
### R code from vignette source 'ESTIMATE_Vignette.Rnw'

### code chunk number 1: load
OvarianCancerExpr <- system.file("extdata", "sample_input.txt", package="estimate")
filterCommonGenes(input.f=OvarianCancerExpr, output.f="OV_10412genes.gct", id="GeneSymbol")

### code chunk number 2: estimate
estimateScore("OV_10412genes.gct", "OV_estimate_score.gct", platform="affymetrix")

### code chunk number 3: fig1plot
plotPurity(scores="OV_estimate_score.gct", samples="s516", platform="affymetrix")

### code chunk number 4: runningtime1
ptm <- proc.time()
filterCommonGenes(input.f=OvarianCancerExpr, output.f="OV_10412genes.gct", id="GeneSymbol")

### code chunk number 5: runningtime2
ptm <- proc.time()
estimateScore("OV_10412genes.gct", "OV_estimate_score.gct", platform="affymetrix")

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estimate documentation built on May 2, 2019, 4:38 p.m.