
Defines functions Residuals.parabola Residuals.hyperbola fit.conicLMA GtoA AtoG Residuals.ellipse JmatrixLMA ResidualsG fit.ellipseLMG fit.ellipseLMG.H JmatrixLMG CircleFitByLandau CircleFitBySpath estimateInitialGuessCircle CurrentIteration LMcircleFit CurrentIterationReduced LMreducedCircleFit calculateCircle calculateEllipse EllipseDirectFit EllipseFitByTaubin CircleFitByTaubin CircleFitByPratt CircleFitByKasa ellipticity ellipseEccentricity ellipseFocus ellipseRa ellipseRp ellipse.l conic2parametric fitbookstein fitggk

Documented in AtoG calculateCircle calculateEllipse CircleFitByKasa CircleFitByLandau CircleFitByPratt CircleFitBySpath CircleFitByTaubin conic2parametric CurrentIteration CurrentIterationReduced EllipseDirectFit ellipseEccentricity EllipseFitByTaubin ellipseFocus ellipse.l ellipseRa ellipseRp ellipticity estimateInitialGuessCircle fitbookstein fit.conicLMA fit.ellipseLMG fit.ellipseLMG.H fitggk GtoA JmatrixLMA JmatrixLMG LMcircleFit LMreducedCircleFit Residuals.ellipse ResidualsG Residuals.hyperbola Residuals.parabola

Residuals.parabola <- function(XY,ParG)
#   Projecting a given set of points onto a parabola and computing the distances from the points to the parabola
Vertex <- ParG[1:2]
p= ParG[3]  
Angle <- ParG[4]
n <- dim(XY)[1]
XYproj <- matrix(0,n,2)
Iter <- matrix(0,n,1)
tolerance <- 1e-9
tol.p <- tolerance * p/2
pp <- p*p
#  Matrix Q for rotating the points and the parabola
s <- sin(Angle) 
cA <- cos(Angle)
Q <- matrix(c(cA, -s,s, cA),2,2,byrow=TRUE)
#  data points in canonical coordinates
XY0  <- cbind(XY[,1]-Vertex[1], XY[,2]-Vertex[2]) %*% Q   
XYA <- cbind(XY0[,1], abs(XY0[,2]))
#  main loop over the data points
for (i in 1:n){
    u <- XYA[i,1]  
v <- XYA[i,2]
    uu <- u*u      
vv <- v*v   
    if (v == 0) z2 <- 1 else z2 <- sign(XY0[i,2])
    #       does the point lie on the x-axis?
    if (v<tol.p){
        if (u>p) XYproj[i,] <- cbind(u-p, z2*sqrt(max(2*p*(u-p),0))) else XYproj[i,] <- c(0, 0)
    #  pick the initial point T starting from -1/2 until F(t)>0
    for (j in 1:20){
        Tp <- 1/2^j-1  
        Fp <- vv/(Tp+1)^2 - 2*pu-2*pp*Tp
        if (Fp>0) break
    #      generic case: start the iterative procedure
    for (iter in 1:100){
        F0= vv/(Tp+1)^2
        Fp  <- F0-2*(pu+pp*Tp)
        if (Fp<0) break
        Fder <- 2*(F0/(Tp+1) + pp)
        Ratio <- Fp/Fder
        if (Ratio<tol.p){
        Tp <- Tp + Ratio
    #      compute the projection of the point onto the parabola
    XYproj[i,] <- cbind(u+Tp*p, XY0[i,2]/(Tp+1))
} # end the main loop
XYproj <- XYproj %*% t(Q)
XYproj <- cbind(XYproj[,1]+Vertex[1], XYproj[,2]+Vertex[2])
RSS <- norm(XY-XYproj,'F')^2
list(RSS=RSS, XYproj=XYproj)
}   # Residuals.parabola

Residuals.hyperbola <- function(XY,ParG)
{#   Projecting a given set of points onto a hyperbola and computing the distances from the points to the hyperbola
Center <- ParG[1:2]   
Axes <- ParG[3:4]  
Angle <- ParG[5]
n <- dim(XY)[1]
XYproj <- matrix(0,n,2)
tolerance <- 1e-9
a <- Axes[1]
aa <- a^2  
bb <- b^2 
tol.a <- tolerance*a
tol.b <- tolerance*b
tol.aa <- tolerance*aa
#  Matrix Q for rotating the points and the hyperbola
s <- sin(Angle)
cA <- cos(Angle)
Q <- matrix(c(cA, -s,s, cA),2,2,byrow=TRUE)
#  data points in canonical coordinates
XY0  <- (cbind(XY[,1]-Center[1], XY[,2]-Center[2])) %*% Q
XYA <- abs(XY0)
# find the inflection points TInf for all given pairs
XYS <- sqrt(XYA)
XYS1 <- matrix(bb*at*XYS[,1]-aa*bt*XYS[,2],ncol=1)
XYS2 <- matrix(at*XYS[,1]+bt*XYS[,2],ncol=1)
TInf <- matrix(XYS1/XYS2,ncol=1) #inflection points
#  main loop over the data points
for (i in 1:n){
    u <- XYA[i,1]  
v <- XYA[i,2]
    ua <- u*a      
vb <- v*b
    if (u == 0) z1 <- 1 else z1 <- sign(XY0[i,1])
    if (v == 0) z2 <- 1 else z2 <- sign(XY0[i,2])
    #       does the point lie on the major axis?
    if (v<tol.b){
        if (u>a+bb/a){
            xproj <- aa*u/(aa+bb)
            XYproj[i,] <- cbind(z1*xproj, z2*b*sqrt(max((xproj/a)^2-1,0)))
       } else XYproj[i,] <- cbind(z1*a, 0)
    } # end if
    #       does the point lie on the minor axis?
    if (u<tol.a){
        yproj <- bb*v/(aa+bb)
        XYproj[i,] <- cbind(z1*a*sqrt(1+(yproj/b)^2), z2*yproj )
    } # } if
    #     generic case: start the iterative procedure
    T0 <- TInf[i]  # inflection point t
    F0  <- (ua/(T0+aa))^2 - (vb/(-T0+bb))^2 - 1  # the corresponding F(t)
    # if F0>0 then pick the initial point to the right of the root
    # if F0<0 then pick the initial point to the left of the root
    if (F0 > 0){  # case1: pick the initial point T until F(T)<0
        for (j in 1:20){
            Fp<-(ua/(Tp+aa))^2 - (vb/(-Tp+bb))^2 - 1
            if (Fp<0) break
        } # end for j
        for (iter in 1:100){
            Taa <- Tp + aa
            Tbb <- -Tp + bb
            PP1 <- (ua/Taa)^2
            PP2 <- (vb/Tbb)^2
            Fp  <- PP1 - PP2 - 1
            if (Fp>0) break
            Fder <- 2*(PP1/Taa + PP2/Tbb)
            Ratio <- Fp/Fder
            if (abs(Ratio)<tol.aa) break
            Tp <- Tp + Ratio
        } } else { for (j in 1:20) { # case2: pick the initial point T until F(T)>0
            Fp=(ua/(Tp+aa))^2 - (vb/(-Tp+bb))^2 - 1
            if (Fp>0) break
        } # end for j
        for (iter in 1:100){
            Taa <- Tp + aa
            Tbb <- -Tp + bb
            PP1 <- (ua/Taa)^2
            PP2 <- (vb/Tbb)^2
            Fp  <- PP1 - PP2 - 1
            if (Fp<0)  break
            Fder <- 2*(PP1/Taa + PP2/Tbb)
            Ratio <- Fp/Fder
            if (abs(Ratio)<tol.aa) break
            Tp <- Tp + Ratio
    } # end if
    #   compute the projection of the point onto the hyperbola
    if (Taa < 1e-6){
        yproj <- XY0[i,2]*bb/Tbb
        XYproj[i,] <- cbind(sign(XY0[i,1])*a*sqrt(1+(yproj/b)^2), yproj)
    } else { if (Tbb < 1e-6){
        yproj <- sign(XY0[i,2])*b*sqrt(max((xproj/a)^2-1,0))
        XYproj[i,] <- cbind(xproj, yproj)
   } else XYproj[i,] <- cbind(XY0[i,1]*aa/Taa, XY0[i,2]*bb/Tbb)
    }  # end if
} # } the main for-loop
XYproj <- XYproj %*% t(Q)
XYproj <- cbind(XYproj[,1]+Center[1], XYproj[,2]+Center[2])
RSS <- norm(XY-XYproj,'F')^2
list(RSS=RSS, XYproj=XYproj)
}   # Residuals.hyperbola

fit.conicLMA <- function(XY,ParAini,LambdaIni=1,epsilonP=0.0000000001,epsilonF=0.0000000000001,IterMAX=2000000)
# Fitting a conic to a given set of points (Implicit method) using algebraic parameter
#epsilonP <- tolerance (small threshold)
#epsilonF <- tolerance (small threshold)
#IterMAX <- maximal number of (main) iterations usually 10-20 suffice
lambda.sqrt <- sqrt(LambdaIni)   #  sqrt(Lambda) is actually used by the code
tmp <- AtoG(ParAini)
ParGini <- tmp$ParG
exitCode <- tmp$exitCode
if (exitCode == 1){
    tmp <- Residuals.ellipse(XY,ParGini)
  Fp <- tmp$RSS
XYproj <- tmp$XYproj  
} else { if (exitCode == 2){
tmp <- Residuals.hyperbola(XY,ParGini)
Fp <- tmp$RSS
XYproj <- tmp$J
} else stop('invalid initial parameter')
tmp <- JmatrixLMA(XY,ParAini,XYproj)  # calculate the Jacobian matrix
  Res <- tmp$Res
  J <- tmp$J
# tmp <- HessianLMA(XY,ParAini,XYproj) # calculate the Hessian matrix
#  H <- tmp$H
#  ev <- tmp$ev
ParA <- ParAini
ParG <- ParGini
codeTemp <- exitCode
ParGTemp <- ParG
for (iter in 1:IterMAX)         #  main loop, each run is one (main) iteration
    while (TRUE)         #  secondary loop - adjusting Lambda (no limit on cycles)
      DelPar <- mldivide(rbind(J, lambda.sqrt*diag(6)), rbind(-Res, matrix(0,6,1))) # step candidate
        ParTemp <- ParA + DelPar
        ParTemp <- ParTemp/norm(ParTemp,'F')
        tmp <- AtoG(ParTemp)
        ParGTemp <- tmp$ParG
        codeTemp <- tmp$exitCode
        if (codeTemp != exitCode) progress <- 1 else progress <- norm(DelPar,'F')
        if (progress < epsilonP)  break               # stopping rule
        if (codeTemp == 1){
            tmp <- Residuals.ellipse(XY,ParGTemp)
      FTemp <- tmp$RSS
      XYprojTemp <- tmp$XYproj
        } else {if (codeTemp == 2){
            tmp <- Residuals.hyperbola(XY,ParGTemp)
      FTemp <- tmp$RSS
      XYprojTemp <- tmp$XYproj
            lambda.sqrt <- lambda.sqrt*2 #if it's degenerate, increase lambda, recompute the step
        if (FTemp < Fp*(1-epsilonF/lambda.sqrt)){        #   yes, improvement
            lambda.sqrt <- lambda.sqrt/2   # reduce lambda, move to next iteration
        }else {                           #   no improvement
            lambda.sqrt <- lambda.sqrt*2 # increase lambda, recompute the step
    }   #   while (TRUE), the end of the secondary loop
    if (progress < epsilonP)  break # stopping rule
    tmp <- JmatrixLMA(XY,ParTemp,XYprojTemp)
  Res <- tmp$Res
  J <- tmp$J
    ParA <- ParTemp
 Fp <- FTemp  # update the iteration
    ParG <- ParGTemp
exitCode <- codeTemp
}      #    main loop
RSS <- Fp
iters <- iter

{# Conversion of geometric parameters of an ellipse
# ParG <- [Center(1:2), Axes(1:2), Angle]'
# to algebraic parameters
k <- cos(ParG[5])
s <- sin(ParG[5])
a <- ParG[3]
b <- ParG[4]
Xc <- ParG[1]
Yc <- ParG[2]
P <- (k/a)^2 + (s/b)^2
Q <- (s/a)^2 + (k/b)^2
R <- 2*k*s*(1/a^2 - 1/b^2)
cbind(A=P, B=R, C=Q, D=-2*P*Xc-R*Yc, E=-2*Q*Yc-R*Xc, F=P*Xc^2+Q*Yc^2+R*Xc*Yc-1)

AtoG <- function(ParA)
#  Conversion of algebraic parameters to geometric parameters
tolerance1 <- 1.e-10
tolerance2 <- 1.e-20
if (abs(ParA[1]-ParA[3]) > tolerance1) Angle <- atan(ParA[2]/(ParA[1]-ParA[3]))/2 else Angle <- pi/4
cA <- cos(Angle)
s <- sin(Angle)
Q <- matrix(c(cA, s,-s, cA),2,2,byrow=TRUE)
M <- matrix(c(ParA[1], ParA[2]/2, ParA[2]/2, ParA[3]),2,2,byrow=TRUE)
D <- Q %*% M %*% t(Q)
N <- Q %*% matrix(c(ParA[4], ParA[5]),2,1,byrow=TRUE)
O <- ParA[6]
if ((D[1,1] < 0) && (D[2,2] < 0)){
    D <- -D
    N <- -N
    O <- -O
UVcenter <- matrix(c(-N[1,1]/2/D[1,1], -N[2,1]/2/D[2,2]),2,1,byrow=TRUE)
free <- O - UVcenter[1,1]*UVcenter[1,1]*D[1,1] - UVcenter[2,1]*UVcenter[2,1]*D[2,2]
# if the determinant of [A B/2 D/2 B/2 C E/2 D/2 E/2 F]is zero 
# And if K>0,then it's a empty set
# otherwise the conic is degenerate
Deg <- matrix(c(ParA[1],ParA[2]/2,ParA[4]/2, ParA[2]/2,ParA[3],ParA[5]/2, ParA[4]/2,ParA[5]/2,ParA[6]),3,3,byrow=TRUE)
K1 <- matrix(c(ParA[1],ParA[4]/2, ParA[4]/2, ParA[6]),2,2,byrow=TRUE)
K2 <- matrix(c(ParA[3],ParA[5]/2, ParA[5]/2, ParA[6]),2,2,byrow=TRUE)
K <- det(K1)+det(K2)
if ((abs(det(Deg)) < tolerance2)) if ((abs(det(M))<tolerance2) && (K > tolerance2)) { exitCode <- 4 
# empty set(imaginary parellel lines)
   } else {
        exitCode <- -1
# degenerate cases
    } else {
    if (D[1,1]*D[2,2] > tolerance1) if (free < 0) { exitCode <- 1
 # ellipse
       } else {
            exitCode <- 0
 # empty set(imaginary ellipse)
        } else { if (D[1,1]*D[2,2] < - tolerance1){
        exitCode <- 2
  # hyperbola
   } else {
        exitCode <- 3
  # parabola
} }
XYcenter <- t(Q) %*% UVcenter
Axes <- matrix(c(sqrt(abs(free/D[1,1])), sqrt(abs(free/D[2,2]))),2,1)
if (exitCode == 1 && Axes[1]<Axes[2]) {
AA <- Axes[1]
Axes[1] <- Axes[2]
Axes[2] <- AA
Angle <- Angle + pi/2
if (exitCode == 2 && free*D[1,1]>0) {
AA <- Axes[1]
Axes[1] <- Axes[2]
Axes[2] <- AA
Angle <- Angle + pi/2
while (Angle > pi) Angle <- Angle - pi
while (Angle < 0) Angle <- Angle + pi
ParG <- rbind(XYcenter, Axes, Angle)
dimnames(ParG) <- NULL
list(ParG=ParG, exitCode=exitCode)

Residuals.ellipse <- function(XY,ParG)
Center <- ParG[1:2]
Axes <- ParG[3:4]
Angle <- ParG[5]
n <- dim(XY)[1]
XYproj <- matrix(0,n,2)
tolerance <- 1e-9
#  First handling the circle case
if (abs((Axes[1]-Axes[2])/Axes[1])<tolerance){
    phiall <- angle(XY[,1]-Center[1] + sqrt(-1) * (XY[,2]-Center[2]))
    XYproj <- matrix(c(Axes[1] * cos(phiall)+Center[1], Axes[2] * sin(phiall)+Center[2]),1,2)
    RSS <- norm(XY-XYproj,'F')^2
    list(RSS=RSS, XYproj=XYproj)
# Now dealing with proper ellipses
a <- Axes[1]
b <- Axes[2]
aa <- a^2
bb <- b^2
tol.a <- tolerance * a
tol.b <- tolerance * b
tol.aa <- tolerance * aa
#  Matrix Q for rotating the points and the ellipse to the canonical system
s <- sin(Angle)
cA <- cos(Angle)
Q <- matrix(c(cA, -s,s, cA),2,2,byrow=TRUE)
#  data points in canonical coordinates
XY0  <- cbind(XY[,1]-Center[1], XY[,2]-Center[2]) %*% Q
XYA <- abs(XY0)
Tini <- apply(cbind(a * (XYA[,1]-a),b * (XYA[,2]-b)),1,max)
#  main loop over the data points
for (i in 1:n){
    u <- XYA[i,1]
 v <- XYA[i,2]
    ua <- u * a
     vb <- v * b
    if (u == 0) z1 <- 1 else z1 <- sign(XY0[i,1])
    if (v == 0) z2 <- 1 else z2 <- sign(XY0[i,2])
    #       does the point lie on the minor axis?
    if (u<tol.a){
        if (XY0[i,2]<0) XYproj[i,] <- cbind(0, -b) else XYproj[i,] <- cbind(0, b)
    #       does the point lie on the major axis?
    if (v<tol.b){
        if (u < (a-bb/a)){
            xproj <- aa * u/(aa-bb)
            XYproj[i,] <- matrix(c(z1 * xproj, z2 * b * sqrt(max(1-(xproj/a)^2,0))),1,2)
        } else {
            XYproj[i,] <- cbind(z1 * a, 0)
    #      generic case: start the iterative procedure
    T <- Tini[i]
    for (iter in 1:100){
        Taa <- T + aa
        Tbb <- T + bb
        PP1 <- (ua/Taa)^2
        PP2 <- (vb/Tbb)^2
        Fp  <- PP1 + PP2 - 1
        if (Fp<0) break
        Fder <- 2 * (PP1/Taa + PP2/Tbb)
        Ratio <- Fp/Fder
        if (Ratio<tol.aa) break
        T <- T + Ratio
    #       compute the projection of the point onto the ellipse
    xproj <- XY0[i,1] * aa/Taa
    yproj <- sign(XY0[i,2]) * b * sqrt(max(1-(xproj/a)^2,0))
    XYproj[i,] <- cbind(xproj, yproj)
} # end the main loop
#    rotate back to the original system
XYproj <- XYproj %*% t(Q)
XYproj <- cbind(XYproj[,1]+Center[1], XYproj[,2]+Center[2])
RSS <- norm(XY-XYproj,'F')^2
}   # Residuals.ellipse

#Compute the Jacobian matrix(Implicit method)using algebraic parameter
n <- dim(XY)[1]
Res <- matrix(0,n,1)
X <- matrix(XY[,1],ncol=1)
Y <- matrix(XY[,2],ncol=1)
Z <- cbind(X^2, X*Y, Y^2, X, Y, matrix(1,n,ncol=1) ) %*% ParA
DD <- XY-XYproj
for (i in 1:n) Res[i]  <- sign(Z[i])*norm(matrix(DD[i,]),'F')
D2 <- matrix(c(XYproj,matrix(1,n,1)),ncol=3,byrow=FALSE)
x <- matrix(XYproj[,1],ncol=1)
y <- matrix(XYproj[,2],ncol=1)
xx <- matrix(x^2,ncol=1)
yy <- matrix(y^2,ncol=1)
xy <- matrix(x*y,ncol=1)
# dPar <- matrix(c(xx,xy,yy,x,y,ones(n,1)),1)       #partial derivative of P wrt ParA
du <- D2 %*% matrix(c(2*ParA[1],ParA[2],ParA[4]),3)   #partial derivative of P wrt x-coordinate
dv <- D2 %*% matrix(c(ParA[2],2*ParA[3],ParA[5]),3)   #partial derivative of P wrt y-coordinate
eA  <- sqrt(du^2+dv^2)
J <- cbind(xx/eA, xy/eA, yy/eA, x/eA, y/eA,matrix(1,n,1)/eA)
list(Res = Res,J = J)

#   Projecting a given set of points onto an ellipse and computing the distances from the points to the ellipse
Center  <-  ParG[1:2]
Axes  <-  ParG[3:4]
Angle  <-  ParG[5]
n  <-  dim(XY)[1]
XYproj  <-  matrix(0,n,2)
tolerance  <-  1e-9
#  First handling the circle case
if (abs((Axes[1]-Axes[2])/Axes[1])<tolerance){
   phiall  <-  angle(XY[,1]-Center[1] + sqrt(-1)*(XY[,2]-Center[2]))
   XYproj  <-  cbind(Axes[1]*cos(phiall)+Center[1], Axes[2]*sin(phiall)+Center[2])
   RSS  <-  norm(XY-XYproj,'F')^2
   list(RSS=RSS, XYproj=XYproj)
#  Now dealing with proper ellipses
a  <-  Axes[1]
b  <-  Axes[2]
aa  <-  a^2
bb  <-  b^2
tol_a  <-  tolerance*a
tol_b  <-  tolerance*b
tol_aa  <-  tolerance*aa
#  Matrix Q for rotating the points and the ellipse
s <- sin(Angle)
cA <- cos(Angle)
Q <- matrix(c(cA, -s,s, cA),2,2,byrow=TRUE)
XY0   <-  cbind(XY[,1]-Center[1], XY[,2]-Center[2]) %*% Q
   #  data points in canonical coordinates
XYA  <-  abs(XY0)
Tini  <- matrix( apply(cbind(a*(XYA[,1]-a),b*(XYA[,2]-b)),1,max),ncol=1)
#  main loop over the data points
for (i in 1:n){
    u  <-  XYA[i,1]
 v  <-  XYA[i,2]
    ua  <-  u * a
     vb  <-  v * b
#       does the point lie on the minor axis?
    if (u<tol_a){
       if (XY0[i,2]<0) XYproj[i,]  <-  cbind(0, -b) else XYproj[i,]  <-  cbind(0, b)
#       does the point lie on the major axis?
    if (v<tol_b){
       if (u<a-bb/a){
          xproj  <-  aa*u/(aa-bb)
          XYproj[i,]  <-  cbind(sign(XY0[i,1])*xproj, sign(XY0[i,2])*b*sqrt(1-(xproj/a)^2))
      } else {
          XYproj[i,]  <-  cbind(sign(XY0[i,1])*a, 0)
#      generic case: start the iterative procedure
    T  <-  Tini[i]
    for (iter in 1:100){
        Taa  <-  T + aa
        Tbb  <-  T + bb
        PP1  <-  (ua/Taa)^2
        PP2  <-  (vb/Tbb)^2
        Fp  <-  PP1 + PP2 - 1
        if (Fp<0) break
        Fder  <-  2*(PP1/Taa + PP2/Tbb)
        Ratio  <-  Fp/Fder
        if (Ratio<tol_aa) break
        T  <-  T + Ratio
#      compute the projection of the point onto the ellipse
    XYproj[i,]  <-  cbind(XY0[i,1]*aa/Taa, XY0[i,2]*bb/Tbb)
XYproj  <-  XYproj %*% t(Q)
XYproj  <-  cbind(XYproj[,1]+Center[1], XYproj[,2]+Center[2])
RSS  <-  norm(XY-XYproj,'F')^2
list(RSS=RSS, XYproj=XYproj)
}   # ResidualsG

fit.ellipseLMG <- function(XY,ParGini,LambdaIni=1,epsilon=0.000001,IterMAX = 200,L = 200)
{# fitting ellipse using Implicit method
  #epsilon <- tolerance (small threshold)
  #IterMAX <- maximal number of (main) iterations usually 10-20 suffice
  #L <- boundary for major/minor axis
  lambda.sqrt <- sqrt(LambdaIni)#  sqrt(Lambda) is actually used by the code
  tmp <- ResidualsG(XY,ParGini)
  Fp <- tmp$RSS
  XYproj <- tmp$XYproj
  tmp <- JmatrixLMG(XY,ParGini,XYproj)
  Res <- tmp$Res
  J <- tmp$J
  ParG <- ParGini
  for (iter in 1:IterMAX)         #  main loop, each run is one (main) iteration
    while (TRUE)         #  secondary loop - adjusting Lambda (no limit on cycles)
      DelPar <- mldivide(rbind(J, lambda.sqrt*diag(5)), rbind(-Res, matrix(0,5,1))) # step candidate
      progress <- norm(DelPar,'F')/(norm(ParG,'F')+epsilon)
      if (progress < epsilon)  break            # stopping rule
      ParTemp <- ParG + DelPar
      if (ParTemp[3]< ParTemp[4]){        #   out of range
      tmp  <- ResidualsG(XY,ParTemp)
      FTemp <- tmp$RSS
      XYprojTemp <- tmp$XYproj
      if (FTemp < Fp && ParTemp[3]>0 && ParTemp[4]>0) {       #   yes, improvement
        lambda.sqrt <- lambda.sqrt/2   # reduce lambda, move to next iteration
      } else {                           #   no improvement
        lambda.sqrt <- lambda.sqrt*2 # increase lambda, recompute the step
    }   #   while TRUE, the end of the secondary loop
    if (ParTemp[3] > L){       # diverge
      TF <- TRUE
    if (progress < epsilon) break  
    tmp <- JmatrixLMG(XY,ParTemp,XYprojTemp)
    Res <- tmp$Res
    J <- tmp$J
    ParG <- ParTemp
    Fp <- FTemp  # update the iteration
  RSS <- Fp
  iters <- iter
  # make the angle parameter between 0 and pi
  while(ParG[5] >= pi) ParG[5] <- ParG[5] - pi
  while(ParG[5] < 0) ParG[5] <- ParG[5] + pi
  if (iters >= IterMAX) TF <- TRUE
}   #fit.ellipseLMG

fit.ellipseLMG.H <- function(XY,ParGini,LambdaIni=1,epsilon=0.000001,IterMAX = 200,L = 200)
{# fitting ellipse using Implicit method
  #epsilon <- tolerance (small threshold)
  #IterMAX <- maximal number of (main) iterations usually 10-20 suffice
  #L <- boundary for major/minor axis
  lambda.sqrt <- sqrt(LambdaIni)# sqrt(Lambda) is actually used by the code
  tmp <- ResidualsG(XY,ParGini)
  Fp <- tmp$RSS
  XYproj <- tmp$XYproj
  tmp <- JmatrixLMG(XY,ParGini,XYproj)
  Res <- tmp$Res
  J <- tmp$J
  ParG <- ParGini
  for (iter in 1:IterMAX)         #  main loop, each run is one (main) iteration
    while (TRUE)         #  secondary loop - adjusting Lambda (no limit on cycles)
      DelPar <- mldivide(rbind(J, lambda.sqrt*diag(5)), rbind(-Res, matrix(0,5,1))) # step candidate
      progress <- norm(DelPar,'F')/(norm(ParG,'F')+epsilon)
      if (progress < epsilon)  break            # stopping rule
      ParTemp <- ParG + DelPar
      if (ParTemp[3]< ParTemp[4]){        #   out of range
      tmp  <- ResidualsG(XY,ParTemp)
      FTemp <- tmp$RSS
      XYprojTemp <- tmp$XYproj
      if (FTemp < Fp && ParTemp[3]>0 && ParTemp[4]>0) {       #   yes, improvement
        lambda.sqrt <- lambda.sqrt/2   # reduce lambda, move to next iteration
      } else {                           #   no improvement
        lambda.sqrt <- lambda.sqrt*2 # increase lambda, recompute the step
    }   #   while TRUE, the end of the secondary loop
    if (ParTemp[3] > L){       # diverge
      TF <- TRUE
    if (progress < epsilon) break  
    tmp <- JmatrixLMG(XY,ParTemp,XYprojTemp)
    Res <- tmp$Res
    J <- tmp$J
    ParG <- ParTemp
    Fp <- FTemp  # update the iteration
  RSS <- Fp
  iters <- iter
  Jg <- t(J) %*% Res
  H <- t(J) %*% J
  # make the angle parameter between 0 and pi
  while(ParG[5] >= pi) ParG[5] <- ParG[5] - pi
  while(ParG[5] < 0) ParG[5] <- ParG[5] + pi
  if (iters >= IterMAX) TF <- TRUE
}   #fit.ellipseLMG.H

JmatrixLMG <- function(XY,A,XYproj){
#Implicit method
n <- dim(XY)[1]
Res  <-  matrix(0,n,1)
s <- sin(A[5])
C <- cos(A[5])
ss <- s*s
cc <- C*C
cs <- C*s
a <- A[3]
b <- A[4]
aa <- a^2
bb <- b^2
ba <- bb-aa
DD <- XY-XYproj
D1 <- cbind(XYproj[,1]-A[1], XYproj[,2]-A[2])
D2 <- cbind(D1[,2], D1[,1])
for (i in 1:n) Res[i]  <- sign(DD[i,] %*% matrix(D1[i,],2)) * norm(matrix(DD[i,]),'F')
du <- D1 %*% rbind(bb*cc+aa*ss, cs*ba)
dv <- D2 %*% rbind(bb*ss+aa*cc, cs*ba)
D3 <- cbind(D1[,1]^2, D1[,2]^2, D1[,1]*D1[,2],matrix(1,n,1))
d3 <-  D3 %*% rbind(ss,cc,-2*cs,-bb) * a
d4 <-  D3 %*% rbind(cc,ss,2*cs,-aa)*b
d5 <-  D3 %*% rbind(-ba*cs,ba*cs,ba*(cc-ss),0)
e  <- sqrt(du^2+dv^2)
J <- cbind(-du/e, -dv/e, d3/e, d4/e, d5/e)

CircleFitByLandau<-function(XY,ParIni=NA,epsilon=0.000001,IterMAX = 50)
if (length(ParIni) != 3) ParIni <- NA
if (!is.numeric(ParIni)) ParIni <- NA
if (any(is.na(ParIni))) ParIni <- estimateInitialGuessCircle(XY)
centroid <- apply(XY,2,mean)
X <- XY[,1] - centroid[1]
Y <- XY[,2] - centroid[2]
#  centering the initial guess
ParNew <- matrix(c(ParIni - c(centroid,0)),1)
for (iter in 1:IterMAX)         #  main loop, each run is one iteration
ParOld <- ParNew
Dx <- X - ParOld[1]
Dy <- Y - ParOld[2]
D <- sqrt(Dx * Dx + Dy * Dy)
ParNew <- cbind(-mean(Dx/D) , -mean(Dy/D) , 1) * mean(D)
progress <- (norm(ParNew-ParOld,'F'))/(norm(ParOld,'F')+epsilon)
if (progress < epsilon) break #  stopping rule
}   #  the end of the main loop (over iterations)
# decentering the parameter vector for output
Par <- ParOld + c(centroid,0)

CircleFitBySpath<-function(XY,ParIni=NA,epsilon=0.000001,IterMAX = 50)
if (length(ParIni) != 3) ParIni <- NA
if (!is.numeric(ParIni)) ParIni <- NA
if (any(is.na(ParIni))) ParIni <- estimateInitialGuessCircle(XY)
centroid <- apply(XY,2,mean)
X <- XY[,1] - centroid[1]
Y <- XY[,2] - centroid[2]
#  centering the initial guess
ParNew <- matrix(c(ParIni - c(centroid,0)),1)
for (iter in 1:IterMAX)         #  main loop, each run is one iteration
ParOld <- ParNew
Dx <- X - ParOld[1]
Dy <- Y - ParOld[2]
D <- sqrt(Dx * Dx + Dy * Dy)
Mu <- mean(Dx/D)
Mv <- mean(Dy/D)
Mr <- mean(D)
Radius <- (Mu * ParOld[1] + Mv * ParOld[2] + Mr)/(1.0 - Mu * Mu - Mv * Mv)
ParNew <- cbind(-Mu , -Mv , 1) * Radius
progress <- (norm(ParNew-ParOld,'F'))/(norm(ParOld,'F')+epsilon)
if (progress < epsilon) break #  stopping rule
}   #  the end of the main loop (over iterations)
# decentering the parameter vector for output
Par <- ParOld + c(centroid,0)

estimateInitialGuessCircle <- function(XY)
{# estimate initial guess for circle LM
x0 <- mean(XY[,1])
y0 <- mean(XY[,2])

# computes the objective function F and its derivatives at the current point Par
Dx = matrix(XY[,1] - Par[1],ncol=1)
Dy = matrix(XY[,2] - Par[2],ncol=1)
D = sqrt(Dx^2 + Dy^2)
J = cbind(-Dx / D, -Dy / D,  -1 )
g = matrix(D - Par[3],ncol=1)
F = sqrt(sum(g^2))^2
Radius = mean(D)
list(J=J,g=g,F=F,Radius = Radius)

LMcircleFit<-function(XY,ParIni=NA,LambdaIni=1,epsilon=0.000001,IterMAX = 50){
#epsilon = tolerance (small threshold)
#IterMAX = maximal number of (main) iterations; usually 10-20 suffice
if (length(ParIni) != 3) ParIni <- NA
if (!is.numeric(ParIni)) ParIni <- NA
if (is.na(ParIni)) ParIni <- estimateInitialGuessCircle(XY)
lambda_sqrt = sqrt(LambdaIni)#  sqrt(Lambda) is actually used by the code
Par = ParIni# starting with the given initial guess
Jtmp = CurrentIteration(Par,XY)# compute objective function and its derivatives
J <- Jtmp$J
g <- Jtmp$g
F <- Jtmp$F
for (iter in 1:IterMAX){ #  main loop, each run is one (main) iteration
    while (TRUE){ #  secondary loop - adjusting Lambda (no limit on cycles)
        DelPar = mldivide(rbind(J, lambda_sqrt * diag(3)), rbind(g, 0,0,0))   # step candidate
        progress = sqrt(sum(DelPar^2)) / (sqrt(sum(Par^2))+epsilon)
        if (progress < epsilon)  break # stopping rule
        ParTemp = Par - t(DelPar)
        Jtmp = CurrentIteration(ParTemp,XY);  # objective function + derivatives
	JTemp<- Jtmp$J
	gTemp<- Jtmp$g
	FTemp<- Jtmp$F
        if (FTemp < F && ParTemp[3]>0){        #   yes, improvement
           lambda_sqrt = lambda_sqrt/2   # reduce lambda, move to next iteration
        } else {                           #   no improvement
           lambda_sqrt = lambda_sqrt*2 # increase lambda, recompute the step
    }   #   while (1), the end of the secondary loop
    if (progress < epsilon)  break # stopping rule
    Par = ParTemp;  J = JTemp;  g = gTemp;  F = FTemp # update the iteration

# computes the objective function F and its derivatives at the current point Par
Dx = matrix(XY[,1] - Par[1],ncol=1)
Dy = matrix(XY[,2] - Par[2],ncol=1)
D = sqrt(Dx^2 + Dy^2)
J = cbind(-Dx + mean(Dx), -Dy + mean(Dy) )
Radius = mean(D)
g = matrix(D - Radius,ncol=1)
F = sqrt(sum(g^2))^2
list(J=J,g=g,F=F,Radius = Radius)

LMreducedCircleFit<-function(XY,ParIni=NA,LambdaIni=1,epsilon=0.000001,IterMAX = 50){
#epsilon = tolerance (small threshold)
#IterMAX = maximal number of (main) iterations; usually 10-20 suffice
if (length(ParIni) != 3) ParIni <- NA
if (!is.numeric(ParIni)) ParIni <- NA
if (any(is.na(ParIni))) ParIni <- estimateInitialGuessCircle(XY)
lambda_sqrt = sqrt(LambdaIni)#  sqrt(Lambda) is actually used by the code
Par = ParIni[1:2]# starting with the given initial guess
Jtmp = CurrentIterationReduced(Par,XY)# compute objective function and its derivatives
J <- Jtmp$J[,1:2]
g <- Jtmp$g
F <- Jtmp$F
Radius <- Jtmp$Radius
for (iter in 1:IterMAX){ #  main loop, each run is one (main) iteration

    while (TRUE){ #  secondary loop - adjusting Lambda (no limit on cycles)
        DelPar = mldivide(rbind(J, lambda_sqrt * diag(2)), rbind(g, 0,0))   # step candidate
        progress = norm(matrix(DelPar,1),'F')/(Radius+norm(matrix(Par,1),'F')+epsilon)
        if (progress < epsilon)  break # stopping rule
        ParTemp = Par - t(DelPar)
        Jtmp = CurrentIterationReduced(ParTemp,XY)  # objective function + derivatives
	JTemp<- Jtmp$J
	gTemp<- Jtmp$g
	FTemp<- Jtmp$F
	RadiusTemp<- Jtmp$Radius
        if (FTemp < F){        #   yes, improvement
           lambda_sqrt = lambda_sqrt/2   # reduce lambda, move to next iteration
        } else {                           #   no improvement
           lambda_sqrt = lambda_sqrt*2 # increase lambda, recompute the step
    }   #   while (1), the end of the secondary loop
    if (progress < epsilon)  break # stopping rule
    Par = ParTemp;  J = JTemp;  g = gTemp;  F = FTemp;  Radius = RadiusTemp # update the iteration
c(Par, Radius) # assembling the full parameter vector "Par" for output

calculateCircle<-function(x, y, r, steps=50,sector=c(0,360),randomDist=FALSE, randomFun=runif,noiseFun=NA,...)
  points = matrix(0,steps,2)
  if (randomDist) n<-sector[1]+randomFun(steps,...)*(sector[2]-sector[1]) else n<-seq(sector[1],sector[2],length.out=steps)
  if (randomDist) repeat {
  n[which(!(n>=sector[1] & n<=sector[2]))]<-sector[1]+randomFun(sum(!(n>=sector[1] & n<=sector[2])),...)*(sector[2]-sector[1])
  if (all(n>=sector[1] & n<=sector[2])) break
    alpha = n * (pi / 180)
    sinalpha = sin(alpha)
    cosalpha = cos(alpha)
    points[,1]<- x + (r * cosalpha)
    points[,2]<- y + (r * sinalpha)
    if (is.function(noiseFun)) points<-apply(points,1:2,noiseFun)

calculateEllipse<-function(x, y, a, b, angle=0, steps=50,sector=c(0,360),randomDist=FALSE, randomFun=runif,noiseFun=NA,...)
{# http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Ellipse&oldid=456212176#Ellipses_in_computer_graphics
  points = matrix(0,steps,2)
  beta = angle * (pi / 180)
  sinbeta = sin(beta)
  cosbeta = cos(beta)
  if (randomDist) n<-sector[1]+randomFun(steps,...)*(sector[2]-sector[1]) else n<-seq(sector[1],sector[2],length.out=steps)
    if (randomDist) repeat {
  n[which(!(n>=sector[1] & n<=sector[2]))]<-sector[1]+randomFun(sum(!(n>=sector[1] & n<=sector[2])),...)*(sector[2]-sector[1])
  if (all(n>=sector[1] & n<=sector[2])) break
    alpha = n * (pi / 180)
    sinalpha = sin(alpha)
    cosalpha = cos(alpha)
    points[,1]<- x + (a * cosalpha * cosbeta - b * sinalpha * sinbeta)
    points[,2]<- y + (a * cosalpha * sinbeta + b * sinalpha * cosbeta)
    if (is.function(noiseFun)) points<-apply(points,1:2,noiseFun)

# translated to R by Jose Gama 2014
# Original code by: Nikolai Chernov http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/22684-ellipse-fit-direct-method
# A. W. Fitzgibbon, M. Pilu, R. B. Fisher, "Direct Least Squares Fitting of Ellipses", IEEE Trans. PAMI, Vol. 21, pages 476-480 (1999)
# Halir R, Flusser J (1998) Proceedings of the 6th International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics and Visualization, 
# Numerically stable direct least squares fitting of ellipses (WSCG, Plzen, Czech Republic), pp 125–132.
centroid <- apply(XY,2,mean)
D1 <- cbind((XY[,1]-centroid[1])^2, (XY[,1]-centroid[1])*(XY[,2]-centroid[2]), (XY[,2]-centroid[2])^2)
D2 <- cbind(XY[,1]-centroid[1], XY[,2]-centroid[2], matrix(1,dim(XY)[1]))
S1 <- t(D1) %*% D1
S2 <- t(D1) %*% D2
S3 <- t(D2) %*% D2
T <- -solve(S3) %*% t(S2)
M <- S1 + S2 %*% T
M <- rbind(M[3,]/2, -M[2,], M[1,]/2)
cond <- 4*evec[1,]*evec[3,]-evec[2,]^2
A1 <- matrix(evec[,which(cond>0)[1]],3)
A <- rbind(A1, T %*% A1)
A4 <- A[4]-2*A[1]*centroid[1]-A[2]*centroid[2]
A5 <- A[5]-2*A[3]*centroid[2]-A[2]*centroid[1]
A6 <- A[6]+A[1]*centroid[1]^2+A[3]*centroid[2]^2+ A[2]*centroid[1]*centroid[2]-A[4]*centroid[1]-A[5]*centroid[2]
A[4] <- A4;  A[5] <- A5;  A[6] <- A6
A <- A / norm(A,'F')
# # general-form conic equation  ax^2 + bxy + cy^2 +dx + ey + f = 0
# a <- A[1];b <- A[2]/2;C <- A[3];d <- A[4]/2;E <- A[5]/2;f <- A[6]
# x0 <- (C*d-b*E)/(b*b-a*C)
# y0 <- (a*E-b*d)/(b*b-a*C)
# semiaxis.a <- sqrt(2*(a*E^2+C*d^2+f*b^2-2*b*d*E-a*C*f)/((b^2-a*C)*(sqrt((a-C)^2+4*b^2)-(a+C))))
# semiaxis.b <- sqrt(2*(a*E^2+C*d^2+f*b^2-2*b*d*E-a*C*f)/((b^2-a*C)*(-sqrt((a-C)^2+4*b^2)-(a+C))))
# #, x0=x0,y0=y0,semiaxis.a=semiaxis.a,semiaxis.b=semiaxis.b

# translated to R by Jose Gama 2014
# Original code by: Nikolai Chernov 
centroid <- apply(XY,2,mean)
Z <- cbind((XY[,1]-centroid[1])^2, (XY[,1]-centroid[1])*(XY[,2]-centroid[2]), (XY[,2]-centroid[2])^2, XY[,1]-centroid[1], XY[,2]-centroid[2], matrix(1,dim(XY)[1]))
M <- t(Z) %*% Z/dim(XY)[1]
P <- rbind(cbind(M[1,1]-M[1,6]^2, M[1,2]-M[1,6]*M[2,6], M[1,3]-M[1,6]*M[3,6], M[1,4], M[1,5]),
cbind(M[1,2]-M[1,6]*M[2,6], M[2,2]-M[2,6]^2, M[2,3]-M[2,6]*M[3,6], M[2,4], M[2,5]),
cbind(M[1,3]-M[1,6]*M[3,6], M[2,3]-M[2,6]*M[3,6], M[3,3]-M[3,6]^2, M[3,4], M[3,5]),
cbind(M[1,4], M[2,4], M[3,4], M[4,4], M[4,5]),
cbind(M[1,5], M[2,5], M[3,5], M[4,5], M[5,5]))
Q <- rbind(cbind(4*M[1,6], 2*M[2,6], 0, 0, 0),
cbind(2*M[2,6], M[1,6]+M[3,6], 2*M[2,6], 0, 0),
cbind(0, 2*M[2,6], 4*M[3,6], 0, 0),
cbind(0, 0, 0, 1, 0),
cbind(0, 0, 0, 0, 1))
V2 <- geigen(P,Q)
V <- V2$vectors
diagD <- V2$values
Dsort <- matrix(sort(diagD),ncol=1)
ID <- matrix(order(diagD),ncol=1)
A <- matrix(V[,ID[1]],ncol=1)
A <- rbind(A, -t(A[1:3]) %*% M[1:3,6])
A4 <- A[4]-2*A[1]*centroid[1]-A[2]*centroid[2]
A5 <- A[5]-2*A[3]*centroid[2]-A[2]*centroid[1]
A6 <- A[6]+A[1]*centroid[1]^2+A[3]*centroid[2]^2+ A[2]*centroid[1]*centroid[2]-A[4]*centroid[1]-A[5]*centroid[2]
A[4] <- A4;  A[5] <- A5;  A[6] <- A6
A <- A / norm(A,'F')

# translated to R by Jose Gama 2014
# Original code by: Nikolai Chernov 
n <- dim(XY)[1] # number of data points
centroid <- apply(XY,2,mean)
Mxx <- 0; Myy <- 0; Mxy <- 0; Mxz <- 0; Myz <- 0; Mzz <- 0
for (x in 1:n) { 
Xi <- XY[x,1] - centroid[1]
Yi <- XY[x,2] - centroid[2]
Zi <- Xi*Xi + Yi*Yi
Mxy <- Mxy + Xi*Yi
Mxx <- Mxx + Xi*Xi
Myy <- Myy + Yi*Yi
Mxz <- Mxz + Xi*Zi
Myz <- Myz + Yi*Zi
Mzz <- Mzz + Zi*Zi }
Mxx <- Mxx/n
Myy <- Myy/n
Mxy <- Mxy/n
Mxz <- Mxz/n
Myz <- Myz/n
Mzz <- Mzz/n
Mz <- Mxx + Myy
Cov_xy <- Mxx * Myy - Mxy * Mxy
A3 <- 4 * Mz
A2 <- -3 * Mz * Mz - Mzz
A1 <- Mzz * Mz + 4 * Cov_xy * Mz - Mxz * Mxz - Myz * Myz - Mz * Mz * Mz
A0 <- Mxz * Mxz * Myy + Myz * Myz * Mxx - Mzz * Cov_xy - 2 * Mxz * Myz * Mxy + Mz * Mz * Cov_xy
A22 <- A2 + A2
A33 <- A3 + A3 + A3
xnew <- 0
ynew <- 1e+20
epsilon <- 1e-12
IterMax <- 20
for (iter in 1:IterMax){
    yold <- ynew
    ynew <- A0 + xnew*(A1 + xnew*(A2 + xnew*A3))
    if (abs(ynew) > abs(yold)) {
       cat('Newton-Taubin goes wrong direction: |ynew| > |yold|\n')
       xnew <- 0
    Dy <- A1 + xnew*(A22 + xnew*A33)
    xold <- xnew
    xnew <- xold - ynew/Dy
    if (abs((xnew-xold)/xnew) < epsilon) break
    if (iter >= IterMax){
        cat('Newton-Taubin will not converge\n')
        xnew <- 0
    if (xnew<0){
        cat(1,'Newton-Taubin negative root:  x=%f\n',xnew,'\n')
        xnew <- 0
DET <- xnew*xnew - xnew*Mz + Cov_xy
Center <- cbind(Mxz*(Myy-xnew)-Myz*Mxy , Myz*(Mxx-xnew)-Mxz*Mxy)/DET/2
P <- cbind(Center+centroid , sqrt(Center %*% t(Center)+Mz))

# translated to R by Jose Gama 2014
# Original code by: Nikolai Chernov 
n <- dim(XY)[1] # number of data points
centroid <- apply(XY,2,mean)
Mxx <- 0; Myy <- 0; Mxy <- 0; Mxz <- 0; Myz <- 0; Mzz <- 0
for (x in 1:n) { 
Xi <- XY[x,1] - centroid[1]
Yi <- XY[x,2] - centroid[2]
Zi <- Xi*Xi + Yi*Yi
Mxy <- Mxy + Xi*Yi
Mxx <- Mxx + Xi*Xi
Myy <- Myy + Yi*Yi
Mxz <- Mxz + Xi*Zi
Myz <- Myz + Yi*Zi
Mzz <- Mzz + Zi*Zi }
Mxx <- Mxx/n
Myy <- Myy/n
Mxy <- Mxy/n
Mxz <- Mxz/n
Myz <- Myz/n
Mzz <- Mzz/n
Mz <- Mxx + Myy
Cov_xy <- Mxx * Myy - Mxy * Mxy
Mxz2 <- Mxz * Mxz
Myz2 <- Myz * Myz
A2 <- 4 * Cov_xy - 3 * Mz * Mz - Mzz
A1 <- Mzz * Mz + 4 * Cov_xy * Mz - Mxz2 - Myz2 - Mz * Mz * Mz
A0 <- Mxz2 * Myy + Myz2 * Mxx - Mzz * Cov_xy - 2 * Mxz * Myz * Mxy + Mz * Mz * Cov_xy
A22 <- A2 + A2
epsilon <- 1e-12 
ynew <- 1e+20
IterMax <- 20
xnew <- 0
for (iter in 1:IterMax){
    yold <- ynew
    ynew <- A0 + xnew*(A1 + xnew*(A2 + xnew*xnew*4))
    if (abs(ynew) > abs(yold)) {
       cat('Newton-Pratt goes wrong direction: |ynew| > |yold|\n')
       xnew <- 0
    Dy <- A1 + xnew*(A22 + 16*xnew*xnew)
    xold <- xnew
    xnew <- xold - ynew/Dy
    if (abs((xnew-xold)/xnew) < epsilon) break
    if (iter >= IterMax){
        cat('Newton-Pratt will not converge\n')
        xnew <- 0
    if (xnew<0){
        cat(1,'Newton-Pratt negative root:  x=%f\n',xnew,'\n')
        xnew <- 0
DET <- xnew*xnew - xnew*Mz + Cov_xy
Center <- cbind(Mxz*(Myy-xnew)-Myz*Mxy , Myz*(Mxx-xnew)-Mxz*Mxy)/DET/2
P <- cbind(Center+centroid , sqrt(Center %*% t(Center)+Mz+2*xnew))

# translated to R by Jose Gama 2014
# Original code by: Nikolai Chernov 
P <- mldivide(cbind(XY,1), matrix(XY[,1]^2 + XY[,2]^2,ncol=1))
Pout = cbind(P[1]/2 , P[2]/2 , sqrt((P[1]^2+P[2]^2)/4+P[3]))

# http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ellipse#Mathematical_definitions_and_properties
ellipticity <- function(minorAxis,majorAxis) 1 - (minorAxis/majorAxis) # ellipticity = flattening factor
ellipseEccentricity <- function(minorAxis,majorAxis) (sqrt (1 - (minorAxis/majorAxis)^2)) # eccentricity of the ellipse
ellipseFocus <- function(minorAxis,majorAxis) sqrt(minorAxis-majorAxis)^2 # focus of the ellipse
ellipseRa <- function(minorAxis,majorAxis) (1+ellipseEccentricity(minorAxis,majorAxis))*majorAxis # radius at apoapsis (the farthest distance)
ellipseRp <- function(minorAxis,majorAxis) (1-ellipseEccentricity(minorAxis,majorAxis))*majorAxis # radius at periapsis (the closest distance)
ellipse.l <- function(minorAxis,majorAxis)
{# semi-latus rectum l
ra <- ellipseRa(minorAxis,majorAxis)
rp <- ellipseRp(minorAxis,majorAxis)

conic2parametric<-function(A, bv, cv){
# Diagonalise A - find Q, D such at A = Q' * D * Q
# Copyright Richard Brown, this code can be freely used and modified so
# long as this line is retained
# FITELLIPSE : Least squares ellipse fitting demonstration
# Richard Brown, May 28, 2007
# http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/15125-fitellipse-m/content/demo/html/ellipsedemo.html
# If the determinant < 0, it's not an ellipse
if (prod(diag(D)) <= 0 )  stop('Linear fit did not produce an ellipse')
# We have b_h' = 2 * t' * A + b'
tV = -0.5 * mldivide(A , bv)
c_h = matrix(tV,1) %*% A %*% tV + t(bv) %*% tV + cv
list(z = tV,a = sqrt(-c_h / D[1,1]),b = sqrt(-c_h / D[2,2]),alpha = atan2(Q[1,2], Q[1,1]))

#FITBOOKSTEIN   Linear ellipse fit using bookstein constraint
#   lambda_1^2 + lambda_2^2 = 1, where lambda_i are the eigenvalues of A
# Copyright Richard Brown, this code can be freely used and modified so
# long as this line is retained
# FITELLIPSE : Least squares ellipse fitting demonstration
# Richard Brown, May 28, 2007
# http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/15125-fitellipse-m/content/demo/html/ellipsedemo.html
# W. Gander, G. H. Golub, R. Strebel, 1994
# Least-Squares Fitting of Circles and Ellipses
# BIT Numerical Mathematics, Springer 
# Convenience variables
m  = dim(x)[1]
x1 = x[, 1]
x2 = x[, 2]
# Define the coefficient matrix B, such that we solve the system
# B *[v; w] = 0, with the constraint norm(w) == 1
B = cbind(x1, x2, rep(1,m), x1^2, sqrt(2) * x1 * x2, x2^2)
# To enforce the constraint, we need to take the QR decomposition
# Decompose R into blocks
R11 = R[1:3, 1:3]
R12 = R[1:3, 4:6]
R22 = R[4:6, 4:6]
# Solve R22 * w = 0 subject to norm(w) == 1
w = matrix(V[, 3],3,1)
# Solve for the remaining variables
v = mldivide(-R11 , R12) %*% w
# Fill in the quadratic form
A        = matrix(0,2,2)
A[1]     = w[1]
A[2:3] = 1 / sqrt(2) * w[2]
A[4]     = w[3]
bv       = v[1:2]
c1        = v[3]
# Find the parameters
cTMP<-conic2parametric(A, bv, c1)
list(z=cTMP$z, a=cTMP$a, b=cTMP$b, alpha=cTMP$alpha)

# Linear least squares with the Euclidean-invariant constraint Trace(A) = 1
# Copyright Richard Brown, this code can be freely used and modified so
# long as this line is retained
# FITELLIPSE : Least squares ellipse fitting demonstration
# Richard Brown, May 28, 2007
# http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/15125-fitellipse-m/content/demo/html/ellipsedemo.html
# W. Gander, G. H. Golub, R. Strebel, 1994
# Least-Squares Fitting of Circles and Ellipses
# BIT Numerical Mathematics, Springer 
# Convenience variables
m  = dim(x)[1]
x1 = x[, 1]
x2 = x[, 2]
# Coefficient matrix
B = cbind(2 * x1 * x2, x2^2 - x1^2, x1, x2, rep(1,m))
v = mldivide(B , -x1^2)
# For clarity, fill in the quadratic form variables
A        = matrix(0,2,2)
A[1]     = 1-v[2]
A[2:3] = v[1]
A[2,2]     = v[2]
bv       = v[3:4]
c1        = v[5]
# Find the parameters
cTMP<-conic2parametric(A, bv, c1)
list(z=cTMP$z, a=cTMP$a, b=cTMP$b, alpha=cTMP$alpha)

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