#' Graphical User Interface to Check Images for Color Constraints
#' A graphical user interface (GUI) to check an existing jpg/png image for (possible)
#' color constraints. The image will be converted to protanope vision, deuteranope vision,
#' and a desaturated version (monochromatic vision).
#' Allows a rapid check whether the colors used in the image show some
#' constraints with respect to color deficiency or color blindness.
#' @param file If not set, an interactive GUI will be started. If \code{x} is of type
#' \code{character} it has to be the full path to an image of type png or jpg/jpeg.
#' The image will be converted and stored on disc, no GUI.
#' @param overwrite \code{logical}. Only used if \code{file} is provided. Allow the
#' function to overwrite files on disc if they exist.
#' @param shiny.trace \code{logical}. Can be set to \code{TRUE} for more verbose
#' output when the GUI is started (development flag).
#' @author Reto Stauffer, Claus O. Wilke, Achim Zeileis
#' @rdname cvd_emulator
#' @references Zeileis A, Fisher JC, Hornik K, Ihaka R, McWhite CD, Murrell P, Stauffer R, Wilke CO (2020).
#' \dQuote{colorspace: A Toolbox for Manipulating and Assessing Colors and Palettes.}
#' \emph{Journal of Statistical Software}, \bold{96}(1), 1--49. \doi{10.18637/jss.v096.i01}
#' @export
cvd_emulator <- function(file, overwrite = FALSE, shiny.trace = FALSE) {
# If input 'file' is missing: start interactive GUI
if ( missing(file) ) {
# Requirements for shiny application
stopifnot(requireNamespace("shiny"), requireNamespace("shinyjs"))
appDir <- system.file("cvdemulator", package = "colorspace")
if (appDir == "")
stop("Could not find cvdemulator app directory. Try re-installing `colorspace`.", call. = FALSE)
# Start shiny
options(shiny.trace = shiny.trace)
pal <- shiny::runApp(appDir, display.mode = "normal", quiet = TRUE )
# Do not start shiny: convert and save images on disc
} else {
is_img <- check_image_type(file)
if ( ! is_img$png & ! is_img$jpg )
stop(sprintf("Image \"%s\" is neither png nor jpg/jpeg. Stop.", file))
types <- c("deutan","protan","tritan","desaturate")
outfiles <- sprintf("%s/%s_%s", dirname(file), types,basename(file))
# If overwrite is FALSE: check if files exist and stop if.
if ( ! overwrite ) {
for ( ofile in outfiles ) {
if ( file.exists(ofile) )
stop(sprintf(paste("Output file \"%s\" exists.",
"Please remove the image manually or call",
"cvd_emulator(\"%s\", overwrite = TRUE)"),
ofile, file))
# Read image
if ( is_img$png ) {
in.img <- png::readPNG(file)
} else {
in.img <- jpeg::readJPEG(file)
# Convert and save image
for ( type in types ) {
outfile <- sprintf("%s/%s_%s",dirname(file),type,basename(file))
cat(sprintf("Convert %-15s -> %s\n",type,outfile))
out.img <- cvd_image(in.img, type, outfile)
# Check Image Type Based on suffix
# Checking image file type based on image file name. Used to decide
# which package has to be used to read an image from disc (\code{png}/\code{jpeg}).
# @param x, \code{string} containing (full) path to image.
# @return Returns a \code{list} with two elements. Each can take
# \code{TRUE} or \code{FALSE}. If image is of type \code{png}
# \code{png=TRUE}, if image is of type \code{jpg/jpeg} \code{jpg=TRUE}.
# If non of both, both will be \code{FALSE}. Method is not case sensitive.
check_image_type <- function( x ) {
## Identify file type (suffix)
tail1 <- function(x) x[length(x)]
suffix <- tolower(tail1(strsplit(basename(x),"\\.")[[1]]))
list("png" = suffix == "png",
"jpg" = suffix %in% c("jpeg","jpg"))
# The convert function used
#' Convert Colors of an Image
#' Used in \code{cvd_emulator}. Takes an image object and converts
#' the colors using \code{\link{deutan}}, \code{\link{protan}},
#' \code{\link{tritan}}, \code{\link{desaturate}} functions. The image
#' will be written to disc as a PNG file.
#' @param img \code{character} or \code{array} as returned by \code{readPNG} and \code{readJPEG}
#' of size \code{height x width x depth}. The depth coordinate contains
#' R/G/B and alpha if given (png). In case of a single character string \code{img}
#' has to be the full path to an image of type png or jpg/jpeg.
#' @param type \code{string} name of the function which will be used to
#' convert the colors (\code{deutan}, \code{protan}, \code{tritan}, \code{desaturate}).
#' If set to \code{original} the image will be written as is.
#' @param file \code{string} with (full) path to resulting image. Has to
#' be a png image name.
#' @param severity numeric. Severity of the color vision defect, a number between 0 and 1.
#' @param linear logical. Should the color vision deficiency transformation be applied to the
#' linearized RGB coordinates (default)? If \code{FALSE}, the transformation is applied to the
#' gamma-corrected sRGB coordinates (which was the default up to version 2.0-3 of the package).
cvd_image <- function(img, type, file, severity = 1, linear = TRUE) {
# read image if necessary
if(is.character(img) && length(img) == 1L) {
img_type <- check_image_type(img)
if (!img_type$png & !img_type$jpg) stop(sprintf("Image \"%s\" is neither png nor jpg/jpeg.", img))
img <- if (img_type$png) png::readPNG(img) else jpeg::readJPEG(img)
# optionally save original colors
if (type == "original") {
png::writePNG(img, target = file)
# otherwise set up sRGB object, carry out cvd emulation, write back
RGB <- matrix(as.numeric(img[,,1L:3L]), ncol = 3L, dimnames = list(NULL, c("R", "G", "B")))
RGB <- colorspace::sRGB(RGB)
RGB <-, list(col = RGB, severity = severity, linear = linear))
RGB <- colorspace::coords(RGB)
img[,,1L] <- matrix(RGB[,"R"], dim(img)[1L], dim(img)[2L])
img[,,2L] <- matrix(RGB[,"G"], dim(img)[1L], dim(img)[2L])
img[,,3L] <- matrix(RGB[,"B"], dim(img)[1L], dim(img)[2L])
png::writePNG(img, target = file)
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