Man pages for gada
Genome Alteration Detection Algorithm (GADA)

addGadaToAromaAffymetrixConnect gada and aroma.affymetrix packages
BackwardEliminationBackward Elimination of segmentation breakpoints
discriminCNVDiscrimination Analysis for CNV data matrices
dudi.acm.fortranDuality diagram for Multiple Correspondenc Analysis
exportToBEDExport segments to BED format
gada-internalInternal gada functions
gada-packageGenome Alteration Detection Algorithm (GADA)
getAlteredProbesGet Altered Probes
getChromosomeDatCromosome CNV Data
getNamesProbesCNVs with highes correlations
getPvalBHCorrected p values using Benjamini & Hochberg approach
getReducedDataReduced matrix of CNV blocks across the whole genome
matrixPlotMatrix image of CNV blocks
multiCNVassocAssociation between several CNVs and disease
parBEParallel Backward Elimination
parSBLParallel SBL segmentation
plotRatioPlot log2Ratio intensities
plotWGPlot Whole Genome
rankVariablesCNV ranking
reduceMatrixReduction of matrix of CNV segments
SBLSparse Bayesian Learning (SBL) Segmentation Algorithm
setupGADAaffyImports Affymetrix array data to gada
setupGADAgeneralImports general array data to gada
setupGADAIlluminaImports Illumina array data to gada
setupParGADAaffyParallel version of setupGADAaffy
setupParGADAIlluminaParallel version of setupGADAIllumina
splitDataBeadStudioSplit BeadStudio data
gada documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:10 p.m.