
Defines functions fuzzyRangeChange

Documented in fuzzyRangeChange

fuzzyRangeChange <- function(pred1, pred2, number = TRUE, prop = TRUE,
                             na.rm = TRUE, round.digits = 2,
                             measures = c("Gain", "Loss", "Stable positive", "Stable negative", "Balance"),
                             plot = TRUE, plot.type = "lollipop", x.lab = TRUE,
                             ...)  {   # log = NA,
  # version 1.9 (12 Jan 2023)
  # version 2.0 (-- Jan 2023) -> new arg 'log': NA or the base of the log for the scale (see https://blog.datawrapper.de/weeklychart-logscale3/)

  pred1 <- unlist(pred1)
  pred2 <- unlist(pred2)

  stopifnot(#ncol(pred1) == ncol(pred2),
            #all(pred1[is.finite(pred1)] >= 0 && pred1[is.finite(pred1)] <= 1),
            #all(pred2[is.finite(pred2)] >= 0 && pred2[is.finite(pred2)] <= 1)
            length(pred1) == length(pred2),
            min(c(pred1, pred2), na.rm = TRUE) >= 0,
            max(c(pred1, pred2), na.rm = TRUE) <= 1

  if (!number & !prop) stop ("Nothing to calculate if both 'number' and 'prop' are FALSE.")

  values <- vector("numeric", length(measures))
  names(values) <- measures
  if ("Gain" %in% measures)  values["Gain"] <- sum(fuzzyOverlay(data.frame(pred1, pred2), op = "expansion", na.rm = na.rm), na.rm = na.rm)
  if ("Loss" %in% measures)  values["Loss"] <- sum(fuzzyOverlay(data.frame(pred1, pred2), op = "contraction", na.rm = na.rm), na.rm = na.rm)
  if ("Stable positive" %in% measures)  values["Stable positive"] <- sum(fuzzyOverlay(data.frame(pred1, pred2), op = "maintenance", na.rm = na.rm), na.rm = na.rm)
  if ("Stable negative" %in% measures)  values["Stable negative"] <- sum(fuzzyOverlay(1 - data.frame(pred1, pred2), op = "maintenance", na.rm = na.rm), na.rm = na.rm)
  if ("Balance" %in% measures)  values["Balance"] <- sum(fuzzyOverlay(data.frame(pred1, pred2), op = "change", na.rm = na.rm), na.rm = na.rm)

  result <- data.frame(Measure = measures, Number = values)

  if (prop) {
    if (na.rm) n <- length(na.omit(pred1))
    else n <- length(pred1)
    range.size <- sum(pred1, na.rm = na.rm)
    stable.abs <- result[result$Measure == "Stable negative", "Number"]
    result$Proportion <- result[ , "Number"] / range.size
    result[result$Measure == "Stable negative", "Proportion"] <- stable.abs / (n - range.size)

  if (!number) {
    result <- result[ , - (ncol(result) - 1)]

  if (plot) {
    plot.type <- match.arg(plot.type, c("lollipop", "barplot"))
    if (x.lab) xlab <- gsub(x = rownames(result), pattern = " ", replacement = "\n") else xlab <- ""
    if (plot.type == "lollipop")  modEvA::lollipop(result[ , ncol(result)], names = xlab, ylab = names(result)[ncol(result)], ...)
    else if (plot.type == "barplot")  barplot(result[ , ncol(result)], names.arg = xlab, ylab = names(result)[ncol(result)], ...)
    else message("Invalid 'plot.type'. Plot not produced.")
    abline(h = 0)

  result[ , "Measure"] <- NULL
  if (is.finite(round.digits))  result <- round(result, round.digits)


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fuzzySim documentation built on Sept. 18, 2024, 3:01 a.m.