
Defines functions readDaemonXlsx

Documented in readDaemonXlsx

readDaemonXlsx <- function(filename, type = c("ZKDaemon", "Merkmalsauszug", "Itemkennwertetabelle") ) {

  type<- match.arg(type)
	inL <- list() 
	if ( type == "ZKDaemon" ) { 
	     sheetNameVec <- c("units", "subunits", "values", "unitrecoding", "sav-files", "params", "aggregate-missings", "booklets", "blocks")
  if ( type == "Merkmalsauszug" ) { 
	     sheetNameVec <- c("Aufgabenmerkmale", "Itemmerkmale")
  if ( type == "Itemkennwertetabelle" ) { 
	     sheetNameVec <- "Daten"
	for(pp in sheetNameVec) {
		if ( pp %in% c("Aufgabenmerkmale", "Itemkennwertetabelle")) { starteMit <- 4 } else { starteMit <- 1 } 
    if(inherits(try( inL[[pp]] <- read.xlsx2(filename, sheetName=pp, as.data.frame=TRUE, header=TRUE, startRow = starteMit, colClasses="character", stringsAsFactors=FALSE), silent=TRUE)	, "try-error")) {
			cat(paste("No .xlsx sheet '", pp, "' available. InputList will be created without '", pp, "'.\n", sep = ""))
		} else {
			cat(paste("Reading sheet '", pp, "'.\n", sep = ""))
	fileS <- system.file("tests", "test_import.xlsx", package = "xlsx")
	res <- read.xlsx(fileS, 1) 

if ( type == "ZKDaemon" ) { 	
  	if(!is.null(inL$units) & !all(c("unit", "unitType", "unitAggregateRule") %in% colnames(inL$units))) {
  		cat("Something seems to be wrong with your 'units' sheet. Please check columns! \n")
  	if(!is.null(inL$subunits) & !all(c("unit", "subunit", "subunitRecoded") %in% colnames(inL$subunits))) {
  		cat("Something seems to be wrong with your 'subunits' sheet. Please check columns! \n")
  	if(!is.null(inL$values) & !all(c("subunit", "value", "valueRecode", "valueType") %in% colnames(inL$values))) {
  		cat("Something seems to be wrong with your 'values' sheet. Please check columns! \n")
  	if(!is.null(inL$unitrecoding) & !all(c("unit", "value", "valueRecode") %in% colnames(inL$unitrecoding))) {
  		cat("Something seems to be wrong with your 'unitrecoding' sheet. Please check columns! \n")
  	if(!is.null(inL[["sav-files"]]) & !all(c("filename", "case.id", "fullname") %in% colnames(inL[["sav-files"]]))) {
  		cat("Something seems to be wrong with your 'sav-files' sheet. Please check columns! \n")
  	if(!is.null(inL$params) & !all(c("key", "value") %in% colnames(inL$params))) {
  		cat("Something seems to be wrong with your 'params' sheet. Please check columns! \n")
  	if(!is.null(inL[["aggregate-missings"]]) & !all(c("vc", "mbd") %in% colnames(inL[["aggregate-missings"]]))) {
  		cat("Something seems to be wrong with your 'aggregate-missings' sheet. Please check columns! \n")
  	if(!is.null(inL[["booklets"]]) & !all(c("booklet", "block1") %in% colnames(inL[["booklets"]]))) {
  		cat("Something seems to be wrong with your 'booklets' sheet. Please check columns! \n")
  	if(!is.null(inL[["blocks"]]) & !all(c("subunit", "block") %in% colnames(inL[["blocks"]]))) {
  		cat("Something seems to be wrong with your 'blocks' sheet. Please check columns! \n")
  	# paar ueberfluessige Umbenennungen fuer Folgefunktionen
  	names(inL)[which(names(inL) == "sav-files")] <- "savFiles"
  	names(inL)[which(names(inL) == "params")] <- "newID"
  	names(inL)[which(names(inL) == "aggregate-missings")] <- "aggrMiss"
  	names(inL)[which(names(inL) == "unitrecoding")] <- "unitRecodings"


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eatPrep documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:20 p.m.