
Defines functions .Slopecalc

.Slopecalc <- function(FUELTYPE, FFMC, BUI, WS, WAZ, GS, SAZ, FMC, SFC, PC, PDF,
                       CC, CBH, ISI, output = "RAZ") {
  # output options include: RAZ and WSV
  # Description:
  #   Calculate the net effective windspeed (WSV), the net effective wind 
  #   direction (RAZ) or the wind azimuth (WAZ).
  #   All variables names are laid out in the same manner as FCFDG (1992) and
  #   Wotton (2009).
  #   Forestry Canada Fire Danger Group (FCFDG) (1992). "Development and 
  #   Structure of the Canadian Forest Fire Behavior Prediction System." 
  #   Technical Report ST-X-3, Forestry Canada, Ottawa, Ontario.
  #   Wotton, B.M., Alexander, M.E., Taylor, S.W. 2009. Updates and revisions to
  #   the 1992 Canadian forest fire behavior prediction system. Nat. Resour. 
  #   Can., Can. For. Serv., Great Lakes For. Cent., Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, 
  #   Canada. Information Report GLC-X-10, 45p.
  # Args:
  #   FUELTYPE: The Fire Behaviour Prediction FuelType
  #       FFMC: Fine Fuel Moisture Code
  #        BUI: The Buildup Index value
  #         WS: Windspeed (km/h)
  #        WAZ: Wind Azimuth
  #         GS: Ground Slope (%)
  #        SAZ: Slope Azimuth
  #        FMC: Foliar Moisture Content
  #        SFC: Surface Fuel Consumption (kg/m^2)
  #         PC: Percent Conifer (%)
  #        PDF: Percent Dead Balsam Fir (%)
  #         CC: Constant
  #        CBH: Crown Base Height (m)
  #        ISI: Initial Spread Index
  #     output: Type of variable to output (RAZ/WSV, default=RAZ)
  # Returns:
  #   BE: The Buildup Effect
  #check for valid output types
  validOutTypes = c("RAZ", "WAZ", "WSV")
  if(!(output %in% validOutTypes)){
    stop(paste("In 'slopecalc()', '",output, "' is an invalid 'output' type.", 
  NoBUI <- rep(-1,length(FFMC))
  #Eq. 39 (FCFDG 1992) - Calculate Spread Factor
  SF <- ifelse (GS >= 70, 10, exp(3.533 * (GS / 100)^1.2))
  #ISI with 0 wind on level grounds
  ISZ <- .ISIcalc(FFMC, 0)
  #Surface spread rate with 0 wind on level ground
  #Eq. 40 (FCFDG 1992) - Surface spread rate with 0 wind upslope
  RSF <- RSZ * SF
  #setup some reference vectors
  d <- c("C1", "C2", "C3", "C4", "C5", "C6", "C7", "D1", "M1", "M2", "M3", "M4",
         "S1", "S2", "S3", "O1A", "O1B")
  a <- c(90, 110, 110, 110, 30, 30, 45, 30, 0, 0, 120, 100, 75, 40, 55, 190, 
  b <- c(0.0649, 0.0282, 0.0444, 0.0293, 0.0697, 0.0800, 0.0305, 0.0232, 0, 0, 
         0.0572, 0.0404, 0.0297, 0.0438, 0.0829, 0.0310, 0.0350)
  c0 <- c(4.5, 1.5, 3.0, 1.5, 4.0, 3.0, 2.0, 1.6, 0, 0, 1.4, 1.48, 1.3, 1.7, 
          3.2, 1.4, 1.7)
  names(a) <- names(b) <- names(c0) <- d

  #initialize some local vars
  RSZ <- rep(-99,length(FFMC))
  RSF_C2 <- rep(-99,length(FFMC))
  RSF_D1 <- rep(-99,length(FFMC))
  RSF_M3 <- rep(-99,length(FFMC))
  RSF_M4 <- rep(-99,length(FFMC))
  CF <- rep(-99,length(FFMC))
  ISF <- rep(-99,length(FFMC))
  ISF_C2 <- rep(-99,length(FFMC))
  ISF_D1 <- rep(-99,length(FFMC))
  ISF_M3 <- rep(-99,length(FFMC))
  ISF_M4 <- rep(-99,length(FFMC))
  #Eqs. 41a, 41b (Wotton 2009) - Calculate the slope equivalend ISI
  ISF <- ifelse(FUELTYPE %in% c("C1", "C2", "C3", "C4", "C5", "C6", "C7", "D1", 
                                "S1", "S2", "S3"),
           ifelse((1 - (RSF / a[FUELTYPE])**(1 / c0[FUELTYPE])) >= 0.01,
             log(1 - (RSF / a[FUELTYPE])**(1 / c0[FUELTYPE])) / (-b[FUELTYPE]),

  #When calculating the M1/M2 types, we are going to calculate for both C2
  # and D1 types, and combine
  #Surface spread rate with 0 wind on level ground
  RSZ <- ifelse(FUELTYPE %in% c("M1", "M2"),
           .ROScalc(rep("C2", length(ISZ)), ISZ, BUI = NoBUI, FMC, SFC, PC, PDF, 
                    CC, CBH),
  #Eq. 40 (FCFDG 1992) - Surface spread rate with 0 wind upslope for C2
  RSF_C2 <- ifelse(FUELTYPE %in% c("M1", "M2"), RSZ * SF, RSF_C2)
  RSZ <- ifelse(FUELTYPE %in% c("M1", "M2"),
           .ROScalc(rep("D1", length(ISZ)), ISZ, BUI = NoBUI, FMC, SFC, PC, 
                    PDF, CC, CBH),RSZ)
  #Eq. 40 (FCFDG 1992) - Surface spread rate with 0 wind upslope for D1
  RSF_D1 <- ifelse(FUELTYPE %in% c("M1", "M2"), RSZ * SF, RSF_D1)
  RSF0 <- 1 - (RSF_C2 / a[["C2"]])^(1 / c0[["C2"]])
  #Eq. 41a (Wotton 2009) - Calculate the slope equivalent ISI
  ISF_C2 <- ifelse(FUELTYPE %in% c("M1", "M2") & RSF0 >= 0.01,
              log(1 - (RSF_C2 / a[["C2"]])**(1 / c0[["C2"]])) / (-b[["C2"]]), 
  #Eq. 41b (Wotton 2009) - Calculate the slope equivalent ISI
  ISF_C2 <- ifelse(FUELTYPE %in% c("M1", "M2") & RSF0 < 0.01,
              log(0.01) / (-b[["C2"]]),
  RSF0 <- 1 - (RSF_D1 / a[["D1"]])^(1 / c0[["D1"]])
  #Eq. 41a (Wotton 2009) - Calculate the slope equivalent ISI
  ISF_D1 <- ifelse(FUELTYPE %in% c("M1", "M2") & RSF0 >= 0.01,
              log(1 - (RSF_D1 / a[["D1"]])**(1 / c0[["D1"]])) / (-b[["D1"]]),
  #Eq. 41b (Wotton 2009) - Calculate the slope equivalent ISI
  ISF_D1 <- ifelse(FUELTYPE %in% c("M1", "M2") & RSF0 < 0.01,
              log(0.01) / (-b[["D1"]]),
  #Eq. 42a (Wotton 2009) - Calculate weighted average for the M1/M2 types
  ISF <- ifelse(FUELTYPE %in% c("M1", "M2"), PC / 100 * ISF_C2 + 
                  (1 - PC / 100) * ISF_D1, 
  #Set % Dead Balsam Fir to 100%
  PDF100 <- rep(100, length(ISI))
  #Surface spread rate with 0 wind on level ground
  RSZ <- ifelse(FUELTYPE %in% c("M3"), 
           .ROScalc(rep("M3", length(FMC)), ISI = ISZ, BUI = NoBUI, FMC, SFC, 
                    PC, PDF100, CC, CBH), 
  #Eq. 40 (FCFDG 1992) - Surface spread rate with 0 wind upslope for M3
  RSF_M3 <- ifelse(FUELTYPE %in% c("M3"), RSZ * SF, RSF_M3)
  #Surface spread rate with 0 wind on level ground, using D1
  RSZ <- ifelse(FUELTYPE %in% c("M3"), 
           .ROScalc(rep("D1", length(ISZ)), ISZ, BUI = NoBUI, FMC, SFC, PC, 
                    PDF100, CC, CBH), 
  #Eq. 40 (FCFDG 1992) - Surface spread rate with 0 wind upslope for M3
  RSF_D1 <- ifelse(FUELTYPE %in% c("M3"), RSZ * SF, RSF_D1)
  RSF0 <- 1 - (RSF_M3 / a[["M3"]])^(1 / c0[["M3"]])
  #Eq. 41a (Wotton 2009) - Calculate the slope equivalent ISI
  ISF_M3 <- ifelse(FUELTYPE %in% c("M3") & RSF0 >= 0.01,
                log(1 - (RSF_M3/a[["M3"]])**(1/c0[["M3"]]))/(-b[["M3"]]),ISF_M3)
  #Eq. 41b (Wotton 2009) - Calculate the slope equivalent ISI
  ISF_M3 <- ifelse(FUELTYPE %in% c("M3") & RSF0 < 0.01,
              log(0.01) / (-b[["M3"]]),
  #Eq. 40 (FCFDG 1992) - Surface spread rate with 0 wind upslope for D1
  RSF0 <- 1 - (RSF_D1 / a[["D1"]])^(1 / c0[["D1"]])
  #Eq. 41a (Wotton 2009) - Calculate the slope equivalent ISI
  ISF_D1 <- ifelse(FUELTYPE %in% c("M3") & RSF0 >= 0.01,
              log(1 - (RSF_D1 / a[["D1"]])**(1 / c0[["D1"]])) / (-b[["D1"]]),
  #Eq. 41b (Wotton 2009) - Calculate the slope equivalent ISI
  ISF_D1 <- ifelse(FUELTYPE %in% c("M3") & RSF0 < 0.01,
              log(0.01) / (-b[["D1"]]),
  #Eq. 42b (Wotton 2009) - Calculate weighted average for the M3 type
  ISF <- ifelse(FUELTYPE %in% c("M3"), 
           PDF / 100 * ISF_M3 + (1 - PDF / 100) * ISF_D1, 
  #Surface spread rate with 0 wind on level ground, using M4
  RSZ <- ifelse(FUELTYPE %in% c("M4"), 
           .ROScalc(rep("M4", length(FMC)), ISI = ISZ, BUI = NoBUI, FMC, SFC, 
                    PC, PDF100, CC, CBH), 
  #Eq. 40 (FCFDG 1992) - Surface spread rate with 0 wind upslope for M4
  RSF_M4 <- ifelse(FUELTYPE %in% c("M4"), RSZ * SF, RSF_M4)
  #Surface spread rate with 0 wind on level ground, using M4
  RSZ <- ifelse(FUELTYPE %in% c("M4"), 
           .ROScalc(rep("D1", length(ISZ)), ISZ, BUI = NoBUI, FMC, SFC, PC, 
             PDF100, CC, CBH), 
  #Eq. 40 (FCFDG 1992) - Surface spread rate with 0 wind upslope for D1
  RSF_D1 <- ifelse(FUELTYPE %in% c("M4"), RSZ * SF,RSF_D1)
  #Eq. 40 (FCFDG 1992) - Surface spread rate with 0 wind upslope for D1
  RSF0 <- 1 - (RSF_M4 / a[["M4"]])^(1 / c0[["M4"]])
  #Eq. 41a (Wotton 2009) - Calculate the slope equivalent ISI
  ISF_M4 <- ifelse(FUELTYPE %in% c("M4") & RSF0 >= 0.01,
              log(1 - (RSF_M4 / a[["M4"]])**(1 / c0[["M4"]])) / (-b[["M4"]]),
  #Eq. 41b (Wotton 2009) - Calculate the slope equivalent ISI
  ISF_M4 <- ifelse(FUELTYPE %in% c("M4") & RSF0 < 0.01,
              log(0.01) / (-b[["M4"]]),
  #Eq. 40 (FCFDG 1992) - Surface spread rate with 0 wind upslope for D1
  RSF0 <- 1 - (RSF_D1 / a[["D1"]])^(1 / c0[["D1"]])
  #Eq. 41a (Wotton 2009) - Calculate the slope equivalent ISI (D1)
  ISF_D1 <- ifelse(FUELTYPE %in% c("M4") & RSF0 >= 0.01,
             log(1 - (RSF_D1 / a[["D1"]])**(1 / c0[["D1"]])) / (-b[["D1"]]),
  #Eq. 41b (Wotton 2009) - Calculate the slope equivalent ISI (D1)
  ISF_D1 <- ifelse(FUELTYPE %in% c("M4") & RSF0 < 0.01,
              log(0.01) / (-b[["D1"]]),
  #Eq. 42c (Wotton 2009) - Calculate weighted average for the M4 type
  ISF <- ifelse(FUELTYPE %in% c("M4"), PDF / 100 * ISF_M4 + (1 - PDF / 100.) * 
  #Eqs. 35a, 35b (Wotton 2009) - Curing Factor pivoting around % 58.8
  CF <- ifelse(FUELTYPE %in% c("O1A", "O1B"), 
          ifelse(CC < 58.8, 0.005 * (exp(0.061 * CC) - 1), 
            0.176 + 0.02 * (CC-58.8)),
  #Eqs. 43a, 43b (Wotton 2009) - slope equivilent ISI for Grass
  ISF <- ifelse(FUELTYPE %in% c("O1A", "O1B"),
           ifelse((1 - (RSF / (CF * a[FUELTYPE]))**(1 / c0[FUELTYPE])) >= 0.01,
             log(1 - (RSF / (CF * a[FUELTYPE]))**(1 / c0[FUELTYPE])) / 
             log(0.01) / (-b[FUELTYPE])),
  #Eq. 46 (FCFDG 1992)
  m <- 147.2 * (101 - FFMC) / (59.5 + FFMC)
  #Eq. 45 (FCFDG 1992) - FFMC function from the ISI equation
  fF <- 91.9 * exp(-.1386 * m) * (1 + (m**5.31) / 4.93e7)
  #Eqs. 44a, 44d (Wotton 2009) - Slope equivalent wind speed
  WSE <- 1 / 0.05039 * log(ISF / (0.208 * fF))
  #Eqs. 44b, 44e (Wotton 2009) - Slope equivalent wind speed
  WSE <- ifelse(WSE > 40 & ISF < (0.999 * 2.496 * fF),
                28 - (1 / 0.0818 * log(1 - ISF/ ( 2.496 * fF))),
  #Eqs. 44c (Wotton 2009) - Slope equivalent wind speed
  WSE <- ifelse(WSE > 40 & ISF >= (0.999 * 2.496 * fF), 112.45, WSE)
  #Eq. 47 (FCFDG 1992) - resultant vector magnitude in the x-direction
  WSX <- WS * sin(WAZ) + WSE * sin(SAZ)
  #Eq. 48 (FCFDG 1992) - resultant vector magnitude in the y-direction
  WSY <- WS * cos(WAZ) + WSE * cos(SAZ)
  #Eq. 49 (FCFDG 1992) - the net effective wind speed
  WSV <- sqrt(WSX * WSX + WSY * WSY)
  #stop execution here and return WSV if requested
  if (output=="WSV")
  #Eq. 50 (FCFDG 1992) - the net effective wind direction (radians)
  RAZ <- acos(WSY / WSV)
  #Eq. 51 (FCFDG 1992) - convert possible negative RAZ into more understandable
  # directions
  RAZ <- ifelse(WSX < 0, 2 * pi - RAZ, RAZ)

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