
### R code from vignette source 'gdistance1.Rnw'
### Encoding: UTF-8

### code chunk number 1: gdistance1.Rnw:125-126

### code chunk number 2: figure0
rex <- raster(matrix(1,4,4))

a <- rep(c(1.3333),times=5)
b <- c(-1.3333, -0.6666, 0, 0.6666, 1.3333)

x1 <- c(-a, b)
x2 <- c(a, b)
y1 <- c(b, -a)
y2 <- c(b, a)
x <- cbind(x1,x2)
y <- cbind(y1,y2)

par(mfrow=c(1,3), mar= c(5,4,4,2) + 1 , oma = c(0,0,0,0) + 0.1, cex.main=2)

x4 <- transition(rex, mean, 4)
g4 <- graph.adjacency(transitionMatrix(x4), mode="undirected")
gridLayout <- xyFromCell(x4, 1:ncell(x4))
plot(g4,layout=gridLayout, edge.color="black", vertex.color="black", vertex.label=NA, main="4 neighbours")
for(i in 1:dim(x)[1]){lines(x[i,],y[i,], col="lightgray")}
plot(g4, layout=gridLayout, add=TRUE, edge.color="black", vertex.color="black", vertex.label=NA)

x8 <- transition(rex, mean, 8)
g8 <- graph.adjacency(transitionMatrix(x8), mode="undirected")
plot(g8,layout=gridLayout, edge.color="black", vertex.color="black", vertex.label=NA, main="8 neighbours")
for(i in 1:dim(x)[1]){lines(x[i,],y[i,], col="lightgray")}
plot(g8, layout=gridLayout, add=TRUE, edge.color="black", vertex.color="black", vertex.label=NA)

x16 <- transition(rex, mean, 16)
g16 <- graph.adjacency(transitionMatrix(x16), mode="undirected")
plot(g16, layout=gridLayout, edge.color="black", vertex.color="black", vertex.label=NA, , main="16 neighbours")
for(i in 1:dim(x)[1]){lines(x[i,],y[i,], col="lightgray")}
plot(g16,layout=gridLayout, add=TRUE, edge.color="black", vertex.color="black", vertex.label=NA)

### code chunk number 3: gdistanc00
options(prompt = "R> ", continue = "+  ", width = 70, useFancyQuotes = FALSE)

### code chunk number 4: gdistance-1
r <- raster(ncol=3,nrow=3)
r[] <- 1:ncell(r)

### code chunk number 5: figure1
plot(r, main="r", xlab="Longitude (degrees)", ylab="Latitude (degrees)")

### code chunk number 6: gdistance-2
plot(r, main="r", xlab="Longitude (degrees)", ylab="Latitude (degrees)")

### code chunk number 7: gdistance-3
r[] <- 1
tr1 <- transition(r, transitionFunction=mean, directions=8)

### code chunk number 8: gdistance-4

### code chunk number 9: gdistance-5
r[] <- runif(9)
ncf <- function(x) max(x) - x[1] + x[2]
tr2 <- transition(r, ncf, 4, symm=FALSE)

### code chunk number 10: gdistance-6
tr3 <- tr1*tr2
tr3 <- tr1+tr2
tr3 <- tr1*3
tr3 <- sqrt(tr1)

### code chunk number 11: gdistance-7
tr3[cbind(1:9, 1:9)] <- tr2[cbind(1:9, 1:9)]
tr3[1:9, 1:9] <- tr2[1:9, 1:9]
tr3[1:5, 1:5]

### code chunk number 12: gdistance-8 (eval = FALSE)
## image(transitionMatrix(tr1))

### code chunk number 13: figure2

### code chunk number 14: figure3
plot(raster(tr3), main="raster(tr3)", xlab="Longitude (degrees)", 
     ylab="Latitude (degrees)")

### code chunk number 15: gdistance-9
tr1C <- geoCorrection(tr1, type="c")
tr2C <- geoCorrection(tr2, type="c")

### code chunk number 16: gdistance-10
r3 <- raster(ncol=18, nrow=9)
r3 <- setValues(r3, runif(18*9)+5)
tr3 <- transition(r3, mean, 4)
tr3C <- geoCorrection(tr3, type="c", multpl=FALSE, scl=TRUE)
tr3R <- geoCorrection(tr3, type="r", multpl=FALSE, scl=TRUE)

### code chunk number 17: gdistance-11
CorrMatrix <- geoCorrection(tr3, type="r", multpl=TRUE, scl=TRUE)
tr3R <- tr3 * CorrMatrix

### code chunk number 18: gdistance-12
sP <- cbind(c(-100, -100, 100), c(50, -50, 50))

### code chunk number 19: gdistance-13
costDistance(tr3C, sP)
commuteDistance(tr3R, sP)
rSPDistance(tr3R, sP, sP, theta=1e-12, totalNet="total")

### code chunk number 20: gdistance-14
origin <- SpatialPoints(cbind(0, 0))
rSPraster <- passage(tr3C, origin, sP[1,], theta=3)

### code chunk number 21: figure4
par(mar=c(5, 4, 2, 6) + 0.1)
image(rSPraster, main="rSPraster", col=rev(terrain.colors(255)), xlab="Longitude (degrees)", ylab="Latitude (degrees)")
plot(rSPraster, horizontal=FALSE, smallplot=c(.83, .845, .3, .8), 
  legend.only=TRUE, legend.lab="Net passages")
text(sP[1,1]+7, sP[1,2]-10, "sP1")
text(10, 0, "O")

### code chunk number 22: gdistance-15
r1 <- passage(tr3C, origin, sP[1,], theta=1)
r2 <- passage(tr3C, origin, sP[2,], theta=1)
rJoint <- min(r1, r2)
rDiv <- max(max(r1, r2) * (1 - min(r1, r2)) - min(r1, r2), 0) 

### code chunk number 23: figure5
par(mar=c(5, 4, 2, 6) + 0.1)
image(rJoint, main="rJoint", col=rev(terrain.colors(255)), xlab="Longitude (degrees)", ylab="Latitude (degrees)")
plot(rDiv, horizontal=FALSE, smallplot=c(.83, .845, .3, .8), 
  legend.only=TRUE, legend.lab="Degree of overlap")
text(sP[1,1]+7, sP[1,2]-10, "sP1")
text(sP[2,1]+7, sP[2,2]-10, "sP2")
text(10, 0, "O")

### code chunk number 24: figure6
par(mar=c(5, 4, 2, 6) + 0.1)
image(rDiv, main="rDiv", col=rev(terrain.colors(255)), xlab="Longitude (degrees)", ylab="Latitude (degrees)")
plot(rDiv, horizontal=FALSE, smallplot=c(.83, .845, .3, .8), 
  legend.only=TRUE, legend.lab="Degree of non-overlap")
text(sP[1,1]+7, sP[1,2]-10, "sP1")
text(sP[2,1]+7, sP[2,2]-10, "sP2")
text(10, 0, "O")

### code chunk number 25: gdistance-17
pathInc(tr3C, origin, sP)

### code chunk number 26: figure7
plot(function(x)6 * exp(-3.5 * abs(x + 0.05)), -1, 1, xlab=expression(Slope~italic(m)), ylab=expression(Speed~italic(s)~~(m/s)))
lines(cbind(c(0,0),c(0,6)), lty="longdash")

### code chunk number 27: gdistance-18
r <- raster(system.file("external/maungawhau.grd", package="gdistance"))

### code chunk number 28: gdistance-19
altDiff <- function(x){x[2] - x[1]}
hd <- transition(r, altDiff, 8, symm=FALSE)

### code chunk number 29: gdistance-19
slope <- geoCorrection(hd)

### code chunk number 30: gdistance-20
adj <- adjacent(r, cells=1:ncell(r), pairs=TRUE, directions=8)
speed <- slope
speed[adj] <- 6 * exp(-3.5 * abs(slope[adj] + 0.05))

### code chunk number 31: gdistance-21
Conductance <- geoCorrection(speed) 

### code chunk number 32: gdistance-22
A <- c(2667670, 6479000)
B <- c(2667800, 6479400)
AtoB <- shortestPath(Conductance, A, B, output="SpatialLines")
BtoA <- shortestPath(Conductance, B, A, output="SpatialLines")

### code chunk number 33: fig8plot
plot(r, xlab="x coordinate (m)", ylab="y coordinate (m)",
     legend.lab="Altitude (masl)")
lines(AtoB, col="red", lwd=2)
lines(BtoA, col="blue")
text(A[1] - 10, A[2] - 10, "A")
text(B[1] + 10, B[2] + 10, "B")

### code chunk number 34: fig8
par(mar=c(4, 4, 1, 6) + 0.1)
image(r, main="", col=rev(terrain.colors(255)), xlab="x coordinate (m)", ylab="y coordinate (m)")
plot(r, horizontal=FALSE, smallplot=c(.83, .845, .2, .7), 
  legend.only=TRUE, legend.lab="Altitude (masl)")
lines(AtoB, col="red", lwd=2)
lines(BtoA, col="blue")
text(A[1] - 10, A[2] - 10, "A")
text(B[1] + 10, B[2] + 10, "B")

### code chunk number 35: gdistance-24
Europe <- raster(system.file("external/Europe.grd", 
Europe[] <- 0
pC <- as.matrix(popCoord[c("x","y")])

### code chunk number 36: gdistance1.Rnw:772-775
plot(Europe, main="", xlab="Longitude (degrees)", ylab="Latitude (degrees)",

### code chunk number 37: gdistance-25
geoDist <- pointDistance(pC, longlat=TRUE)
geoDist <- as.dist(geoDist)
Europe <- aggregate(Europe,3)
tr <- transition(Europe, mean, directions=8)
trC <- geoCorrection(tr, "c", scl=TRUE)
trR <- geoCorrection(tr, "r", scl=TRUE)
cosDist <- costDistance(trC,pC)
resDist <- commuteDistance(trR, pC)

### code chunk number 38: gdistance-26
origin <- unlist(popCoord[22,c("x","y")])
pI <- pathInc(trC, origin=origin, from=pC, 

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gdistance documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:46 p.m.