
# Author: Robert J. Hijmans
# May 2011
# Version 1.0
# Licence GPL v3

.processGo <- function(d, dpfrom, dpto, vars, type='mean') {

	stopifnot(type %in% c('mean')) #, 'min', 'max'))
	if (nrow(d) > 0) {
#	d$contr <- (pmin(depth, d$hzdepb_r) - pmin(depth, d$hzdept_r)) / depth
		maxdp <- aggregate(d$hzdepb_r, list(d$cokey), max)
		colnames(maxdp) <- c('cokey', 'depth')
		d$contr <- pmax(pmin(dpto, d$hzdepb_r) - pmax(dpfrom, d$hzdept_r), 0) / (dpto - dpfrom)
		d <- subset(d, d$contr > 0)
	if (nrow(d) == 0) {
		d <- data.frame((matrix(nrow=0, ncol=length(vars)+4)))
		colnames(d) <- c('mukey', vars, 'pctSoil', 'depth', 'sample')

	d <- merge(d, maxdp, by='cokey')
	vars <- c(vars, 'depth')
	d[, vars] <- d[, vars] * d$contr

    mysum <- function(x) {
		x <- na.omit(x)
		if (length(x) == 0) { 
		} else {
			return( sum(x) ) 

	# aggregate horizons by soil type
	dd1 = aggregate(d[, vars], list(d$cokey), mysum)
	if (ncol(dd1)==2) {
		# single variable...
		colnames(dd1)[2] = vars
	colnames(dd1)[1] = 'cokey'
	# adjust if the contributions do not add up to 100%
	dd2 = aggregate(d$contr, list(d$cokey), mysum)
	colnames(dd2) = c('cokey', 'contr')
	stopifnot(all(dd1[,1] == dd2[,1]))
	dd1[,vars] = dd1[,vars] / dd2[,2]

	#dd3 = merge(dd1, dd2, 'cokey')
	m = unique(d[,c('mukey', 'cokey', 'comppct_r')])
	md = merge(m, dd1, by='cokey')
	# only for means...
	md[,vars] = md[,vars] * md$comppct_r
	# aggregate soil type by map unit
	ddd = aggregate(md[,vars], list(md$mukey), mysum)
	if (ncol(ddd)==2) {
		# single variable...
		colnames(ddd)[2] = vars
	colnames(ddd)[1] = 'mukey'

	# assure that contributions add up to 100%
	ddd2 = aggregate(md$comppct_r, list(md$mukey), mysum)

	stopifnot( all(ddd[,1] == ddd2[,1]) )  # should not be necessary to check, it seems
	ddd$pctSoil <- ddd2[,2]
	ddd[,vars] <- ddd[,vars] / ddd$pctSoil
	ddd$sample <- paste(dpfrom, '-', dpto, sep='')

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dirt documentation built on May 2, 2019, 4:54 p.m.