
.tmp.f <- function(){

#---------------- setup
modTwTwoDenEx1 <- function(
        theta           ##<< model parameters a and b
        , xSparse       ##<< numeric vector of Sparse input/output relationship
        , xRich         ##<< numeric vector of rich input/output relationship
        , thresholdCovar=0      ##<< model structural deficiency
    list(  y1 = as.numeric(theta[1]*xSparse + theta[2]*mean(xRich)/10)
            ,y2 = as.numeric(theta[1]*xSparse[1] + theta[2]*pmax(0,xRich-thresholdCovar) ))

set.seed(0815)      # for reproducable results
xSparse <- c(1,runif(9,min=0.5,max=1.5))  # only 10 observations
xRich <- runif(1000,min=.7,max=1)  	 # 1000 observations	
thetaTrue <- c( a=1, b=2 )
theta0 <- thetaTrue
covarTheta0 <- diag(0.2*thetaTrue)
obsTrue <- modTwTwoDenEx1( thetaTrue, xSparse=xSparse,xRich=xRich
        , thresholdCovar=0.3)
sdObsTrue <- sdObs <- list( 
        ,y2=mean(obsTrue$y2)*0.02 )
obs <- list(
        y1 = obsTrue$y1 + rnorm(length(obsTrue$y1),sd=sdObsTrue$y1) 
        ,y2 = obsTrue$y2 + rnorm(length(obsTrue$y2),sd=sdObsTrue$y2) )

denSparse <- function( theta, intermediates, logDensityComponents
        ,xSparse, xRich, obs, sdObs, ...
    pred <- modTwTwoDenEx1(theta, xSparse=xSparse, xRich=xRich, ...) 
    misfit <- obs$y1 - pred$y1
    structure( -1/2 * sum((misfit/sdObs$y1)^2), names='y1' )
logDensityComponentsSparse0 <- denSparse( theta0, list(), numeric(0), xSparse, xRich, obs, sdObsTrue )

denRich <- function( theta, intermediates, logDensityComponents
        ,xSparse, xRich, obs, sdObs, ...
    pred <- modTwTwoDenEx1(theta, xSparse=xSparse, xRich=xRich, ...) 
    misfit <- obs$y2 - pred$y2
    structure( -1/2 * sum((misfit/sdObs$y2)^2), names='y2' )
logDensityComponentsRich0 <- denRich( theta0, list(), numeric(0), xSparse, xRich, obs, sdObsTrue )

argsFLogDensity = list(xSparse=xSparse, xRich=xRich, obs=obs, sdObs=sdObs)

sparseBlockSpec <- blockSpec("a",names(theta0),
                fLogDensity = denSparse,
                argsFLogDensity = argsFLogDensity,      
                logDensityComponentNames = names(logDensityComponentsSparse0)
richBlockSpec <- blockSpec("b",names(theta0),
                fLogDensity = denRich,
                argsFLogDensity = argsFLogDensity,      
                logDensityComponentNames = names(logDensityComponentsRich0)
blockSpecs = list( sparse=sparseBlockSpec, rich=richBlockSpec )

blockUpdaters <- newBlockUpdaters(blockSpecs, intermediateSpecifications, names(thetaPrior))
chainSampler <- initializeBlockUpdaters(chainSamplerTemplate, blockUpdaters)
sampler <- new("PopulationSampler", chainSampler=chainSampler)

sampler <- newPopulationSampler( blockSpecs, theta0, covarTheta0, nPopulation=1L )

#------------------ profiling
res <- profr( sampler <- setupAndSample(sampler, nSample=60L) )

# sum execution times 
sumTimes <- ddply( res, .(level, f), function(ds){ c(time=sum(ds$time)) })
head(arrange(sumTimes, rev(time)),20)

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blockDemac documentation built on May 2, 2019, 4:52 p.m.