
Defines functions calib calib.fpl.pom calib.thpl.pom calib.tpl.pom calib.lin.pom fpl.inverse thpl.inverse tpl.inverse

Documented in calib

## all of the functions required for calibration

calib <- function(x,y0,conf=.9, dilution=1, samp.names, m = x@m,
		truth, times, samp.units="", dose.units = "", dose.name = "", maxit = 1000,
		toler = 1e-05, rname="response", extrap = FALSE, xname = x){
	## 06-08-07: Removing the maxit and toler options. Both of these were used
	## previously in the source call to C but since this is not being used
	## anymore makes sense to take it out. DVS
	if((x@type == "lin") | (x@type == "quad")){
		calib.out <- calib.lin.pom(x, y0 = y0, conf = conf, 
				m = m, dilution = dilution, samp.names, truth, 
				times, samp.units = samp.units, dose.units = dose.units, 
				dose.name = dose.name, 
				extrap = extrap, 
				rname = rname, xname = xname)
	else if(x@type == "thpl"){
		calib.out <- calib.thpl.pom(x, y0 = y0, conf = conf, 
				m = m, dilution = dilution, samp.names, truth, 
				times, samp.units = samp.units, dose.units = dose.units, 
				dose.name = dose.name, 
				extrap = FALSE,
				rname = rname, xname = xname)
	else if(x@type == "fpl"){
		calib.out <- calib.fpl.pom(x, y0 = y0, conf = conf, 
				m = m, dilution = dilution, samp.names, truth, 
				times, samp.units = samp.units, dose.units = dose.units, 
				dose.name = dose.name, 
				extrap = FALSE,
				rname = rname, xname = xname)
	else if(x@type == "tpl"){
		calib.out <- calib.tpl.pom(x, y0 = y0, conf = conf,
				m = m, dilution = dilution, samp.names, truth,
				times, samp.units = samp.units, dose.units = dose.units,
				dose.name = dose.name,
				extrap = FALSE,
				rname = rname, xname = xname)
		stop("'type' not valid.")

calib.fpl.pom <- function(calibFit.out, y0, conf = calibFit.out@conf.level, 
		m = calibFit.out@m, dilution = 1, 
		samp.names, truth, times, samp.units = "", dose.units = "", 
		dose.name = "", rname="response", extrap = F, xname = "x")
	## Computes the Calibration Statistics                                       ##
	##                                                                           ##
	## input variables:                                                          ##
	##  fpl.out: output from the fpl or fpl.pom functions                        ##
	##  y0: a vector of the MEAN response values for the unknown x               ##
	##  conf: confidence level for calibration estimates                         ##
	##  m: number of terms in the average for y0                                 ##
	##     BE CAREFUL: by default this will read in the same number as           ##
	##     in fpl.out - the means for y0 may be based on a different             ##
	##     number of reps for each sample type                                   ##
	##  dilution: dilution factor                                                ##
	##  samp.names: names of the unknowns                                        ##
	##  truth: names of the knowns?                                              ##
	##  samp.units, dose.units, dose.name: self-explanatory and blank by default ##
	##  maxit, toler, dos: used for dos                                          ##
	##  rname: this argument was added by MM on 3/27/03.  This is the name of    ##
	##         of the response variable, which was get used when printing        ##  
	## comments added by Matthew Mitchell on 3/14/03 are indicated with ##       ##
	## the original comments have # or ###                                       ##
	##                                                                           ##
	## added extrap option as in calib.lin.pom to give user option of            ##
	## extrapolating out of range values if desired: MM 9/26/03                  ##
	## -- removed this since extrap doesn't make any sense for the fpl model     ##
	##    pdh 08/30/2010                                                         ##
	n <- length(y0)
	if(length(dilution) == 1)
		dilution <- rep(dilution, n)
	dcorr <- 1/dilution
	b <- calibFit.out@coefficients
	cov.un <- calibFit.out@cov.unscaled    
	min.x <- min(calibFit.out@x)
	max.x <- max(calibFit.out@x)     
	max.range <- fpl.model(max.x, b, logParm = calibFit.out@logParm)[1]
	min.range <- fpl.model(min.x, b, logParm = calibFit.out@logParm)[1]
	## pdh 8/31/2010
	## here is where the limits get set and they will be used throughout
	if(b[2] < b[1])  {
		too.low = (y0  > min.range[1])
		too.high = (y0 < max.range[1])
	} else{
		too.low = (y0  < min.range[1])
		too.high = (y0 > max.range[1])
	just.right = !(too.low | too.high)
	oor <- ifelse(!just.right, "x", "o")
	## MM added these next 2 lines on 3/27/03 because m may be different here
	## than in fpl.out and its these values of m that will determine the mdc
	## This is added an output variable 
	cmdc <- mdc(calibFit.out, m = m) * dcorr
	cal.val <- fpl.inverse(calibFit.out, y0)
	tcrit <- qt((conf + 1)/2, calibFit.out@df.residual)
	seqy <- seq(fpl.model(min(calibFit.out@x), calibFit.out@coefficients, 
					logParm = calibFit.out@logParm), 
			fpl.model(max(calibFit.out@x), calibFit.out@coefficients, 
					logParm = calibFit.out@logParm), len = 6)
	boundx <- c(fpl.inverse(calibFit.out, seqy[1:5]), max.x)[-1]
	xp <- c(seq(0, boundx[1], len = 170), seq(boundx[1], 
					boundx[2], len = 50), seq(boundx[2], boundx[3], 
					len = 30), seq(boundx[3], boundx[4], len = 50), 
			seq(boundx[4], boundx[5], len = 170))
	ypred <- fpl.model(xp, b, logParm = calibFit.out@logParm)
	qn1 <- ((as.vector(ypred))^(2 * calibFit.out@theta))/m
	## 1-07-08: Note that the term '1/length(out@x)' was missing from below, i.e. the 1/n term
	## in the confidence/prediction interval calculation. DVS
	qn2 <- (1/length(calibFit.out@x)) * diag(attributes(ypred)$gradient %*% cov.un %*% t(attributes(ypred)$gradient))
	sigma <- calibFit.out@sigma
	ypl <- as.vector(ypred) + sign(b[2] - b[1]) * tcrit * sigma * sqrt(qn1 + qn2)
	ypu <- as.vector(ypred) - sign(b[2] - b[1]) * tcrit * sigma * sqrt(qn1 + qn2)
	xl <- try(approx(ypl, xp, y0, ties = "mean"), TRUE)
	if(class(xl) == "try-error")
		xl <- approx(ypl, xp, y0, ties = "ordered")
	xu <- try(approx(ypu, xp, y0, ties = "mean"), TRUE)
	if(class(xu) == "try-error")
		xu <- approx(ypu, xp, y0, ties = "ordered")
	xlow.inver <- xl$y
	xup.inver <- xu$y
	## computes the Wald intervals which are computed with the delta method ##
	if(!calibFit.out@logParm) {
		## fixed
		hyb <- rep(NA,length(y0))
		hyb[too.low] <- 0
		hyb[just.right] <- b[3] * exp((1/b[4]) * log((b[1] - y0[just.right])/(y0[just.right] - b[2])))
	} else {
		hyb <- rep(NA,length(y0))
		hyb[too.low] <- 0
		hyb[just.right] <- exp((1/b[4]) * log((b[1] - y0[just.right])/
								(y0[just.right] - b[2])) + b[3])
	dh.dy <- hyb * ((b[2] - b[1])/(b[4] * (b[1] - y0) * (y0 -  b[2])))
	dh.db1 <- hyb/(b[4] * (b[1] - y0))
	dh.db2 <- hyb/(b[4] * (y0 - b[2]))
		dh.db3 <- hyb/b[3]
	} else {
		dh.db3 = hyb
	dh.db4 <- rep(NA,length(y0))
	dh.db4[too.low] <- 0
	dh.db4[just.right] <- ( - hyb[just.right]/(b[4] * b[4])) * 
			log((b[1] - y0[just.right])/(y0[just.right] - b[2]))

	dh.df <- cbind(dh.db1, dh.db2, dh.db3, dh.db4)
	xnot.hat <- hyb
	sigma2 <- sigma^2
	var.xnot.hat <- sigma2 * (dh.dy^2 * (y0^2)^calibFit.out@theta/m  + diag(dh.df %*% cov.un %*% t(dh.df)))
	tcrit <- qt((1 + conf)/2, calibFit.out@df.residual)
	se.xhat <- sqrt(var.xnot.hat)
	xup.wald <- xnot.hat + tcrit * se.xhat
	xlow.wald <- xnot.hat - tcrit * se.xhat
	cal.val = hyb
	## set values outside the limits
	cal.val[too.low] = xlow.inver[too.low] = xup.inver[too.low] = xlow.wald[too.low] = xup.wald[too.low]=se.xhat[too.low] = 0
	cal.val[too.high] = xlow.inver[too.high] = xup.inver[too.high] = xlow.wald[too.high] = xup.wald[too.high]=se.xhat[too.high] = NA
	xlow.inver <- dcorr * xlow.inver
	xup.inver <- dcorr * xup.inver
	xlow.wald <- dcorr * xlow.wald
	xup.wald <- dcorr * xup.wald
	cal.val <- dcorr * cal.val
	se.xhat <- dcorr * se.xhat
	## next line added by MM on 3/27/03 to compute when the
	## estimated calibration is less than the mdc
	lmdc <- ifelse(as.vector(cal.val) < as.vector(cmdc), "X", "O")
	## creates a data set with all the calibration statistics ##
	clims.df <- new("calib",Estimated.x = as.vector(cal.val), 
			PredStdErr = as.vector(se.xhat), 
			inver.low = as.vector(xlow.inver), 
			inver.up = as.vector(xup.inver), 
			wald.low = as.vector(xlow.wald), 
			wald.up = as.vector(xup.wald), 
			avg.response = as.vector(y0), 
			dilution = as.vector(dilution), 
			oor = as.vector(oor), mdc = as.vector(cmdc),
			lmdc = as.vector(lmdc))
	clims.df@wald.up <- ifelse(is.na(clims.df@wald.up) & !is.na(clims.df@wald.low),
			clims.df@Estimated.x + (clims.df@Estimated.x-clims.df@wald.low),
			clims.df@wald.up)   ## MWM 9/2/04
	lab.given <- F
	## used if set value for truth, known controls         ##
	if(!missing(truth)) {
		ord.truth <- order(truth)
		y0 <- y0[ord.truth]
		cal.val <- cal.val[ord.truth]
		xlow.inver <- xlow.inver[ord.truth]
		xup.inver <- xup.inver[ord.truth]
		xlow.wald <- xlow.wald[ord.truth]
		xup.wald <- xup.wald[ord.truth]
		truth <- truth[ord.truth]
		labs <- list(name = "Control", plot.ind = 1:length(
						truth),    # ## too.low=too.low, 
				###    too.high=too.high, 
				too.low = too.low[ord.truth], too.high = too.high[
				### i think its here that the truth (| samp names ?) get set as 
				### xlabs which turn into tick labels on axis in plot.calib
				### order truth is screwing things up for plot
				### subscripting too.low and too.high as above fixed it !! (moc 5/8/95)
				xlabs = as.character(truth), cont.pl = F, xunits = 
						samp.units, dose.units = dose.units, dose.name
						= dose.name)
		lab.given <- T
		clims.df@truth <- truth
			clims.df@samp.names <- truth
		else clims.df@samp.names <- samp.names
		## This line does not make sense in the context of
		## rewriting things to S4 format
	## used if times are provided                           
	if(!missing(times)) {
		times = as.character(times)  ## Added by DVS 10/9/06
		clims.df@times <- times
			clims.df@samp.names <- times
		else clims.df@samp.names <- samp.names
		labs <- list(name = "Time", plot.ind = times, too.low
						= too.low, too.high = too.high, xlabs = 
						as.character(times), cont.pl = T, xunits = 
						samp.units, dose.units = dose.units, dose.name
						= dose.name)
		lab.given <- T
	## will be executed is truth and times are missing      
	if(!lab.given) {
		labs <- list(name = "Sample", plot.ind = 1:length(y0), 
				too.low = too.low, too.high = too.high, xlabs
						= as.character(1:length(y0)), cont.pl = F, 
				xunits = samp.units, dose.units = dose.units, 
				dose.name = dose.name)
		if(!missing(samp.names)) {
			clims.df@samp.names <- samp.names
			labs$xlabs <- samp.names
				labs$plot.ind <- samp.names
		# else attributes(clims.df)$samp.names <- NULL
	clims.df@labels <- labs
	clims.df@max.x <- max.x
	## MM 9/29/03
	clims.df@extrap <- extrap
	## MM added these 2 lines on 3/27/03 to indicate whether m here is the same
	## as in the fpl print out (this affects the MDC)
	ifelse(all(m == calibFit.out@m), {repeq <- T}, {repeq <- F})
	clims.df@repeq <- repeq
	## MM added this line on 3/27/03 that the actual name of the response
	## variable will be shown on the printout
	clims.df@rname <- rname
	## MM 3/27/03 see change earlier
	if(dcorr[1] == 1){
		clims.df@mdc <- calibFit.out@mdc
	clims.df@conf.level <- conf
#	clims.df@calib.fit <- calibFit.out

calib.thpl.pom <- function(calibFit.out, y0, conf = calibFit.out@conf.level, 
		m = calibFit.out@m, dilution = 1, 
		samp.names, truth, times, samp.units = "", dose.units = "", 
		dose.name = "", rname="response", extrap = FALSE, xname = "x"){
	## Computes the Calibration Statistics                                       ##
	##                                                                           ##
	## input variables:                                                          ##
	##  thpl.out: output from the thpl or thpl.pom functions                     ##
	##  y0: a vector of the MEAN response values for the unknown x               ##
	##  conf: confidence level for calibration estimates                         ##
	##  m: number of terms in the average for y0                                 ##
	##     BE CAREFUL: by default this will read in the same number as           ##
	##     in thpl.out - the means for y0 may be based on a different            ##
	##     number of reps for each sample type                                   ##
	##  dilution: dilution factor                                                ##
	##  samp.names: names of the unknowns                                        ##
	##  truth: names of the knowns?                                              ##
	##  samp.units, dose.units, dose.name: self-explanatory and blank by default ##
	##  maxit, toler, dos: used for dos                                          ##
	##  rname: this argument was added by MM on 3/27/03.  This is the name of    ##
	##         of the response variable, which was get used when printing        ##  
	## written  by Matthew Mitchell on 5/20/03                                   ##
	## the original comments have # or ###                                       ##
	n <- length(y0)
	if(length(dilution) == 1)
		dilution <- rep(dilution, n)
	dcorr <- 1/dilution
	b <- calibFit.out@coefficients
	cov.un <- calibFit.out@cov.unscaled
	min.x <- min(calibFit.out@x)
	max.x <- max(calibFit.out@x)
	max.range <- thpl.model(max.x, b)[1]
	min.range <- thpl.model(min.x, b)[2]
	## pdh 8/31/2010
	## here is where the limits get set and they will be used throughout
	if(b[2] < b[1])  {
		too.low = (y0  > min.range)
		too.high = (y0 < max.range)
	} else{
		too.low = (y0  < min.range)
		too.high = (y0 > max.range)
	just.right = !(too.low | too.high)
	oor <- ifelse(!just.right, "x", "o")
	## MM added these next 2 lines on 3/27/03 because m may be different here
	## than in thpl.out and its these values of m that will determine the mdc
	## This is added an output variable 
	cmdc <-  mdc(calibFit.out, m = m, conf = conf)
	cmdc <-  cmdc * dcorr
	cal.val <- thpl.inverse(calibFit.out, y0)
	cal.val <- as.array(cal.val)    
	### correct calibrated value for dilution
	cal.val <- cal.val
	tcrit <- qt((conf + 1)/2, calibFit.out@df.residual)
	## computes the inverse limits here 
	seqy <- seq(thpl.model(min(calibFit.out@x), calibFit.out@coefficients, 
					logParm = calibFit.out@logParm),
			thpl.model(max(calibFit.out@x), calibFit.out@coefficients, 
					logParm = calibFit.out@logParm), len = 6)
	boundx <- c(thpl.inverse(calibFit.out, seqy[1:5]), max.x)[-1]
	xp <- c(seq(0, boundx[1], len = 170), 
			seq(boundx[1], boundx[2], len = 50), 
			seq(boundx[2], boundx[3], len = 30), 
			seq(boundx[3], boundx[4], len = 50), 
			seq(boundx[4], boundx[5], len = 170))
	ypred <- thpl.model(xp, b)
	qn1 <- ((as.vector(ypred))^(2 * calibFit.out@theta))/m
	## 1-07-08: Note that the term '1/length(out@x)' was missing from below, i.e. the 1/n term
	## in the confidence/prediction interval calculation. DVS
	qn2 <- (1/length(calibFit.out@x)) * diag(attributes(ypred)$gradient %*% cov.un %*% t(
	sigma <- calibFit.out@sigma
	ypl <- as.vector(ypred) + sign(b[2] - b[1]) * tcrit * 
			sigma * sqrt(qn1 + qn2)
	ypu <- as.vector(ypred) - sign(b[2] - b[1]) * tcrit * 
			sigma * sqrt(qn1 + qn2)
	xl <- try(approx(ypl, xp, y0, ties = "mean"), TRUE)
	if(class(xl) == "try-error")
		xl <- approx(ypl, xp, y0, ties = "ordered")
	xu <- try(approx(ypu, xp, y0, ties = "mean"), TRUE)
	if(class(xu) == "try-error")
		xu <- approx(ypu, xp, y0, ties = "ordered")
	xlow.inver <- xl$y
	xup.inver <- xu$y
	## computes the Wald intervals              ##
	## which are computed with the delta method ##
	hyb <- b[3]*((b[1] - y0)/(y0 - b[2]))
	hyb[too.low] = 0
	hyb[too.high] = NA
	dh.dy <- hyb * ((b[2] - b[1])/( (b[1] - y0) * (y0 -  b[2])))
	dh.db1 <- hyb/(b[1] - y0)
	dh.db2 <- hyb/(y0 - b[2])
	## interesting that there is no log method available here
	dh.db3 <- hyb/b[3]

	xnot.hat <- hyb
	sigma2 <- calibFit.out@sigma^2
	var.xnot.hat <- ((dh.dy^2) * sigma2 * (y0^(2 * calibFit.out@theta)))/m + 
			sigma2 * (dh.db1 * (dh.db1 * cov.un[1, 1] + 
					dh.db2 * cov.un[2, 1] + dh.db3 * cov.un[3, 1]) +
				dh.db2 * (dh.db1 * cov.un[1, 2] + 
					dh.db2 * cov.un[2, 2] + dh.db3 * cov.un[3, 2]) +
				dh.db3 * (dh.db1 * cov.un[1, 3] + 
					dh.db2 * cov.un[2, 3] + dh.db3 * cov.un[3, 3]))
	tcrit <- qt((1 + conf)/2, calibFit.out@df.residual)
	se.xhat <- sqrt(var.xnot.hat)
	xup.wald <- xnot.hat + tcrit * se.xhat
	xlow.wald <- xnot.hat - tcrit * se.xhat
	cal.val <- hyb
	## set values outside the limits
	cal.val[too.low] = xlow.inver[too.low] = xup.inver[too.low] = xlow.wald[too.low] = xup.wald[too.low]=se.xhat[too.low] = 0
	cal.val[too.high] = xlow.inver[too.high] = xup.inver[too.high] = xlow.wald[too.high] = xup.wald[too.high]=se.xhat[too.high] = NA
	xlow.inver <- dcorr * xlow.inver
	xup.inver <- dcorr * xup.inver
	xlow.wald <- dcorr * xlow.wald
	xup.wald <- dcorr * xup.wald
	cal.val <- dcorr * cal.val
	se.xhat <- dcorr * se.xhat
	## next line added by MM on 3/27/03 to compute when the
	## estimated calibration is less than the mdc
	lmdc <- ifelse(as.vector(cal.val) < as.vector(cmdc), "X", "O")
	## creates a data set with all the calibration statistics ##
	clims.df <- new("calib", Estimated.x = as.vector(cal.val), 
			PredStdErr = as.vector(se.xhat), inver.low = 
					as.vector(xlow.inver), inver.up = as.vector(
					xup.inver), wald.low = as.vector(xlow.wald), 
			wald.up = as.vector(xup.wald), avg.response = 
					as.vector(y0), dilution = as.vector(dilution), 
			oor = as.vector(oor), mdc = as.vector(cmdc),
			lmdc = as.vector(lmdc))
#    names(clims.df)[1:2] <- c(paste("Estimated",xname),"PredStdErr")  ## MWM 8/31/04 added
#     names(clims.df)[match("response",names(clims.df))] <- paste("avg",rname,sep=".") ## MWM 9/2/04
	clims.df@wald.up <- ifelse(is.na(clims.df@wald.up) & !is.na(clims.df@wald.low),
			clims.df@Estimated.x + (clims.df@Estimated.x-clims.df@wald.low),
			clims.df@wald.up)   ## MWM 9/2/04
	lab.given <- F
	## used if set value for truth, known controls         ##
	if(!missing(truth)) {
		ord.truth <- order(truth)
		y0 <- y0[ord.truth]
		cal.val <- cal.val[ord.truth]
		xlow.inver <- xlow.inver[ord.truth]
		xup.inver <- xup.inver[ord.truth]
		xlow.wald <- xlow.wald[ord.truth]
		xup.wald <- xup.wald[ord.truth]
		truth <- truth[ord.truth]
		labs <- list(name = "Control", plot.ind = 1:length(truth), 
				too.low = too.low[ord.truth], too.high = too.high[ord.truth],     
				### i think its here that the truth (| samp names ?) get set as 
				### xlabs which turn into tick labels on axis in plot.calib
				### order truth is screwing things up for plot
				### subscripting too.low and too.high as above fixed it !! (moc 5/8/95)
				xlabs = as.character(truth), cont.pl = F, xunits = 
						samp.units, dose.units = dose.units, dose.name
						= dose.name)
		lab.given <- T
		clims.df@truth <- truth
			clims.df@samp.names <- truth
		else clims.df@samp.names <- samp.names
		clims.df <- clims.df[ord.truth,  ]
		clims.df@truth <- NULL
	## used if times are provided                           ##
	if(!missing(times)) {
		clims.df@times <- times
			clims.df@samp.names <- times
		else clims.df@samp.names <- samp.names
		labs <- list(name = "Time", plot.ind = times, too.low
						= too.low, too.high = too.high, xlabs = 
						as.character(times), cont.pl = T, xunits = 
						samp.units, dose.units = dose.units, dose.name
						= dose.name)
		lab.given <- T
		clims.df@times <- NULL
	## will be executed is truth and times are missing      ##
	if(!lab.given) {
		labs <- list(name = "Sample", plot.ind = 1:length(y0), 
				too.low = too.low, too.high = too.high, xlabs
						= as.character(1:length(y0)), cont.pl = F, 
				xunits = samp.units, dose.units = dose.units, 
				dose.name = dose.name)
		if(!missing(samp.names)) {
			clims.df@samp.names <- samp.names
			labs$xlabs <- samp.names
				labs$plot.ind <- samp.names
			clims.df@samp.names <- NULL
	clims.df@labels <- labs
	clims.df@max.x <- max.x
	## MWM 9/30/04
	clims.df@extrap <- extrap
	## MM added these 2 lines on 3/27/03 to indicate whether m here is the same
	## as in the thpl print out (this affects the MDC)
	ifelse(all(m == calibFit.out@m), {repeq <- T}, {repeq <- F})
	clims.df@repeq <- repeq
	## MM added this line on 3/27/03 that the actual name of the response
	## variable will be shown on the printout
	clims.df@rname <- rname
	## MM 3/27/03 see change earlier
	if(dcorr[1] == 1)
		clims.df@mdc <- calibFit.out@mdc
	clims.df@conf.level <- conf

calib.tpl.pom <- function(calibFit.out, y0, conf = 0.9, m = calibFit.out@m, dilution = 1, 
		samp.names, truth, times, samp.units = "", dose.units = "", 
		dose.name = "", 
		rname="response", extrap=FALSE, xname = "x")
	## Computes the Calibration Statistics                                       ##
	##                                                                           ##
	## input variables:                                                          ##
	##  tpl.out: output from the tpl or tpl.pom functions                        ##
	##  y0: a vector of the MEAN response values for the unknown x               ##
	##  conf: confidence level for calibration estimates                         ##
	##  m: number of terms in the average for y0                                 ##
	##     BE CAREFUL: by default this will read in the same number as           ##
	##     in tpl.out - the means for y0 may be based on a different             ##
	##     number of reps for each sample type                                   ##
	##  dilution: dilution factor                                                ##
	##  samp.names: names of the unknowns                                        ##
	##  truth: names of the knowns?                                              ##
	##  samp.units, dose.units, dose.name: self-explanatory and blank by default ##
	##  maxit, toler, dos: used for dos                                          ##
	##  rname: this argument was added by MM on 3/27/03.  This is the name of    ##
	##         of the response variable, which was get used when printing        ##  
	## comments added by Matthew Mitchell on 3/14/03 are indicated with ##       ##
	## the original comments have # or ###                                       ##
	##                                                                           ##
	## added extrap option as in calib.lin.pom to give user option of            ##
	## extrapolating out of range values if desired: MM 9/26/03                  ##
	## pdh 8/20/2010 -- removed the extrap code as it doesn't make sense here    ##
	## Extracting necessary variables for calibration calculation
	n <- length(y0)
	theta <- calibFit.out@theta
	logParm <- calibFit.out@logParm
	sigma <- calibFit.out@sigma
	b <- calibFit.out@coefficients
	cov.un <- calibFit.out@cov.unscaled    
	min.x <- min(calibFit.out@x)
	max.x <- max(calibFit.out@x)     
	max.range <- tpl.model(max.x, b, logParm = logParm)[1]
	min.range <- tpl.model(min.x, b, logParm = logParm)[1]
	## pdh 8/31/2010
	## here is where the limits get set and they will be used throughout
	if(b[2] < b[1])  {
		too.low = (y0  > min.range[1])
		too.high = (y0 < max.range[1])
	} else{
		too.low = (y0  < min.range[1])
		too.high = (y0 > max.range[1])
	just.right = !(too.low | too.high)
	oor <- ifelse(!just.right, "x", "o")
	tcrit <- qt((conf + 1)/2, calibFit.out@df.residual)
	if(length(dilution) == 1)
		dilution <- rep(dilution, n)
	dcorr <- 1/dilution
	## MM added these next 2 lines on 3/27/03 because m may be different here
	## than in tpl.out and its these values of m that will determine the mdc
	## This is added an output variable 
	## Getting the MDC
	mdc.val <- mdc(calibFit.out, m = m, conf = conf) * dcorr
	cal.val <- tpl.inverse(calibFit.out, y0)
	### correct calibrated value for dilution  ##next line does nothing??
	seqy <- seq(tpl.model(min.x, b, logParm = logParm), 
			tpl.model(max.x, b, logParm = logParm), len = 6)
	boundx <- c(tpl.inverse(calibFit.out, seqy[1:5]), max.x)[-1]
	xp <- c(seq(0, boundx[1], len = 170), 
			seq(boundx[1], boundx[2], len = 50), 
			seq(boundx[2], boundx[3], len = 30), 
			seq(boundx[3], boundx[4], len = 50), 
			seq(boundx[4], boundx[5], len = 170))
	ypred <- tpl.model(xp, b, logParm = logParm)
	qn1 <- ((ypred^2)^theta)/m
	## 1-07-08: Note that the term '1/length(out@x)' was missing from below, i.e. the 1/n term
	## in the confidence/prediction interval calculation. DVS
	qn2 <- (1/length(calibFit.out@x)) * diag(attributes(ypred)$gradient %*% cov.un %*% t(attributes(ypred)$gradient))
	ypl <- ypred + sign(b[2] - b[1]) * tcrit * sigma * sqrt(qn1 + qn2)
	ypu <- ypred - sign(b[2] - b[1]) * tcrit * sigma * sqrt(qn1 + qn2)
	xl <- try(approx(ypl, xp, y0, ties = "mean"), TRUE)
	if(class(xl) == "try-error")
		xl <- approx(ypl, xp, y0, ties = "ordered")
	xu <- try(approx(ypu, xp, y0, ties = "mean"), TRUE)
	if(class(xu) == "try-error")
		xu <- approx(ypu, xp, y0, ties = "ordered")
	xlow.inver <- xl$y
	xup.inver <- xu$y
	## Computes the Wald intervals which are computed with the delta method 
	hyb <- rep(NA,length(y0))
	hyb[too.low] = 0
	if(!logParm) {
		hyb[just.right] <- b[3] * exp((1/b[4]) *
						log((b[1] - y0[just.right])/(y0[just.right] - b[2])))		
	} else {
		hyb[just.right] <- exp((1/b[4]) * log((b[1] - y0[just.right])/
								(y0[just.right] - b[2])) + b[3])
	dh.dy <- hyb * ((b[2] - b[1])/(b[4] * (b[1] - y0) * (y0 -  b[2])))
	if(!logParm) {
		dh.db3 <- hyb/b[3]
	} else {
		dh.db3 <- hyb

	dh.db4 <- rep(NA,length(y0))
	dh.db4[too.low] <- 0
	dh.db4[just.right] <- ( - hyb[just.right]/(b[4] * b[4])) * 
			log((b[1] - y0[just.right])/(y0[just.right] - b[2]))
	xnot.hat <- hyb
	dh.db <- cbind(dh.db3, dh.db4)
	var.xnot.hat <- sigma^2 * (dh.dy^2 * ((y0^2)^theta)/m + apply(dh.db, 1, function(z) t(z) %*% cov.un %*% z))
	se.xhat <- sqrt(var.xnot.hat)
	xup.wald <- xnot.hat + tcrit * se.xhat
	xlow.wald <- xnot.hat - tcrit * se.xhat
	cal.val <- hyb
	## set values outside the limits
	cal.val[too.low] = xlow.inver[too.low] = xup.inver[too.low] = xlow.wald[too.low] = xup.wald[too.low]=se.xhat[too.low] = 0
	cal.val[too.high] = xlow.inver[too.high] = xup.inver[too.high] = xlow.wald[too.high] = xup.wald[too.high]=se.xhat[too.high] = NA
	xlow.inver <- dcorr * xlow.inver
	xup.inver <- dcorr * xup.inver
	xlow.wald <- dcorr * xlow.wald
	xup.wald <- dcorr * xup.wald
	cal.val <- dcorr * cal.val
	se.xhat <- dcorr * se.xhat
	## next line added by MM on 3/27/03 to compute when the
	## estimated calibration is less than the mdc
	lmdc <- ifelse(as.vector(cal.val) < as.vector(mdc.val), "X", "O")
	## creates a data set with all the calibration statistics ##
	calib.out <- new("calib",
			Estimated.x = cal.val,
			PredStdErr = se.xhat, 
			inver.low = xlow.inver, 
			inver.up = xup.inver, 
			wald.low = xlow.wald, 
			wald.up = xup.wald, 
			avg.response = y0, 
			dilution = dilution, 
			oor = oor, 
			mdc = mdc.val,
			lmdc = lmdc)
	calib.out@wald.up <- ifelse(is.na(calib.out@wald.up) & !is.na(calib.out@wald.low),
			calib.out@Estimated.x + (calib.out@Estimated.x - calib.out@wald.low),
	lab.given <- F
	## used if set value for truth, known controls         ##
	if(!missing(truth)) {
		ord.truth <- order(truth)
		y0 <- y0[ord.truth]
		cal.val <- cal.val[ord.truth]
		xlow.inver <- xlow.inver[ord.truth]
		xup.inver <- xup.inver[ord.truth]
		xlow.wald <- xlow.wald[ord.truth]
		xup.wald <- xup.wald[ord.truth]
		truth <- truth[ord.truth]
		labs <- list(name = "Control", plot.ind = 1:length(truth),
				too.low = too.low[ord.truth], too.high = too.high[ord.truth],     
				### i think its here that the truth (| samp names ?) get set as 
				### xlabs which turn into tick labels on axis in plot.calib
				### order truth is screwing things up for plot
				### subscripting too.low and too.high as above fixed it !! (moc 5/8/95)
				xlabs = as.character(truth), cont.pl = F, xunits = samp.units, 
				dose.units = dose.units, dose.name = dose.name)
		lab.given <- T
		calib.out@truth <- truth
			calib.out@samp.names <- truth
			calib.out@samp.names <- samp.names
	## This line is not necessary as the slot will simply be empty
	## used if times are provided                           ##
	if(!missing(times)) {
		times <- as.character(times)  ## Added by DVS 10/9/06
		calib.out@times <- times
			calib.out@samp.names <- times
			calib.out@samp.names <- samp.names
		labs <- list(name = "Time", plot.ind = times, too.low = too.low, 
				too.high = too.high, xlabs = as.character(times), 
				cont.pl = T, xunits = samp.units, dose.units = dose.units, 
				dose.name = dose.name)
		lab.given <- T
	## will be executed is truth and times are missing      ##
	if(!lab.given) {
		labs <- list(name = "Sample", plot.ind = 1:length(y0), 
				too.low = too.low, too.high = too.high, xlabs
						= as.character(1:length(y0)), cont.pl = F, 
				xunits = samp.units, dose.units = dose.units, 
				dose.name = dose.name)
		if(!missing(samp.names)) {
			calib.out@samp.names <- samp.names
			labs$xlabs <- samp.names
				labs$plot.ind <- samp.names
		# else attributes(clims.df)$samp.names <- NULL
	calib.out@labels <- labs
	calib.out@max.x <- max.x
	## MM 9/29/03
	calib.out@extrap <- extrap
	## MM added these 2 lines on 3/27/03 to indicate whether m here is the same
	## as in the tpl print out (this affects the MDC)
	ifelse(all(m == calibFit.out@m), {repeq <- T}, {repeq <- F})
	calib.out@repeq <- repeq
	## MM added this line on 3/27/03 that the actual name of the response
	## variable will be shown on the printout
	calib.out@rname <- rname
	## MM 3/27/03 see change earlier
	if(dcorr[1] == 1){
		calib.out@mdc <- calibFit.out@mdc
	calib.out@conf.level <- conf

## Computes the calibration statistics for the linear standard curve ##
## modifications made by Matthew Mitchell on 3/27/03                 ##
##                                                                   ##
## derivatives for quadratic are incorrect - see loq.lin for more    ##
## details - MM 4/15/03                                              ##
## added xname argument on 8/30/04 MWM                               ##

calib.lin.pom <- function(out, y0, conf = 0.95, m = out@m, dilution = 1, 
		samp.names, truth, times, samp.units = "", dose.units = "", 
		dose.name = "", 
		extrap = FALSE, 
		m <- out@m
	b <- out@coefficients
	n <- length(y0)
	alpha <- 1 - (1 - conf)/2
	tcrit <- qt(alpha, out@df.residual)
	if(length(dilution) == 1) {
		dilution <- rep(dilution, n)
	dcorr <- 1/dilution
	max.x <- max(out@x)
	min.x <- min(out@x, 0)
	## MM added these next 2 lines on 3/27/03 because m may be different here
	## than in lin.out and its these values of m that will determine the mdc
	## This is added an output variable 
	cmdc <-  mdc(out, m = m, conf = conf)
	cmdc <-  cmdc * dcorr
	if(out@type == "lin") {
		cal.val <- (y0 - b[1])/b[2]
		resp.range <- c(b[1], b[1] + b[2] * max.x)
		if(sign(b[2])==-1) {
			resp.range = rev(resp.range)
	if(out@type == "quad") {
		resp.range <- c(b[1], b[1] + b[2] * max.x + b[3] * max.x * max.x)
		cal1 <- ( - b[2] - sqrt(b[2]^2 - 4 * b[3] * (b[1] - y0)))/(2 * b[3])
		cal2 <- ( - b[2] + sqrt(b[2]^2 - 4 * b[3] * (b[1] - y0)))/(2 * b[3])
		cal.val <- ifelse(cal1 > min(out@x) & cal1 < max(out@x), cal1, cal2)
# now get the calibrated values
	xlow <- rep(min.x, n)
	xup <- rep(max.x, n)
	cov.un <- out@cov.unscaled
	svec <- c(cov.un[, 1], cov.un[, 2])	
		## for the linear case you can solve directly
		xp = cal.val
		grad = cbind(1,xp)
		ypred <- b[1] + b[2] * xp
		qn1 <- ((ypred^2)^out@theta)/m
		qn2 <- (1/length(out@x)) * diag(grad %*% cov.un %*% t(grad))
		ypl <- ypred - sign(b[2]) * tcrit * out@sigma * sqrt(qn1 + qn2)
		ypu <- ypred + sign(b[2]) * tcrit * out@sigma * sqrt(qn1 + qn2) 
		xlow.inver = (ypl-b[1])/b[2]
		xup.inver = (ypu-b[1])/b[2]
	} else {
		## for the quadratic case you have to extrapolate
		xp <- seq(min.x, max.x, len = 300)
		ypred <- b[1] + b[2] * xp + b[3] * xp * xp
		grad <- cbind(1, xp, xp * xp)
		qn1 <- ((ypred^2)^out@theta)/m
		qn2 <- (1/length(out@x)) * diag(grad %*% cov.un %*% t(grad))
		ypl <- ypred - sign(b[2]) * tcrit * out@sigma * sqrt(qn1 + qn2)
		ypu <- ypred + sign(b[2]) * tcrit * out@sigma * sqrt(qn1 + qn2)
		xlow <- try(approx(ypl, xp, y0, ties = "mean"), TRUE)
		if(class(xlow) == "try-error") {
			xlow <- approx(ypl, xp, y0, ties = "ordered")
		xup <- try(approx(ypu, xp, y0, ties = "mean"), TRUE)
		if(class(xup) == "try-error"){
			xup <- approx(ypu, xp, y0, ties = "ordered")
		xlow.inver <- xlow$y
		xup.inver <- xup$y

	hyb <- cal.val
	sigma2 <- out@sigma * out@sigma
	if(out@type == "lin") {
		dh.dy <- rep(1/b[2], n)
		dh.da <- rep(-1/b[2], n)
		dh.db <-  - (y0 - b[1])/(b[2] * b[2])
		var.xnot.hat <- ((dh.dy * dh.dy) * sigma2 * (y0^(2 * 
							out@theta)))/m + sigma2 * (dh.da * dh.da * 
					cov.un[1, 1] + 2 * dh.da * dh.db * cov.un[1, 2] +
					dh.db * dh.db * cov.un[2, 2])
	} else if(out@type == "quad") {
		dh.dy <- 1/(b[2] + 2 * b[3] * hyb)
		dh.da <- -1/(b[2] + 2 * b[3] * hyb)
		dh.db <- -hyb/(b[2] + 2 * b[3] * hyb)
		dh.dc <- -(hyb^2)/(b[2] + 2 * b[3] * hyb)
		var.xnot.hat <- ((dh.dy * dh.dy) * sigma2 * (y0^(2 * 
							out@theta)))/m + sigma2 * (dh.da * (dh.da * 
						cov.un[1, 1] + dh.db * cov.un[1, 2] + dh.dc * 
						cov.un[1, 3]) + dh.db * (dh.da * cov.un[1, 2] + 
						dh.db * cov.un[2, 2] + dh.dc * cov.un[2, 3]) + 
					dh.dc * (dh.da * cov.un[1, 3] + dh.db * cov.un[2, 3] + 
						dh.dc * cov.un[3, 3]))
	se.xhat <- sqrt(var.xnot.hat)
	xup.wald <- hyb + sign(b[2])*tcrit * se.xhat
	xlow.wald <- hyb - sign(b[2])*tcrit * se.xhat
		## zero out values that are too low and NA values that are too high
		too.low = (y0 < resp.range[1])
		too.high = (y0 > resp.range[2])
		## set values outside the limits
		cal.val[too.low] = xlow.inver[too.low] = xup.inver[too.low] = xlow.wald[too.low] = xup.wald[too.low]=se.xhat[too.low] = 0
		cal.val[too.high] = xlow.inver[too.high] = xup.inver[too.high] = xlow.wald[too.high] = xup.wald[too.high]=se.xhat[too.high] = NA
	} else {
		too.low = too.high = rep(FALSE,length(y0))	
	just.right = !(too.low | too.high)
	oor <- ifelse(!just.right, "x", "o")
	cal.val <- ifelse(cal.val > 0, cal.val, 0)  ## MM 8/30/04 - change negatives to 0
	cal.val <- dcorr * cal.val
	xlow.inver <- dcorr * xlow.inver
	xup.inver <- dcorr * xup.inver
	xlow.wald <- dcorr * xlow.wald
	xup.wald <- dcorr * xup.wald
	clims.df <- new("calib",Estimated.x = as.vector(cal.val), PredStdErr = 
					as.vector(se.xhat), inver.low = as.vector(xlow.inver), 
			inver.up = as.vector(xup.inver), wald.low = as.vector(
					xlow.wald), wald.up = as.vector(xup.wald), avg.response = 
					as.vector(y0), dilution = as.vector(dilution), oor = 
	clims.df@wald.up <- ifelse(is.na(clims.df@wald.up) & !is.na(clims.df@wald.low),
			clims.df@Estimated.x + (clims.df@Estimated.x-clims.df@wald.low),
	lab.given <- F
	if(!missing(truth)) {
		ord.truth <- order(truth)
		y0 <- y0[ord.truth]
		cal.val <- cal.val[ord.truth]
		xlow <- xlow[ord.truth]
		xup <- xup[ord.truth]
		truth <- truth[ord.truth]
		labs <- list(name = "Control", plot.ind = truth, 
				too.low = too.low, too.high = too.high, xlabs
						= as.character(truth), cont.pl = F, xunits = 
						samp.units, dose.units = dose.units, dose.name
						= dose.name)
		lab.given <- T
		clims.df@truth <- truth
			clims.df@samp.names <- sapply(truth,
						paste("Cntl-", a, sep = ""))
		else clims.df@samp.names <- samp.names
	else clims.df@truth <- NULL
	if(!missing(times)) {
		clims.df@times <- times
			clims.df@samp.names <- times
		else clims.df@samp.names <- samp.names
		labs <- list(name = "Time", plot.ind = times, too.low
						= too.low, too.high = too.high, xlabs = 
						as.character(times), cont.pl = T, xunits = 
						samp.units, dose.units = dose.units, dose.name
						= dose.name)
		lab.given <- T
	else clims.df@times <- NULL
	if(!lab.given) {
		labs <- list(name = "Sample", plot.ind = 1:length(y0), 
				too.low = too.low, too.high = too.high, xlabs
						= as.character(1:length(y0)), cont.pl = F, 
				xunits = samp.units, dose.units = dose.units, 
				dose.name = dose.name)
		if(!missing(samp.names)) {
			clims.df@samp.names <- samp.names
			labs$xlabs <- samp.names
			clims.df@samp.names <- NULL
	clims.df@labels <- labs
	clims.df@max.x <- max.x
	## MM 9/29/03
	clims.df@extrap <- extrap
#	browser()
	## MM added these 2 lines on 3/27/03 to indicate whether m here is the same
	## as in the lin print out (this affects the MDC)
	ifelse(all(m == out@m), {repeq <- T}, {repeq <- F})
	clims.df@repeq <- repeq
	## MM added this line on 3/27/03 that the actual name of the response
	## variable will be shown on the printout
	clims.df@rname <- rname
	## MM 3/27/03 see change earlier
	if(dcorr[1] == 1)
		clims.df@mdc <- out@mdc
	clims.df@conf.level <- conf
#	class(clims.df) <- c("calib", "data.frame")

fpl.inverse <- function(out, y)
	## Inverting the 4 Parameter Logistic Model to get calibrations   ##
	## modified by Matthew Mitchell on 3/11/03                        ##
	##                                                                ##
	## input variables:                                               ##
	##  fpl.out: The output from the nls fit                          ##
	##  y: the y-coordinates                                          ##
	##                                                                ##
	## This function is called when performing the assay performance  ##
	##  summary measure is the fpl function                           ##
	###   	function returns x for b vector and y value for logistic eqn.
	### mod: pdh - 8/22/91: temporary fix due to error in ^ function 
	### 		for V3.0 Beta 3
	b <- out@coefficients
	a <- (b[1] - y)/(y - b[2])
	a <- ifelse(a < 0, NA, a)
	c <- 1/b[4]
		## No long used
#	if(out@parm == 1)
		inver <- as.vector(exp(c * log(a) + b[3]))
		inver <- as.vector(b[3] * (a^c))

thpl.inverse <- function(out, y)
	## Inverting the 3 Parameter Logistic Model to get calibrations   ##
	## written by Matthew Mitchell on 5/20/03                         ##
	##                                                                ##
	## input variables:                                               ##
	##  thpl.out: The output from the nls fit                         ##
	##  y: the y-coordinates                                          ##
	##                                                                ##
	## This function is called when performing the assay performance  ##
	##  summary measure is the thpl function                          ##
	###   	function returns x for b vector and y value for logistic eqn.
	### mod: pdh - 8/22/91: temporary fix due to error in ^ function 
	### 		for V3.0 Beta 3
	b <- out@coefficients
	a <- (b[1] - y)/(y - b[2])
	a <- ifelse(a < 0, NA, a)
	## 07-01-08: For some reason there is no log parameterized inverse. DVS
		inver <- as.vector(exp(log(a) + b[3]))
		inver <- as.vector(b[3] * a)
#	inver <- as.vector(b[3] * a)

tpl.inverse <- function(out, y)
	## Inverting the 4 Parameter Logistic Model to get calibrations   ##
	## modified by Matthew Mitchell on 3/11/03                        ##
	##                                                                ##
	## input variables:                                               ##
	##  fpl.out: The output from the nls fit                          ##
	##  y: the y-coordinates                                          ##
	##                                                                ##
	## This function is called when performing the assay performance  ##
	##  summary measure is the fpl function                           ##
	###   	function returns x for b vector and y value for logistic eqn.
	### mod: pdh - 8/22/91: temporary fix due to error in ^ function 
	### 		for V3.0 Beta 3
	b <- out@coefficients
	a <- (b[1] - y)/(y - b[2])
	a <- ifelse(a < 0, NA, a)
	c <- 1/b[4]
#	if(out@parm == 1)
		inver <- as.vector(exp(c * log(a) + b[3]))
		inver <- as.vector(b[3] * (a^c)) 

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calibFit documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:15 p.m.