
Defines functions mixcolor whitepoint writehex readhex readRGB hex2RGB hex polarLUV LUV HLS HSV polarLAB LAB XYZ sRGB RGB CheckBounds CheckMatrix

Documented in hex hex2RGB HLS HSV LAB LUV mixcolor polarLAB polarLUV readhex readRGB RGB sRGB whitepoint writehex XYZ

##  Copyright 2005, Ross Ihaka. All Rights Reserved.
##  Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
##  modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
##  are met:
##     1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
##        this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
##     2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
##        notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
##        documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
##     3. The name of the Ross Ihaka may not be used to endorse or promote
##        products derived from this software without specific prior written
##        permission.

##  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

##  An S4 Color Space Class
##  The following color spaces are available:
##     RGB       linearized sRGB space
##     sRGB      Gamma-corrected sRGB space
##     XYZ       CIE-XYZ space
##     LAB       CIE-L*a*b* space
##     polarLAB  CIE-L*a*b* space in polar coordinates
##     HSV       Hue-Saturation-Value
##     LUV       CIE-L*u*v*
##     polarLUV  CIE-L*u*v* in polar coordinates (HCL)
##     HLS       Hue-Lightness-Saturation
##  The ``canonical'' space here is really CIE-XYZ, but in this
##  implementation all spaces are treated equally, because
##  they are all useful.

##  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Class "color"
#' Objects from the class \emph{color} represent colors in a number of color
#' spaces.  In particular, there are subclasses of color which correspond to
#' RGB, HSV, HLS, CIEXYZ, CIELUV, CIELAB and polar versions of the last two
#' spaces.
#' @name color-class
#' @aliases color-class RGB-class sRGB-class XYZ-class HSV-class HLS-class
#' LAB-class LUV-class polarLAB-class polarLUV-class [,color-method
#' coerce,color,RGB-method coerce,color,sRGB-method coerce,color,XYZ-method
#' coerce,color,LAB-method coerce,color,polarLAB-method coerce,color,HSV-method
#' coerce,color,HLS-method coerce,color,LUV-method coerce,color,polarLUV-method
#' coords,color-method plot,color-method show,color-method
#' @docType class
#' @section Objects from the Class: Objects can be created by calls to the
#' functions \code{RGB}, \code{sRGB}, \code{HSV}, \code{HLS}, \code{XYZ},
#' \code{LUV}, \code{LAB}, \code{polarLUV}, and \code{polarLAB}.  These are all
#' subclasses of the virtual class \emph{color}.
#' @section Slots: \describe{
#'     \item{\code{coords}:}{An object of class \code{"matrix"}.}
#'   }
#' @section Methods: \describe{
#'    \item{[}{\code{signature(x = "color")}: This method makes it possible to
#'      take subsets of a vector of colors.}
#'    \item{coerce}{\code{signature(from = "color", to = "RGB")}: convert
#'      a color vector to RGB.}
#'    \item{coerce}{\code{signature(from = "color", to = "sRGB")}: convert
#'      a color vector to sRGB.}
#'    \item{coerce}{\code{signature(from = "color", to = "XYZ")}: convert
#'      a color vector to XYZ.}
#'    \item{coerce}{\code{signature(from = "color", to = "LAB")}: convert
#'      a color vector to LAB. }
#'    \item{coerce}{\code{signature(from = "color", to = "polarLAB")}: convert
#'      a color vector to polarLAB. }
#'    \item{coerce}{\code{signature(from = "color", to = "HSV")}: convert
#'      a color vector to HSV. }
#'    \item{coerce}{\code{signature(from = "color", to = "HLS")}: convert
#'      a color vector to HLS. }
#'    \item{coerce}{\code{signature(from = "color", to = "LUV")}: convert
#'      a color vector to LUV. }
#'    \item{coerce}{\code{signature(from = "color", to = "polarLUV")}: convert
#'      a color vector to polarLUV. }
#'    \item{coords}{\code{signature(color = "color")}: extract the color
#'      coordinates from a color vector.}
#'    \item{plot}{\code{signature(x = "color")}: plot a color vector }
#'    \item{show}{\code{signature(object = "color")}: show a color vector. }
#'  }
#' @author Ross Ihaka
#' @seealso \code{\link{RGB}}, \code{\link{XYZ}}, \code{\link{HSV}},
#' \code{\link{HLS}}, \code{\link{LAB}}, \code{\link{polarLAB}},
#' \code{\link{LUV}}, \code{\link{polarLUV}}, \code{\link{mixcolor}}.
#' @keywords classes
#' @examples
#' x <- sRGB(runif(1000), runif(1000), runif(1000))
#' plot(as(x, "LUV"))
#' @useDynLib colorspace, .registration = TRUE 
#' @import methods

#' @export
setClass("color", representation = list(coords = "matrix"))

#' @export
setClass("RGB", contains = "color")

#' @export
setClass("sRGB", contains = "color")

#' @export
setClass("XYZ", contains = "color")

#' @export
setClass("LAB", contains = "color")

#' @export
setClass("polarLAB", contains = "color")

#' @export
setClass("HSV", contains = "color")

#' @export
setClass("HLS", contains = "color")

#' @export
setClass("LUV", contains = "color")

#' @export
setClass("polarLUV", contains = "color")

##  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Extract the Numerical Coordinates of a Color
#' This function returns a matrix with three columns which give the coordinates
#' of a color in its natural color space.
#' @param color A color.
#' @return A numeric matrix giving the coordinates of the color.
#' @author Ross Ihaka
#' @seealso \code{\link{RGB}}, \code{\link{XYZ}}, \code{\link{LAB}},
#' \code{\link{polarLAB}}, \code{\link{LUV}}, \code{\link{polarLUV}},
#' \code{\link{mixcolor}}.
#' @keywords color
#' @examples
#' x <- sRGB(1, 0, 0)
#' coords(as(x, "HSV"))
#' @export coords
#' @importFrom graphics pairs
setGeneric("coords", function(color) standardGeneric("coords"))

#' @export
setMethod("coords", "color", function(color) {color@coords})

#' @export
setMethod("show", "color", function(object) show(coords(object)))

#' @export
setMethod("[", "color",
          function(x, i, j, drop=FALSE) {
            do.call(class(x), list(coords(x)[i,,drop=FALSE]))

#' @export
setMethod("plot", signature("color"),
          function(x, y, pch=20, cex=3)
          pairs(coords(x), col=hex(x,fixup=TRUE), pch=pch, cex=cex))

##  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

## Auxiliary functions
CheckMatrix <-
  if (!is.double(x) || length(x) < 1
      || length(dim(x)) != 2 || dim(x)[2] != 3)
  stop("invalid color matrix")

CheckBounds <-
  function(x, lower, upper)
  if (any(x < lower | x > upper, na.rm=TRUE))
  warning("out of gammut color")

##  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Create RGB Colors
#' This function creates colors of class RGB; a subclass of the virtual
#' \code{\link{color-class}} class.
#' This function creates colors in the linearized sRGB color space (IEC
#' standard 61966).
#' @param R,G,B these arguments give the red, green and blue intensities of the
#' colors (the values should lie between 0 and 1).  The values can be provided
#' in separate \code{R}, \code{G} and \code{B} vectors or in a three-column
#' matrix passed as \code{R}.
#' @param names A vector of names for the colors (by default the row names of
#' \code{R} are used).
#' @return An object of class \code{RGB} which inherits from class \code{color}.
#' @author Ross Ihaka
#' @seealso \code{\link{sRGB}}, \code{\link{HSV}}, \code{\link{XYZ}},
#' \code{\link{LAB}}, \code{\link{polarLAB}}, \code{\link{LUV}},
#' \code{\link{polarLUV}}.
#' @keywords color
#' @examples
#' # Create a random set of colors
#' set.seed(1)
#' RGB(R = runif(20), G = runif(20), B = runif(20))
#' @export RGB
RGB <-
  function(R, G, B, names)
    if (missing(R)) return(new("RGB"))
    if (missing(names)) names = dimnames(R)[[1]]
    if (is.integer(R)) R[] <- as.numeric(R)
    coords = cbind(R, if (missing(G)) NULL else G,
                      if (missing(B)) NULL else B)
    dimnames(coords) = list(names, c("R", "G", "B"))
    new("RGB", coords = coords)

#' Create sRGB Colors
#' This function creates colors of class sRGB; a subclass of the virtual
#' \code{\link{color-class}} class.
#' This function creates colors in the standard sRGB color space (IEC standard
#' 61966).
#' @param R,G,B these arguments give the red, green and blue intensities of the
#' colors (the values should lie between 0 and 1).  The values can be provided
#' in separate \code{R}, \code{G} and \code{B} vectors or in a three-column
#' matrix passed as \code{R}.
#' @param names A vector of names for the colors (by default the row names of
#' \code{R} are used).
#' @return An object of class \code{sRGB} which inherits from class \code{color}.
#' @author Ross Ihaka
#' @seealso \code{\link{RGB}}, \code{\link{HSV}}, \code{\link{XYZ}},
#' \code{\link{LAB}}, \code{\link{polarLAB}}, \code{\link{LUV}},
#' \code{\link{polarLUV}}.
#' @keywords color
#' @examples
#' # Create a random set of colors
#' set.seed(1)
#' sRGB(R = runif(20), G = runif(20), B = runif(20))
#' @export sRGB
sRGB <-
  function(R, G, B, names)
    if (missing(R)) return(new("sRGB"))
    if (missing(names)) names = dimnames(R)[[1]]
    if (is.integer(R)) R[] <- as.numeric(R)
    coords = cbind(R, if (missing(G)) NULL else G,
                      if (missing(B)) NULL else B)
    dimnames(coords) = list(names, c("R", "G", "B"))
    new("sRGB", coords = coords)

#' Create XYZ Colors
#' This function creates colors of class XYZ; a subclass of the virtual
#' \code{\link{color-class}} class.
#' The X, Y and Z values are the levels of the CIE primaries.  These are scaled
#' so that the luminance of the display white-point is 100.  The white-point is
#' taken to be D65, which means that its coordinates are 95.047, 100.000,
#' 108.883.
#' @param X,Y,Z these arguments give the X, Y and Z coordinates of the colors.
#' The values can be provided in separate \code{X}, \code{Y} and \code{Z}
#' vectors or in a three-column matrix passed as \code{X}.
#' @param names A vector of names for the colors (by default the row names of
#' \code{X} are used).
#' @return An object of class \code{XYZ} which inherits from class \code{color}.
#' @author Ross Ihaka
#' @seealso \code{\link{RGB}}, \code{\link{HSV}}, \code{\link{LAB}},
#' \code{\link{polarLAB}}, \code{\link{LUV}}, \code{\link{polarLUV}}.
#' @keywords color
#' @examples
#' ## Generate white in XYZ space
#' XYZ(95.047, 100.000, 108.883)
#' @export XYZ
XYZ <-
  function(X, Y, Z, names)
    if (missing(X)) return(new("XYZ"))
    if (missing(names)) names = dimnames(X)[[1]]
    if (is.integer(X)) X[] <- as.numeric(X)
    coords = cbind(X, if (missing(Y)) NULL else Y,
                      if (missing(Z)) NULL else Z)
    ## CheckBounds(coords, 0, Inf)
    dimnames(coords) = list(names, c("X", "Y", "Z"))
    new("XYZ", coords = coords)

#' Create LAB Colors
#' This function creates colors of class ``LAB''; a subclass of the virtual
#' \code{\link{color-class}} class.
#' The \code{L}, \code{A} and \code{B} values give the coordinates of the
#' colors in the CIE \eqn{L^*a^*b^*}{L*a*b*} space.  This is a transformation
#' of the 1931 CIE XYZ space which attempts to produce perceptually based axes.
#' Luminance takes values between 0 and 100, and the other coordinates 
#' typically take values between -100 and 100, although these values can also
#' be exceeded by highly saturated colors. The \eqn{a} and \eqn{b} coordinates
#' measure positions on green/red and blue/yellow axes.
#' @param L,A,B these arguments give the L, A and B coordinates of the colors.
#' The values can be provided in separate \code{L}, \code{A} and \code{B}
#' vectors or in a three-column matrix passed as \code{L}.
#' @param names a vector of names for the colors (by default the row names of
#' \code{L} are used).
#' @return An object of class \code{LAB} which inherits from class \code{color}.
#' @author Ross Ihaka
#' @seealso \code{\link{RGB}}, \code{\link{HSV}}, \code{\link{XYZ}},
#' \code{\link{LAB}}, \code{\link{polarLAB}}, \code{\link{LUV}},
#' \code{\link{polarLUV}}.
#' @keywords color
#' @examples
#' ## Show the LAB space
#' set.seed(1)
#' x <- sRGB(runif(1000), runif(1000), runif(1000))
#' y <- as(x, "LAB")
#' head(x)
#' head(y)
#' plot(y)
#' @export LAB
LAB <-
  function(L, A, B, names)
    if (missing(L)) return(new("LAB"))
    if (missing(names)) names = dimnames(L)[[1]]
    if (is.integer(L)) L[] <- as.numeric(L)
    coords = cbind(L, if (missing(A)) NULL else A,
                      if (missing(B)) NULL else B)
    ## CheckBounds(coords[,1], 0, 100)
    ## CheckBounds(coords[,2], -500, 500)
    ## CheckBounds(coords[,3], -200, 200)
    dimnames(coords) = list(names, c("L", "A", "B"))
    new("LAB", coords = coords)

#' Create polarLAB Colors
#' This function creates colors of class ``polarLAB''; a subclass of the
#' virtual \code{\link{color-class}} class.
#' The polarLAB space is a transformation of the CIE \eqn{L^*a^*b^*}{L*a*b*}
#' space so that the \eqn{a} and \eqn{b} values are converted to polar
#' coordinates.  The radial component \eqn{C} measures chroma and the angular
#' coordinate \eqn{H} is measures hue.
#' @param L,C,H these arguments give the L, C and H coordinates of the colors.
#' The values can be provided in separate \code{L}, \code{C} and \code{H}
#' vectors or in a three-column matrix passed as \code{L}.
#' @param names A vector of names for the colors (by default the row names of
#' \code{L} are used).
#' @return An object of class \code{polarLAB} which inherits from class \code{color}.
#' @author Ross Ihaka
#' @seealso \code{\link{RGB}}, \code{\link{HSV}}, \code{\link{XYZ}},
#' \code{\link{LAB}}, \code{\link{polarLAB}}, \code{\link{LUV}},
#' \code{\link{polarLUV}}.
#' @keywords color
#' @examples
#' ## Show the polarLAB space
#' set.seed(1)
#' x <- sRGB(runif(1000), runif(1000), runif(1000))
#' y <- as(x, "polarLAB")
#' head(x)
#' head(y)
#' plot(y)
#' @export polarLAB
polarLAB <-
  function(L, C, H, names)
    if (missing(L)) return(new("polarLAB"))
    if (missing(names)) names = dimnames(L)[[1]]
    if (is.integer(L)) L[] <- as.numeric(L)
    coords = cbind(L, if (missing(C)) NULL else C,
                      if (missing(H)) NULL else H)
    ## CheckBounds(coords[,1], 0, Inf)
    ## CheckBounds(coords[,2], 0, Inf)
    ## CheckBounds(coords[,3], 0, 360)
    dimnames(coords) = list(names, c("L", "C", "H"))
    new("polarLAB", coords = coords)

#' Create HSV Colors
#' This function creates colors of class HSV; a subclass of the virtual
#' \code{\link{color-class}} class.
#' This function creates colors in an HSV color space.  The hues should
#' lie between between 0 and 360, and the saturations and values should
#' lie between 0 and 1.
#' HSV is a relative color space; it is a transformation of an RGB color
#' space.  Conversion of HSV colors to any other color space must first
#' involve a conversion to a specific RGB color space, for example the
#' standard \code{\link{sRGB}} color space (IEC standard 61966).
#' @param H,S,V These arguments give the hue, saturation and value of the
#' colors. The values can be provided in separate \code{H}, \code{S} and
#' \code{V} vectors or in a three-column matrix passed as \code{H}.
#' @param names A vector of names for the colors (by default the row names of
#' \code{H} are used).
#' @return An object of class \code{HSV} which inherits from class \code{color}.
#' @author Ross Ihaka
#' @seealso \code{\link{sRGB}}, \code{\link{RGB}}, \code{\link{XYZ}}, \code{\link{LAB}},
#' \code{\link{polarLAB}}, \code{\link{LUV}}, \code{\link{polarLUV}}.
#' @keywords color
#' @examples
#' # A rainbow of full-intensity hues
#' HSV(seq(0, 360, length.out = 13)[-13], 1, 1)
#' @export HSV
HSV <-
  function(H, S, V, names)
    if (missing(H)) return(new("HSV"))
    if (missing(names)) names = dimnames(H)[[1]]
    if (is.integer(H)) H[] <- as.numeric(H)
    coords = cbind(H, if (missing(S)) NULL else S,
                      if (missing(V)) NULL else V)
    ## CheckBounds(coords[,1], 0, 360)
    ## CheckBounds(coords[,2], 0, 1)
    ## CheckBounds(coords[,3], 0, 1)
    dimnames(coords) = list(names, c("H", "S", "V"))
    new("HSV", coords = coords)

#' Create HLS Colors
#' This function creates colors of class HLS; a subclass of the virtual
#' \code{\link{color-class}} class.
#' This function creates colors in an HLS color space.  The hues should
#' lie between between 0 and 360, and the lightness and saturations
#' should lie between 0 and 1.
#' HLS is a relative color space; it is a transformation of an RGB color
#' space.  Conversion of HLS colors to any other color space must first
#' involve a conversion to a specific RGB color space, for example the
#' standard \code{\link{sRGB}} color space (IEC standard 61966).
#' @param H,L,S These arguments give the hue, lightness, and saturation of the
#' colors. The values can be provided in separate \code{H}, \code{L} and
#' \code{S} vectors or in a three-column matrix passed as \code{H}.
#' @param names A vector of names for the colors (by default the row names of
#' \code{H} are used).
#' @return An object of class \code{HLS} which inherits from class \code{color}.
#' @author Ross Ihaka
#' @seealso \code{\link{sRGB}}, \code{\link{RGB}}, \code{\link{XYZ}}, \code{\link{LAB}},
#' \code{\link{polarLAB}}, \code{\link{LUV}}, \code{\link{polarLUV}}.
#' @keywords color
#' @examples
#' # A rainbow of full-intensity hues
#' HLS(seq(0, 360, length.out = 13)[-13], 0.5, 1)
#' @export HLS
HLS <-
  function(H, L, S, names)
    if (missing(H)) return(new("HLS"))
    if (missing(names)) names = dimnames(H)[[1]]
    if (is.integer(H)) H[] <- as.numeric(H)
    coords = cbind(H, if (missing(L)) NULL else L,
                      if (missing(S)) NULL else S)
    ## CheckBounds(coords[,1], 0, 360)
    ## CheckBounds(coords[,2], 0, 1)
    ## CheckBounds(coords[,3], 0, 1)
    dimnames(coords) = list(names, c("H", "L", "S"))
    new("HLS", coords = coords)

#' Create LUV Colors
#' This function creates colors of class ``LUV''; a subclass of the virtual
#' \code{\link{color-class}} class.
#' The \code{L}, \code{U} and \code{V} values give the coordinates of the
#' colors in the CIE (1976) \eqn{L^*u^*v^*}{L*u*v*} space.  This is a
#' transformation of the 1931 CIE XYZ space which attempts to produce
#' perceptually based axes.  Luminance takes values between 0 and 100, and the other coordinates 
#' typically take values between -100 and 100, although these values can also
#' be exceeded by highly saturated colors. The \eqn{u} and \eqn{v}
#' coordinates measure positions on green/red and blue/yellow axes.
#' @param L,U,V these arguments give the L, U and V coordinates of the colors.
#' The values can be provided in separate \code{L}, \code{U} and \code{V}
#' vectors or in a three-column matrix passed as \code{L}.
#' @param names a vector of names for the colors (by default the row names of
#' \code{L} are used).
#' @return An object of class \code{LUV} which inherits from class \code{color}.
#' @author Ross Ihaka
#' @seealso \code{\link{RGB}}, \code{\link{HSV}}, \code{\link{XYZ}},
#' \code{\link{LAB}}, \code{\link{polarLAB}}, \code{\link{polarLUV}}.
#' @keywords color
#' @examples
#' ## Show the LUV space
#' set.seed(1)
#' x <- sRGB(runif(1000), runif(1000), runif(1000))
#' y <- as(x, "LUV")
#' head(x)
#' head(y)
#' plot(y)
#' @export LUV
LUV <-
  function(L, U, V, names)
    if (missing(L)) return(new("LUV"))
    if (missing(names)) names = dimnames(L)[[1]]
    if (is.integer(L)) L[] <- as.numeric(L)
    coords = cbind(L, if (missing(U)) NULL else U,
                      if (missing(V)) NULL else V)
    ## CheckBounds(coords[,1], 0, 100)
    ## CheckBounds(coords[,2], -Inf, Inf)
    ## CheckBounds(coords[,3], -Inf, Inf)
    dimnames(coords) = list(names, c("L", "U", "V"))
    new("LUV", coords = coords)

#' Create polarLUV (HCL) Colors
#' This function creates colors of class ``polarLUV''; a subclass of the
#' virtual \code{\link{color-class}} class.
#' The polarLUV space is a transformation of the CIE \eqn{L^*u^*v^*}{L*u*v*}
#' space so that the \eqn{u} and \eqn{v} values are converted to polar
#' coordinates.  The radial component \eqn{C} measures chroma and the angular
#' coordinate \eqn{H} is measures hue. It is also known as the HCL
#' (hue-chroma-luminance) space.
#' @aliases polarLUV HCL
#' @param L,C,H these arguments give the L, C and H coordinates of the colors.
#' The values can be provided in separate \code{L}, \code{C} and \code{H}
#' vectors or in a three-column matrix passed as \code{L}.
#' @param names A vector of names for the colors (by default the row names of
#' \code{L} are used).
#' @return An object of class \code{polarLUV} which inherits from class \code{color}.
#' @author Ross Ihaka
#' @seealso \code{\link{RGB}}, \code{\link{HSV}}, \code{\link{XYZ}},
#' \code{\link{LAB}}, \code{\link{polarLAB}}, \code{\link{LUV}},
#' \code{\link{polarLUV}}.
#' @keywords color
#' @examples
#' ## Show the polarLUV space
#' set.seed(1)
#' x <- sRGB(runif(1000), runif(1000), runif(1000))
#' y <- as(x, "polarLUV")
#' head(x)
#' head(y)
#' plot(y)
#' @export polarLUV
polarLUV <-
  function(L, C, H, names)
    if (missing(L)) return(new("polarLUV"))
    if (missing(names)) names = dimnames(L)[[1]]
    if (is.integer(L)) L[] <- as.numeric(L)
    coords = cbind(L, if (missing(C)) NULL else C,
                      if (missing(H)) NULL else H)
    dimnames(coords) = list(names, c("L", "C", "H"))
    new("polarLUV", coords = coords)

##  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

setAs("color", "RGB", function(from)
      RGB(.Call("as_RGB", from@coords, class(from), .whitepoint$white,
                PACKAGE = "colorspace"),
          names = dimnames(from@coords)[[1]]))

setAs("color", "sRGB", function(from)
      sRGB(.Call("as_sRGB", from@coords, class(from), .whitepoint$white,
                 PACKAGE = "colorspace"),
           names = dimnames(from@coords)[[1]]))

setAs("color", "XYZ", function(from)
      XYZ(.Call("as_XYZ", from@coords, class(from), .whitepoint$white,
                PACKAGE = "colorspace"),
          names = dimnames(from@coords)[[1]]))

setAs("color", "LAB", function(from)
      LAB(.Call("as_LAB", from@coords, class(from), .whitepoint$white,
                PACKAGE = "colorspace"),
          names = dimnames(from@coords)[[1]]))

setAs("color", "polarLAB", function(from)
      polarLAB(.Call("as_polarLAB", from@coords, class(from),
                     .whitepoint$white, PACKAGE = "colorspace"),
               names = dimnames(from@coords)[[1]]))

setAs("color", "HSV", function(from)
      HSV(.Call("as_HSV", from@coords, class(from), .whitepoint$white,
                PACKAGE = "colorspace"),
          names = dimnames(from@coords)[[1]]))

setAs("color", "HLS", function(from)
      HLS(.Call("as_HLS", from@coords, class(from), .whitepoint$white,
                PACKAGE = "colorspace"),
          names = dimnames(from@coords)[[1]]))

setAs("color", "LUV", function(from)
      LUV(.Call("as_LUV", from@coords, class(from), .whitepoint$white,
                PACKAGE = "colorspace"),
          names = dimnames(from@coords)[[1]]))

setAs("color", "polarLUV", function(from)
      polarLUV(.Call("as_polarLUV", from@coords, class(from),
                     .whitepoint$white, PACKAGE = "colorspace"),
               names = dimnames(from@coords)[[1]]))

##  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Convert Colors to Hexadecimal Strings
#' This functions converts \code{\link{color-class}} objects into hexadecimal strings.
#' The color objects are first converted to sRGB color objects.  They are then
#' multiplied by 255 and rounded to obtain an integer value.  These values are
#' then converted to hexadecimal strings of the form \code{"#RRGGBB"} and
#' suitable for use as color descriptions for R graphics.  Out of gamut values
#' are either corrected to valid RGB values by translating the the individual
#' primary values so that they lie between 0 and 255.
#' @param from The color object to be converted.
#' @param gamma Deprecated.
#' @param fixup Should the color be corrected to a valid RGB value before
#' correction.  The default is to convert out-of-gamut colors to the string
#' \code{"NA"}.
#' @return A vector of character strings.
#' @author Ross Ihaka
#' @seealso \code{\link{hex2RGB}}, \code{\link{RGB}}, \code{\link{sRGB}},
#' \code{\link{HSV}}, \code{\link{XYZ}}, \code{\link{LAB}},
#' \code{\link{polarLAB}}, \code{\link{LUV}}, \code{\link{polarLUV}}.
#' @keywords color
#' @examples
#' hsv <- HSV(seq(0, 360, length.out = 7)[-7], 1, 1)
#' hsv
#' hex(hsv)
#' barplot(rep(1,6), col = hex(hsv))
#' @export hex
hex <-
  function(from, gamma = NULL, fixup = FALSE)
      if (!is.null(gamma))
          warning("'gamma' is deprecated and has no effect")
      coords <- as(from, "sRGB")@coords
      rval <- .Call("sRGB_to_RColor", coords, fixup, PACKAGE = "colorspace")
      if(!is.null(dnam <- attr(coords, "dimnames"))) names(rval) <- dnam[[1L]]

#' Convert Hexadecimal Color Specifications to sRGB Objects
#' This function takes a vector of strings of the form \code{"#RRGGBB"}
#' (hexadecimal color descriptions) into \code{\link{sRGB}} objects.
#' This function converts device-dependent color descriptions of the form
#' \code{"#RRGGBB"} into sRGB color descriptions (linearized if \code{gamma} is
#' \code{TRUE}).  The alpha channel will be ignored if given
#' (\code{"#RRGGBBAA"}).
#' @param x a vector of hexadecimal color descriptions.
#' @param gamma Whether to apply gamma-correction.
#' @return An sRGB object describing the colors.
#' @author Ross Ihaka
#' @seealso \code{\link{hex}}, \code{\link{RGB}}, \code{\link{sRGB}},
#' \code{\link{HSV}}, \code{\link{XYZ}}, \code{\link{polarLAB}},
#' \code{\link{LUV}}, \code{\link{polarLUV}}.
#' @keywords color
#' @examples
#' hex2RGB(c("#FF0000","#00FF00", "#0000FF50"))
#' @export hex2RGB
hex2RGB =
  function(x, gamma = FALSE) {
      x <- substr(x,0,7) # Remove alpha
      rval <- if (gamma)
          RGB(.Call("hex_to_RGB", x, gamma, PACKAGE = "colorspace"))
          sRGB(.Call("hex_to_RGB", x, gamma, PACKAGE = "colorspace"))
      if(!is.null(nam <- names(x))) attr(rval@coords, "dimnames")[[1L]] <- nam

#' Read RGB Color Descriptions
#' This function reads a set of RGB color descriptions (of the form written by
#' \code{gcolorsel}) from a file and creates a color object containing the
#' corresponding colors.
#' The file is assumed to contain RGB color descriptions consisting of three
#' integer values in the range from 0 to 255 followed by a color name.
#' @param file The file containing the color descriptions.
#' @param class The kind of color object to be returned.
#' @return An color object of the specified class containing the color
#' descriptions.
#' @author Ross Ihaka
#' @seealso \code{\link{writehex}}, \code{\link{readhex}},
#' \code{\link{hex2RGB}}, \code{\link{RGB}}, \code{\link{HSV}},
#' \code{\link{XYZ}}, \code{\link{LAB}}, \code{\link{polarLAB}},
#' \code{\link{LUV}}, \code{\link{polarLUV}}.
#' @keywords color
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' rgb <- readRGB("pastel.rgb")
#' hsv <- readRGB("pastel.rgb", "HSV")
#' }
#' @export readRGB
readRGB <-
  function(file, class="RGB")
      x = scan(file, what=list(R = 0, G = 0, B = 0, name = ""))
      as(RGB(R = x$R/255, G = x$G/255, B = x$B/255), Class=class)

#' Read Hexadecimal Color Descriptions
#' This function reads a set of hexadecimal color descriptions from a file and
#' creates a color object containing the corresponding colors.
#' The file is assumed to contain hexadecimal color descriptions of the form
#' \code{#RRGGBB}.
#' @param file The file containing the color descriptions.
#' @param class The kind of color object to be returned.
#' @return An color object of the specified class containing the color
#' descriptions.
#' @author Ross Ihaka
#' @seealso \code{\link{writehex}}, \code{\link{readRGB}},
#' \code{\link{hex2RGB}}, \code{\link{RGB}}, \code{\link{HSV}},
#' \code{\link{XYZ}}, \code{\link{LAB}}, \code{\link{polarLAB}},
#' \code{\link{LUV}}, \code{\link{polarLUV}},
#' @keywords color
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' rgb <- readhex("pastel.txt")
#' hsv <- readhex("pastel.txt", "HSV")
#' }
#' @export readhex
readhex <-
  function(file="", class="RGB")
  as(hex2RGB(scan(file, what = "")), Class=class)

#' Write Hexadecimal Color Descriptions
#' Given a color object, this function writes a file containing the hexadecimal
#' representation of the colors in the object.
#' This function converts the given color object to RGB and then writes
#' hexadecimal strings (of the form \code{#RRGGBB}) representing the colors to
#' the specified file.
#' @param x a color object.
#' @param file the name of the file to be written.
#' @return The name of the file is returned as the value of the function.
#' @author Ross Ihaka
#' @seealso \code{\link{readhex}}, \code{\link{readRGB}},
#' \code{\link{hex2RGB}}, \code{\link{RGB}}, \code{\link{HSV}},
#' \code{\link{XYZ}}, \code{\link{LAB}}, \code{\link{polarLAB}},
#' \code{\link{LUV}}, \code{\link{polarLUV}}.
#' @keywords color
#' @examples
#' set.seed(1)
#' x <- sRGB(runif(10), runif(10), runif(10))
#' writehex(x, file.path(tempdir(), "random.txt"))
#' @export writehex
writehex <-
  function(x, file="")
      cat(hex(x), sep="\n", file=file)

.whitepoint <- new.env()
#' Access or Modify the Whitepoint
#' This function can be used to control the single global whitepoint
#' that affects all color conversions within the package (that require
#' a whitepoint, i.e., go through XYZ).
#' @aliases whitepoint
#' @param white,... Either missing (to query the whitepoint) or
#' \code{NULL} or a specification of the XYZ coordinates of the whitepoint
#' (to set the whitepoint, see examples). \code{NULL} corresponds to
#' CIE D65 with XYZ coordinates 95.047, 100.000, 108.883.
#' @return \code{whitepoint} returns an XYZ color object for the whitepoint
#' (invisibly in case a new whitepoint was set).
#' @seealso \code{\link{XYZ}} and \link{color-class}.
#' @keywords color
#' @examples
#' # query current whitepoint (D65 by default)
#' whitepoint()
#' # Illuminant E 
#' whitepoint(XYZ(100, 100, 100))
#' # equivalently
#' whitepoint(100, 100, 100)
#' whitepoint(c(100, 100, 100))
#' whitepoint(cbind(100, 100, 100))
#' whitepoint()
#' ## reset
#' whitepoint(NULL)
#' whitepoint()
#' @export whitepoint
#' @rdname whitepoint
whitepoint <- function(white, ...) {
    ## get whitepoint
    if (missing(white)) return(XYZ(.whitepoint$white))
    ## set whitepoint to default
    if (is.null(white)) {
        white <- cbind(95.047, 100.000, 108.883)
    ## construct whitepoint XYZ coordinates from numeric input
    } else if (is.numeric(white)) {
        white <- do.call("cbind", list(white, ...))
        if (all(dim(white) != 3L))
            stop("'white' needs to be a 3-dimensional XYZ specification")
        if (ncol(white) != 3L)
            white <- t(white)
    } else {
        ## coerce to XYZ if necessary
	if (!is(white, "XYZ")) white <- as(white, "XYZ")
        white <- coords(white)
    ## force to single row (color)
    white <- white[1L, , drop = FALSE]
    ## set whitepoint and return XYZ color invisibly
    assign("white", white, envir = .whitepoint)

#' Compute the Convex Combination of Two Colors
#' This function can be used to compute the result of color mixing, assuming
#' additive mixing (e.g., as appropriate for RGB or XYZ).
#' @param alpha The mixed color is obtained by combining an amount
#' \code{1 - alpha} of \code{color1} with an amount \code{alpha} of
#' \code{color2}.
#' @param color1 The first color.
#' @param color2 The second color.
#' @param where The color space where the mixing is to take place.
#' @return The mixed color.  This is in the color space specified by
#' \code{where}.
#' @author Ross Ihaka
#' @seealso \code{\link{RGB}}, \code{\link{HSV}}, \code{\link{XYZ}},
#' \code{\link{LAB}}, \code{\link{polarLAB}}, \code{\link{LUV}},
#' \code{\link{polarLUV}}.
#' @keywords color
#' @examples
#' mixcolor(0.5, sRGB(1, 0, 0), sRGB(0, 1, 0))
#' @export mixcolor
mixcolor <- 
  function(alpha, color1, color2, where = class(color1))
    alpha = as.numeric(alpha)
    if(where %in% c("polarLUV", "polarLAB", "HSV", "HLS")) {
      warning(sprintf("convex combination of colors in polar coordinates (%s) may not be appropriate", where))
    c1 = coords(as(color1, where))
    c2 = coords(as(color2, where))
    na = length(alpha)
    n1 = nrow(c1)
    n2 = nrow(c2)
    n = max(na, n1, n2)
    if (na < n) alpha = rep(alpha, length = n)
    if (n1 < n) c1 = c1[rep(1:n1, length = n),]
    if (n2 < n) c2 = c2[rep(1:n2, length = n),]
    get(where)((1 - alpha) * c1 + alpha * c2)

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colorspace documentation built on Nov. 30, 2024, 3 a.m.