
erp.infl <-
  function(base, numbers, electrode, erplist=NULL,  startmsec=NULL, endmsec=NULL, smo=NULL, outnumber=1, lwd=1, lty=1,  ...){
    # preliminary checks
    if (is.null(erplist)){
      stop("an erplist object containing ERP data frames must be specified!", call.=F)
    if (!electrode%in%names(erplist[[1]])) {
      stop("The electrode specified is not in the data frames contained in the erplist", call.=F)
    #### object checks
    object.names=paste(base, numbers, sep="")
    if (any(!object.names%in%names(erplist))){
      missing.object.collist=paste(missing.objects, "\n", sep="")
      stop("The following objects are not contained in the erplist specified:\n", missing.object.collist, call.=F)
    ### get startmsec from the first object
    erpdf = erplist[[1]]
    if(!is.null(attr(erpdf, "startmsec")) & !is.null(attr(erpdf, "endmsec"))){
      startmsec=attr(erpdf, "startmsec")
      endmsec=attr(erpdf, "endmsec")
    if (is.null(startmsec)|is.null(endmsec)){
      stop("startmsec and endmsec must be specified", call.=F)
    #retrieve the call that can be used with erp and erp.add
    #create the object for the future call of erp
    #notice the second part of this line of code. Basically I retrive the args of funciton erp, transform in a list. Then I take only the args in call that match
    # with args of function erp, to avoid to call for args unexpected from the function erp.
    #create the object for the future call of erp
    mycall.erp.add=mycall.list[names(mycall.list)%in%c("lty", "smo", "col", "lwd", "electrode", "startmsec", "endmsec")]
    mycall.erp.add=append(mycall.erp.add, as.name("average.excl"))
    mycall.erp.add$col = "red"
    mycall.erp.add$lwd = 2 #substitute the lwd for the call of erp.add
    # la funzione contiene all'interno una funzione che crea il panel. Questa funzione a sua volta contiene la funzione scalp.infl.endo, che e quella che effettivamente fa il grafico appoggiandosi alla funzione scalp.endo. 
      erp.infl.endo=function(base, numbers, electrode, outline, smo=0 , col="black", startmsec=-200, endmsec=1000, interval=c(startmsec, endmsec), step=200, verticals=NULL,horizontals=NULL, x.axis="default", ylim=c(-10,10), lwd=1, lty=1, out.col="red", erplist)
        for (i in 2:length(numbers))
        average = data.frame(average)
        names(average) = electrode

        if (!is.null(smo)){
          average=smooth.spline(erp, spar=smo)$y
        ## add to the call of erp the electrode
        do.call("erp", mycall.erp[-1]) #notice the -1. It is to remove the name of the function from the call list.
        # notice that rpanel update outline that becomes a character (no more a number). This is useful for the step below.
        #notice that I use "outline" and not numbers, since it is already a character and correspond to on the numbers specified in the arguments.
        average.excl=(average.temp-erplist[[paste(base, outline, sep="")]][[electrode]])/(length(numbers)-1)		
        average.excl = data.frame(average.excl)
        do.call("erp.add", mycall.erp.add)
        legend("topright", legend=c("Average all", paste("Average no subj", outline)), pch=15, col=c(col,out.col), pt.bg=c(1:6), cex=1.2)
      erp.infl.endo(base=base, numbers=numbers, electrode=electrode, outline=panel$outnumber, smo=smo, startmsec=startmsec, endmsec=endmsec, erplist=erplist)
    panel <- rpanel::rp.control() #se volessi creare piu pannelli allora dovrei aggiungere un'altro panel.
    rpanel::rp.listbox(panel, outnumber, numbers, labels=as.character(numbers), action = erp.infl.panel, initval=numbers[1], title="Subject")
    rpanel::rp.do(panel, erp.infl.panel)

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erpR documentation built on June 7, 2019, 3 a.m.