
# A phytoplankton model with uncoupled carbon and nitrogen assimilation
# as a function of light and Dissolved Inorganic Nitrogen (DIN) concentration
# The example demonstrates how to use forcing functions in compiled code
# before trying this code, the FORTRAN program has to be compiled
# this can be done in R:
# system("R CMD SHLIB AquaphyForcing.f")
# do make sure that this file is in the working directory...
# (if not, use setwd() )


## Running the aquaphy model with light and dilution as forcing functions...

parameters <- c(maxPhotoSynt   = 0.125,      # mol C/mol C/hr
                rMortPHY       = 0.001,      # /hr
                alpha          = -0.125/150, # uEinst/m2/s/hr
                pExudation     = 0.0,        # -
                maxProteinSynt = 0.136,      # mol C/mol C/hr
                ksDIN          = 1.0,        # mmol N/m3
                minpLMW        = 0.05,       # mol C/mol C
                maxpLMW        = 0.15,       # mol C/mol C
                minQuotum      = 0.075,      # mol C/mol C
                maxStorage     = 0.23,       # /h
                respirationRate= 0.0001,     # /h
                pResp          = 0.4,        # -
                catabolismRate = 0.06,       # /h
                rNCProtein     = 0.2,        # mol N/mol C
                inputDIN       = 10.0,       # mmol N/m3
                rChlN          = 1)          # g Chl/mol N

# This is how to compile it;
#system("R CMD SHLIB AquaphyForcing.f")
dyn.load(paste("AquaphyForcing", .Platform$dynlib.ext, sep = ""))

## =======================
## The initial conditions
## =======================
times <- seq(10, 24*20, 1)

state <- c(DIN    =  6.0,   # mmol N/m3
          PROTEIN = 20.0,   # mmol C/m3
          RESERVE =  5.0,   # mmol C/m3
          LMW     =  1.0)   # mmol C/m3

## -----------------------------
## Create the forcing functions
## -----------------------------
ftime  <- seq(0, 500, by = 0.5)
parval <- pmax(0, 250 + 350*sin(ftime*2*pi/24)+(runif(length(ftime))-0.5)*250)
Par    <- matrix(nc = 2, c(ftime, parval))
plot(Par, type = "l")

Dilu <- matrix(nc = 2, c(0, 1000, 0.01, 0.01))

Forc <- list(Par = Par, Dilu = Dilu)

## ==================
## Running the model
## ==================

names(state) <- c("DIN", "PROTEIN", "RESERVE", "LMW")
outnames <- c("PAR", "TotalN", "PhotoSynthesis",
              "NCratio", "ChlCratio", "Chlorophyll")

out  <- ode(state, times, dllname = "AquaphyForcing",
          func = "aquaphy2", initfunc = "initaqparms",
          initforc = "initaqforc", forcings = Forc,
          parms = parameters, nout = 6, outnames = outnames)

out2 <- ode(state, times, dllname = "AquaphyForcing",
          func = "aquaphy2", initfunc = "initaqparms",
          initforc = "initaqforc", forcings = Forc, method = "euler",
          parms = parameters, nout = 6, outnames = outnames)

## ======================
## Plotting model output
## ======================

par(oma = c(0, 0, 3, 0))

plot(out, which=c("PAR","Chlorophyll","DIN","NCratio"), xlab = "time, hours", 
  ylab = c("uEinst/m2/s","ug/l","mmolN/m3","molN/molC"), type="l",lwd=2)

mtext(outer = TRUE, side = 3, "AQUAPHY", cex = 1.5)

## =====================
## Summary model output
## =====================

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