPop$thin))*resPop$thin	# make it multiple of current thin
							res130 <- thin(resPop, start=i130b, newThin=newThin)
							tmp <- checkConvergenceGelman(res130,burninFrac=0)
							r2 <- max(attr(tmp,"rHat"))
							cat("  Gelman diag: r2=",r2,"\n",sep="")		
							# map gelman diag to a change in nGenBurnin (multiply the period until nGenBurnin by a factor)
							#r2 <- seq(0.9,2,by=0.02)
							burninFac <- pmax(-2/3, log(1/3)/(rHat0-1.0) * (rHat0-r2))
							#plot(burninFac~r2); abline(h=1); abline(v=rHat0)
							if( burninFac > 0){
								# do not decrease Temperature in the next run
								TGlobal <- T0
								# increase by factor + next batch
								nGenBurninNew <- round(nGenBurnin+(nGenBurnin-iRun)*burninFac)+nRun
								# decrease burnin period
								nGenBurninNew <- round(nGenBurnin+(nGenBurnin-iRun)*burninFac)
								TGlobal <- T0^(1-nRun/(nGenBurninNew-iRun))
						} # Gelman Diag
					#} #120% to 100% in less than 15 accepted rows
				} # no upper temperature found
			} #20 accepted rows back
		#} # first batch
		### list with components \itemize{
		### \item{TGlobal: numeric scalar: the global Temperature}
		### \item{nGenBurnin: recalculated burnin period}
		### }
	.tmp.f <- function(){
	.tmp.f <- function(){
		# T(rT,i) = rT^((nGenBurnin-nRun)-i)
		# T(rT,0) = T0
		rT <- T0^(1/(nGenBurnin+0-iRun))
		rT2 <- T0^(1/(nGenBurnin+(nGenBurnin-nRun)*burninFac-nRun))
		rT3 <- T0^(1/(nGenBurnin+(nGenBurnin-nRun)*1-nRun))
		rT4 <- T0^(1/(nGenBurnin+(nGenBurnin-nRun)*-0.5-nRun))
		lines( rT2^(nGenBurnin+(nGenBurnin-nRun)*burninFac-i)~i,col="blue" ) 
		lines( rT3^(nGenBurnin+(nGenBurnin-nRun)*1-i)~i,col="red" )
		lines( rT4^(nGenBurnin+(nGenBurnin-nRun)*-0.5-i)~i,col="maroon" )
	calcDEMCTempGlobal2 <- function(
		### Calculating global temperature and adjusted burnin period after the next batch for one population.
		resPop		##<< twDEMC result (subChains of one population)
		,diffLogDen	##<< numeric vector: Lp-La of the previous proposals 
		,TLp		##<< numeric scalar: max Temperature suggested by optimizing Lp  (from \code{\link{calcDEMCTempDiffLogDen3}}			
		,pAcceptTVar ##<< numeric scalar: Acceptance rate of temperatue dependent step (from \code{\link{calcDEMCTempDiffLogDen3}}
		,iRun=getNGen(resPop)	##<< current generation: may be passed for efficiency
		,nGenBurnin ##<< integer scalar: the number of Generations in burnin
		,nRun		##<< integer scalar: the number of generations in next batch
		,rHat0=1.1	##<< rHat value for which to not change the burnin period
			### sample size of the appropriately thinned sample that will be detrended to check Gelman diagnostics before decreasing temperature.
			### When working in high dimensional parameter space, you may encounter false high gelman diagnostics. Then you can try increasing this parameter,
			### but be aware of increasing computational demand.
			### size of the end of the appropriately thinned logDen sample that will be checked for a trend.
		rHat0=max(rHat0,1.001)		#not smaller than 1.001 in order to avoid division by zero
		temp <- resPop$temp[,1]
		nR <- length(temp)
		T0 <- temp[nR]
		acceptRowsFac <- 1/(resPop$thin*max(0.05,resPop$pAccept[nR,1]))  # every x rows can be regarded as independent
		i <- max(1,round(nR- 20*acceptRowsFac))	# row 20 independent steps back
		if( t20r > 1.25){
			# 20 accepted rows back, temperate was more than 125% of current temperate: too fast
			# keep current temperature and extend burnin by generations in next batch
			cat("  Tback20/TCurr=",round(t20r*100),"%, pAccept=",resPop$pAccept[nR,1]," keep T0 and extend burnin\n",sep="")		
			TGlobal <- T0
			nGenBurninNew <- iRun+(nGenBurnin-iRun)*1.1+nRun
			temp2 <- temp[temp!=T0]
			i130 <- if(length(temp2)>0) twBinOptimize(temp2, 1.2*T0)$where else NA
			if( || (temp[i130]<1.1*T0) ){
				cat("  no significant temperature decrease yet: no adjustment of burnin length\n")		
				nGenBurninNew <- nGenBurnin		
				TGlobal <- T0^(1-nRun/(nGenBurninNew-iRun))
				# if the chains of one populatin cover the minimum at given temperature, temperature may decrease
				# hence check, if they converged to limiting distribution for given temperature
				# proper thin based on acceptance ratio
				newThinOdd <- 1/resPop$pAccept[nR,1]						# low acceptance rate, higher sampling
				newThin <- max(1,(newThinOdd%/%resPop$thin))*resPop$thin	# make it multiple of current thin
				res2Batch <- thin(resPop,start=max(0,iRun-(nSampleTrend*newThin)),newThin)			# check trend over last two batches
				#windows(record=TRUE); rescoda <- as.mcmc.list(res2Batch); plot(thinN(rescoda), smooth=FALSE)
				if( checkConvergenceTrend(res2Batch) < 0.05){
					# for a significant upward trend in rLogDen of resPop, stay at given temperature
					cat("  trend in logDensity: stay at given temperature one more batch\n")		
					nGenBurninNew <- nGenBurnin+nRun
					TGlobal <- T0
					# construct a properly thinned sample of the last part of the chain
					# i.e. part where temperate did not exceed 120% of current temperature and at maximum 512 samples
					#res130 <- thin(resPop, start=i130, newThin=newThin)		# can become very slow in detrend
					res130 <- thin(resPop, start=max(0,i130, iRun-(nSampleGelmanDiag*newThin)), newThin=newThin)	# constrain to at maximum 512 samples
					# base diagnostics on end of the chain with a temperatue decrease of 10%
					#stop("dump to tmp/tempDecGelman.rda")
					d <- dim(res130$parms)[2:3]
					xGrid <- rep(1:d[1],d[2])
					rHat2 <- apply(res130$parms,1,function(parmsi){
						# before Gelman diag, first remove trend common to all chains 
						# that will otherwise dominate both variances
						# with decreasing temperature a trend is very probable, despite the Gelman diag measures the mixing of the chains
						parmsid <- .detrendMatrix(parmsi,xGrid=xGrid,df=3)
						rHat2 <- twDEMC:::.calcRhat2( parmsid, n=d[1], m=d[2] )
					rHatMax <- sqrt(max(1,rHat2))
					cat("  Gelman diag: max(rHat)=",rHatMax,": ",ifelse(rHatMax <rHat0,"decreasing","increasing")," burnin\n",sep="")		
					# map gelman diag to a change in nGenBurnin (multiply the period until nGenBurnin by a factor)
					#rHatMax <- seq(1.0,2,by=0.02)
					#burninFac <- pmax(-1/2, log(1/3)/(rHat0-1.0) * (rHat0-rHatMax))	# decrease to strong
					burninFac <- pmax(-1/2, log(2/3)/(rHat0-1.0) * (rHat0-rHatMax))
					#plot(burninFac~rHatMax); abline(h=0); abline(v=rHat0)
					#rHat0 <- seq(1.00,1.4,by=0.01); 
					#plot( burninFac ~ rHat0 ); abline(h=c(log(1/3),0,1));
					if( burninFac > 0){
						# do not decrease Temperature in the next run
						TGlobal <- T0
						# increase by factor + next batch
						nGenBurninNew <- round(nGenBurnin+(nGenBurnin-iRun)*burninFac)+nRun
						#plot( nGenBurninNew ~ burninFac ); abline(h=nGenBurnin); abline(v=0)
						#plot( nGenBurninNew ~ rHatMax ); abline(v=rHat0); abline(h=nGenBurnin)
						#decrease Temperature and shorten burnin
						nGenBurninNew <- (nGenBurnin+(nGenBurnin-iRun)*burninFac)
						TGlobal <- T0^(1-nRun/(nGenBurninNew-iRun))
				}# end Gelman Diag 
			} # end no significnat temperature found
		} #20 end accepted rows back
		# make sure that Temperature decrease is not gerater than 100/120 within next 20  accepted steps (a)
		a <- 20/(0.8*resPop$pAccept[nR,1])	# calculate with slightly lower acceptance rate to get a robust estimate
		Ta = 1.2^(1/a)				# T and burnin so that Ta^(ba-(i+a) = 100/120 T0
		ba = round(log(T0)/log(Ta)+iRun)
		TaGlobal <- Ta^(ba-(iRun+nRun))
		TGlobal <- max(TaGlobal,TGlobal)
		nGenBurninNew <- max(ba,round(nGenBurninNew))
		# calculate T
		### list with components \itemize{
		### \item{TGlobal: numeric scalar: the global Temperature}
		### \item{nGenBurnin: recalculated burnin period}
		### }
	.tmp.f <- function(){
		# exploring Temperature decrease of 100/120 after a generations
		i= 1:b
		T = T0^(1/(b-iRun))
		plot( T^(b-i) ~ i);	abline(h=T0); abline(v=iRun)
		Ta = 1.2^(1/a)
		ba = log(T0)/log(Ta)+iRun
		lines( Ta^(ba-i) ~ i,col="blue");
		T0a = Ta^(ba-(iRun+a))
	.tmp.f <- function(){
		# exploring smooting splines on vairable
		pa <- res130$parms["a",,]
		xGrid <- 1:nrow(pa)
		(spl <- smooth.spline(rep(xGrid,ncol(pa)),as.vector(pa),df=3 ))
		pa2 <- pa - spl$y
	.detrendMatrix <- function(
		### removes a common trend (smoothed data) across all columns
		pa					##<< numeric matrix to be detrended
		,df=3 				##<< degrees of freedeom for the trend, see \code{\link{smooth.spline}}
		,xGrid=rep(1:nrow(pa),ncol(pa))	##<< for several similar matrices, may be passed for performance reasons
		trend <- smooth.spline(xGrid,as.vector(pa),df=df )$y
		pa - trend
		### numeric matrix 
	calcDEMCTempGlobal3 <- function(
		### Calculating global temperature and adjusted burnin period after the next batch for one population.
		resPop		##<< twDEMC result (subChains of one population)
		,diffLogDen	##<< numeric vector: Lp-La of the previous proposals 
		,TLp		##<< numeric scalar: max Temperature suggested by optimizing Lp  (from \code{\link{calcDEMCTempDiffLogDen3}}			
		,pAcceptTVar ##<< numeric scalar: Acceptance rate of temperatue dependent step (from \code{\link{calcDEMCTempDiffLogDen3}}
		,iRun=getNGen(resPop)	##<< current generation: may be passed for efficiency
		,nGenBurnin ##<< integer scalar: the number of Generations in burnin
		,nRun		##<< integer scalar: the number of generations in next batch
		,rHat0=1.2	##<< rHat value for which to not change the burnin period
		### sample size of the appropriately thinned sample that will be detrended to check Gelman diagnostics before decreasing temperature.
		### When working in high dimensional parameter space, you may encounter false high gelman diagnostics. Then you can try increasing this parameter,
		### but be aware of increasing computational demand.
	### size of the end of the appropriately thinned logDen sample that will be checked for a trend.
		# adjust calcDEMCTempGlobal2 to not decrease Temp before checking Gelman diagnostics and trend
		rHat0=max(rHat0,1.001)		#not smaller than 1.001 in order to avoid division by zero
		temp <- resPop$temp[,1]
		nR <- length(temp)
		T0 <- temp[nR]
		acceptRowsFac <- 1/(resPop$thin*max(0.05,resPop$pAccept[nR,1]))  # every x rows can be regarded as independent, avoid division by zero or very small numbers
		i <- max(1,round(nR- 20*acceptRowsFac))	# row 20 independent steps back
		if( t20r > 1.25){
			# 20 independent rows back, temperate was more than 125% of current temperate: too fast
			# keep current temperature and extend burnin by generations in next batch
			cat("  Tback20/TCurr=",round(t20r*100),"%, pAccept=",resPop$pAccept[nR,1]," keep T0 and extend burnin\n",sep="")		
			TGlobal <- T0
			nGenBurninNew <- iRun+(nGenBurnin-iRun)*1.1+nRun
			temp2 <- temp[temp!=T0]	# if Temperature did not change yet, twBinOptimize is undetermined	
			i130 <- if(length(temp2)>0) twBinOptimize(temp2, 1.2*T0)$where else NA   # index where temperature is closest to 120% of current temperature
			if( || (temp[i130]<1.1*T0) ) i130 <- 0  # start checking at the beginning
			# if the chains of one populatin cover the minimum at given temperature, temperature may decrease
			# hence check, if they converged to limiting distribution for given temperature
			# proper thin based on acceptance ratio
			newThinOdd <- 1/max( 1/256 ,resPop$pAccept[nR,1])			# low acceptance rate, higher sampling, avoid division by very small number
			newThin <- max(1,(newThinOdd%/%resPop$thin))*resPop$thin	# make it multiple of current thin
			res2Batch <- thin(resPop,start=max(0,iRun-(nSampleTrend*newThin)),newThin)			# check trend over last two batches
			#windows(record=TRUE); rescoda <- as.mcmc.list(res2Batch); plot(thinN(rescoda), smooth=FALSE)
			if( checkConvergenceTrend(res2Batch) < 0.05){
				# for a significant upward trend in rLogDen of resPop, stay at given temperature
				cat("  trend in logDensity: stay at given temperature one more batch\n")		
				nGenBurninNew <- nGenBurnin+nRun
				TGlobal <- T0
				# construct a properly thinned sample of the last part of the chain
				# i.e. part where temperate did not exceed 120% of current temperature and at maximum 512 samples
				#res130 <- thin(resPop, start=i130, newThin=newThin)		# can become very slow in detrend
				res130 <- thin(resPop, start=max(0,i130, iRun-(nSampleGelmanDiag*newThin)), newThin=newThin)	# constrain to at maximum 512 samples
				# base diagnostics on end of the chain with a temperatue decrease of 10%
				#stop("dump to tmp/tempDecGelman.rda")
				d <- dim(res130$parms)[2:3]
				xGrid <- rep(1:d[1],d[2])
				rHat2 <- apply(res130$parms,1,function(parmsi){
						# before Gelman diag, first remove trend common to all chains 
						# that will otherwise dominate both variances
						# with decreasing temperature a trend is very probable, despite the Gelman diag measures the mixing of the chains
						parmsid <- .detrendMatrix(parmsi,xGrid=xGrid,df=3)
						rHat2 <- twDEMC:::.calcRhat2( parmsid, n=d[1], m=d[2] )
				rHatMax <- sqrt(max(1,rHat2))
				cat("  Gelman diag: max(rHat)=",rHatMax,": ",ifelse(rHatMax <rHat0,"decreasing","increasing")," burnin\n",sep="")		
				# map gelman diag to a change in nGenBurnin (multiply the period until nGenBurnin by a factor)
				#rHatMax <- seq(1.0,2,by=0.02)
				#burninFac <- pmax(-1/2, log(1/3)/(rHat0-1.0) * (rHat0-rHatMax))	# decrease to strong
				burninFac <- pmax(-1/2, -0.1/(rHat0-1.0) * (rHat0-rHatMax))
				#plot(burninFac~rHatMax); abline(h=0); abline(v=rHat0)
				#rHat0 <- seq(1.00,1.4,by=0.01); 
				#plot( burninFac ~ rHat0 ); abline(h=c(log(1/3),0,1));
				if( burninFac > 0){
					# do not decrease Temperature in the next run
					TGlobal <- T0
					# increase by factor + next batch
					nGenBurninNew <- round(nGenBurnin+(nGenBurnin-iRun)*burninFac)+nRun
					#plot( nGenBurninNew ~ burninFac ); abline(h=nGenBurnin); abline(v=0)
					#plot( nGenBurninNew ~ rHatMax ); abline(v=rHat0); abline(h=nGenBurnin)
					#decrease Temperature and shorten burnin
					nGenBurninNew <- (nGenBurnin+(nGenBurnin-iRun)*burninFac)
					TGlobal <- T0^(1-nRun/(nGenBurninNew-iRun))
			}# end Gelman Diag 
		} #20 end accepted rows back
		# make sure that Temperature decrease is not gerater than 100/120 within next 20  accepted steps (a)
		a <- 20/(0.8*resPop$pAccept[nR,1])	# calculate with slightly lower acceptance rate to get a robust estimate
		Ta = 1.2^(1/a)				# T and burnin so that Ta^(ba-(i+a) = 100/120 T0
		ba = round(log(T0)/log(Ta)+iRun)
		TaGlobal <- Ta^(ba-(iRun+nRun))
		TGlobal <- max(TaGlobal,TGlobal)
		nGenBurninNew <- max(ba,round(nGenBurninNew))
		# calculate T
		### list with components \itemize{
		### \item{TGlobal: numeric scalar: the global Temperature}
		### \item{nGenBurnin: recalculated burnin period}
		### }

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